If I'm seriously considering the US Presidency as my career path, which I am, I'm thinking about doing Air Force ROTC
Having been in the military would look good and maybe win me some votes, maybe not at the presidential scale, but for local stuff where I'd be more centrist and military service would look good to conservatives who don't realize I'm a dem socialist
And it'd also make college free which means I don't have to get my parents to lend me the money
I'd have to work for the air force for four years, but it's a guaranteed job and I'd probably end up doing something computer sciency anyway
There are plenty of audiophiles who aren't insane.
And a smart audiophile genuinely knows his shit, especially in regards to quality headphones.
But then there are those who pay thousands of dollars for gold-plated USB cables that they suspend from the ceiling with special metal hooks and think that FLAC beats even the highest Opus bitrates.
@RadvylfPrograms Meanwhile I keep an ever-expanding mental list of reasons why I don't want to be US President. ;P Different strokes for different folks, eh?
@DLosc I know I probably would not enjoy being president, for a number of reasons, but I feel like it's kind of my duty to go for the highest political office I can manage, since I'm interested in politics and interested in protecting the interests of the people
And I figure the number of people seriously aiming for that at my age has to be fairly low, so my odds can't be too bad