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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

guess what (it's probably impossible but you can try)
(and here's the answer)
Tanaka-kun is on my top list with 9/10
watched 6 episodes and they seem like the best stuff I've seen in a long time
everything in it just works somehow
they totally convey the feeling
@Hakase "Tanaka-kun is always listless": LISTLESS!
on my LIST
but really I don't fully understand that word
!!define listlessness
@Hakase listlessness The state of being listless; apathetic indifference; lethargy.
!!define listless
@Hakase listless Lacking energy, enthusiasm, or liveliness.
!!etymology listless
@Hakase That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@arda feature request: add !!etymology command to grab something from wikitionary or idk where people usually take those
> mid-15c., from Middle English liste "pleasure, joy, delight"
languid; listless
> : drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak
: sluggish in character or disposition : listless
: lacking force or quickness of movement : slow
@ton.yeung what do you want to get out of it?
do they really teach that there? are you sure you're not already at or above the level they teach?
Stop it, @Tosh, you freak
user image
all the pictures
I hear a lot of programmers have issues when they're tired to after some working on their knowledge the focus shifts to working on preserving sanity
most methods I've read about boil down to taking breaks from work often, reassessing own ability to understand what you're doing, and if the answer is "no" after 30 minutes of break time, it's time to go home and sleep
it's not just for programmers, I read articles where high level managers say the same
they say over time you figure out faster whether you're too tired and won't be able to continue without a nap or a night's sleep
and almost every of those articles says the older you get, the less you're able to code really productively, so it's better to plan out the general course of the work way ahead and when you're tired only do the most basic parts which you can't make mistakes in, even if you're wasted
non-coders say when you're tired, it's time to read those emails
welcome to the club I guess
ok so this course, do you know from somebody you can trust that it might be useful?
from one of the negative-ish reviews: However MITs offering on the same website and Udacity's CS101 are much more suited for the online medium. It is the use of C that makes Harvard so tantalising, but if you're just beginning it doesn't really matter what language you begin with anyway.
yea seems so
is there a way to check out the list of topics?
I mean the complete list
I think it's called a syllabus
cs50.harvard.edu/docs/syllabus.pdf wasn't very difficult :p
oh this is from 2012
oh what this is not all online?
well it seems interesting
I think I might need to figure out how to do database stuff for my game's map files
as much as I like to solve problems as they come, it seems beneficial to read through one of these courses
basically links to all and any courses related to computer sciences
I usually just google things up when I can't figure em out :p
Watching amagi brilliant Park
Much recommended to everyone
@ton.yeung heh...
I didn't
@arda what's up with your wew profile pic
Did anyone here already work with any official Google API?
I want to store cookies @ local computer so my app can automatically sign in and do the stuff I want without asking for authentication
@ton.yeung I have it already
The key is just mine or.. you now, I can share with anyone?
@ton.yeung I don't know how to work with it. Kek
@ton.yeung nope. I don't understand how OAuth works.
Infinite @Gao will make you have seizures! :)
@ton.yeung How does the client-id/pass thing work?
I just have to ask for authentication once?
@ton.yeung I read something about it
@ton.yeung bidonu
Damn autocorrect
National pokemon of Canada
And a mod I respect said that it is the pokemon that is most like me
He also said something like this about the pokemon: Looks lame at first glance, but quite good when you get used to it.
That was tbh... quite touching.
in The Bridge, 2 days ago, by StrixVaria
@arda Bidoof. At first glance, seems pretty lame, but actually really useful if you take time to get over the first impression.
@ton when I started my project, I received a login and a password. So I can just send these and I can manage my account as I want?
@ton.yeung and then.. ?
I need a practical example; I'll just look it up @ yt
but I'm dumb
I don't know what to do
@ton.yeung google's python official api
I think it's here
not sure tho
I made a pip install
I think it's called gdata
@ton.yeung I'm not sure D:, maybe
I really want to understand the generality of OAuth
@ton.yeung oh, yeah, I did do this part
@ton.yeung not sure lol
@ton.yeung i made a yt downloader and I'm using gdata to check for updates and remove some entry in case of exception
@ton the type is "other"
Name: Desktop Manager
I'm reading about OAuth
Does not look that hard
3 hours later…
@Taisho wow, it's a guy
or a masculine looking woman with a very flat chest
which wont be all that odd here
@Mysticial i hope that's not you selling them
lol, I'd be rich if that was the case.
Granted, they don't exactly fly off the shelves.
2 hours later…
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan yo yo
how are you @memor ? :)
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan good. on the second last scene of my fiction and the automed system for my game is coming along nicely now that i figured out why my code was prevent status effect animations from playing
literally pathetic, lol
@Memor-X noice! what game are you making?
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan i was about to ask how you was going, that could very as well been an answer
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan RPG. battle system is similar to Secret of Mana using Blizz-ABS in RPG Maker XP
i have also bypassed all of RPG Maker XP's limits which are more just the UI being limited, script wise there are none
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan "one of these people are not like the others"
*looks at Gendo*
like the PenPen
@Memor-X haha, i'm fine, thanks. i'm reading some oauth stuff to finish my python yt download script and it's almost done. also, vacations finally started
@Memor-X nice!
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan you going to deploy it? i wouldn't mind getting it to download some videos i watch regularly
like the Co-Optional Poscast which is a couple hours long
@Memor-X you're not putting yuri in it, right? :p
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan which are you referring too?
@Memor-X the yt download thing I'm making can also convert videos (that's actually its main point) to mp3. I made it to download my 1000+ tracks yt playlist
@Memor-X both LOL
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan oooo it downloads playlists. nifty. makes thing easier
@Sakamoto id'ed with xiami, easy
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan the fiction is intended to be but the first Volume doesn't have too much in the way of Shoujo Ai/Yuri. there's hint of it but nothing really happens until Volume 2 Chapter 7.....or 8. i know in Volume 2 there's going to be some.
funny enough with the game originally it was going to be a 4 part series and the first game there wont be any at first because the main character's crush sacrifices his life to save her but later on she meets this other girl who helps her in her depression and much later in the series the 2 become an item. but i've reworked the story to merge all 4 games into the single game and as such the Shoujo Ai/Yuri will be in it.
difference now is that 2 of the 4 endings require you to build up this relationship. ofcause outside from this there was always going to be Shoujo Ai/Yuri in it at the very end in the final scene which takes place inside the greater multiverse and sets the game up to it's chronological position in the greater plot
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan what from?
@Gao Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga Gakuen Rabu Kome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru
https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/537cc13cdb316403bcab3859adc019e9/tumblr_nd322cORBq1s917bwo1_500.gif | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/537cc13cdb316403bcab3859adc019e9/tumblr_nd322cORBq1s917bwo1_500.gif | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/537cc13cdb316403bcab3859adc019e9/tumblr_nd322cORBq1s917bwo1_500.gif | http://iqdb.org/?url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/537cc13cdb316403bcab3859adc019e9/tumblr_nd322cORBq1s917bwo1_500.gif
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan gosh dat long name
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan @Taisho-senpai says that Google-sensei says it's from Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru
what the heck
their faces and boobs are like, burnt with fire
when they blush and stuff
the color used to paint them is like, peppers'
user image
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan shiny fire boobs
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan of course, they mean the eyes, right xD
that Utage Doukaru is so cute
She's like a cuter Madoka's Kyouko but also a tsundere
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan doesn't look that cute to me xD
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan maybe i've seen too much lewd stuff, but it looks to me that something is about to happen...
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan that one i know...
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan wasn't Kyouko Tsundere too?
@Memor-X Kyouko was just... anoying. Not dere at all
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan that is 100% lewd
she was boyish so I'd not call her "cutie"
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan look at forte from rune factory 4, she was tomboyish but still cute...
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan someone in a bikini is lewd?
@Armin no, the problem was her nipple
you could clearly see it
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan oh, didn't see that one -.-
A: Why do many characters tend to have crazy hair colors and styles?

seijitsuQuestion #1: Why do many characters tend to have crazy hair colors? What is the cultural origin of such a style? The origin of this practice is the primarily black and white medium of manga. Manga pages are printed in black and white, so almost all of the art that mangaka (manga artists) draw is...

seijitsu's answer got posted 1 hour ago and the other three non-selected answers got downvoted
I wonder who did that
I'm surprised that this excellent question is 3 years old with over 12,000 views but Killua's question "What is the cultural origin of such a style?" had not been answered by anyone, so I have added an answer with details and examples. — seijitsu 2 hours ago
@Hakase there's 4 actually but there's only 3 which have a downvote
I guess the fourth one was considered valid
i do find the first 4 paragraphs a bit hard to read with all the bolding
lol @Hakase, you have a point
this is really hard to distinguish
I just see it as poor artistry
examples definitely exist where this would not be a problem if they had different faces
Angel Beats wasn't that bad
I wasn't confuse of which character was doing any action
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan that's not Angel Beats, that's Clannad
@Memor-X yeah, ikr
A: Why do many characters tend to have crazy hair colors and styles?

HakaseThe most obvious reasons are: It's way cooler than common haircuts you see on real people; Character will definitely stand out in a crowd; The less obvious reasons are: It's easier to remember characters of a show with lots of them by their hair style and color. Especially useful for shows ...

@Chinatsu-creepy-chan oh, i thought you was commenting on @Hakase's comment on the image you posted
seems to be continued from a series of 3-minute shorts
@Hakase didn't
I want to tho
looks promising
(I have so much anime, but in these vacations I'm going to read a shitload of books)
> "Wait I don't remember this scene??????"
" - Is the continuation of the rebuilds after Mari goes to the future to stop Yui from masturbatiing to Asuka"
I imagine those techy hair clips were a big part of character design board
seems legit
this is the best cat gif i've ever seen (nsfw?)
that was on FP of imgur yesterday
@Quill which one? :p
the cat gif
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan you can that a sword? these are swords
imgurian spotted
did anyone here already watch Koe no Katachi? Looks so beautiful...
@Tyhja I have to go to the imgur website to upload photos to se chat from my phone, so....
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan it didn't air yet, retard
@Hakase h8trz gon h8
the comments just can't compete with reddit
that 140 char limitation is horrendous
and the signal to puns ratio is insanely low
@Hakase twitter-i?
they call themselves a community when they only post puns
@Taisho what
@Taisho what
https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B_8okaqRyPERfmUyTnBGUkRlcHZaVWxCRTR0UTM2MHg4QTJZeFFCNUpfOXE0MXJfZnhpdFE/10098-24777-7049_thumb.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B_8okaqRyPERfmUyTnBGUkRlcHZaVWxCRTR0UTM2MHg4QTJZeFFCNUpfOXE0MXJfZnhpdFE/10098-24777-7049_thumb.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B_8okaqRyPERfmUyTnBGUkRlcHZaVWxCRTR0UTM2MHg4QTJZeFFCNUpfOXE0MXJfZnhpdFE/10098-24777-7049_thumb.jpg | http://iqdb.org/?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B_8okaqRyPERfmUyTnBGUkRlcHZaVWxCRTR0UTM2MH
he reconnected just then
@Quill excuses!
<_<" why u do dis
so it's Touhou. she reminded me of Mary from Shikkoku no Sharnoth ~What a Beautiful Tomorrow~. maybe even a more grownup one who's become like Morgan (thus the sword and pose) while having Crack Chrome's watch
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan title: cute pussy with big sausage?
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan unfair... i'm getting hungry... it's already 2pm and it's getting time for breakfast...
Q: does devil fruit taste bad

Dragonin one piece, some people shown eating the devil fruit such as Sabo and 2 CP9 said it was disgusting or tastes really bad, however luffy was shown eating it at the beginning without a complaint. in the anime series he ate it for being upset. in a movie, it was shown that he ate it for dessert. An...

eats a tomato yum
@Sakamoto good question, bad writing
Q: does brooke and franky have a dream

Dragonin one piece, all of luffy's crew have a dream to become something or discover something. franky already accomplished his dream by building Sunny, brooke's dream wasn't really that clear from the start either, if it was to become a well known musician, he's already accomplished by becoming soul k...

user image
o shet
I know calculus but I'm not even good at diff eqs
There's no way I'm finding the explicit formula to the pendulum
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan O_o what kind of pendulum uses those equations ?
@Hippalectryon Any pendulum
I mean, the basic pendulum's equation is pretty simple (as long as sin(x)=x)
@Hippalectryon that's the problem. approximation
do you know why sin(x) "is" x?
because it's close for x<<1
But keeping sin(x) instead of x, how to you get a diff equation like the one on the page ?
Q: Why is the simple harmonic motion idealization inaccurate?

Lucas HenriqueWhile in my physics classes, I've always heard that the simple harmonic motion formulas are inaccurate e.g. In a pendulum, we should use them only when the angles are small; in springs, only when the change of space is small. As far as I know, SHM came from the differential equations of Hooke's...

@Chinatsu-creepy-chan ah makes sense. Just never thought the real solution would be that ugly ._.
excuse me, mister onebox? hello?
A: Can other players see me on their map?

VirusbombNo there is no way to see other players except seeing them in person staring at their phones while next to a random fountain.

Q: What is the name of this anime or ova? Help Please!

richardHi! I saw an anime or ova that talks about two guys in high school that are like yakuza or mafia. They always fighting and there were a picture of them naked. The picture has been seen by their new classmates in the new school. The first guy has short yellow hair. And the other guy has black long...

all bold
@Hakase yeh, din't know why anything thinks that helps
but hell it's better than typing in wingdings
@Memor-X is there anything worse than wingdings?
youtu.be/Pe0SmaBUZT0?t=122 the punny side of reddit @Quill if you like that stuff you might be interested
@Armin writing it out by hand in your own feces, taking a photo of it then posting it?
@Armin broken encoding which you have to fix first and then half the characters are spaces
or that ^
@Memor-X have you ever seen someone posting a photo of their question?
@Hakase pretty unlikely on se, isn't it?
I've seen it twice
@Armin no but i haven't see someone post it in wingdings either
@Memor-X tru dat
it was on stackoverflow a few years back
idk how long I've been using it
closures are very quick there though
Q: What's a good entry point for The Idolm@ster?

Memor-Xi know that The Idolm@ster started out as a raising sim/rhythm arcade game in Japan but there is also a bunch of Anime and Print Media of it. Is there is a game/anime/manga which is in English in one form or another (either Dubbed or Subbed for anime or officially translated/localized or fan tra...

@Hakase mods are too lazy... they could copy the question from the image because clearly, the op is not able to...
Q: Can you start with Pikachu in Pokemon Go?

HimarmI've heard you can start with pikachu in pokemon go instead of the 3 standard starters. How would one do this? is it even possible?

A: Can you start with Pikachu in Pokemon Go?

KatI was driving home from work, after just starting the game, when I pulled up to a red light/Pikachu. Pikachu was my first. I must've passed the others.

has anyone played Pokemon Go?
not me
I'm eating some great tomatoes with a side of chicken and potatoes
so juicy and delish
@Memor-X i've installed it but i have to wait till my phone has some charge...
fat fly
@Memor-X ive been playing it
i'm level 8 :)
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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