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@UnrelatedString knook
@UnrelatedString No
First move is g2 to g4
time to google how en passant works
Lest you get the brick
so if black takes f4 to g3 then white can f8 to b3 but then black can still c1 to c2 and maybe i just don't know the definition of "mate in n" :P
and it seems like absolutely nothing is accomplished if they don't f4 to g3
@lyxal is this entire thing like five memes stacked on top of each other
Also, double check is instant mate
so they also have to take f4 to g3 because of course en passant is forced
that's amazing
See? Double check = checkmate
why of course
also i think this is the first time i've seen a single giant latin letter with furigana on it
15 hours later…
@lyxal I must be missing something. Why is Qxe4 not an option?
2 hours later…
@DLosc It's probably a meme
1 hour later…
I have finally listened to Revenge and TNT
2 hours later…
@DLosc duh, en passant. Google it.
1 hour later…
@lyxal I know what en passant is. And just to be sure, I googled it anyway. While taking the pawn with en passant is an option for black, taking the pawn with the queen looks like a much better option.
The joke is that en passant is "forced" because it's a meme
then you should know that en passant is forced
@lyxal No, I shouldn't. No such meme pops up when I google en passant.
@lyxal can’t tell if this is a joke or not lol
@AidenChow (it is)
@AidenChow Apparently it's an attempt at one
it's really bad r/anarchychess shitposting
in Off-Topic TNB, 36 mins ago, by Ginger
this is why we can't have nice things

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