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@jkerian I dunno...
there's a massive population out there into Anime.
Will depend on which group discovers the site first.
StackExchange has a number of mechanisms to prevent individual groups from taking over, though...
memes don't tend to last very long, for example
@jkerian They do on stackoverflow.
how so?
-1 not enough jQuery.
eh... never seen that... but I tend to stay away from the web-related stuff
I don't even do any web-stuff and I've seen it enough times to know it - well.
heh... Urbana-Champaign eh? I actually visited there on a recruiting trip a few months back
The town here sucks though.
seemed like a pretty typical college-dominated town
But it's in the middle of nowhere.
Surrounded by corn-fields.
And since it's small, it's expensive to fly in.
So I usually take the bus from Chicago.
college successfully keeps anything interesting away from campus in the interest of "atmosphere", so you end up with a commercial district a healthy hike away from campus, which is therefore spread out all across town
So in the end, it takes longer to get here from home than it does to go Hong Kong.
4 hours later…
did someone change their mind and decide to ban the anime tag...?
I tried to add it to a question and got "sorry, the 'anime' tag is not allowed."
hopefully... it's a dreadful tag :P
I'm confused because there was no information about it being banned though
only the meta question where its usage was approved :/
It probably hasn't been unbanned yet...
I think that [anime-version] is still a dreadful tag, but at least it wouldn't take over the site like [anime] will
the anime tag WAS working though yesterday I thought
yeah, it definitely was, since I removed it from a question tagged with both anime and manga
@atlantiza How about the title "How did Jaegar survive to the end of Valkyria Chronicles?"
I had less of an implication that someone was trying to kill him.
*slightly less
@Mysticial I think no matter how you word it, by including his name it's a spoiler...
it conveys "he's supposed to be dead"
I mean like, by removing the name, it takes a lot out of the question. And there will be a LOT of questions like that
for example:
Q: How does Kira Yamato survive the Aegis' self-destruct in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed?

dgwThere are a few places in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed where Kira Yamato faces certain death, is presumed dead by all the other characters, then miraculously reappears in a later episode. I'm curious about one particular incident, for now: His duel with Athrun and the Aegis. Athrun sets the Aegis to ...

@Mysticial That's kindof a spoiler if you're a mecha-fetishist, I guess...
We're potentially ruling out a large category of questions.
"Oh noes!!! Aegis is destroyed!?!?!?"
I don't see how this is taking out questions
And the spoiler problem only exists if you happen to come across the title.
But most viewers should be coming through search engine traffic with people asking the same question.
@Mysticial I don't think it's about forbidding questions... just about making them hard to find by obscuring titles :)
@jkerian But that extremely hurts search engine visibility.
meta thought I was a bot when making a new topic T_T
oh, of course after i make the topic i find the answer
@Mysticial I don't know much about search stats and such, but if you had the full question in the question body rather than the question title, would that not be just as helpful to search engine visibility?
@atlantiza No it isn't. It really needs to be in the title to gain any SEO traction.
So even if the title is slightly spoilerish, it's not gonna stay on the any front-page for long anyway.
And let it draw in search engine traffic.
It seems that only the extremely spoilerish titles should be fixed: anime.stackexchange.com/posts/12/revisions
Whereas in this case, "he's supposed to be dead"... IMO, it doesn't say much since it is a show about war.
well I watched the show but I don't remember too many people dying...
Well, in any kind of show like this, you'd expect major characters to die at the end.
Even if only a handful of them die early.
@atlantiza quite a few of the supporting cast did
I'm sure there were deaths but... hm, how do I want to say this...
not a realistic number of deaths considering they are at war
@atlantiza Given that the main characters possess god-like powers, I'm not sure how surprising it is
and probably the main characters would survive even if a nuke was dropped on their heads
seems we had the same line of thought
@atlantiza Only one of the main characters dies early. But there were plenty of deaths among background characters.
it's similar in a lot of shounen though - even though you see the main character lose what looks like all of the blood in his body, he's still alive. you expect main characters to survive and it's a surprise when they actually die.
so in a war anime I don't expect many of the good guys to die even though they are at war
@atlantiza That's a bad expectation.
@atlantiza The main concern, of course, is that one of the 'good guys' will get twisted around into a villain. I always saw that as the main issue in the recent Gundam shows.
@Mystical well I like when it's not met, but I think in most anime it's normal for the good guys to live
@atlantiza I wouldn't exactly consider Isara as a "main" character. Just a "major" character.
(I forgot who Isara was but I like how this was a result on google pics i110.photobucket.com/albums/n89/coldvinc/Isara.jpg )
haha "No one will die".
@Mysticial anyway, I think we need other opinions about the title since we seem to be set with our opinions :)
@atlantiza Agreed.
I'm grateful that SE seems to be a place where you can just honestly say that without having the other person banter off on how wrong you are lol
@atlantiza No it still happens. Especially if you hang out on meta.SO
And on SO itself, there's quite a bit of very snarky comments on new users who post bad questions.
Too much ego flying around that site since everybody has like 100k.
@Mystical I'm not on any of those techy SEs... I know nothing about that kind of stuff
@Mysticial speak for yourself! (damn... 1%ers)
besides anime I've only been truly active on japanese language & usage SE
@atlantiza JLU is interesting... it's not very active (nowhere near what I expect anime to be), but the content is very high quality
@jkerian yup, I've found some really awesome stuff there. I was so happy when someone sent it to me because it already had a great answer for a question I had been thinking about for a while.
I'd be very sad if it gets closed down but wouldn't be surprised
@jkerian Most of the 1%ers are shameless repwhores. I used to be the same. Then I stopped after about 30k because it wasn't good for my image and I was getting tired of it.
@atlantiza I don't think it will be. If you've listened to the SE podcasts recently, Joel has moved to being in favor of small SE communities, as long as they aren't actually full of spam or really rotten questions/answers.
There's really nothing wrong with JLU, other than a lower Q/d than they'd like to see
@jkerian when I was active I remember some users being not so nice to newer members. has that improved?
But is the question volume here doing better than most other private betas?
This is my first beta, so I have nothing to compare to.
@Mysticial can that really be answered after only 2 days...? :P
@Mysticial Well... I was in go (which never got out of private beta), and JLU
Give us a few more days... but we're much better than go.
I think the first few days will have a lot of a questions and then they'll die down as the obvious questions have been asked
maybe first few weeks even
Turns out that after trying it for a few days, we realized that SE just isn't a very good matchup for game and move reviews (for go)
@atlantiza I don't think a lot of the questions are very obvious.
@Mystical I didn't mean it like that
I've never participated in a 'fansite'... like scifi/movies/literature
we have non-obvious questions but it's more likely forpeople to think of the obvious questions (fma:b vs fma)
eventually we will start to run really low on those
anime fundamentally belongs in that same category... so I'm very much in the mindset of "What problem are you trying to solve?"... and really this is more of a trivia site :)
Of the 100+ shows I've seen the past 3 years, I've only seen like 3 of them show up so far.
So there's definitely a lot of room for more questions.
yes, but people might have to think harder after a while because more questions will already be posted
Right now, it's hard (for me) to come up with questions. But it's a lot easier when I'm watching the show.
Kinda forget everything after a while.
what I'm saying is that, at the beginning, it's likely that a lot of people will ask obvious/major questions (not saying there won't be non-obvious questions). over time, more of these obvious/major questions will be posted so there will be less to post. and eventually, almost all of the new questions will be obscure questions. I just think that's the logical course but maybe it won't happen like that.
I couldn't think of any sample questions for area51 but I'm trying to find some now that we're actually in beta
@atlantiza Stack Overflow has this effect to the extreme because all beginning programmers stumble upon all the same things.
I think it would be a logical flow for all SEs
So what you have now after 4 years is that the vast majority of the top voted questions on Stack Overflow are of the type, "Where is the bathroom?". Basic, but common.
I'm tempted to think the effect is slightly less on here and SciFi.
Speaking of which do we have anyone here who's been on SciFi since the beginning?
I'm off to bed, but I'll probably be around at some point tomorrow... have a good evening/morning/day (whatever time it is where you live) everyone:)
BTW... do we want a question feed in here?
No one 'owns' the room at the moment, but I'm sure Shog can make it happen if we want
I'm in favor of it. But if and when the question volume gets too high, we might have to remove it.
Shog9 has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@Shog9: thanks!
Pick a name for the "messenger"
hmm... anyone have an appropriately nefarious computer program from an anime?
or a cute mascot?
too slow
ask a question to see what I picked...
what even is that? (I cheated... looked at the room info)
4 hours later…
@MadaraUchiha Hi
We need to be very careful on this one.
on what?
my meta post?
Because unlike the PHP reference question on SO. This one is actually subjective.
IMO, it's not gonna work out.
It will degrade very quickly.
I think that in the format Madara proposes it may be weird
in a format similar to the one on JLU it may work
It will, however, need to be protected
Indeed, we must be careful
because I was not thinking about type-questions
That said, I'm not saying that it can't be done.
but rather about some reference books or sites so that one may be introduced in the manga/anime world
The C++ book question SO is working out - but after an extreme fight.
And has very high maintenance.
in my post I talk about the Making of anime/manga
are this questions on topic?
I've seen some on the site though
Making anime/manga are better off on Graphic Design
@JNat We just haven't closed them yet.
should we vote to close, then?
@JNat Yes
just link them here and we'll CV
let me find them
As for your question, let's wait for more community discussion over it, before we open it
is this on-topic?
Personally, I'm somewhat against it. Not because it isn't good, but because it's gonna degenerate.
@Mysticial I think I agree
And Robert scuffed at me when I tossed up the idea of using these questions to give the site an initial boost - then kill them off later.
if the answerer is not familiarized with the means I think the answer'll be subjective
As if I was trying to "cheat" the system.
@JNat That's borderline. I don't think I can judge.
I understand
I find this one off-topic
I'm not sure about the rest of the community's opinion, though
I mean, maybe not off-topic
but one could find it easily on the internet
I'm leaning heavily towards "Not-Constructive".
Not constructive
He's basically asking about an infinite list, and answers would be voted by popularity, not usefulness.
I've flagged it because I've already voted on it
I suggest you guys vote if you can, and flag if you cannot
and regarding ones such as this one, I think that the list could be useful to the new watcher on naruto
but one answer would suffice
and then the question loses purpose
what does one do with that?
it is not very constructive
plus it could easily be found on the internet
The question doesn't lost purpose
but there are no more useful answers
But it needs to be very heavily maintained
Episodes are produced weekly
@JNat That one is fine. It will eventually go wiki, but that's what it's for.
@JNat Sometimes, one is all you need/can have.
@Mysticial that is ok then
I think it is good to maintain such a list
it could attract more traffic to the site
It's okay to have questions that only have one answer.
I was just concerned about what would happen to it
@JNat It will become wikied from everyone updating it.
But it's not going to lead to a non-constructive mess of answers.
I have these concerns because I am quite new at SE
and this is the first time I am actively participating
so I'm a bit in the dark
No worries.
That's why a proposal needs a minimum number of high-rep users from other sites before it can launch.
@Mysticial: btw, are you MysticalVegeta that usually comments in the leaf ninja site?
No I'm not.
ok. I thought you could be
Never even heard of that site.
it is a naruto discussion site
I don't even watch that show. lol
Who the hell is @HellButterfly?
You can change Feeds nickname? :o
@Mochan: I know how to read that, but what does it mean?
@MadaraUchiha I was wondering the same
@JNat "Yo!"
@JNat Ossu = Like "Yo!" "Sup!" A casual greeting!
thank you
Like desu, the u is also nullified when saying that (I think you would already know that, though)
@JNat np
@Mochan yeah I know the reading, just didn't know the meaning.
@JNat Thought so ;)
I know how to read katakana and hiragana
I'm not saying you don't. I did say that I thought you would already know. I was just adding that in case you didn't ;)
@Mochan thank you
No sweat ^u^
@Mochan: are you Japanese?
Not me in the pic fwiw
@JNat I'll give you a secret, but no one must hear
@MadaraUchiha tell me
@MadaraUchiha -listens-
It's not me in the pic either
I feel I should also confess that I too am not the one represented in the picture
@JNat I'm disappointed.
I know
I am too
every morning
when I look in the mirror
and don't see megaman on the other side
A: How does a Philosopher's Stone work in Fullmetal Alchemist?

JNat Isn't the point of alchemy is that you can only get as much as you give? Yes it is. However, the point of the philosopher's stone is to pass that 'barrier' of having to give something in order to get something back. How does that work? Not quite sure. All I know is that it allows the u...

You know, that answer practically means nothing, there is a correct answer for it :P
I'll ellaborate
I actually think some of the questions (can't find em lol) are a liiiiiitle off-topic
I'll let you know when I do -hunting mode activate-
@Mochan There's barely a hundred questions on the whole site. I probably go through about double that on SO every day. So you could just run down the entire list.
@MadaraUchiha: i've composed it
@Mysticial LOL yeah. When I can be bothered (ahaha)
@Mochan You can just scan the titles.
An off-topic title usually cries out loud.
LOL. They are partially of-topic. That's why I asked.
Stuff it. I can't find them.
@Mochan I like "FAQ it" better :P
@MadaraUchiha LOL
@MadaraUchiha lol
@MadaraUchiha: is this law of natural providence I talk about in my answer explained in the anime? i don't recall
or is it something implied but never stated?
@JNat It's stated, but not explained
In one of the first episodes, in Lior
then, how can you use human souls to transmute anything?
I agree but only as a general rule. Some characters do deserve a special tag. :P — Alenanno 9 mins ago
dang, not here lol :P
@JNat Souls are a form of energy, and also are priceless in alchemical values
so they do allow you to bypass (at least partially) the law of EE?
Which means they're flexible enough to be transmuted into anything, and "expensive" enough to last longer.
@JNat There are theories in physics which claim matter to be a "hardened form of energy"
i see
as the stone is
If you had to choose a speciality in alchemy, what would it be?
alchemy or Alkahestry?
@JNat Both
@MadaraUchiha do you mean between those two?
or something 'under' those?
@JNat Yes, one specialty you can choose from.
I think
Roy's Fire alchemy, Armstrong's Artistic alchemy etc.
I see
yeah Mustang's fire alchemy is pretty awesome
I guess I'd go with that
I'd go with Ion and Lightning alchemy
who uses that?
No one, it's an invented one of mine :D
lol ok
Basically, each atom is composed of Protons and Electrons
mustang's alchemy produces an awesome visual effect
By separating those, you can harness their power
@MadaraUchiha you've given this a lot of thought
@JNat I've went to Physics in high school :D
I didn't have physics
@JNat After a bit of power calculations, I've concluded that a pebble can generate enough lightning for 10 thunderstorms.
is this real?
Yes, in reality
that's pretty awesome
If you could somehow split every atom in a pebble, you'd get that many electrons
but I suppose the means to do such a thing do not exist
Not in practice, no.
See, you can't split these atoms without having a considerable amount of energy, and you'd eventually need to use more energy than you gain, that's the law of energy conservation
But alchemy makes it possible :)
we should focus on alchemy then
Actually, when it comes to visual effects, Roy's an interesting one
His circle doesn't glow when he uses it, and his alchemic reaction color is different
I also like Ed's a lot
but the shapes of his objects and all that...
I believe some character once mocked him for his poor taste
am I right?
@MadaraUchiha No. thanks to the second law of thermodynamics. It holds enough energy-equivalent to vaporise a good chunk of the Earth, but you can't actually turn it into that energy without serious work.
@MartinSojka Yes, but alchemy would allow you to split those particles, and with a Philosopher's stone, it'll be on a whole different scale.
@MadaraUchiha That depends on how alchemy interacts with general relativity and quantum theory. :)
It might as well simply not recognise matter and energy as being two facets of the same "thing".
@MartinSojka I don't treat them as the same thing
I'm only interested in the electrons themselves, which is a form of matter
@MadaraUchiha They are, though.
Then I create a conductive path to the target using the water in the air, and possible some salts from my own sweat or some other source
Electrons are also a form of energy. You can fire a stream of them on a slit in a wall, and they'll form diffraction patterns on the wall behind it - same as light would.
@MartinSojka Sure, but fire 10^40 of them on a person, and let's see what happens to the wall behind it :D
@MadaraUchiha Nothing much with the original 10^20. An average human body contains about 10^28 electrons already. You're adding a drop of water into the ocean.
Better? :P
@MadaraUchiha Now you're hitting someone with over 90000 tons worth of electrons.
@MartinSojka So that means that 10^39 would be OVER 9000!!!!
@MartinSojka You do know what OVER 9000 means, don't you?
@MadaraUchiha lol
Yes, but I don't care for silly memes.
@MartinSojka Theoretically speaking, it should be possible to completely tear an object apart if placed inside a powerful enough static field, right?
@MadaraUchiha Static field of what? Electrostatic or magnetostatic, yes. Gravito-static, no; objects can only be torn apart by gravity field differences.
@MartinSojka Yeah, I meant electrostatic
So that means I can create a Raiton jutsu for that. Madara just got a whole lot stronger :D
Sure, at some point you'll break the Van-der-Waals forces between the molecules in the body, for living organisms, and they'll stop functioning.
Cell membranes break apart, the whole thing turns into mush, that sort of thing.
@MartinSojka I was actually imagining tearing the air and ground apart, then shoot deadly lightnings/proton beams on enemies
But that works too, they'll have to get rather close though, wouldn't they?
Anywhere inside the field. Though if you add non-insulating medium around them (like ... air, at over 10kV per metre), they'll get fried long before that.
@MartinSojka I thought Electrostatic fields are practically infinite (only much less powerful over long distances)
Why would they be? They end at electric potentials, whatever they may be. For example, the electrostatic field between the plates of a capacitor ends at those plates.
@MartinSojka But we're talking about a different level of fields here, fields with enough power to tear atoms apart
Would it still be stopped at the nearest conductive wall?
Also, electric potential is a property of a point in space, not of a material of any kind
Yes, the field would still stop at any sufficiently conductive wall (or object). Depending on the strength, even air can be "sufficiently conductive" - the higher the electric potential difference, the easier it is to stop it.
Of course ... the object would get some destructive effects from this, for example it would be heated up. Air turns into plasma almost instantly, which is more conductive, and forms the canals for lightning.
A thin sheet of metal would melt quickly, too. This is what happens then capacitors "burn out".
@MartinSojka So for instance, let's say I'm holding a 50C charge in my hand. My atoms have been working out, and do not melt. How widespread the damage would be?
Can I expect a large sphere of supercharged plasma around me?
Now, an electric field strong enough to turn atoms apart is also strong enough to turn "virtual particle pairs" apart - in pure vacuum. What then happens is that it creates matter in its area, becoming weaker until it isn't able to do so anymore.
50C is what you get when you draw 500mA from an USB connection (the max USB 2 can deliver) for 100 seconds. It's ... not very impressive, but it should give you a nice afro haircut.
It would also discharge into the air almost instantly, giving you a nice sparkling effect.
I come on here to avoid studying for my quantum field theory final in 90 minutes, and it's covered in physics.
(Assuming you're somehow isolated from the earth)
@LoganMaingi lol
Higher charges, more sparkles (and more plasma around you), though at some point you'll have to deal with the fact that you're also being dragged along the magnetic field of your planet. :)
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