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morning all
2 hours later…
Ah! Finally moved personal blog from WordPress (self-hosted) to Google Blogger
I haz peace!
@AahanKrish you moved from wordpress?
@Sisir Just my personal notes blog. I just want to be able to write notes... don't want the extra maintenance.
I already manage two WordPress blogs :(
dont' want another
Besides Blogger has a kewl new template... Dynamic Views aahan.me
i should have a personal blog too
where i can share my craziness :)
yeah :D
.me domains are too costly :-/
sisir.com is already taken..
@Sisir Yeah... but I got my name!
@AahanKrish weird, not a fan of the vertical tab sidebar
@TomJNowell You have two more options! (actually there are 7 in total, I hid the others)
@TomJNowell try this-- aahan.me/?view=classic
infinite loading, lazy loading... all kinds of craziness jam-packed!
sisir.me is available but $20/yr is crazy
i have this site where i add things i tends forget quite often quickhow.net :)
@Sisir is that yours?
@AahanKrish you don't admit such things in public :D
@AahanKrish yea..
@Rarst :D
@Sisir As for me, I post things on my personal blog, and if stuff is too complex (for me), I create a video and post it to Youtube
i wish my spoken english is good..
@Sisir I never spoke in my videos... not until now at least
But I plan to... yeah, my speaking skills are kinda weird
i am sure mine will scare you away.. :P
@Rarst do you have a public video where I can hear you speak? :)
@AahanKrish nope, why?
@Rarst Just asking :)
@Rarst I get tensed when I start making a video in which I plan to speak
the end result...it's scrapped
@Sisir by the way, You can actually change your YouTube channel to work a little bit like wordpress -- tagging and stuff. Look at mine
@AahanKrish true.. same here. Most of the time i loose words to tell which never happens when writing.. lack of practice i guess
that's right... lack of practise
so, we need a chatroom where we can speak :)
finally i signed up for G+
@Sisir why anyway? :P
just catching up with google..
@Sisir is the comment here by TomJNowell ??
hey guys, what other domain extension you recommend if not .me
@Sisir .im is also good IMO
and it's like $13.xx
@AahanKrish not sure.. i think it was some other tom lost in the wild and then got dumped on my site..
Which domain registrar offers the max. number of TLDs? Google failed me
@userabuser my i7-2600k got bid up to £100 after a few hours. So turning down the £100 offer from the other guy hasn't been a mistake. still 5 days left on the auction
@kaiser you around?
@Brady I missed that day, why are you selling CPU now?..
@AahanKrish no, no it isn't
@Rarst because I've bought a CPU that supports Intel Vt-d so I can do some nice virtualization stuff
Thats if I ever get a working Dom0 system up and running. It's proving difficult.
@Rarst I know you have nothing going on in your life - see this as an opportunity to finally do something useful LoL!! :D
@Brady is that like meaningful difference for home computer?
@Rarst i7-2600k is a beast for speed, and great for gaming (the one Im selling) but problem is that it doesnt support vt-d
@Brady I got that part. I am asking what so fantastic you need on non-data-center-scale that vt-d makes difference?
@Rarst I'm combining my NAS with my gaming rig
vt-d allows hardware to be dedicated to a DomU (guest OS)
okay... I acknowledge inclinations to want strange things :)
so I run Dom0 and pass through GPU to gaming rig and pass through raid card to NAS
Even cooler stuff you can do is install two GPU's and run to separate gaming rigs in one box.
But the end game is to get a stable virtual environment up and running so I can spawn other OS's to mess around with.
damn... the problem with eliminating airflow noise (pain), hard drive noise (huge pain)... that what is left is electrical noise (insane pain)
@Rarst electrical noise... where from?
@Brady PSUs tends to produce plenty, rarely motherboards
@Rarst You need a better PSU then
I've never had a PSU make noise
only fan noise
@Brady any PSU produces some electrical noise usually. you just don't hear it because all other stuff (even as quiet as hard drive) masks it. but if PSU is only thing that makes sound it gets noticeable
for the record I have crazy expensive fanless seasonic for PSU
I dont notice any sound from my rig atm. Got a sound proof case with PWM fans running at 400-600rpm
@Brady well if it's sound proof case how do you expect to hear anything outside of it? :)
@Rarst well its not 100% sound proof
its got sound proofing material on the inside
but ambient noise from surroundings means you cannot hear anything from the case
anyway it happens... doesn't help that I hear crap in frequencies people tend to miss... once PSU had started to whine like crazy (for me), dragged it to work, electrical people said it doesn't make a sound... then tested it and it was half-dead with unstable output
@Rarst my home monitor has a nightmarish buzz, I had to unplug it of a night when it was in the same room as me
fortunately hearing supposed to get worse with age :)
@Rarst how many eons old are you?
@TomJNowell oh, yeah displays can do that also... I was lucky so far to not land one of such. really anything with powerful enough power brick is inclined to make electrical noise
@TomJNowell how (the hell) a display make noise? They don't have rotating parts (fans)..
@TomJNowell there is cool feature on my new UPS - it has couple of outlets that it can de-power when you turn off computer
Mains hum, electric hum, or power line hum is an audible oscillation of alternating current at the frequency of the mains electricity, which is usually 50 Hz or 60 Hz, depending on the local power line frequency. The sound often has heavy harmonic content. Causes of electric hum Electric hum around transformers is caused by stray magnetic fields causing the enclosure and accessories to vibrate. Magnetostriction is a second source of vibration, where the core iron changes shape minutely when exposed to magnetic fields. The intensity of the fields, and thus the "hum" inten...
@Sisir physics :) there are no purposely moving parts, but electricity passing through bunch of stuff is also thermal and magnetic events
@Rarst i see.. fortunate for me i never heard any hum noise on my pc other then fan rotating parts.. I always have a big fan on ceiling which make some sound..
the pain with PSU is that it can show with age and swapping PSUs in search of quietest one would get crazy expensive very fast...
@Sisir cheap chairs and window frames on trains don't have moving parts but they still buzz and whine like made when the carriages start moving
"it makes noise you probably can't hear" is not a very valid complaint :)
and the problem with sound proofing that it impedes airflow... and when you can't get enough passive airflow you need to go back to active... silent computing is pain :)
I pity people who need to build such systems for professional purposes
@Rarst just dont use such high powered computer equipment and then passive computing is very easy
@Rarst get a Raspberry Pi and turn that into your dev rig. All you need is a programming IDE ;)
@Brady yeah, much easier that way... also proportionally less performant and needs to be changed more often
@Brady I could just turn off computer and code on my tablet :)
@Rarst even better, turn off your PC and go outside and play ;)
@Brady outside? play?
@Rarst he means minecraft
@TomJNowell I don't do minecraft...
@Rarst i see your point.. but i only heard them on high power instruments (like transformer) and never on electronic devices though..
@Sisir cheap mobile chargers do it too
my electric trimmer does it when its charging, quite loudly too
@TomJNowell yup my charger makes a very high pitch squeal when not charging my phone or once the battery is fully charged
very annoying
i seems to be lucky.. :) most of my things are cheap and yet i never experienced those problems :) my CRT 21" TV does a little noise but its very mild and expected..
@Sisir or your hearing is rubbish
@TomJNowell or humanly.. my ears don't care about ultra sound..
@Sisir you just have bad hearing, or you're showing your age
@TomJNowell perhaps my brain filtering them out
@TomJNowell remember at school kids would put that high pitch sound as their ringtone so only they could hear it ring in class and the old teachers couldnt :)
but as for noises I can sleep with computer fan noise fine. Its high pitch noises that irritate me.
If a weird noise is keeping me up I just use an app on my phone that plays a number of sounds to drown it out
Hi to all
i written simple wordpressplugin
i would like to host it
i have doubt in read me file change log
this is my first release. so what should i add in that
@gowri change log is not required. and by definition it's what had changed between versions :) just look at examples in repo, I do something like this wordpress.org/extend/plugins/codex-generator/changelog
Thanks . i have send request to my plugin. how will i notify about svn details
by mail or what
yeah, I think you get email when approved. login details same as WP account and in repo created with generated slug
Thank so much for the clarification
@Brady Sweet, auction still going then or finito?
@userabuser 4 1/2 days left
was at £100 when I last looked
£104 now
in good shape man
@Brady how do you send the item?
@AahanKrish huh?
@Brady By what means do you send it to the buyer?
@AahanKrish by post...
Ah... okay. And how much do you lose there? ($x)
nvm I see it
anyone know if you can serve google maps v3 api javascript file locally rather than: maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true
headsethotties.com check out these headset hotties
lol, there's a site for that as well!
@Brady I think google formally forbids hosting their JS elsewhere
@Rarst bah I need to use google maps in an app
I just didnt want to pull the framework on app load
I rather have the framework local
and then the tiles load from google
Because if no network connection then no google map framework to use...
digwp.com/2012/05/post-navigation-author-category started week "nice" :) it's monday, what's horrible today?
web app or mobile app? can't you maybe pre-load it during start up... in the event you have some kind of start up sequence before app loads fully... (thinkin aloud)
@userabuser mobile app
at the moment its loaded at the top of the document and holds the page from rendering untill the framework is loaded. Makes my app take ages to load over 3G
@Rarst That's David Powell on my shit list ;)
hrmm... well look google may "forbid" it, as Rarst suggested, but that still wouldn't stop me from loading it locally if it were causing that much drag on my app. Unless the framework baulks if not called directly from their server I'd personally press on and do it.
@Brady digwp folks have nice rep, but sometimes they just do things that are waaaat?
@Rarst Yeah I know. Guess post though...
@Rarst I'm too tired to figure out whats up with that post - whats the gist?
@userabuser edits core
bad move!
yep nevermind.. just got it
saw in comments
why did they allow such a post? beats me
you can host ga.js locally
although not recommended
so need to find the same for maps
I think it's even more dangerous when folks with cred post crap than random ones ... :( I think Nacin went pale on Twitter over this :)
agree, this spreads bad praktice
bad practice spreads just fine on its own... THIS gives it false cred
if editing core were acceptable then fk having an API, may as well make it a free-for-all hack-a-day festival...
yey @userabuser has joined the show us your face club!
@Brady limited time special only
@userabuser better than that grey box to make it look invisible in chat
mmm I was kind of partial to that invisible box...
showing your face is so cliche
@userabuser then do what @TomJNowell does then. Be cool and just show half of your face
@Brady worked well for me so far
I thought about taking it a step further, showing half my face - but up side down.
<-- see!
@TomJNowell no doubt its your better half anyway
@userabuser I didn't realise you had a corporeal existence
technically I don't, I've just taken over this entity temporarily.. Its incarnation thing.
2 hours later…
@toscho JENGA!!!!
Could see it from a mile off when he was yanking on that mic cable.
Yeah, it had the smell of inevitability from the start.
1 hour later…
@userabuser: finally! :)
@Sisir Hoorah!
cry :'(
people have had luck pushing the i72600k to 5.8GHz stable...
the voltage on that thing is scary...
thats crazy man... burn that sucker out quick
I have a question about scribu's framework if someone can help. Where does he define $GLOBALS['_scb_data'];?
Oh jeez nevermind :)
Another thing though, what's the significance of this? do_action( 'scb_activation_' . $plugin );
@Jared That's there to make the code look smart. I do this all the time.
Ah okay, just allows them to hook into it?
If needed
2 hours later…
@brady looking at your WP updates plugin. What is the scope for a plugin to initiate/trigger the update automatically?
meaning can/should it be done?

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