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> The assistant director did not know the prop gun was loaded with live rounds, according to a search warrant filed in a Santa Fe County court.
i heard this on ABC as i was playing Final Fantasy and the question i have is.....why would you bring a live round loaded gun on set
i would have thought that they would use specially designed guns that wouldn't fire live round even if you used them
@Memor-X it is still unclear if this was an actual live round or a blank round. It seems that in the movie business they tend to call blank round "live" to distinguish them from completely inert props
So all reporting on this is inevitably confused because the slang used on movie sets is not obvious to outsiders, and in this case very misleading
lmao the new york times
what in tarnation is this
6 hours later…
@Memor-X Yeah, films and TV shows will often use real guns, sometimes modified to not be able to shoot bullets, but they can still shoot blanks. Some prop guns are also able to shoot special rounds that spark on impact, although these are usually more like paintball guns and aren't screen guns.

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