« first day (2730 days earlier)   

oh noes! I have spawned atop a tree without a way down that doesn't take fall damage
there's no concievable way down!
if only there was something specific in my inventory that would help with this dire situation
hold on, what's that?
a portal device?
saved from fall damage at last!
(doing a world with portals for fun)
(see if it makes things any different to my vanilla world)
The base so far
not much yet, but workable imo
who's gonna tell him about waystones
I don't want fixed landmarks I want funny haha flings :p
Infinite falling cycles, point and click goodness
Not "set up landmark and bam instant teleportation"
what version/loader is this?
1.20.4, multimc, fabric
That's the portal gun mod
Added on to the fabulously optimised mod pack I already use
fabric :(

« first day (2730 days earlier)