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@Unionhawk it also violated the GPL
6 hours later…
@Nzall Haven't heard that one, how so? =o
@Elva Because Mastodon is licensed under the GPL, and the GPL, nasty little license that it is, requires derived products to share the source code
And they didn't do that
UUuuuuuhm, you're assuming that it's a derivate product and not just a configured mastedon instance
I think @ave might be more helpful here, I think she knows more about this
I think part of the issue was that the Mastodon developer never gave permission to T**** to license it
GPL doesn't require people to take a license specifically
> Its terms also say that “all source code” of Truth Social is proprietary. That might run afoul of Mastodon’s own license.

“The main thing is that Mastodon is free software, released under the AGPLv3 license, so anyone can use it—provided they comply with the license. The main part of the license is making the source code and any modifications to it available to the public,” Rochko told Motherboard. With Truth Social saying that its code is proprietary “that would be a problem, as that would indicate a license violation,” Rochko added.
This is AGPL, thats very different from the GPL
AGPL means you also have to provide the source if you host the software, not only if you distribute it
@ave \o
Nzall, mastodon is AGPLv3, truth social is a masto fork. What Elva said is correct IF it's not just a configured masto instance, but if they do have changes, they are obliged by the AGPLv3 to release the source code (also under AGPLv3).
gargron doesn't need to specifically license it to trump or w/e to make it available to them tho
and in fact one of the requirements of being a free software is that anyone can run it, modify it, etc, and GPL is written with this in mind.
The only potential violation I see is that the source isn't public. Also ofc: IANAL.
Well that's definitely what we need, extreme poster energy
@ave Yeah, though as you also noted, it doesn't need to be public if it's just configured and they can say "Source is here original site" if asked by lawyers
@TimStone is this good or bad?
3 hours later…
@Elva they seem to be going with "it's proprietary" which is patently and obviously false lol
1 hour later…
You know they will just spin that as THE LIBS WANNA CENSOR US and carry on
even if they are 100% in the wrong, caught hand in the bag.
Like fucking gaetz. He got got with literally the receipts. Their reaction: ITS JUST A CAMPAIGN TO SILENCE US! MAGA
theres just no winning with them
@Fredy31 That's why the goal when faced with conservatives is not to win yourself, but make them lose
When you make them lose hard enough, they get disillusioned and abandon hope
Conservatives will always move the goalposts and try to deflect, so your goal should be to keep kicking that ball into their face until they give up
Problem is that conservatives also tend to dig their heels in when they lose
so you need to keep pushing them until they fall on their ass
1 hour later…
sines v kessler is apparently under way
final jury selection monday, the defendents (who all hate each other) have to agree on their 6 strikes
1 hour later…

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