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@TimStone i read that as fiona apple and was very confused
1 hour later…
@TimStone my eyes have rolled so hard out of my head they're down the block
2 hours later…
@TimStone fuck
Remember back when a few things made sense?
When we had the concept of “allies”?
I bet that monster Tulsi Gabbard is happy about this
3 hours later…
4 hours later…
might as well assume all songs are off limits. would be much easier
Naaah, I'm sure there's a bunch of songs Goebbels helped create that they'd be welcome to use, and they'd be fitting too!
Trump's EU ambassador to testify after Democrats' subpoena At least there's someone who puts country above party
I'm actually really surprised and confused why he's decided to testify so we'll see how that goes
@Memor-X Well, they need a license to play it.
Knowing Trump and co, they didn't even bother to try getting one.
@Wipqozn I can't type in the bridge during the timeout
CW, some of the victims describe being raped
This follows the civil case being brought against the company
> One of the site's owners, 36-year-old Michael Pratt, fled the United States last month. Co-owner Matthew Wolfe, 37, was arrested on Tuesday. Ruben Garcia, 31, the male performer in many of the site's videos, was arrested on Wednesday.
Fled the country you saw? Seems innocent
A lot of people seem to be doing that these days
@TimStone They probably saw all of us telling them to "get into the sea" and thought we meant "flew overseas".
oh boy I can't wait for coach k to write some opinion like "actually the president of the united states is subject to no laws whatsoever"
The school is trying to say it was the boys fault for being on social media and interacting with the bullies who stabbed him to death
What in the fuck
what the entire fuck
@Unionhawk if you can't enjoy a few brewskies while filing your taxes in complete confidence do we even have a country 5-4 in favour of godking
> The list includes the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a conservative policy group that was instrumental in convincing the Trump administration to abandon the Paris agreement and has criticised the White House for not dismantling more environmental rules.

Google said it was disappointed by the US decision to abandon the global climate deal, but has continued to support CEI.
I’m switching to DuckDuckGo now
So while we're pretending to withdraw from Syria we're sending thousands more troops to Saudi Arabia?
@Stormblessed AFAICT Google's approach is to give money to literally everyone so that no matter who wins they can go "hey, we supported your campaign, be nice to us"
Also in "Is Joe Biden still bad?" news, yes
No matter how often or how loudly people (internally and externally) point out that this means giving money to some pretty awful people who are often utterly opposed to Google's fundamental mission, let alone other causes Google claims to support
Oct 3 at 16:57, by Unionhawk
tom perez has been dispatched to your location
@TimStone Given current events, it's probably prudent to point out that this guy is Kurdish.
In a split decision, an Ontario court says Doug Ford's government broke the law when it scrapped the cap-and-trade system, but the court won't force Queen's Park to reinstate the program that gives companies incentives to reduce carbon emissions. cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/…
> Greenpeace had challenged the cancellation on grounds the government did not hold public consultations before making the decision, a process required by Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR).
@Wipqozn "They did something wrong but we're not going to fix it" is functionally indistinguishable from "they did nothing wrong".
Seems like this is going well for the administration
You have to assume mostly everyone will keep lying to support him but the stress can't be good for their health so gl with that
It would be super weird if uhhh say the Attorney General had met with the person who owns the Wall Street Journal just checks notes yesterday
Super weird
@TimStone This is why Barr met with Murdoch?
Ugh, I was hoping against hope for something less dumb than that.
See there was your mistake, assuming it wouldn't in fact be the dumbest thing possible
I mean I guess we might find out it was something else but this seems like a pretty good bet honestly
@Yuuki Yeah it's dumb
@TimStone I just have to point out that power outages happen sometimes, and someone who couldn't survive 12 minutes without power and who had no backup power was going to have problems eventually.
Yeah, that's true, hopefully someone will try and find out why he was without any backup
Fair, this whole situation is fucked though. I still don't understand fully why they need to do the shutdowns. I know it's related to wildfires though.

Is it that the infrastructure just really old?
Assuming of course that's even definitively what happened, the article is short on substance
@TimStone Hah! When you decide to torch a whistleblower to set an example, I guess you can't think there won't be more rats.
@MBraedley are no strangers to that, although this makes me feel better about NS power infrastructure,
@TimStone It's not the State Department anymore, it's the Department of Swagger(ing Away From Any Obligations).
I'm sure I could figure out a better riff on "Department of Swagger" given more time but I'd rather not deal with that idiocy.
People using LLCs to do illegal conversions in the suburbs prompted lawmakers to draft a law that would forbid hiding behind the LLC, something many people apparently do when purchasing high value Manhattan properties
> The state law was another blow to a weak luxury market that has come under pressure from too much new supply, a retreat among foreign buyers and because of government actions, New York City brokers say
Oh no
> The discussion would have put a bow on a highly public back-and-forth Stephens instigated a month and a half ago, but at the last minute, Stephens insisted that the event be closed to the public. When Karpf disagreed, Stephens pulled out entirely
I can't remember if there's an existing tax loophole that revolves around creating an LLC for a company to pay instead of paying you as an employee and you get some kind of tax credit or whatever.
@Wipqozn Let's be fair, Dorian was a once in a decade occurrence. The power troubles in California are many months of the year every year.
@TimStone Probably trying to minimize the possibility of a Blizzard-esque incident occurring.
@TimStone Smartest thing they can probably do at the moment
@MBraedley I'm not even thinking of Dorian. power just seems to randomly fail in nova scotia because of "salty air" all the time.
Liberals pull out of debate on foreign policy, conservatives pull out of debate on climate... what a bunch of clowns
Waiting to see confirmation, this is an amazing screw up if true
I see conflicting reports yeah
lololololol @GodEmperorDune
This about wohl’s 100% grift speedrun?
@TimStone lol this hasn't even actually been written yet
@GodEmperorDune Pelosi was trying to clap the bugs she was seeing while tripping on LSD
@TimStone pissed trump off one to many times imo
@Wipqozn PGE has neglected maintenance for decades, they got busted for falsifying mandatory inspection records several years ago
@GodEmperorDune They only have like five ostensibly news people so like if they all quit feel like the laws say they gotta change the name
@GodEmperorDune lmfao
@TimStone Incidentally I guess this could have been what Barr was there for @Yuuki, although maybe they multi-tasked
@GodEmperorDune At this point, you gotta wonder if there's a mole in there being, "accidental" about it.
@Frank could be malicious or just that incompetent
Shitty ass article headline focusing on someone who lost and not the winner but it's in there
@TimStone Stars reserved for news items but lol it looks like a tarantula
lol yes
@GodEmperorDune Into the sea I say
@Wipqozn of course he wont!
Gosh darn it @GnomeSlice
I think his favourite thing to stream is the apocalypse?
@Wipqozn Really?
I doubt his positions changed
I mean obviously not,BUT STILL
My bad though, people are reporting on it now
to be clear I'm not actually mad
Although this might explain why that video has nothing to do with the article
This is why I stick to the fresh toast for cannibis news mostly
Super professional reporting
@Wipqozn I never watch them whoops
@TimStone and this comes after Barr met with Rupert Murdoch
granted i don't know how much input Rupert Murdoch has with the Wall Street Journal
oh wait, you mention that right after
should read a couple of post after the initial link
@Memor-X It's owned by News Corp, so he owns it at least
Are they even safe??
What's up with them that the company won't answer questions about them?
@TimStone amazing and creepy at the same time
@TimStone is this what he deems "off limits in his unmatched wisdom", that ISIS fighters just have to remain locked up? not that the Turkish military have killed civilians, including 2 children
@Wipqozn have to wonder if he knows what Twitch is......that's it's a streaming platform for those awful mass shooting causing violent video games
(yes i know Twitch does have IRL Streams, don't correct me on that)
@MBraedley They're finally going to begin taking the crane down sunday: saltwire.com/news/local/…
Context for everyone:
It's been over a month lol
So the Conservatives budget plan is to just cut everything globalnews.ca/news/6022397/…
They just released this today, aka the day early polls open
Also thanksgiving when folks might be travelling and not checking the news

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