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@Stormblessed Oh my god their actual reasoning was that "he was frustrated"
You too can attempt vehicular homicide if you're frustrated! taps earpiece Oh wait I'm hearing no, no you absolutely can't
@TimStone "your Honor, I killed my spouse because I was frustrated." "NOT GUILTY!"
@TimStone so you can be held accountable for crimes while you’re drunk, but they decided to release a guy attempting vehicular manslaughter because he was mad? Wtf
@TimStone My Zeus Trump loves deflecting blame
@Stormblessed when will I ever learn to stop looking at the replies. Humanity was a mistake.
Trucker tries to run over protesters. Meanwhile, on Twitter "Why did the protestors assume he was trying to hurt them!"
@TimStone meltdown may ended 2 days ago dude sorry you got in too late
It sounds like that they may have not closed the highway properly, so he didn't realize it was closed? twincities.com/2020/06/01/…
We have a hyperlocal curfew so I can't wait to email the trustees tomorrow like "yeah nothing happened last night, you guys just overreacted huh"
Which is okay, but also you were still speeding? And shouldn't a person's response to confusion be "I should slow down"
Eh, might not have been speeding on an interstate
Actually, looking at the video, it does look like he tries to stop well before he hit the protestors
Those 18 wheelers do take a long time to stop
So this might actually be a case of city officials fucking up shutting down a highway.
@Unionhawk According to that article claiming it wasn't intentional, it says he was speeding
> He was doing somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 mph. “From what we understand, he was speeding,” Harrington said, cautioning that his information was “preliminary” and based on based on investigators’ interview of Vechirko, reviews of traffic cameras, and other sources.
Not that driving 70 on most interstates would be considered speeding by 99% of drivers. Plenty would get angry at your for going that slow.
That's 112kph in non-freedom units
Regardless, the driving after the stop, through/in a crowd with people hanging onto the cab... could use some explaining.
He was honking and everything too. Might legit be a combination of reckless driving and city officials failing to properly close a highway
(That said, if audio of this guy on his cab radio came out with him yelling "what the f--- is going on, there's people on the highway banging on my truck... Shit, they've got me surrounded!" One can conceive of legitimate confusion there.)
@nitsua60 In the video, it looks like he's slowing down. Those trucks take a while to stop.
As in, slowing down before he got to the protestors
:54550255 Yeah--I've got plenty of other things to get sickeningly-angry about, this one might just be a legitimate scare.
(Then again, maybe it's not.)
@nitsua60 Yeah, sadly, there's no shortage of fucked up shit right now.
@nitsua60 There's enough doubt for me that I'm personally not going to crucify the guy.
@Wipqozn yeah 70 in I assume a 65 is pretty normal
70 in a 55 is a bit quick but not abnormal
Idk what the limit is through there but it's probably no less than 55
This is the video that, to me, suggests it was an accident twitter.com/pancaakebunny/status/1267893717387575301?s=09
Unlike the James Fields case, my man did hit the brakes
Because it does look like he's slowing down, it's just that takes a while for those trucks
(in the trial of James Fields, they went frame by frame on video and asked "are the brake lights on?" for every frame. The answer was no every time)
Yeah if he didn't hit the brakes he would not have stopped at all, plain and simple
@Unionhawk is that the guy from a couple years ago, which murdered that woman?
Yup, looks like I'm thinking of the right guy
@TimStone tbh considering how often the president implements federal policy on Twitter, this might actually stop the violence. You know, since we live in hell.
These cops must have stock in the companies that sell pepper spray, considering how often they're used v.redd.it/kx24mlpvbk251
9 hours later…
Keir Starmer has essentially accused the government of indirect discrimination (on top of the usual problems) at PMQs. He also opened by making a point about how the PM has failed to mention anything about the protests in the US
@Tim You've been warned twice now, and it's also been made quite clear that comparing a suspension by a mod to being murdered by a police office is highly offensive to people who have been the victims of police brutality. I can tell you're upset so I'm giving you a free pass this time. Don't do it again. Additionally, don't bring up the topic of your suspension here again, since you've been told that this is the proper venue to appeal that suspension.
@Wipqozn Thanks for intervening. It's a little bit annoying that our only EU mod isn't active here, but we'll manage
At least, I think Wrigglenite is our only EU mod
@Nzall Site mods are under no requirements to participate or moderate chat. Even if they were, we can't be around 24/7, especially on desktop (moderation on mobile is very difficult). Additionally, Robotik is located in Australia.
ALways feel free to use the custom moderator flag button if you need a mod to step in, and none are around.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I get that
@Wipqozn Thanks for the advice. So flagging for moderator attention sends a notification to all mods active in chat, right?
@Nzall Yes. Unlike the regular chat flags, only mods will see it. You can also include detailed information on the issue.
Ben and Jerry's has put out quite the statement benjerry.com/about-us/media-center/dismantle-white-supremacy
> All of us at Ben & Jerry’s are outraged about the murder of another Black person by Minneapolis police officers last week and the continued violent response by police against protestors. We have to speak out. We have to stand together with the victims of murder, marginalization, and repression because of their skin color, and with those who seek justice through protests across our country. We have to say his name: George Floyd.

> George Floyd was a son, a brother, a father, and a friend. The police officer who put his knee on George Floyd’s neck and the police officers who stood by and w
Probably the best statement I've seen come out of a company so far. Way more than just a boilerplate.
@Wipqozn Wow, yeah. I saw Discord's yesterday and I just don't get how they felt able to write such a thing while allowing what they allow, for comparison
@Mithrandir24601 Haven't seen Discords yet, but Reddits one was pretty shallow too, if that's what you mean. Reddits been a safehaven for white supremacy and just general bigotry or years, so any statement they make is just hollow pandering.
Quite a few subs have "blacked out" for a few hours (or longer) to basically protest Reddit speaking out against white supremacy while giving them a platform to operate.
@Wipqozn Shallow with lies, yup
I do know someone who used to use Reddit, then stopped and well, yeah, then saw how awful it can be
Limited evidence that extremists drive protest reut.rs/2XtQ0E5
> In part of a June 1 internal, intelligence assessment of the protests viewed by Reuters, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials said most of the violence appears to have been driven by opportunists.
god dammit nextdoor walmart is closing early so that workers who live in the city can actually go home, not because they're afraid that antifa is going to burn it down chill out
you can burn down a closed store anyway
it doesn't need to be open for that
Note: those hashtags have been suborned by K-pop twitter
@TimStone jfc, laughing at them too.
Mayor Cranley, Chief Isaac, this guy, the rest of the department, kindly walk straight into the ohio river thanks
I'm pretty sure one of the people held Saturday night had a seizure due to hypoglycemia
So this would literally not be the first time Cincinnati Police did this in the past few days
Oh look we've been owned, the park service probably didn't use CS or CN canisters, they they used OC canisters, which have all the fun of tear gas + cause debilitating swellling!
the park service is telling me that they didn't use tear gas, they merely used a smoke that causes, hm hang on
Turns out they were just mad they didn't get credit for using Tear Gas+
I've actually never heard of OC being used in that delivery mechanism
Same kind of energy as someone getting insulted you thought they bought store brand cheese
It's extremely common as a targeted spray
Yeah, for both protests and bears, so maybe the park service has it for when the grizzlies have had enough of our shit
I mean, I personally wouldn't throw a grenade at a bear but maybe that's why I'm not park police
If you can't throw some sort of grenade are you really a federal enforcement agency?
Ideally yeah
@TimStone well got to examine it to make sure he can hide in there
if not from the protests, the government if he looses and refuses to leave the White Hourse
@Tim Please do not use this room to continue to air grievances about a past suspension. If you would like to appeal, please use the contact form.
Wild to think that fancam activism has already done infinitely more than checks notes The party which controls the House
@TimStone And also effectively DDOS a Dallas Police service looking for protest videos.
People are getting mad at the Kubernetes developers for some reason and I'm just like "Why did they stick containers in the plane?"
One of the best pollsters according to 538’s recent ratings
Some BLM reporting from Kotaku
@TimStone It's nice that we need to rely on social media to rein in the president, since the senate won't.
today I learned that police helicopters are apparently registered as N911XX
allowing about 1296 possible police helicopters in north america
I think our entire state only has two so that probably checks out
Technically it's less than 1296, since like, N911C7 is not valid, but still
they had mike dewine on and he was just like "no I'm not going to allow an indoor gathering of 10,000 people are you nuts"
This seems good but also maybe just Bill Barr convinced Trump that letting the Bureau of Prisons riot police do the beating was better
oh my god the LAPD review board call
Yes, lol
> I know you're all having a rough day, what with everyone here telling you you're bad at your jobs. Have you considered being good at your jobs? If not you could find new jobs in retail or restaurants!
@TimStone hmm, I wonder if Esper will stay defense secretary for long now
A good question
Though I still think my hypothetical is worth considering because prison riot police excel at treating people as subhuman
So maybe it was a mutual agreement to let the soldiers get back to whatever they were already supposed to be doing
@TimStone came here to post this.
@TimStone I'll never learn not to look at the replies. "The bystanders are more at fault. The killer could've just been having a bad day. Bystanders have no such excuse"
DAE ever just have a bad day and choke a man to death with your foot?
It's actually city policy for any bystanding officers to step in in a case like this, in fact
They already lost their jobs for that iirc
@Unionhawk They did, yeah.
tbh I really hope upping this to second degree doesn't result in him being found "Not Guilty", if they can't "Prove" intent :/
> Surgisphere, whose employees appear to include a sci-fi writer and adult content model, provided database behind Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine hydroxychloroquine studies
but considering his history, and like, wtf you stepped on his throat until he died.... intent should be implied
Just worry about juries being stupid
oh my god
Hydrocholorquine is still not something you should just take for funsies but they stopped trials because of this database which might just be fake
@TimStone shockedpikachu.jpg
> "Given the events around George Floyd, including the burning of a police precinct is..." Justified 54%, Not Justified 38%
@Unionhawk what
54% of monmouth respondents said let it burn
@Unionhawk Yeah I was surprised my mom was complaining about looting but then when I started countering about police property she was like "I don't even care about the police's stuff"
And I was like "Huh alright then, FTP indeed"
@TimStone I mean if anyones stuff deserved to get burned as a result of Flloyds death, it's definitely a police station.
oh god those gravatars are way too similiar
@TimStone needs to change his profile image to a picture of a cat or something
Actually he should change it to a picture of @TimPost
apparently mpls city council is looking at what it would take to disband the department and start over
@TimStone Uh, what
> But he claimed that the bill might “conflate lesser crimes with lynching,” which he said would be a “disservice to those who were lynched in our history” and result in “a new 10-year penalty for people who have minor bruising.”
Okay so for starters it would be a penalty for the people who caused the bruising buddy, not sure how you got the wires crossed there
he's just concerned that his neighbor could be charged
> The military cannot be used as a political weapon
andy that's the ONLY thing the military can be used as
lol MN Star-Tribune is issuing 8.5x11 press badges
You can't
a molotov cocktail with a plastic bottle???
that doesn't work?
it has to
Only the brightest at our police departments
except that isn't true, they're allowed to select low IQ individuals specifically when hiring
@Unionhawk Look, you know that, but do the people they're trying to goad into believing protestors are terrorists know that?
glances around Actually yeah probably because this is really dumb even for police posturing
picture of undented can of beans this was thrown at our officers, and wasn't just left behind
I'm kind of tempted to order an IWW Freelance Journalists Union press badge lol
you're press as long as you're recording after all
@TimStone These effects work both ways, they also used hydroxychloroquine in some trials for other drugs because it was used so widely and promoted that they didn't think they could enroll enough people if they give plain placebo. All the bad science on this shit has messed up later parts
Ah I see the White House twitter account is publishing very sane and cool videos, again
attempted vehicle ramming attack in Cincinnati
Nobody hit
@TimStone I thought this was in response to your link at first, and was confused
Ah, yeah, no, the attempted vehicular homicide
Apparently the police keychain minifig is named Duke DeTain, that is all
So the township sent me a reply clarifying their curfew and I'm even more confused
Apparently their order just applies to if people break things?
Isn't that? Already illegal?
No Crimes Past Midnight
and such
How could we have predicted that we would confuse people by using words incorrectly
We never meant for businesses to have to close we just wanted to have our cake and eat it too
Ah shit though now I've poisoned myself in the possible event that I get called for a jury on this order
Can't exactly lie about thinking the law is fine and not confusing when you've sent an email to the township saying you think it's bullshit
I mean they responded so now you're totally clarified on the issue and cool and fine
I replied again essentially saying "that's even more confusing what"
@TimStone Insert witty gremlins reference here
@Unionhawk Oh well now you've done it
@Unionhawk You're out of control
Oh my god the President is gonna tweet some tweets, folks
@TimStone I like how LEGO is doing more to help than the POTUS, and all they've done is to stop some marketing
My man is just explaining the concept of "declaring an unlawful assembly" rather than one of a curfew
Which are two different things but whatever
@TimStone Is that in 5 minutes, or is it one of the other confusing US timezones?
like what if such an assembly occurred at 4:30pm dude
@MadScientist Yeah, now four minutes
guess what you didn't prepare for shit
> WASHINGTON (AP) — Esper has reversed decision to return active-duty troops deployed near DC to home bases, Army secretary tells AP.
lol what the hell
@TimStone Is there a way for me to watch this on my phone without getting off my couch?
This is such a shitshow
Because I'm really cozy
@MadScientist How are the people running things this incompetent
He must have given the order before he met with Trump
@TimStone I figured that the moment he gave the order
No way Trump would've agreed to it
@Wipqozn I'm not sure, I don't have capacity to watch right now
@Wipqozn I don't think this is incompetence. This is Esper trying to save his ass and Trump overriding him. I mean, if he had any dignity or sense he'd just resign, but otherwise he probably doesn't have a choice
@TimStone Thanks Obama
Former President George W. Bush calls on Americans to “examine our tragic failures” and listen to “grieving” black Americans in a statement released Tuesday. t.co/Z90ECiqFTQ
What even the fuck is going on anymore.
Oh my god hold on wait PAUSE
Trump is making Bush look like a good person
Like just. Okay.
2 hours ago, by Unionhawk
> "Given the events around George Floyd, including the burning of a police precinct is..." Justified 54%, Not Justified 38%
Burning down a police station is currently outpolling Joe Biden
@Unionhawk I shouldn't laugh at this, but I already am.
A derecho (, from Spanish: derecho [deˈɾetʃo], "straight") is a widespread, long-lived, straight-line wind storm that is associated with a fast-moving group of severe thunderstorms known as a mesoscale convective system.Derechos can cause hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, heavy rains, and flash floods. In many cases, convection-induced winds take on a bow echo (backward "C") form of squall line, often forming beneath an area of diverging upper tropospheric winds, and in a region of both rich low-level moisture and warm-air advection. Derechos move rapidly in the direction of movement of the...
Had to Google
Trump's comparing himself to Lincoln
In fact he's suggesting he may have done more for black Americans than Lincoln
In 3 1/2 years, I’ve done much more for our Black population than Joe Biden has done in 43 years. Actually, he set them back big time with his Crime Bill, which he doesn’t even remember. I’ve done more for Black Americans, in fact, than any President in U.S. history, with...
....the possible exception of another Republican President, the late, great, Abraham Lincoln...and it’s not even close. The Democrats know this, and so does the Fake News, but they refuse to write or say it because they are inherently corrupt! See “pinned” above.
@TimStone Well he seems like a perfectly stable individual that should be allowed to wander the streets
@TimStone Please just remove all the statues dedicated to slavery, thanks
Yeah, how about no
twitter thinks this is an audition for Secretary of Defense, after Esper pushed back a bit against Trump's desire to use troops
At least 74% of Black Americans say you're a racist.

https://t.co/DwVdWa6OEg https://t.co/dOUeanZUrU
Only 13% of republicans think Trump's is racist
@TimStone How tone deaf do you need to be to say that right now
Openly accuses Trump of dividing the country
Not sure how I missed this, but back in December George Zimmerman sued Trayvon Martin's family for $100 million in damages nbcnews.com/news/us-news/…
@TimStone yeah that's because any terrorists with paid zoom are using cia zoom accounts
give me money, the cia
@TimStone I aim to disappoint
> Sarah Grossman died fighting for Black livess.

"She possibly passed away from respiratory issues due to being on the front line exposed to tear gas while protesting."

https://t.co/7mmxrEBWB7 https://t.co/Su3UfjFgOe
@Stormblessed lol McSally
@Unionhawk RIP. That's fucked.
@Unionhawk Ugh, RIP
There is a reason we call weapons like tear gas LESS lethal
You're LESS likely to die from exposure to tear gas than exposure to a metal bullet.
For chemical weapons such as tear gas or even just smoke, risk factors include preexisting resparatory illness such as asthma, old age, and young age.
When treating, initial questions to a patient should be "are you wearing contact lenses" and "do you have asthma or anything like that"
> Prosecutors: 3 arrested on terrorism charges in Las Vegas t.co/EMu3vAdri8
what are their badge numbers
> Three Nevada men with ties to a loose movement of right-wing extremists advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government have been arrested on terrorism-related charges in what authorities say was a conspiracy to spark violence during recent protests in Las Vegas.
> Three Nevada men with ties to a loose movement of right-wing extremists
> right-wing extremists
@TimStone this would have done so much traffic on splinter
Or deadspin
Such good websites
Apparently Nintendo is double matching their workers' donations according to sources (it's explicit company policy not to publicise donations like this but since I'm not the CEO of Nintendo,)
Or are you, Mr. Link?
Even Pat Robertson Is Turning On Trump: 'You Just Don't Do That, Mr. President' huffingtonpost.ca/entry/…
Attempted ramming in Newport Beach, luckily it seems like no one was hurt
> “You know, there’s a purpose to everything under heaven, you read in the Bible, and there’s a time,” he said. “And I think like now is the time to say, ’I understand your pain, I want to comfort you, I think it’s time we love each other.”
@TimStone I'm too busy with my job as CEO, Chairman, President, Executive Vice President, and Emperor of Antifa LLC
> Robertson has a history of extremist and homophobic comments. Earlier this year, he blamed the coronavirus pandemic on same-sex marriage and abortion, among other things, and last year called a bill to protect LBGTQ people “a devastating blow to religious freedom.”
Still can't believe we're in the Worst Possible Hell Timeline
@Unionhawk New CEO though, so that could change. Good to see either way.
Another large protest in support of BLM in Canada today. Calgary this time cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/…
Honestly really nice to see folks and companies from around the world all taking a stand, for once. I was doubtful this would lead to anything other than "Thoughts and Prayers" before, but starting to think something else might happen.
Amazon is sued over warehouses after New York worker brings coronavirus home, cousin dies reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-amazon-com-lawsuit/…
> Amazon.com Inc has been sued for allegedly fostering the spread of the coronavirus by mandating unsafe working conditions, causing at least one employee to contract COVID-19, bring it home, and see her cousin die.

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