@Rarst @TomJNowell Problem is that one of my testers reported, that the installation fails silently in above mentioned case. I now took a look at the function WP_Filesystem (no, that's not a class) and found WP_Filesystem_{$method} (now we got a class). This class seems to be able to add errors and those are checked with the following:
$method = "WP_Filesystem_$method";
$wp_filesystem = new $method($args);
if ( is_wp_error($wp_filesystem->errors) && $wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code() )
return false;
if ( !$wp_filesystem->connect() )
return false; //There was an error connecting to the server.
@TomJNowell propably a naming collision. Had this once with a plugin that wanted to update to some other plugin from wp.org repo. Fix was to rename the local plugin folder.
Another wired thing from core: get_current_screen()->add_help_tab() supports both a callback, as well as as a content. They always get executed in the order: content, callback. Btw: The callback can do nothing than print/stuff. No chance to throw the content into the callback... WUT?!
Oh, wow. Me: wrong. It takes an argument: The tab...
I just tried to add a simple help tab, from within a class (example to test below). I wanted to use a helper/callback fn to prepare the content for different help tabs. According to core, the function takes some args:
WP 3.3 /wp-admin/includes/screen.php LINE 722
// If it exists, fire ...
@StephenHarris You need two arguments. The first one is the global $current_screen reference. The second one is the tabs object. It's built out of the complete tabs (summed under callback) incl. the function name of the callback. Then it also has all current data. Important to mention: The ID is NOT allowed to have empty spaces...
Then you can use $tab['callback'][0]->tabs[ $tab['id'] ]['content']. HA-HA
So the callback is printf( '<p>%s</p>', __( $tab['callback'][0]->tabs[ $tab['id'] ]['content'], 'some_textdomain_string' ) );.
@Brady I have a file called help.class.php and extend the help_class with another class. So it's about class/file naming. Currently it`s help_class_extd extends help_class and help_extd.class.php, which are easy to get around.
its not the first time I've debated oxo with people... lol but that aside, ext is for extend and or extension, it can mean extended but thats a subjective opinion depending on who is using it. I would go with extd as being appropriate for extended.
Why not just write extended - its only one more character, its not obtrusively long and would read nicely, else that's hardly "short for..." anything, except for short for a spelling disaster.
@Brady But thats almost irrelevant in the context of what we are talking about - nouns/verbs - don't know any boundaries when we are speaking of definition.
A recursive acronym (synonymous with metacronym, recursive initialism, and recursive backronym) is an initialism that refers to itself in the expression for which it stands. The term was first used in print in April 1986.
Computer-related examples
In computing, an early tradition in the hacker community (especially at MIT) was to choose acronyms and abbreviations that referred humorously to themselves or to other abbreviations. Perhaps the earliest example in this context, from about 1977 or 1978, is TINT ("TINT Is Not TECO"), an editor for MagicSix. This inspired the two MIT Lisp Mach...
the problem with version control is that it is awfully complicated comparing to many generic tasks (like creating doc in word)... it's fine when you are desperate developer that has no alternative but to learn to deal with it... but dragging reluctant person into version control sooooo painful
github for windows isn't a desktop UI for github.com, it's a github client for managing local repositories, aka I made changes, I can has commit? Y U NO PUSH?!
Can't say I'm fond of their attempt at faux metro though
and the updater only checked the minor not the version "Congratulations! An update from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 is available! Lets pretend Firefox 4,5,6 and 7 don't exist!"
@userabuser I don't think Chrome is shit... it's probably second choice for me after Opera... and if those rumors about Facebook buying Opera work out, I very well might have to start liking Chrome :)
I started looking into how to make a browser, because I think I am a god like programmer (not) , but f*** that shit... why they have to make everything so complicated, as you say Rarst, bloated...
the problem with browsers is that they cost a ton to make and their main finance model is mass market adoption. it doesn't combine well. I think one of the reasons Opera manages to keep itself so sane is that they have diversified income and are very profitable without market share dependency
I have no idea what I should use if Opera will be buyed by Facebook. I need good keyboard access, and my user style sheet framework won't work in any other browser too.
I use FF/Chrome/Opera/Safari/IE for developing, but mostly have firefox open on my second monitor using CSSRefresh (cssrefresh.frebsite.nl) but would be better for total page refresh.. guess I just need to do some JS
@userabuser They've had that userbase for quite some time. Even Facebook does. But the actual revenue that these two companies make (despite the huge userbase) doesn't make sense vs their market valuation
@toscho Read that... still, I am talking about making some real money! $100 billion+ valuation -- how much do they really make? around $1-2 billion max
@AahanKrish Companies like Facebook, or Google place a different kind of value on properties, in particular entities (userbase). Not to mention that this is Facebooks foray into the browser-space, which likely means that they have an interest in trying to compete for contextual search at some point in time by having Opera work hand in hand with Facebook and its immense user-driven data
...this is just the beginning. You need also remember that if Facebook does not continue to innovate, it will eventually die at the hand of competitors trying to take a slice of the social networking space and although Google have tried this and have thus far failed, it does not mean they won't succeed in the future nor someone else.
See here:
inserting all picture
Is this question becoming a "do my work for me" type question? I'm going to go ahead and try to answer it fully, but for future reference, is the OP going too far in his scope? It seems to be "not a real question"/"too localized", or something, given the basic nat...
@toscho Upon editing my profile in the location field, I key in "Minneapolis, Minnesota", right underneath the input field, it says "Did you mean Minneapolis, MN?"
@MichaelEcklund Hey Michael. Question: Why don't you just add some nice sentences to your profile? If you reputation grows, people will come to you anyway.
anyone came across with this issue? i have multiple installations same database and uesbase ... but on post edit/create page the author box is empty.. doesn't show the drop down /select for authors etc.
@toscho it complicates that I have two-stage process... my URL has something simple like person=N... then I have to retrieve that N, and build relationships query (think like taxonomy or meta query) and save it. then again I need to retrieve final relationship query and turn into SQL...
@AahanKrish If you are not too much into "I need BLOCKBUSTAAAHZ!!", then maybe you'll like »Hunter Prey«. It's an extremly low budget, but well thought SciFi movie.
I have multiple stage process that integrates complex faceting into WP queries. Problem is - the deeper I get the more fuzzy I become on how it is supposed to work and I could use a guideline rather than being inventive (and digging myself a hole).
General stages I have (pseudo-code, but close t...