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@TimStone Fortunately I'm not currently getting impacted
> Trump defends abandoning Kurds by saying they didn't help US in WWII
@Yuuki so can we abandon Trump then because he helped no one in the military because he weaseled out?
@TimStone But remember kids, global warming isn't real
> There were fine people on both sides of the road
@Yuuki It's impressive that despite being really dumb as a premise he's also somehow still wrong
@TimStone Specifically that they didn't help in Normandy.
2 hours later…
@TimStone love too capitali strike for fun and future profit
(which is probably a gdpr violation since iirc it says something about it needing to be easy to delete your account)
Twitter is idiotic
I get an email
Every single time
Twitter puts tons of crap on my phone, so I need to clear cookies frequently, logging me out
@Yuuki yeh i saw someone mention this on Discord. also suggested this could be theft for those who want to cancel their subscriptions for what i assume is WoW
> Trump was asked twice during an event in the Roosevelt Room of the White House if he would cooperate with Democrats leading the impeachment inquiry.

“We would if they give us our rights. It depends," Trump said initially, indicating that he would not be inclined to cooperate with the probe if Democrats "say you can’t have lawyers, you can’t ask questions, you can’t have anybody present, all of these crazy things."
umm, aside from the lawyers bit the rest seem like the normal process to me
i would find it a bit odd that someone can't have their lawyer, assuming their lawyer isn't also being investigated but then again Trump should have other lawyers right? *looks at Cohen in prison* right? *looks at Giuliani ranting like Alex Jones*
3 hours later…
@Yuuki Careful when clicking that link, someone posted Mei exposing herself with "Commies hate boobs" bars for censorship
5 hours later…
@TimStone Of course it is. Which is why,if Trump actually cared about the average person (as opposed to just helping the rich stay rich), he'd invest all that government money into training programs focused on retraining coal workers so they don't go jobless.
@Wipqozn or even for the grander picture when jobs get automated
which coal execs would love to have automated mining since it means they don't have to pay as many people
they pretty much do have this
strip mining and mountaintop removal takes way less people
coal jobs have been declining rapidly pretty independently from demand
> don't have to pay as many people insurance premiums for as many people
@Memor-X The only way Trump would regard an impeachment as "fair" would be if it was impeaching Hillary
@TimStone So... that can't be good for the "everything was above board" argument
I assume when finally caught Rudy just melts like the witch from Wizard of Oz
Ah. I see.
Would Congressman-1 please raise their hand
Is it "known" who that is?
(like individual-1 was clearly herr drumpf)
Oh nice
I had hoped it was moskow mitch but you can't have everything
> This quote is from someone who works for Russian state media and is amplifying a baseless conspiracy theory.
Also I fear mitch is too competent for this
(And he's tweet-quoting Trump)
@TimStone Parnas maxed out donations to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy too
@TimStone Delivering "pizzas" because you still have to bake the damn thing yourself.
Fortunately, they were @gmgunion
So the writers have a safety net
1 hour later…
this seems unusual, to say the least
> Federal court says @DeutscheBank doesn't have @realDonaldTrump's tax returns.
> Which is odd, because numerous current and former bank execs have previously told me DB had portions of his returns for multiple years.
lol that's a very odd way of wording it too, like they definitely have his returns but not "the president's returns" because he wasn't president yet
I'm sure that's not the intended argument it's just weird phrasing
Oops! Accidentally got put in the "to shred" pile!!
Parnas has a business associate and coconspirator David Correia, who is still at large
They also had lunch with Giuliani at Trump's hotel yesterday and then booked one-way tickets to leave the country
@TimStone that looks completely non-conspiratorial. /s
That totally normal thing one does
Especially when you're supposed to testify before a congressional committee
> But Graham also expressed sympathy for Turkey’s “Kurdish problem” and described the Kurds as a “threat.”
Womp womp Lindsey
> “I think President Trump likes President Erdogan. I think he’s a strong man and we need to deal with strong people."
1 hour later…
@TimStone I'm sure he'll be totally fine to wait until January... this is moving so slowly at the moment
And of course there is zero chance of Trump doing more criming between now and then
Because he's being so careful and level-headed and restrained right now
@BradC and that the sole decision is by him alone because i would think that any due process for him is unfair
@BradC who is Trump quoting there? John Kiriakou or Tucker Carlson?
wait did he get arrested too?
Unfortunately not, that would have been hilarious
He says he was going for Totally Unrelated Reasons
As one does
i mean ask him 30 seconds later and he'll tell you the real reason
"I have pictures with everyone, all the potential criminals really"
> Parnas laughed and said he’d grown up “idolizing” Giuliani
> Save for introducing himself when I arrived, Fruman was quiet. Parnas told me they were all “great friends” and all “work together.”
Fruman right now: ":|"
Ronna McDaniel is somehow still not mad at herself for changing her name but is mad at checks notes Buffalo Wild Wings for cancelling a checks notes again viewing party for a Trump rally?
> [Rick Perry] has been subpoenaed by three committees, House Intel, Ethics and uh let's see... I can't, the third one. Oops.
@Yuuki hue

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