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Anyway I could easily see tea getting enough content to make a site. Given the number of posts I've seen on various tea forums, it wouldn't be hard at all. But it's more a question of bringing those people in and also maintaining quality.
Also, all drinks are allowed on cooking.stackexchange.com, which has a tag for tea.
I've asked some questions about tea there
I'm not convinced anyone there is really serious about tea. The content is decent but mostly beginner stuff.
I don't really know what there is to ask about tea on a pro level
all the preparation methods can be considered subjective because different people − different tastes
I'm not sure how to resolve that for the site
That's true
But there are things you can still say
Like "steeping longer will give a stronger taste"
Everyone would agree with that
@Taisho that looks weird
looks photoshopped
huh it does
you don't say?
the resolution is different on the different characters
yeah, but Naruto's eyes threw me off and I didn't pay attention to the rest
oh there's lot cute girls picture with star, that's what I expected from this chat room
They didn't even do a very good job with the edges.

Proposed Q&A site for people who are using cannabis.

Currently in definition.

@JugemJugem This will be closed for content violation most likely
@user1306322 that's just how his eyes look like
@JugemJugem use? for what purposes? making ropes?
People have made this proposal in the past and it's gotten closed
@user1306322 Given that it's in the recreation category, most likely recreational use
!!define recreation
@user1306322 recreation Any activity, such as play, that amuses, diverts or stimulates.
> The term recreation appears to have been used in English first in the late 14th century, first in the sense of "refreshment or curing of a sick person",[3] and derived from Old French, in turn from Latin (re: "again", creare: "to create, bring forth, beget.)
Recreational drug use is the use of a drug (legal, controlled, or illegal) with the intention of enhancing life (increasing euphoria, blocking unhappy memories, or creating pleasure). Some would also include creativity and religious growth among the effects of certain drugs (cannabis and the psychedelics); understood broadly, this is recreation. Usage of recreational drugs has been associated with various dispositions ranging from curiosity to boredom or low self-esteem, a want to be risky, to meditate, to escape from or cope with difficulties, to relax, to increase energy and decrease ...
I was more interested in etymology
as in what's created
and why again
enhanced life
coz it was hindered
yeah the word itself doesn't make much sense.
if you think about it, most languages have such words that don't make a lot of sense even to native speakers
I can't find the tea proposal on a51 is it deleted or something?
Every language I know has lots of words like that
@user1306322 yeah it was deleted
why delete proposals
Old proposals without any activity are automatically deleted
there are closed questions and such with comments that help understand what went wrong
Which is really annoying
that's bad
yeah but no one is going to fix it
because A51 is the lowest priority thing for SE
it's as if an electrician's tools were his lowest priority
what the hell
I couldn't get a good start with Kyosou Giga
I thought I could handle all that random nonsense, but there's too much to pay attention to
@user1306322 At the first time seeing it, I thought it's gonna be like kill la kill
haven't finish it tho
don't know it's same or not
and who's dat
Miu Matsuoka
anime title sound delicious
and what are those black demon
now it increase
I bet there's no 4th demon
@user1306322 -_-
buckwheat tea…
I wonder what that is
TIL flute is a recorder
Other way around, I think
The recorder falls on the square side of the square-rectangle analogy
dat quality
yea azumanga is notoriously low-q
how long is the wait for delivery from amazon?
save money if you can wait for it
maybe even ask a friend if they have an unused cable and save even more money and time!
I'd buy a few spares then just in case
anyway you could probably expect needing a cable when you got the extra monitors
last time I ordered a monitor I also checked for included extras and had to order the video cable
I still don't have an hdmi-compatible piece of tech :p
my d-sub port started showing a fuzzy picture so I had to get a d-sub<>dva adapter
then I found out my video card does have an hdmi port but I still don't have any hdmi devices to receive that signal
I've been reading some tech site comparisons of various matrices, went to some stores to see them with my own eyes, but I still can't see much difference between $300 and $800 displays even with some radically different matrices
only monitors that looks somewhat better are in pro category and cost 2-3k bucks
maybe I'll order a 2560×1440 display for $300 from a random seller on ebay when my current monitor dies of old age
Q: Should fate-series become one tag?

Shinobu Oshinotbh, I don't watch whole fate-series so I don't really know how to deal with this, but watching fate:stay-night and fate:zero it seems like these are two separate series set in the same universe since fate/zero is prequel for fate/stay night and I want to add some detail in tag wiki for fate-ser...

@user1306322 Yes, there's furigana support here
Q: Can we get furigana support here?

senshinSometimes, I find myself wanting to cite a Japanese text as evidence for an answer to a question on Anime.SE. Japanese sometimes includes phonetic annotations called furigana, which look like this: The small characters in the upper line of text are phonetic annotations that explain how the cha...

@Taisho that's the wallpaper in vm where taisho lives
I don't see Math.SE have any formula options in the footer
Mathjax formatting help comes up when you're posting IIRC
I picked up NGNL, but from the first episode it's hard to figure out what it's gonna be about
lol I meant something else
I didn't pay much attention to the story of NGNL, but from what I saw they didn't do anything terrible.
So just pay attention to the girls and it's a good show.
the animation it too fast and bright, so I can't focus on the details very well
that's not very good for a cuteness-centric series
I didn't have that problem
sassuga kyuuto-sensei
is there a way to find tags that share a word or two?
I think * works as a wildcard in tag searches.
like these Fate series
You could just go to anime.stackexchange.com/tags and type in "fate" and see what it autocompletes to
I kinda want to see all such tags without knowing specific words they have in common
For that you'd need data explorer I guess
I don't think anyone's written a query to do that though so you'd have to do it yourself..
yeah I can't find anything like that
and I don't know the syntax so…
This question basically summarizes how I feel about Hinduism SE as a whole:
Q: The Inmates are Running the Asylum?

jabaharI read this post of the user vedicd. The question he tired to raise was valid, but his approach was probably wrong. If he knew the answers were wrong, then he should have posted the correct answer there. Nevertheless, I feel the point he was trying to raise regarding the overall status of the sit...

Essentially, I have no idea what is going on, but I'm pretty sure bad things.
I think the site has to be about sensible things in order to stay sensible in the future
it all started from SO which is as sensible as it gets probably
Most of the religion sites are at least capable of sticking to official doctrines and supporting their answers with citations
then people just have to learn from it and follow the example
Anyway I don't think just following what SO does is a good way to build a community. Most experts, regardless of the topic, are not programmers, and have a different culture than programmers.
I mean the rules that can be applied to other topics
At the end of the day, how you deal with community moderation and building needs to be tailored to that community.
subjective questions and questions that aren't really questions are already a problem on many other sites
That's why MO was successful. It was moderated and run solely by professional mathematicians for several years prior to joining SE, at which point it already had a sizable community.
If you compare to a site like Physics, they still have quality problems today because there are a lot of enthusiasts and non-experts asking mediocre questions and giving wrong answers. But since the community itself is mostly not professionals, they don't get evaluated terribly accurately.
A little belated, but what I saw of NGNL struck me as a slightly better/more interesting Maoyu: a series that had really interesting ideas (and in NGNL's case, some fascinating designs) and didn't trust them enough, instead giving itself over to fanservice that felt not so much pandering as just out-of-place.
@StevenStadnicki can I ask you how you so suddenly got here to talk about NGNL?
Well, I didn't really drop in here to talk about NGNL - I just happened to drop in (from the mathematics chat room, from the main math SE site) and saw the discussion in the backscroll.
I don't want to come off as rude, it's just interesting because you don't have an A&M account
I didn't feel like the fanservice in NGNL was particularly forced so much as a big part of the appeal of the series. The actual story was not particularly groundbreaking IMO.
Huh, I guess I don't. I could have sworn I set up an anime.SE account at some point.
backscroll? it that an all-rooms chat message list or something?
If you didn't have any posts and didn't visit the site for 6 months, it could have been automatically deleted.
headshake I just mean that I dropped in here from the list of all the chat rooms, and then just read the past conversation.
ah, I got it
well then, welcome and if you'd like to stay, might as well make an account and ask some questions if you have em
I will at one point or another, I'm sure, but I haven't had a lot of really SE-suitable questions.
Although now that you mention it, there's a relatively obscure manga I'd love to get more history on from someone really knowledgeable about it...
if it's too obscure, I'm not sure you'll get your answer fast if at all
do anime rating sites and their forum users know A&M exists?
@user1306322 For the most part, no
is there a way to find out how many visitors come from them?
I can believe I might not! But it's never gotten an answer anywhere else, so SE is at least another place to try.
We're pretty obscure outside SE
@user1306322 Mods can see where traffic is coming from, but officially they aren't supposed to tell us
Q: What is the name of this rap being sung in the background of music?

アズーサI really like this Japanese rap that is being sung in the background, but it is being drowned out by voices and the music of the instruments during the scene. If I could understand Japanese it would be good, but unfortunately cannot. Does anyone know the name of the rap being sung in the backgro...

why the hell not?
it helps manage advertisement
Because they're not supposed to share any information they get using mod superpowers
a lot of rules are silly on SE
Actually technically that doesn't seem to be part of the moderator agreement: anime.stackexchange.com/legal/moderator-agreement
That only mentions user information
But there are "other moderator policies" which I guess could still count
Actually, a question about my question (or the question I'm thinking of): would a question about the 'back story' (licensor history, sort of) of a manga be on-topic?
these mahou shoujo names are confusing
it seems like they're related, but they're not
Yes, that would still be allowed
@user1306322 what names? The ones for characters other than Sonico?
I thought they were all related to various Nitro+ productions
they are, I'm talking about the names like Mahou Shoujo ?????★Magica
Well that's a parody of Madoka
oh well that explains it
Admittedly between Kazumi and Orico and the side story it's a natural mistake to make!
does anyone know a reverse google image search link I could use by pasting an image link as its argument?
not sure I understand your question
Logan: they want to start with an image (unattributed, etc.) and find other copies and/or more information about it.
(Or at least that's what I'm presuming)
Yes, I got that, but he want's do do it automatically somehow
something like hxxp://google.com/&q=link
I think I saw that cool links a few times on the main site
Yeah I don't know of any way to do that unfortunately
Yeah, but I've seen search engines that can do that (start with an image and find other similar images) - e.g., you could start with a blurry finger-painting that looked vaguely like it and find the Mona Lisa.
I just don't recall any URLs offhand. :(
Google can do it
found it
Ah yeah that does seem to work
if people knew how to google properly, SE sites would diminish by 60% — Mindwin Apr 3 at 1:26
For most of the time I've been on this site I was using chrome, and I could just right-click to do an image search
Now I've just been going to Google's homepage and uploading manually, which only takes a few seconds.
damn I even used that link in one of my anime-id answers
firefox also has tons of google-image plugins that add right-click menu option for that
I never seem to find the same one after I reinstall firefox though
the option moves around the menu every time
Q: Where does this picture of a magical girl style series come from?

SigintLong story short, my friend linked me this picture so I could tell him what it is, but frankly I have no idea. I cant even tell him if its manga/anime or just random fan-art. So if someone knows the name or anything, I would appreciate it.

Someone tell me what to watch this season. I looked at the list but I still have no idea which shows are going to be worth looking at.
@Taisho You have a weird selection of images
@Taisho wtf is this lol
It's Cowboy Bebop
!!youtube cowboy bebop OP
Is she offline? :(
Logan: None of them, I think. It's a kind of bleak season. :-)
that's what the imgur op put together to reach 300 image album
More seriously: Barakamon looks pretty good (and I've heard good things about the manga), Bakumatsu Rock at least has entertaining upside (best-case, it's Jojo with guitars), Aldnoah has some names, and there's always Free?
I just added that as a test to see if it will work
I really suspect my viewing group is gonna take this summer to play catch-up on some stuff we missed, though.
by all means, upload better selections of images
where is that huge anime list pic link with covers and titles compiled by some guy on black background?
Okay how do I upload images again?
#wallpaper add link
Link type not recognized.
but with an actual link instead
#wallpaper add help
Link type not recognized.
#wallpaper help
Posts wallpaper links from time to time. Commands: enable, disable, post, add, status, timeinterval, postinterval.
enable − Resume posting wallpaper links.
disable − Stop posting wallpaper links.
post − Post a random image link on request.
add − Add a single image link, multiple image links separated by spaces, or a link to text file with image links separated by line breaks (pastebin raw link accepted).
status − Print module status, posting intervals, counts of posted and queued links.
timeinterval − Returns current value or changes it.
Yeah and the link is to a text document where each line is the URL of an image right?
Okay got it
Will upload some in the future
As for the chart, is this what you want?
@user1306322 There's a version of it at crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/07/01-1/…
@StevenStadnicki yeah, that's what I was looking for
There's something amusing to me that crunchyroll is using neregate's charts.
can I get a full image link?
btw it should be pinned probably
2 mins ago, by Logan M
As for the chart, is this what you want?
ah didn't see the link
I don't know if we need to pin it
Most ppl here probably already know that the new season is starting.
well not this one, but I mean pin the new ones regularly
myanimelist.net/anime/22319/Tokyo_Ghoul probably has an interesting story
I'll be watching locodol, but I don't expect it to be in any way groundbreaking or spectacular.
chat why you cut off the titles
It should just be another show with cute girls becoming idols. We've had them every season for years now.
myanimelist.net/anime/22729 it's an original, so I don't know, maybe it'll be fun or not
myanimelist.net/anime/21681/Hanayamata I'll check this out though it's not my thing usually
Early reports on Locodol have it a little worse than the average idol show.
Hanayamata is probably terrible but I admit I'm kind of curious too.
myanimelist.net/anime/22835/Himegoto who knows maybe it'll be 7.5/10
never judge anime from one episode
myanimelist.net/anime/14355/Yama_no_Susume looks nice, but ratings are low for some reason, gotta check it out
there's second season airing now
@user1306322 S1 for that wasn't bad for a 3 minute comedy series
from 9 july
I think S2 is going to be half-length episodes
Psycho-Pass something is airing in July that image says, but I only see season 2 which will be later and the movie which is in 2015, but I still expect it to be interesting
The one airing this season isn't S2
It's an edited version of S1, which will have some new content but mostly be the same
@ton.yeung oh then nvm
Monogatari something, which can't be bad
that's it for the series
space bros movie?
Ghost in the Shell Arise 3 is already out, and it's fine
Yeah, but unfortunately Kanbaru is my least favorite character in that series by a fair margin.
you have normal tastes then
which girl actually normal there
myanimelist.net/anime/20457/Inari_Konkon_Koi_Iroha. is a nice series if anyone doesn't know
Oh I still have to watch the OVA for that
That's good to know. It looked okay (and I'm definitely a fox fan), just... decidedly bland.
but it was kinda average in my book
I really liked what I caught of Gingitsune, though.
yeah they were somewhat similar in setting
I think I've seen the PVs and CMs for everything airing this season that I have any interest in. I just don't have any idea which ones are actually going to be any good.
Whatever I'll just watch everything
Easier than making decisions
I only have the time for ~3 new series a season. And I've seen enough at this point that I'm mostly just looking for stuff that's >interesting< in one way or another. 'New' would be even better, but that's even rarer than interesting.
I'm hoping to land in the 10-15 range, but experience tells me that it's more likely I'll end up with at least 20 shows, half of which I don't really care about but can't bring myself to drop.
@StevenStadnicki Mushishi, Monogatari, Kino no Tabi, basically anything directed by Makoto Shinkai is what I'd recommend
Yeah, I know. I'm a sucker for a lot of the Shaft stuff (they tend to be visually interesting, at least) and I started with Shinkai all the way back when a friend pointed me to Voices of a Distant Star.
I think my biggest pleasant surprise of the last year or so has probably been Log Horizon, of all things - it's hardly new, but they got so many little details right.
Q: Should bots not speak unless they are spoken to?

HostileForkOur friendly RebolBot got flagged for the first time, apparently for an automated greeting. Another bot was taken down for (among other reasons cited) speaking without spoken to: Is it the case that bots shouldn't speak unless they're spoken to? From a technical angle, I can understand the p...

an interesting story by Zirak posted as answer
@user1306322 How many images (roughly) do you want for @Taisho? I can get as few as a couple hundred or as many as 25k depending on your preference. The average quality will be higher if you pick fewer.
@user1306322 Yeah I remember that
There was also a similar thing on meta SU IIRC
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