@LucasHenrique: yeah changed my display.
@ton.yeung: I was lazy and probably should have said "display picture".
Though I actually do need to get my laptop tweaked and buy some stuff soon
Oh, it's mostly minor stuff for me. I lost some functionality after I replaced my half-dead hard drive (probably on account of some drivers I'm now missing and which I can't get good replacements for), and I probably should replace that mouse I broke a while ago.
@ton.yeung: the weird thing is that I can supposedly download that stuff from the manufacturer . . . except their downloads somehow aren't "stable" and stop working after a while, and aren't the right format anyway.
Samsung (probably around 650 dollars back in the day)
Oh, "aren't in the right format" in the sense that they're the wrong version (which probably is partly why they stop working)
Nope. Well . . . I've had Windows 7 the whole time, but I think the edition I'm using now (which I got from my college's free software downloads) is different from the one I started with
Well, it's more like the specific drivers (here, the "display manager") can't be downloaded properly, if you will.
At this point I'm just going to try to dig out the relevant files from my old hard drive.
It's not like I can't live without, say, being able to adjust my screen brightness properly, but it really helps.
Yep, someone gave me one of those.
I probably should do something like that. Most of the important stuff I recovered from my back-ups, but those only gave my personal files back.
Not very good for things like expensive software, I suppose.
(To be fair, I'd probably care more if I hadn't gotten said expensive software for free [but legally], but that's beside the point.)
But yeah, I'll look around for that stuff.