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More examples of how every Canadian airline companies execs should all be in jail cbc.ca/news/business/air-canada-rule-30-fare-classes-1.5304450
> The airline's Rule 30 says services that are part of a fare package, like the one the Borsatos purchased, are "not guaranteed," and "no compensation will be offered for their unavailability."
ahhh, that dreaded * in the tiny ass font
though still, it's not really just airlines that do this, any business/service would do this shit, especially the compensation clause
hell, just have to look at Bethesda who rather allowing refunds for the pre-orders of their trahsbags, offered player digital currency which doesn't even buy the same bag digitally
Some 55,000 education workers in Ontario will not strike Monday after successful last-minute contract talks with the provincial government, according to Education Minister Stephen Lecce. cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/…
4 hours later…
@Nzall a bit on the click bait side because it seems to be talking about "bored lorry drivers stuck in traffic jams" and it's more a symptom of the delays they're going to face due to being outside of the customs union of the EU
would be a boon to the sex workers though but correct me if i'm wrong but i think kerb crawling is still illegal so it rules that out
personally if i knew there would be delays, i would outfit my lorry with a computer (or laptop) and possibly an internet connection, not because i opposed to sex, just the idea of having people watch which isn't appealing to me
@Unionhawk 1312
not that i would not expect him to lie and say he was the most loved president in history and was kicked out by fake news and corrupt Democrats and Republicans and try and milk that for all it's worth
infact thinking of him legit leaving the white house, can former presidents milk their time in office? like i know Trump accuses Obama for doing that
@TimStone Completely agreed.
@TimStone Thanks for these laughs.
2 hours later…
sorry fam
@Ave What consequences does that have for you specifically? Can Erdogan conscript you as part of his warmongering?
@Nzall He could try.
1 hour later…
@Memor-X isn't sex work illegal in the UK regardless?
I'd google buuuuut let's not google that at work
(though I am in a country where it's legal)
@Elva iirc it's legal
but you can't hire anyone to help with it (no bodyguards, no nothing), and your landlord can kick you out for it.
1 hour later…
Ah I see we've screwed the Kurds again
@Elva i google with wikipedia in the front. ie "wikipedia prostitution in england"
In Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland), prostitution itself (the exchange of sexual services for money) is legal, but a number of related activities, including soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel, pimping and pandering, are crimes. In Northern Ireland, which previously had similar laws, paying for sex became illegal from 1 June 2015. Laws are not always strictly enforced, and there are reports of police forces turning a blind eye to brothels. Many brothels in cities such as Manchester, London and Cardiff operate under the name "massage parlours"...
So it's essentially illegal but the sex worker themselves won't get in legal trouble (probably)
Better then the alternative?
legal trouble, no
@Elva yeh more or less what @Ave said. it's legal but you can't help people or what you could account to as loitering
but risk of being kicked out, not able to hire a bodyguard etc is a problem.
Yeah hence "essentially illegal"
(the person you rent from could be persecuted under that thing that also causes bodyguards to be legally problematic)
i suppose if you live in your own house and took out your own ad you're fine
@Memor-X Still no bodyguards.
Also possibly no cleaners, this, that.
Anyway this is so bad even Lindsey Graham knew it would be bad so naturally he'll roll over now, but it's also super unfortunate we have the dumbest man as President
AFAIK literally no one wants to do this so this is all just because Trump talked to Erdogan
@Ave aside from keeping away the creeps, crazies or people who oppose sex workers in general, what would you need a bodyguard for?
@Memor-X "keeping away the creeps, crazies or people who oppose sex workers in general"
also people who might violate terms or consent, try to overpower or threaten the sex worker etc, but ig that goes into the creeps bin
@TimStone Probably in exchange for digging up dirt on Clinton Biden Warren
@TimStone to be honest ontop of that sudden announcement from Trump saying he was going to pull troops from, i think it was Iraq, i think some counties might even think twice of helping the US in overseas engagements and i wouldn't blame them
that's assuming Trump is still president.....of the next president is just as bad
Oh wow I thought he'd just fall in line but Lindsey Graham actually is upset about this
@TimStone can he reverse it at this point? it sounds like the Turkish Military is already deployed
Given that the troops on the ground were surprised by this presumably they haven't made preparations to leave yet, so we could just not leave
That would certainly cause Some Issues, but it's obviously better than letting the Kurds be massacred
1 hour later…
Climate change activists, drivers clash at Walterdale Bridge blockade Monday morning in Edmonton globalnews.ca/news/5999281/…
Latest update is that police are trying to negotiate bridge access.
Looks like there's less folks there then at Halifax
Some guy tried to run the barricade, my word.
@TimStone Yep, apparently nobody had been informed in advance; not even the Pentagon
Which... doesn't seem like the best way to make military strategy
@BradC unless you name starts with a T and ends with a P
I hear the element of surprise gives you a tactical advantage
@Ronan lolsob
Looks like the Edmonton protest is stopping
They said they were going to stay until they were arrested, but looks like that's not happening. The police diverted all the traffic, so they may have decided to stop after that.
> Australian Reptile Park
@BradC wow yikes
@Ronan what are the odds Erdogan knew about this before the Pentagon? Might be that only the US military is surprised by this
so it wasn't USA that betrayed the kurds, it was trump.
@MadScientist he did.
6 hours ago, by Ave
> We have already partially broken the trap established along our border with Syria. Now, our goal is to eliminate the terrorist structures in the east of Münbiç and Euphrates, to make Syria a safe place and to ensure that asylum seekers in our country can return to their homes and to their homeland.
from erdogan's speech on march 31
Our comments on this as it happened was that he was hinting an invasion
and that's what we got today
So let me get this straight: Erdogan negotiated with Trump that the latter unilaterally withdraws the US army from North Syria, abandoning their Kurdish allies, so that Erdogan can in turn invade Syria from Turkey so he can put all those Syrian refugees that ran to Turkey back in their home country?
Well, that and get rid of the Kurds.
It's been a thing that Turkey's been trying to do for a long time now.
"Trump: Executing Putin's Foreign Policy Since 2016!"
oh boooooy
Honestly, I don't care about the tax returns, this is the most important part now.
@Yuuki "DOJ Memos ain't the law, just precedent. One we don't agree with."
For a second, I read that as "DOJ Memes".
@Frank And they're not even legal precedent (ie, a prior ruling in a court case). They're more like an expression of internal DOJ opinion-of-the-moment
@Yuuki But yeah, that's a pretty important ruling
@BradC Which was enough to stop Mueller from recommending indictment.
> The Court considers such popular currency for the categorical concept and its legal support as not warranted.
"Your money isn't worth the paper it's printed on."
@Frank True, but DOJ considering it binding on their own choices doesn't bind the courts
oh yeah, inject that into my veins
@BradC Yep. I wonder how that precedent came about?
I bet it was a different DOJ head that didn't want to indict the sitting president at the time.
@Yuuki yyyyep
both left and right wing media are ignoring struggles of kurdish people
labor day was %50+ the kurdish party (HDP) yet media didn't show them at all, they showed tiny groups with ludicrous or light ideologies
Scheer pledges to get rid of admissions fees for Canada’s national museums globalnews.ca/news/5999734/scheer-museum-fees-pledge
Also protest clarification: "Only" 15 protestors were arrested. They gave them a 10 minute warning to clear out, then slowly started to arrest those that remained. I'm not sure how many protestors elected to move.
@Wipqozn I mean, that's definitely good but I feel like this is 1) a step towards getting rid of museums via funding crisis and 2) really, that's what you're going to do?
The only things I've heard about the federal election amounts to, "This guy is bad. Vote for our candidate. They're better."
Which makes me want to just decline my vote for the federal election, too.
@Wipqozn receiving word that they're being released without charge, but that's unconfirmed
checking in with @XRNovaScotia
@Unionhawk that's what they normally do, so I'm not surprised. I heard on the radio they'd be released today. Radio had nothing on if they'd be charged though.
@Wipqozn cool I guess..? We have more important issues I feel
@Yuuki pretty much, this feels like a sneaky way to defund stuff
Museums in Ottawa are free on thursdays between 4-8 pm which is kinda nice
Because I don't trust the Cons to give us anything for actually free with no strings attached
Um... WHAT Trump on Twitter:
> As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!).
I think this is supposed to somehow reassure us or something???!?
@BradC that's quite insane even for Trump standards
If I had seen that just quoted somewhere else, I'd have been pretty sure it's a parody
so much YIKES
YIKES is right. Not to mention that Trump probably doesn't consider the obliteration of the Kurds to be "off limits", in his "great and unmatched wisdom"
> I've done before
@BradC To be fair, his wisdom is probably unmatched.
I can't imagine anyone who'd swipe right on that headspace.
@BradC Uh, okay.
Seems like an appropriate time to revive:
2 hours later…
> How is Turkey supposed to beat the Kurds if they can’t even beat Clutch Gaming.
cc @Ave
btw, that was a monstrous 3-0 shellacking
pretty sure it violated the geneva convention
and maybe even the sokovia accords
@BradC Wasn't there a post here awhile back about how Congressmen are immune from prosecution when in the pursuit of their duties, including straight-up lying while on the floor?
Yes, but! '“I got the highest grade in constitutional law,” said Giuliani', so, you know
@Yuuki Not sure of the link, but the concept is accurate
Its called the "speech and debate" clause
and its a protection in the constitution itself
The trick is that it doesn't apply if you're doing A Treason, which is pretty much what the game is here
Even though that's dumb
> First and foremost, the Clause has been interpreted as providing Members of Congress (Members) with general immunity from liability for all “legislative acts” taken in the course of their official responsibilities. This “cloak of protection” shields Members from “intimidation by the executive” or a “hostile judiciary” by protecting against either the executive or judicial powers from being used to improperly influence or harass legislators through retaliatory litigation.
This sound a lot like "intimidation by (a proxy of) the executive" to me
Trump also directly stated that he thought Schiff and Pelosi should be tried for treason for things they said in Congress
> "President Trump was definitely out-negotiated and only endorsed the troop withdraw to make it look like we are getting something—but we are not getting something," the National Security Council source told Newsweek. "The U.S. national security has entered a state of increased danger for decades to come because the president has no spine and that's the bottom line."
lol presumably this is why he wants to downsize the NSC?
Still can't believe he was going to let Flynn go kidnap Gulen in his trunk tbh
Yep. I think we now have a definitive answer to the idea that Trump's military advisers would step in if he wanted to execute a truly bone-headed military move: No, no they won't.
I mean someone might step in if he tries to nuke California because they own real estate there or something but yeah
Although I can't quite decipher what this DOD statement means:
I think its supportive of Trump's position from this morning, when he threatened Turkey via tweet??
omg "the mandate of Heaven"
f-off, Pat Robertson
@BradC wtf is this, pre-Boxer China?
Right? lol
@BradC Yeah, it's basically "Don't you do it! Don't you start that war!"
Speaking as an actual Chinese person, if we were going by "mandate of Heaven" rules, I think Hurricanes Maria and Harvey would've already shown that Trump's mandate has been revoked.
just sayin'
That is interesting because generally ADA is used for physical access considerations (and is already wholly inadequate for that purpose)
In this case I think they likened the website to an alternative storefront for the physical locations
It's interesting how strong the Republican reaction to Trumps Syria actions is so far. It'll almost certainly not go beyond giving some meaningless statements, as usual. But I have a tiny, tiny hope that even Republicans have a limit somewhere on what they'll tolerate from Trump, and foreign policy/national security is probably the best label under which they could turn against him
It has to be frustrating that even though they agree with the bulk of it, he's doing it all so poorly
Ahhh that face when you maybe did a crime but now you're dancing with the stars
@TimStone Which is pretty accurate, honestly
I know we've talked about the virtues of comic sans before but it's still an odd choice for responding to a congressional inquiry
@TimStone Amazing
@TimStone Honestly, this whole administration is a work of art.
So many WTF decisions that just... fit together.
So many completely inane WTF decisions that just fit together.
Like "Giuliani claims attorney-client privilege in response to congressional inquiry" is just sure fine whatever. But "Giuliani claims attorney-client privilege in response to congressional inquiry in Comic Sans" is just... it's awe-inspiring.
@Yuuki Inspiring in the way it inspires you to think, "Did...did he actually say that!?"
@TimStone God, I want to throw out that Simpsons bit in response to the Kurds and Turkey being "natural enemies".
This technology is so strange to me
@GnomeSlice Wonder how soon this is going to affect satellite-based communication.
Probably not for a few years
@GnomeSlice Don't think of it as true teleportation.
> “This work establishes the first ground-to-satellite up-link for faithful and ultra-long-distance quantum teleportation, an essential step toward global-scale quantum Internet,” the team said in a statement, according to MIT Technology Review.
@Yuuki I know. Still confounding
Also, the article uses the phrase "beamed up", which is also misleading.
Yeah I know that much at least lol
I have done reading on it before. It's just a really out-there sounding thing
Yeah, it definitely sounds bizarre but that's quantum physics for you.
Quantum physicists are the ones that are too crazy for normal physics.
This isn't "news" per se but some interesting reading on the "incels" phenomenon and domestic gender-based terrorism theverge.com/2019/10/5/20899388/…
As someone who was "involuntarily celibate" until pretty late I think the term is kind of... Stupid. But I know what they mean and it's a pretty good read
I do dislike the use of the term. I think it's kind of an unfortunate label with the connotations it has now.
> (Based on early reviews, the Joker is not an incel, just a broadly disaffected and isolated man.)
I think this is more the core of the type of person it's trying to describe
@BradC "that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom" man the ego reeks off twitter
this is great and unmatched wisdom that came up with the idea of nuking hurricanes
@TimStone ummmm....bending over the desk in Putin's office and pulling your pants down for him?
…I mean I wouldn't use that phrasing, no. But presumably it is the result of something Putin said, I can't think of a compelling reason Trump would have ever cared about this unprovoked
"Should we do maintenance on the power lines to make sure they don't burn the state down?"
@TimStone Twitter has suggested this could also be the agenda of some particular person who thinks this only gives others insight into what the US is doing and that we get no benefit from it
Given the satellite imagery (?) the President tweeted out (lol remember that? that was barely a month ago) I guess maybe that could be true

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