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6 hours later…
11:26 AM
> Jacob Rees-Mogg says the Health Secretary's guidance on wearing face masks in crowded indoor spaces doesn't apply to Conservative MPs because "we on this side know each other" and have a "convivial fraternal spirit."
3 hours later…
2:16 PM
you mistyped there. Its COVIDIAL fraternal spirit.

Tell that that a fraternal spirit makes you immune to all the families that were demolished because they passed covid around at a family meet and it killed a good few of them.
3 hours later…
5:30 PM
@Nzall Ah yes, spreading covid as a gesture of love
6:18 PM
someone watched too many saturday morning cartoons about the power of friendship
6:35 PM
Trump new social media platform is not even live yet and reports are saying its already hacked. With the donaldjtrump profile having a pig shitting picture force posted on it
@Fredy31 parody account, just FYI
in any case someone has grabbed that username and apparently it's just a mastodon instance
and I think it's shut down

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