Do not repost the question you were about to ask until you have
While trying to ask a question, one could get:
We are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more.
Likewise, for answers:
We are no longe...
I noticed that I can only perform certain actions such as commenting a finite number of times in a given period of time. Obviously, rate limiting is in place to prevent accidental misuse or intentional abuse of certain features.
Where else is rate limiting applied on Stack Exchange sites, and wh...
Firstly I'd like to say that that's an interesting job and I'm jealous.
But to the main point (most of which has been detailed in the comments by other users);
127 cels is a lot of questions. If you're experiencing blocks it's because the site has rate-limiting enabled. This is basically to ens...
I noticed that I can only perform certain actions such as commenting a finite number of times in a given period of time. Obviously, rate limiting is in place to prevent accidental misuse or intentional abuse of certain features.
Where else is rate limiting applied on Stack Exchange sites, and wh...
@ToshinouKyouko In which case, we'd either explain why they are open (considering they were rightfully open, and thus the OP would learn something from this), or proceed by closing them
We've been, since day one, saying: "Oh, and then they'll point to older ones that haven't been closed"
Instead of closing the older ones too, we've been letting that keep us from closing the new ones
Taking cues from sites like TV & Movies.SE, Sci-Fi.SE, and Arqade, I've come up with the following guidelines:
An identification-request should have as many of the following points as possible:
Any description of the leading/recurring character(s) (i.e. physical description, behavior,...
> If the question have less than three (two for questions that include image(s), audio, and/or video(s)) of the the above mentioned criteria, or if the description provided is deemed to be too ambiguous, it will be put on hold ...
Instead of what would happen if we has closed these questions one at a time as they came in, this user is now going to fail to understand why the questions are being closed, and feel like they're being singled out — they'll feel we're taking action against them, and not against their questions
@Eric I think there's something just on image id-reqs somewhere out there
I just wonder why @ʞɹɐzǝɹ let this slip, since he wrote a post that mentioned this user, and he usually is fast on the trigger in closing and deleting these
Lately the quality of some identification-request questions. with no sort of audio-visual artefacts (e.g. an image, video, or sound clip), have been very lacking in quality.
I believe it's time we set some minimum requirements for such questions. We can look at how other SE sites like SciFi and ...
We are currently working on assuring that the image-identification policies on this site are addressing the site's best interests. They are a big deal for this site, considering that not only does meta have a tag called identification-questions, but they also take up 24% of all questions on the m...
Since introducing the guidelines for ID requests, I feel that the quality of 'memory'-based requests have gone up somewhat.
However, there are still a lot of requests that are image-only, such as What is this shoujo manga? *pic included* or Could someone help me to identify these girls? , which ...
When I was looking at this question, I noticed some votes to close it as per the consensus reached here. I didn't have SafeSearch turned on, but in any case, I failed to get any useful results from the Google Reverse Image Search. iqdb, which does not appear to filter for sexually explicit materi...
This track plays toward the end of Refrain, when
I listened to everything on the Little Busters! Original Soundtrack but did not hear this track. Is there something I'm missing - perhaps another album? Can someone find out what this is called, or is it just an unnamed track excluded from the r...