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12:07 AM
> Sen. Rand Paul is "asymptomatic" and was tested for COVID-19 "out of an abundance of caution," his deputy chief of staff said. His positive test comes amid continuing shortages of tests nationwide.
@Memor-X that is also the case on stack exchange
when id is not username
2 hours later…
2:54 AM
@TimStone as expected of a totalitarian, downplay real threats when they can't be seen actually beating them to death
Yeah but you can't go out there looking like the damn mask is fused to your face, nobody's gonna buy that lol
@Unionhawk i can't look at that and not imagine Bolsonaro talking like this
@TimStone i don't need to hover over the link to guess that it's Trump
4:18 AM
Anyway, he's a sociopath
4:59 AM
so far we are 7 days into that
also not sure where Cure comes into this
He's just saying he's considering going with the crazy approach of having people do whatever they want and not self-isolate
Which is confusing because so far he's not contributed in any way to the policies that individual states have taken
So like, how he'd make it go the other direction is beyond me
2 hours later…
8:18 AM
interesting interview with Fauci
9:13 AM
@Stormblessed grow a back bone and call it out and don't use political talk to twits his words so that you can correct him and make him look good.
if Trump says to take Rat Poison to cure COVID-19, don't talk about the one chemical thats in it that may help with a vaccine, actually say "the president's idea is stupid because it has no medical backing and it dangerous" or something like that
3 hours later…
12:09 PM
@Stormblessed there were worse mistakes in that press conference like "Now, a drug called chloroquine—and some people would add to it 'hydroxy-.' Hydroxychloroquine. So chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine. "
And the biggest one of course drastically overstating the chance for this drug to work
He’s Not Smart, as I have just noticed
I hope this lets us cancel shaking hands for good
12:29 PM
Just saw that 5 Republican senators are quarantined
So we have 47-48, almost a majority
So democrats have a bit more power because only 2 Republicans need to dislike something
@Stormblessed actually, only 1, if he switches sides
Because then you got 48-47
@Nzall who?
Oh yeah you’re right
@Stormblessed a hypothetical republican who dislikes something
I’m good at math but still terrible at counting lol
Joe Manchin keeps on oddly voting well
His logo’s lettering is extremely similar to Biden’s
Kind of weird
12:46 PM
@Stormblessed Joe Manchin is one of the better Republicans
It’s weird how he has written or helped write stuff like the Manchin-Toomey amendment which would have been an essential gun control bill, and now he’s voted for impeachment and not compromised on stimulus
But he also basically endorsed Trump
He also supports a border wall
If he were in any other state his positions would be completely inexcusable to me
1 hour later…
1:59 PM
@Nzall i know i'm horrible for saying this but some good news out of this
> professional Oscar collectors like Harvey Weinstein
Memo from the present: Have fun in prison, asshole!
do have to wonder how he got it in prison
there are like 40 cases on rikers
i would have thought they would have screened visitors and guards
2:23 PM
> “I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down,” the health official said. “Okay, he said it. Let’s try and get it corrected for the next time.”
Hmm counterpoint though
parody redacted non-actionable
@Memor-X It's possible he got it while in the hospital before his incarceration
Old man continues to yell at clouds
2:59 PM
Now that he's finally appeared the extra funny thing about the "We're just working on the lighting" excuse for Biden not appearing previously is that it's also probably inexplicably 100% true because they're actually insane
@Memor-X Prisons are hotbeds of infectious diseases. Once someone introduces a pathogen, it'll spread like wildfire.
@Yuuki I'm afraid that Weinstein is evidence that we're already past that point, and well into the silent incubation/spreading period
@Stormblessed oh wait, I was mistaken. So the latest vote was 47-47... 5 republican absentees, and 1 Democratic absentee, namely Bernie Sanders, who's STILL fighting his losing campaign
so the Democrats do actually have the plurality right now
3:19 PM
what even was the last vote
a cloture motion?
which requires 60%?
I think we were good
mathematically speaking
if you're going to get mad about stuff at least get mad about stuff that actually matters
The Republicans seem to be focusing on what really matters, checks notes sneaking in a provision to extend their abstinence education program?
@TimStone this should be happening all over the country
Reason 21,946 that we shouldn't have a current business owner in this office
@TimStone My new favorite conspiracy theory is the fact that it's the exact same outfit that he wore on his virtual town hall on March 14. Is it possible that laundry was done since then, yes. Is it possible that it was recorded on the same day, also yes.
Which one is more likely? Honestly I have no idea lol
mainly because I didn't watch the thing to pick up on any further hints
At a glance it looks like the first, however, it would be really funny if the second was true
4:22 PM
What was the original Trump tweet?
> The agency said that the employee has not had contact with other employees or anyone the Secret Service is responsible for protecting for nearly three weeks.
2 hours later…
6:52 PM
Okay, who had "geriatric concentration camps" on their COVID-19 Bingo of Horror?
well he's talking like he's fine
@Nzall but if one of them had it all of them would just die...
well not all but it would spread so fast
that is not a good idea
7:24 PM
@Nzall No, that would most likely result in wildfire spread through that population which is the exact opposite of what we want.
7:48 PM
@MBraedley Also, like, just the logistics of it?
This is one of the stupidest suggestions I've heard
Like does this include people in the already self closed to the public nursing homes?
The worst part of the internet is it gave everyone a voice
8:12 PM
@Nzall my favorite part is: "some elected officials"
8:31 PM
@Stormblessed I was going to say something sarcastic like "finally the experts speak", but honestly if this moves anyone, then its definitely a good thing
@BradC this is entirely about reaching enough people, celebrities seem like a very reasonable strategy here
also Cuomo got Robert De Nero and a few others to do videos
@MadScientist absolutely
@TimStone there's really no reason for this to be discretionary, and nobody else does it that way. There's usually an exception for families, but otherwise most places implement this as a hard rule
@TimStone that is not a good solution
just ban everything and then have exceptions, not the other way
9:17 PM
Sorry, I know political visionaries are hated here
I'll go
Ah yes, a modest proposal
9:34 PM
I wouldn't have thought it needed to be said, but don't advocate for violence in here, especially murder, especially mass murder
> "A man has died and his wife is under critical care after the couple, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate," one of the anti-malaria drugs that President Trump has mentioned in recent days, according to Banner Health, the hospital system that treated both patients.
@BradC From what I read, it has a rather narrow therapeutic index, so really not something you should take on your own
> While governors have pleaded with Donald Trump to help them obtain such equipment, he’s literally told them they’re on their own, seemingly forgetting the fact that he’s the one with the power here. For instance, Andrew Cuomo can’t invoke the Defense Production Act, which allows the federal government to take some control of the private sector to ensure production of materials relevant to national defense, but Trump can. And yet he’s chosen not to.
> Why? Because corporate CEOs don’t like the idea, and the president is more concerned with keeping big business happy than keeping Americans alive.
@MadScientist Yep. 500% irresponsible on Trump's part to talk about them in the way he did
@BradC It was kinda interesting to see how Fauci contradicted Trump immediately at that point, but yes, he's desperately clinging to a way out of the crisis and this is causing real harm
I'm really not a fan of the "adult in the room" narrative some other members of the Trump administration have used, but in a pandemic I'll make an exception for a scientist that needs to be there to stop them from doing something truly stupid
I couldn't find a good source, but the ones I found indicate that the therapeutic index for chloroquine is around 4-8. That's really not that much room if lots of people take this without supervision
@murgatroid99 what was it about?
@MadScientist I think the main problem with the "adult in the room" narrative is that it has largely proved to be bunk, because Trump still does whatever the heck he wants. And I think that continues to largely hold true here, too. I know Fauci is trying, but Trump is still causing major harm every time he steps up to the mike
@BradC I think you're right for political positions.
I think Fauci is doing the only thing that is within his power, and it might not be enough
@BradC Generally speaking, the "Adult in the room" only works if the children respect the adult. You can see that a teacher or a parent who is respected by their wards are far more likely to make a difference
10:00 PM
@Nzall I think the difference in this case is that Fauci still managed to provide real answers in press conferences and other venues. He's not afraid of contradicting the president on the substance, though he tries to frame it in a way that avoids saying that the president is wrong
thing is, Trump doesn't respect scientists. His whole presidency is balanced on actually getting things done
and he thinks the science just gets in the way of things
@Stormblessed User advocates for literally the same policy Hitler used. I want to say that's clearly satire but it's 2020 and satire is dead
If Trump is really going to try and relax restrictions after the 15 days, the scientists and Trump are going to get into a real conflict.
What I fear is that Trump will relax the restrictions the moment the numbers are going down, and trigger a second wave
10:20 PM
Trump is doubling down on chloroquine
and again stating that it has been approved by the FDA
@MadScientist I mean, technically that's true, I think? Just not for COVID
I really, really hope the first question is about the death from chloroquine
@Nzall he was implying something very short term
I'm really not sure how many Trump press conferences my liver can take
@MadScientist never mind your liver, I'd personally be more concerned about how much more your brain can take before it shuts down of stupidity overdose
Oh god yeah, I watched one with my colleagues. I don't know why the he complains about the press. If nothing else the press makes him look better by ignoring most of the nonsense
@PrivatePansy The US press are doing people a major disservice by not going hard on Trump
10:26 PM
I put Two Steps From Hell as a background to this one, but you really can't save Trump with an epic soundtrack
@Nzall they went quite hard after Trump the last (or second last maybe)
@MadScientist I see. I only saw the one where he announced that they're turning Walmart parking lots into testing staions
@Nzall they also announced the non-existing Google website at that one
@Nzall There's an argument that they shouldn't even being reporting on Trump's statements, but rather just the facts that were presented.
@Nzall That's the one I saw too. MSNBC even put up a live stock ticker showing the stock market rallying in real time
We were facepalming hard in real time at the 1700 Google engineer thing, but the press just ate it up
@PrivatePansy yeah. funny thing though: markets closed RIGHT before the question round
10:29 PM
Grilling Trump gets nobody anywhere, because he's not going to correct or clarify anything he said, because what he said was "perfect".
including the question where Trump lied about not knowing about the closure of the Pandemic task force
Trump pretty much always places his press conferences for that timeframe
and the moment he opens his mouth stocks crash
@MBraedley No need to ask question, we all know that's futile. But at least check and preface everything he says with facts, or don't even bother repeating things if they are wholely untrue
Or alternatively just print everything he says verbatim
@PrivatePansy No, don't even talk about what Trump himself said. Report the facts and figures coming from the bureaucrats and only them.
A global health crisis is not the time to repeat the words of an uninformed Dunning-Kruger inflicted narcissist with an attention span of a five year old.
28% positive samples from samples in certain areas of NY
That's kinda terrifying
New Jersey, New York City and parts of Long Island
In areas where many tests are done you have low single-digit percentages of positive samples
@MadScientist Yeah, Nova Scotia has a rate well under 10%
10:39 PM
28% positive means it's very widespread, this could get ugly in days
In actual fact, Nova Scotia is below 2% positive results. More than 2100 tests, 28 positive.
@TimStone followed by his followers
@Stormblessed i think that's the point
10:54 PM
> Covered California projects premiums to rise 40% or more because of COVID-19: “Premiums in the individual and employer markets for 2021 — which are in the process of being set right now — could be 40 percent or more solely because of these unexpected COVID-19 costs in the absence of federal action, as insurers would seek to recoup unplanned for losses from 2020 and budget for pandemic-related costs in 2021”
@PrivatePansy he complains when they report on his failings, when they make him look good it's no long the "Enemy of the people"
he's pretty much saying that the experts are recommending against lifting restrictions so soon
11:10 PM
@Nzall you're right, the damage from what Trump is saying right now is certainly larger than from the whiskey I'm drinking to be able to actually listen to it
11:31 PM
I think Fauci is blacklisted now, I feel sorry for Birx, though she has been a bit too willing to play along with Trump's bullshit (I'm sure she doesn't believe it herself, not sure if she'll manage to stay independent enough)
11:49 PM
@TimStone we will see here in Australia where we are shutting down now and we still only have 1000+ infected with 7 deaths prior to our shutdown
like from what i understand Australia weathered the GFC better than the US. it would be a real kicker to trump if we weather COVID-19 better aswell compared to the "best country in the world" with our welfare and medicare systems

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