Just like that other non weird who excels at cardinals, with the exact same characteristic of going silent just before the answer
I don't like growing up, for these mature lunatics simply conform to those stupid social politeness and fakeness, and trying to act professional while they are not!
Learn what your seniors does and learn what the young generation does, and *drop that pretentious, English gentleman, Japanese politness completely pointless and highly inefficient social politeness!!!!!
Broken messages which the heading is nowhere to be found is no becoming more common as The Plan is now known to more than 5 people, thus putting the chat to a new level of instability
All personnel are now at mercy of the effects of The Plan, as the Doomsday algorithm is inching closer...
I only want those small group of you to shut up forever,and when the universe is erased, you will son learn how to shutup
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