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nobody home?
@Sisir do_action("sc_wpun_update_check");
run that in WordPress and that will manually fire an update check.
@kaiser where were you yesterday when I needed you
@Brady Czech
and lower austria
@kaiser I needed your assistance with JQM. Fucking thing is driving me up the wall
@Brady Whitsun/Pentecost (dunno if you know this) is holy over here.
No working on these dates.
@Brady I was thinking to automate the process of updating (downloading update and installing) rather than i go back to site and do it myself
anyone used this? cssgrid.net
@Rarst @Brady @StephenHarris Any idea why a plugin installation might fail silently if wp-config.php; has set define( 'FS_METHOD', 'ftpext' );?
eurgh ftp
we just do everything in a shell via version control
@TomJNowell ...over SSH, on jailbroken phone, from the beach. sometimes it makes sense to just do things straightforward way :)
@Rarst @TomJNowell Problem is that one of my testers reported, that the installation fails silently in above mentioned case. I now took a look at the function WP_Filesystem (no, that's not a class) and found WP_Filesystem_{$method} (now we got a class). This class seems to be able to add errors and those are checked with the following:
    $method = "WP_Filesystem_$method";

    $wp_filesystem = new $method($args);

    if ( is_wp_error($wp_filesystem->errors) && $wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code() )
    	return false;

    if ( !$wp_filesystem->connect() )
    	return false; //There was an error connecting to the server.
does it work at all? only your plugin fails?
Seems so. He's a good developer and I guess he tested with a plain vanilla installation.
well, can't guess what is going on without seeing actual returns/errors...
@Rarst It's super stupid. I can't replicate the issue and WP successfully prevents an error (why then add errors to WP_Error at all??).
edit the core :) bunch of var_dumps() on everything
@Rarst Already asked him that :)
it's weird that WP_Error has no hooks whatsoever :(
@Rarst I had an attempt on trac to improve WP_Error, but it was like driving a car into a concrete wall at 200mph
I've just had a clients site aggregate in a wordpress.com blog feed
and instead of pulling in that blogs post, it's pulled in the official wordpress.com blog feed instead
yet now it's back to normal lol
@TomJNowell propably a naming collision. Had this once with a plugin that wanted to update to some other plugin from wp.org repo. Fix was to rename the local plugin folder.
ah no no the plugin itself is fine
it's the RSS feed at wordpress.com that was weird
instead of pulling in posts from the intended blog, for a short period it pulled them from the official wordpress.com news blog
then went back to expected behaviour
@kaiser is there a setting on JQM i can but on an input to stop it doing its stupid replacement technique?
@Brady ? riddles...
Ok if I put an <input>
JQM wraps with a Div and other stuff to make some fancy styles
and hides the input
is there a data variable I can place on the input to stop JQM from doing that
NVM found it
I love typos in core: set_parentage(): description: »Set the parent information for the screen«
@kaiser were?
thats what happens when you drink and code
@Brady /wp-admin/includes/screen.php LINE 544
@kaiser don't see the spelling mistake...
@Brady set_parentPage vs. set_parentage ? Or is there only a word, that I don't know?
@kaiser set_parentage <-- is spelt correctly, just wrong word used :)
turns out it is a word afterall
but yes a typo ;) if they meant to say page not age
For me it reads like set_origin instead of set_parentpage_info :)
set_unesco_heritage_to_child_post() ...
Another wired thing from core: get_current_screen()->add_help_tab() supports both a callback, as well as as a content. They always get executed in the order: content, callback. Btw: The callback can do nothing than print/stuff. No chance to throw the content into the callback... WUT?!
Oh, wow. Me: wrong. It takes an argument: The tab...
Ehm... no?? The $current_screen object? Why?
someone should do a poster with WP source code in microprint... so you can stare at it on the wall and cry "WHY!? WHYYY!???"
@Rarst Let's print something on the back side: "You know you want to give up. With Love, your core team."
how can i find my past uploaded images on WPSE?
@userabuser we are now at £113 for the i7
@Brady u selling only the processor?
atm yes
I have 4 intel xeons to sell later but they aint worth much
@Brady High roller!
Ok, here we go: question/riddle opened. Hope to get some input from you guys, as I'm completely stuck.
Q: Help Tabs with: add_help_tab() callback - How does the argument work?

kaiserI just tried to add a simple help tab, from within a class (example to test below). I wanted to use a helper/callback fn to prepare the content for different help tabs. According to core, the function takes some args: WP 3.3 /wp-admin/includes/screen.php LINE 722 // If it exists, fire ...

@TomJNowell haha
Seems like someone hit keyboard with head while answering....
@TomJNowell i don't see any answer though
@Brady you run server?
@kaiser What happens when you replace the lines in core with:
   // If it exists, fire tab callback.
     if ( ! empty( $tab['callback'] ) )
        call_user_func_array( $tab['callback'], $tab );
@StephenHarris Nvm. Figured it out. Will add the crazy solution in a min, when I'm done and then go and update f***ing codex
@kaiser Cool. Looks like to me that that $this->$tab isn't set anywhere...($this being the screen object)?
@StephenHarris You need two arguments. The first one is the global $current_screen reference. The second one is the tabs object. It's built out of the complete tabs (summed under callback) incl. the function name of the callback. Then it also has all current data. Important to mention: The ID is NOT allowed to have empty spaces...
Then you can use $tab['callback'][0]->tabs[ $tab['id'] ]['content']. HA-HA
So the callback is printf( '<p>%s</p>', __( $tab['callback'][0]->tabs[ $tab['id'] ]['content'], 'some_textdomain_string' ) );.
Fun, isn't it?
@StephenHarris See answer on Q.
@Sisir Yes I run a server, but as an offsite backup solution
@Brady What's short for "extended"? ext or exdt or exdt?
ext = extension
I would guess at extd
@Brady ty
@Brady ehm? what now?
I would use extd for extended
but dunno if its right
@Brady ty
as in im guessing
@StephenHarris As you're also an english native speaker, what's your opinion on "short for: »extended«"?
@kaiser how about: Xtnded
^^ that would be much better than extd
how about xtn'd
@AahanKrish looking for a variable name so cannot have '
@Brady I have a file called help.class.php and extend the help_class with another class. So it's about class/file naming. Currently it`s help_class_extd extends help_class and help_extd.class.php, which are easy to get around.
@Brady :P I thought you were asking in general...sorry
@AahanKrish n/p
@AahanKrish also xtn'd and extd would mean to mean Extend not Extended
@Brady :) saves me two e
@Brady 2 more letters makes it too long? or is there a char limit? Just saying..
and it's just too kool for me
extd / extnd / extdd / extded does it really matter, its semantics
@Sisir someone had started a codeblock and just mashed their keyboard and posted it as the answer
@userabuser No, but I needed to know if ext is maybe something other. My normal oxo prefix means kisshugkiss, which I didn't knew.
oxo to me means hug kiss hug
@userabuser Yea, whatever :) Guess you got my point with me != native english speaker therefore chance to hit lingual mine trap = high
its not the first time I've debated oxo with people... lol but that aside, ext is for extend and or extension, it can mean extended but thats a subjective opinion depending on who is using it. I would go with extd as being appropriate for extended.
@userabuser agree
@kaiser I'd agree with @Brady - xtended
Why not just write extended - its only one more character, its not obtrusively long and would read nicely, else that's hardly "short for..." anything, except for short for a spelling disaster.
@userabuser Xtnd = extend, Xtnded = extended, ext = extension.
thats not a hard and fast rule though
@userabuser two characters more not one
extend and extension are, somewhat one in the same.
@userabuser no.. then are two completely separate words
extend is a verb and extension is a noun
@Brady I agree, they are two separate words. No doubt, but they share a relationship.
Is @kaiser abusing the english language again?
@userabuser fair enough
@toscho yes like you with PHP
@Brady But thats almost irrelevant in the context of what we are talking about - nouns/verbs - don't know any boundaries when we are speaking of definition.
trying to make it shorter
@Brady lol
@Brady But PHP was made to be abused.
it should just be called P
PPH would me more fitting since its now called Pre-Processor Hypertext, not Personal Home Page
yeah but that was its original name though
it just means hypertext pre-processor now
So... change its name, change its acronym
its now really a self-referencing name
errmm whats the word for it man...
self recursive? is that it?
...could be wrong... but its bloody strange thats for sure
A recursive acronym (synonymous with metacronym, recursive initialism, and recursive backronym) is an initialism that refers to itself in the expression for which it stands. The term was first used in print in April 1986. Computer-related examples In computing, an early tradition in the hacker community (especially at MIT) was to choose acronyms and abbreviations that referred humorously to themselves or to other abbreviations. Perhaps the earliest example in this context, from about 1977 or 1978, is TINT ("TINT Is Not TECO"), an editor for MagicSix. This inspired the two MIT Lisp Mach...
there we go
When hackers try to be funny …
Just asking... does anyone here run a WordPress site on AWS?
Just uninstalled GitHub for Windows. What a waste of space. Or I just didn't get it.
@toscho it's probably aimed at more "casual" users... dumbing down version control to basic operations
@Rarst like … not viewing source code?
Don't code, just commit.
@toscho ehm... I am not using plain git to view source code either?.. :)
@Rarst But I'm using GitHub to get a quick look at other peoples source code.
pff version control = copy and paste... thats it...
@toscho I'd have thought that was the job of the checked out folder containing all the files that open in dedicated text editors
the problem with version control is that it is awfully complicated comparing to many generic tasks (like creating doc in word)... it's fine when you are desperate developer that has no alternative but to learn to deal with it... but dragging reluctant person into version control sooooo painful
i wrote a crude php script a while back that monitors your app directory and does some basic version control automatically for you...
that or the github site
afterall tortoiseSVN doesn't include a rival of notepad++ or sublime
@Rarst well said! +1000 for that..
@TomJNowell I don't want to download each file I just want to see.
@toscho just browse on github?..
@toscho then why don't you just use github.com? Far far far simpler
and easier
@TomJNowell im torn between notepad++ and sublime these days.. like a bi-polar programmer who interchangeably uses both editors...
@toscho you're trying to build a house with a spoon and complaining when it doesn't work as you expected
@TomJNowell That was my point: The GitHub software I uninstalled cannot do that.
I stick with my fine browser.
github for windows isn't a desktop UI for github.com, it's a github client for managing local repositories, aka I made changes, I can has commit? Y U NO PUSH?!
Can't say I'm fond of their attempt at faux metro though
@TomJNowell look at components... they did it github style - looked up bunch of bricks and mashed them together :)
faux metro?
@userabuser yeah the colours etc it's kind of alien but has notes of Metro and windows phone in it =s
Kind of like it... but I getcha now
Probably Windows 8-ready
except for that screenshot
which is fugly
I wish people stopped invented damn interface and focused on polish...
eternal developer arrogance "I can do better". 100% think it and 1% can
@Rarst Popular example: Google Chrome.
...since congressmen are now programming too yes, this is very much the case
I will do my own scroll bar and peole will like it so much better than the one they used in windows for twenty years!
@toscho example of? 1% or the rest 99%?
This is soooo wrong.
i think you should have to enter in a CAPTCHA to use a scroll bar, hows that for user experience?
@AahanKrish Of a made up UI. Terrible.
@toscho chrome is weird... google notoriously sucks at and disdains desktop, so it's weird they are even getting anywhere with chrome
@Rarst chrome for the most part just works
chrome is shit.
setting it up at my familys machine I needed to do no configuration or optimisation or maintenance of any kind other than the initial install step
@TomJNowell it helped that at start it basically didn't do anything :)
i said what you're all thinking.
Chrome works fine for people who like GitHub for Windows.
@TomJNowell to be fair which modern browser doesn't work like that? maybe firefox...
with firefox I always had to grab flash and configure settings, then revisit every 4 months to check if it was upto date
firefox is still better than chrome
and the updater only checked the minor not the version "Congratulations! An update from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 is available! Lets pretend Firefox 4,5,6 and 7 don't exist!"
@userabuser I don't think Chrome is shit... it's probably second choice for me after Opera... and if those rumors about Facebook buying Opera work out, I very well might have to start liking Chrome :)
at least its financial security for another major browser
@userabuser Firefox is crazy bloated
@Rarst what don't you want facebook polluting your timeline with your browsing history?
@Rarst +1 my fear is webkit heading that direction too
@userabuser I don't want any of Facebook
death to facebook!
objectively Facebook-level resoures might do wonders for Opera... it's a question of what would users have to pay for it
I started looking into how to make a browser, because I think I am a god like programmer (not) , but f*** that shit... why they have to make everything so complicated, as you say Rarst, bloated...
Simple features would be nice...
the problem with browsers is that they cost a ton to make and their main finance model is mass market adoption. it doesn't combine well. I think one of the reasons Opera manages to keep itself so sane is that they have diversified income and are very profitable without market share dependency
@Rarst You know so much!
Rarst == God == Rod
I have no idea what I should use if Opera will be buyed by Facebook. I need good keyboard access, and my user style sheet framework won't work in any other browser too.
@toscho Chromium?
@AahanKrish Nah, terrible keyboard interface.
or maybe start building our own webkit or gecko-based browser? :P
@toscho stick with old version of Opera :) will be seriously geek in a decade
browsers should only be allowed feature release once in three years :P and if they can't agree on some standard - they can wait for next time
Opera is probably Facebook's best chance of becoming next Google (or say, among best first steps)
@AahanKrish Facebook is not becoming Google. Google's advertizement is effective. Facebook's is ponzi scheme
lol... was just saying, as per market speculation. My firm belief is that any "social network" just can't stick forever...
The problem is: Once FB goes the Myspace way (it will happen), the best browser in the world may die with it. :(
@kaiser you around?
@toscho Oh.... that makes me want to try Opera once again
anyone using a good browser auto-refresher ?
@Brady yea. currently having a lot of fun while reading all the discussion ↑
@userabuser Opera has this built in (if I am not wrong)
@userabuser There's one for chrome
@kaiser not reading it atm
@kaiser can you help me with app?
@userabuser if there are good ones - I hadn't seen them...
@Brady If it doesn't take too long: Yes. Need to get back to writing help screen and fixing an ajax issue
@kaiser wrong person?
@Brady hm?
you? :)
@kaiser u said Rarst
I use FF/Chrome/Opera/Safari/IE for developing, but mostly have firefox open on my second monitor using CSSRefresh (cssrefresh.frebsite.nl) but would be better for total page refresh.. guess I just need to do some JS
@Brady ehm, yes.
@kaiser you have skype?
@Brady yes
add me l3rady
WTF? Why pay $1 billion for a company (Opera) that only makes $46 billion in revenue?
@Brady done
@AahanKrish Userbase
@kaiser waiting for the e-vite
@userabuser They've had that userbase for quite some time. Even Facebook does. But the actual revenue that these two companies make (despite the huge userbase) doesn't make sense vs their market valuation
@kaiser its not coming through, whats yours?
@Brady u got mail
@AahanKrish Opera is strong in mobile, Facebook's most important weakness.
@kaiser username not found
26 matches for your name
@toscho Read that... still, I am talking about making some real money! $100 billion+ valuation -- how much do they really make? around $1-2 billion max
go in skype and edit your profile. it should show you your skype username
@AahanKrish Companies like Facebook, or Google place a different kind of value on properties, in particular entities (userbase). Not to mention that this is Facebooks foray into the browser-space, which likely means that they have an interest in trying to compete for contextual search at some point in time by having Opera work hand in hand with Facebook and its immense user-driven data
hmm... funny business
@AahanKrish Opera owns two mobile advertising companies. Facebook can make a lot of money just from that.
@Brady vienna austria?
@toscho should see...
...this is just the beginning. You need also remember that if Facebook does not continue to innovate, it will eventually die at the hand of competitors trying to take a slice of the social networking space and although Google have tried this and have thus far failed, it does not mean they won't succeed in the future nor someone else.
@kaiser doesnt help many in Austria
@toscho is this keyword spamming? stackoverflow.com/users/804104/michael-ecklund
@Brady send one to all of them :D Just kiddin' - don't use skype often. Where do I see the user name?
Btw: The request to you seems to be pending
@AahanKrish Yes! Flag it.
@kaiser Go to Skype->Account
then on the window that pops up should be your username top right corner
@toscho no report button
I think he is a web designer from Texas? by the look of it...
@Brady 2nd one is "profile"
@userabuser and he's here, in chat
@AahanKrish have a word with him. He is here in chat
@Brady that's how I got to his profile. :P
Poor use of SEO tactics anyway... sadly the KW/Density is way to high
@toscho ready to take a class?
@kaiser right go into there and edit profile
your username will show somewhere
@AahanKrish Hm?
@Brady resent mail
@toscho that user is here :P
@MichaelEcklund May I ask you to make your profile look less like low level SEO? That's not helpful.
Q: Is This a "Do My Work For Me" question?

Chip BennettSee here: inserting all picture Is this question becoming a "do my work for me" type question? I'm going to go ahead and try to answer it fully, but for future reference, is the OP going too far in his scope? It seems to be "not a real question"/"too localized", or something, given the basic nat...

Hi, toscho. You don't like?
@MichaelEcklund it's just that it doesn't sound like a meaningful "about me" description
@MichaelEcklund No, not at all. :) Make it useful for people, not for machines please.
lol ok
@toscho god! well put sire!
P2 theme looks pretty solid. theme.wordpress.com/themes/p2
@MichaelEcklund it should be... the core folks use it a lot
So how do you buy bizarre TLD's? like .ke ?
@MichaelEcklund Try gandi.net
@userabuser Hell, that's pricey man!
They usually have a wide selection of TLDs. I personally don't use them.
@MichaelEcklund The inhabitants of Kenia don't see this as bizarre.
Well the inhabitants of Americas do.
inhabitants? last word was America was overrun by robots and mice
and cats
Feral cats actually
@userabuser 8-O
Regarding profiles: I was really surprised to learn that Otto is from Tunisia (TN). :D
@toscho I thought he's from U.S. state of Tennessee (TN)
could be Terranova
Chip Bennett is from Macao.
We're quite international.
@toscho Are you joking? 8-|
The Internet only exists in America
My point is: Putting some localized abbreviations into your profile isn't helpful too.
@toscho true... but I believe they are too used to them
Hehe, @MichaelEcklund is from Mongolia?
What? no.
MN == Mongolia
@toscho LMAO!
MN === Minnesota
@MichaelEcklund Only in Minnesota …
@toscho looks like you got it all wrong, if that wasn't intentional
No, MN only == MinneSNOWTA in Minnesota.
@AahanKrish On the internet country codes override local abbreviations.
@toscho lol, yeah... lots of laughs in the last few minutes, really!
> MN == Mongolia
The key is the context: The only way for me to read a bare MN is looking up the country code.
@toscho like @userabuser said, they probably believe the world knows america
@toscho Upon editing my profile in the location field, I key in "Minneapolis, Minnesota", right underneath the input field, it says "Did you mean Minneapolis, MN?"
@MichaelEcklund These suggestions are taken from the Yahoo! API. They are wrong most of the time.
For me it says: Halle, Germany. We have 3 cities with this name, but none without an appendix.
@AahanKrish Otto is from the U.S.
@MichaelEcklund Yeah, I know... (see my comment above)
> I thought he's from U.S. state of Tennessee (TN)
Anyway, I was just kidding... nothn serious :)
Do you guys grow up constantly learning about America in your childhood?
@MichaelEcklund nope, why? And like you said, "Do you guys..." doesn't apply here
coz we are all have different nationalities
I'm not from earth, just visiting
yeah, he's invisible too at times.
you see the connection now :)
@MichaelEcklund why anyway?
damn query and query_vars properties are confusing
@Rarst Underscore overflow in category__not_in?
@MichaelEcklund Hey Michael. Question: Why don't you just add some nice sentences to your profile? If you reputation grows, people will come to you anyway.
Anyone watched this movie? WATCH IT!
I just copied my profile text from the community user because we are almost twins.
@AahanKrish Will do
Hey guys, can anyone spare a sec to look into this please; wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/53611/… ?
@kaiser :)
@toscho I am getting horribly confused where should I keep some custom vars and how do I access them...
@Rarst Yeah, add_query_var is not a guarantee to get the var even if it is set. It has to have an actual value to be available.
anyone came across with this issue? i have multiple installations same database and uesbase ... but on post edit/create page the author box is empty.. doesn't show the drop down /select for authors etc.
@AahanKrish Description sounds a little bit like District 13 and Gettogangz 2 - the Ultimatum (Banlieu scenario).
@toscho it complicates that I have two-stage process... my URL has something simple like person=N... then I have to retrieve that N, and build relationships query (think like taxonomy or meta query) and save it. then again I need to retrieve final relationship query and turn into SQL...
@kaiser watch it anyway... :)
@AahanKrish Shure: Always interested in foreign movies
I really hope you like it... I loved it.
@kaiser me too!
@AahanKrish If you are not too much into "I need BLOCKBUSTAAAHZ!!", then maybe you'll like »Hunter Prey«. It's an extremly low budget, but well thought SciFi movie.
@kaiser hmm... I will check it out tonight. Do you watch Liam Neeson movies? If not, check him out
Just saw that the 106 reviewers thought the same. "A comic panel by panel".
@kaiser I gave up on this after 20 minutes. Boooooring.
@AahanKrish Yea shure.
@toscho It's like Stanislav Lem Books. The end makes the time worth.
I mostly only watch thrillers these days (past the Horror films stage :P )
@kaiser No, Lem is entertaining from the first line on.
@toscho Not always. Example: »Der Unbesiegbare«.
@kaiser You just didn't get it. It's an intellectual challenge. :P
mark a date - I am asking a question! :)
(The rest of the mod team is standing in line to hit the close button.)
> Closed as too rarsty.
@toscho that's not a word :)
@Rarst Now it is.
Q: What is appropriate flow for custom data from URL in WP_Query?

RarstI have multiple stage process that integrates complex faceting into WP queries. Problem is - the deeper I get the more fuzzy I become on how it is supposed to work and I could use a guideline rather than being inventive (and digging myself a hole). General stages I have (pseudo-code, but close t...

"WordPress function syntax rated highest of all CMSs. Sample: <?php wp_list_categories( array ( taxonomy => 'post_tag' ) ); ?>" #webdevonion
@Rarst What's the slogan from Nike?
@kaiser what?
@Rarst What is the slogan Nike uses (sports equipment manufacturer)?
@kaiser how would I know?..
@Rarst You know WP. Both got the same slogan.
I don't watch TV and use brwoser with integrated ad blocker....
just do it
lost me
I did it. now I am in a hole with it...
@Rarst Sad thing is, that there's no answer. And no solution as well. Stuff gets changed that often during request answer, that there's no safe point.
@Rarst 'query' is just what came in. 'query_vars' is what 'query' got parsed to. You'll want to set 'query_vars'.
it makes me all kind of sad that I need to badger such info out of core devs instead of reading it in Codex or source
@Rarst Hope you update Codex ...
03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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