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Hmm, Login isn't working on my test site.
Oh, I know why.
I forgot my Redis Password :P
@ATaco I have 0cm I have it locally
I should probably figure out a way to automatically update JWKeys from google
@Pavel Old way of serving dynamic pages
Where is CSS Stored..?
@ATaco IIRC it's generated by SCSS
That's fine, but where?
I'm playing around with writing a chat.
<img src="{{ macros.gravatar(g.user.email) }}"/>
Are we planning support for custom avatars?
For now, gravatar is good enough
Especially since people can just change their avatars on gravatar and it will work
Not everyone has a gravatar though.
What does it show in that case?
Ok. As long as it's not the missing image icon.
@ATaco yeah. My local version has better handling of avatars but still fixing resizing of ace code editor
Gravicon is a fine placeholder, but I want to use Avatars elsewhere, so I'd like to know the standard before I use this.
I'm no designer, but it's working.
I think gravatar + user-uploaded is fine
@ATaco you can use a div.list-header to place title of chat at top
It's intentionally off to the side, but I'm not great at design. I'm just trying to get the chat to work in general.
I don't really see why we need to reinvent the wheel for chat
but markdown :3
Well we can't leech off of StackExchange forever.
discord markdown is pretty crappy IRC doesn't have it.
Discord's markdown is fine for chat
And mostly I'm doing this for me, I'm not forcing it to be used in the project.
You don't need full-featured markdown for chat
though tbh i don't think chat should be priority
and we can basically add all features to SE chat w/ userscript
@ATaco I don't even like leeching off of SE now :P
@ATaco who will you chat with if just for you?
Discord's markdown doesn't even support links properly
By 'for me' I mean for the practice, I don't fully understand the tools I'm working with yet.
Once we get ready to support chat, I'll write some bots to do stuff
I'll probably scrap this, as there are many things I should have done differently, but atleast I know what I'm doing now.
And at that point we'll want multiple repos, so I'll go ahead and move everything over to an org
But the best thing about writing our own chat is I don't need to pawn off all my stuff to Userscripts :D
And the SE chat API is so absolutely terribly documented.
room topic changed to PPCG v2: An experiment in a custom site: github.com/PPCG-v2 (no tags)
Made the org and invited you 3. We really need a better name for this project
Unless someone can think of a Catchy Programming Pun I can't think of much.
How about we settle on an acronym and fill it in?
Backronyms always made me feel slightly dirty, but not to the point of outright disgust.
'C-GAP' works for Code-Golf and Puzzles, but it's not great imo.
ACRPE is what I got from generating a random acronym of length [2..8] with the letters C and P
@Mego can you add the codegolf.vihan.org to the GH link for project
That looks like some kind of Library.
@ATaco I really don't want an explicit reference to code golf. I'd rather focus on the fact that the site will be for competitive programming in general
We could do CARPE (As in Carpé Diem) for Code and Recreational Programming Enthusiasts.
Creative and Recreational Programming Enthusiasts
(If I can remind the court, most of my names involve the world 'Taco')
An name would optimally be associatable with objects, ideas, and colors
@ATaco mego said no to code goat, so no code tao
:O TacoGoat (and Penguin too)
TacoGoat is a horrifying comglomeration of our abilities, which I'm not entirely sure what they are.
@Downgoat CARPE works for that. Sunrise, Carpe Diem, and oily freshwater fish
Besides, so far the only thing I've contributed to the master is bug fixes.
@ATaco More horrifying JS than usual?
I still don't know JS and I refuse to believe otherwise.
I kind of like Creative and Recreational Programming Enthusiasts, but it might be a bit much.
Atleast PPCG can be shortened to "Code Golf", I suppose Code Enthusiasts shortens it too, but not by as much.
I thought of could go with CCC or 3C for competitive code challenges
It was said that "A Rose by any other name would smell just as sweet", but I personally believe that a name speaks volumes about the result.
Code Carp
@Potato44 name itself not associatable with neither color objetc or idea though
Why all the fish
@Downgoat Penguins like fish
@ATaco You should set up 2FA on GitHub
That's probably a good idea
Already did
I'll set that up when I have the time.
Oh god, I have no idea where I sit.
And I fear the worst... Full Stack
I have full stack skills but I refuse that term on my resume because people read "full stack" as "JS for everything"
I refuse to write Full stack anywhere because I've the design sense of a particularly uncreative toddler.
And people see: "They can build front end, so they can design it too."
@ATaco That, plus I'm colorblind so whenever I do get a creative burst, the colors look terrible
A-ta.co only looks good whever it does slightly look good thanks to the goat.
@Mego Just make everything Blue Black and White and you're basically good
Don't forget to call it Web2.0!
@ATaco Really what people think it means is "I will do literally everything myself and enjoy it"
You see, we on the front end call that, "HTML5"
I prefer backend, but who needs backend devs nowadays. It's all full stack or frontend from what I've seen on jobs.SO
NAPHHS: Not Another Programming Homework Help Site
DYHY: Do Your Homework Yourself
SAB: Shave a Byte.
Code Barbers? :P
That's still a code golf theme though
CodeBarbers doesn't just mean trimming, but also styling.
But it looks more like a "Rent a Coder to make my code better" site rather than a "Do recreational programming stuffs" site.
DRPS: Do Recreational Programming Stuffs
Pronounced "derps"?
Heck that's the best name I've seen so far
@Sherlock9 I thought CARPE was a good name :(
I read it as just "D R P S", But "Derps" Also works.
My suggestion was going to be PPCG: Poorly Planned Challenges (synonym of forbidden that starts with G)
@Mego I have read all the way to the top. Sorry :(
"Poorly Planned Challenges, Guy"
PPCG technically isn't a trademarked term, since the community came up with it, rather than SE, but I'd like to avoid using it if possible
So, CARPE, DRPS, anything else on the board..?
But "Programming Puzzles & Code Golf" is definitely trademarked, so we'd need a different backronym
Golf You a Challenge For Great Recreation
Not sure how to abbreviate that
Enough with the golf references :P
Or else I'll institute a 1-year code golf moratorium once the site launches (with the exception of migrated challenges)
Have we finally found a good challenge format besides golf and KotH?
Fastest code would work if we had a stable server for testing
RPGG: Recreational Programming for Great Good
The best thing about a dedicated site is we can leave behind the requirement for an Objective Winning Criteria for Popcon.
Popularity contests for all!
@ATaco Or we can leave behind popcons :P
Popcons create great things, but only sometimes.
Really though, I don't have a problem with popcons on PPCGv2, as long as they're in their own festering corner of the site :P
Challenges like the picture with every colour one and paint with numbers were great fun and created great things.
And I don't hold anything against the old language showcases
@ATaco The all-colors pictures one was great. I use a lot of them as desktop backgrounds.
Image-processing popcons were some of my favourite challenges.
Like the Patch an Image and Pallet swap ones.
Of course, there are many bad Popcons that have popped into existence before
Could we try to avoid an acryonym for the name since those tend to not directly have anything associatable with them which impedes design + brand
Unless we come up with something short and memorable, an acronym is unavoidable
The other side of the coin is that when it comes to Programming, or Recreational Programming, there isn't really a Noun or similar that we can assign to represent what it means to be PPCGv2
Even Stack Overflow, a relatively-short and memorable name, is frequently shortened to SO
RecProg sounds like an Orc's name.
Stack Overflow is, in retrospect, pretty brilliant.
@ATaco Stack Exchange is also pretty brilliant
I hope no-one on this site acts Elitelist against our Father site.
@ATaco That's what rude/offensive flags are for :P
Programming Peacocks.
Name doesn’t need to be related to programming. In fact might be better if it isn’t not
Example: Apple does not make apples
CodeGoat it is :P
Programming Peacocks and Code Goat.
@ATaco That's just terrible enough
@Downgoat Are links in markdown being rendered with ref="nofollow"? If not, that needs to happen.
Yeah that one
We could do a name in a different language
If you want something short and sweet
Programming in the Indonesian language is pemrograman, code is kode, golf is ... I'm starting to realize that Indonesian doesn't change the words very much when it steals from other languages :P
Algorithm, already an Arabic word originally, is just algoritme in Indonesian
@Sherlock9 Neither do most languages. In Russian, All of "Code golf programming computer" sound nearly the same as in English
Although, Programmierpuzzle (German) does roll of the tounge nicely.
@ATaco I'm surprised you didn't go for "Programming Penguins and Code Goat"
Kodogorufu (Japanese for Code Golf) sounds nice too
@Sherlock9 I think you're definitely on to something there
@Pavel I considered it :P
Non-English may not be a great idea for SEO. However, an English-sounding name that is based off of a non-English name would work
Search engine optimization
@Downgoat You used the same icon for Perl5 and Perl6, which is wrong. Here's Perl6:
@Mego Wait, how would such a name work. Am confuse.
@Downgoat You also just used a generic logo for C++, when one exists:
Foreign branding is an advertising and marketing term describing the use of foreign or foreign-sounding brand names for companies, products, and services. When the actual country of origin may not be beneficial, companies tend to use a foreign branding strategy, trying to make customers believe that the company and/or its products originate from a more favourable country than they actually do. In non-English-speaking countries, many brands use English- or American-styled names. In English and other non-English-speaking countries, many cosmetics and fashion brands use French- or Italian-styled names...
Ah, so like what IKEA does.
Basically yeah
I'm a bit surprised that the legions of internet spammers haven't hit us yet
Why do you say that?
What about this chatroom would attract spammers?
I meant the website
Spammers have some magic way of finding anywhere that they can post and slathering it with spam
Kinda like toddlers and crayons
Hey @Mego, my academic advisor would like to email you, because since you will be a big part of my thesis, she says she'd like to have you as a coauthor of the paper that has to accompany the thesis
Is that alright with you?
@Sherlock9 What all does that require from me?
Just your email, she emails you with a relatively formal request "please help my student", we help each other while I write the thesis and paper, and in the end, you get co author on the paper
I will of course show you the paper before I publish it
Ok, that sounds fine
I'll send you my email over Discord PM because I'd rather not publicly post it here. It's relatively spam-free, and I'd like to keep it that way :P
Belated thank you very much. Belated because my phone died
Glad to help
Random name idea: Polygolf. Literally translates to "much golf", is reminiscent to "polygon" (which could be used as design theme for logo and page) and "polyglott".
Still too much of a reference to code golf
Oh, I wasn't aware you want to avoid that, but it makes sense.
Polyrithm, in the sense of "many algorithms" and of the musical term, polyrhythm
6 hours later…
@Sherlock9 If you don't mind me asking, what's the thesis about?
I moved the discussion here because I figured it was now more relevant to the PPCG v2 chatroom than to TNB
Oh I posted that in TNB at around the same timestamp
@Sherlock9 Yeah, I was intrested why your thesis might have to do with PPCGv2 :P
@Sherlock9 Nice. The thing about the imports is true, and in fact there was a point where we had to have a system that would A) Search a directory for all python files to import them, and B) Not actually use the imported modules. It would break if we tried to automatically import everything using the python built in, or not import the unused imports.
That's a hell of a bug
The way imports work in python is complete crap.
Probably my least favorite part of the whole language.
Actually, I don't quite get why this bug happens
What's the problem with Python's imports?
2 hours later…
@Sherlock9 It doesn't anymore. Basically, imports with side effects and python not wanting to find the required files for some reason.
Ah dang
Sounds like a pain
1 hour later…
@Sherlock9 Python's import machinery is both brilliant and a gigantic PITA. Imports are loaded at the exact moment in the script's execution when it reaches the import statement. If the import is already loaded, it inserts a references to the appropriate entry to sys.modules and moves on. If not, it stops execution of that script, puts a reference in sys.modules, and starts execution of the imported script.
Circular imports in the simple case are a non-issue - if A imports B and B imports A, A's execution will cause B's execution, but because A is already loaded, A won't be re-executed while loading B.
However, in more complex cases (foo.A importing foo.B when foo isn't fully loaded yet), stuff can break. Also stuff like SQLAlchemy's ORM adds even more headaches, because stuff needs to be loaded in the correct order in order for the declarative base extension (which allows you to use names instead of references to ORM classes to avoid import hell in ORM model modules) to work.
Good grief
It beats C's #include preprocessor directives, though. Nothing more caveman than just sticking the entire file's contents in the current file.
Oof. Yeah, simple yet completely ridiculous if you think about it long enough
Oh, what do you think of the name Polyrithm that I suggested earlier?
It's one of the better names that have been suggested
@Mego well, the actual definition of the function you #include is added by the linking process, right?
@Pavel Yeah, but linking and preprocessing are two completely different steps in the compilation process
Doesn't SCSS just dump the contents of the file into the new one with its includes?
I dunno. SCSS is black magic to me :P
@ATaco it compiles to a single css file?

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