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12:44 AM
@MEPFuller Lordy. It’s not about a look. Duty is in quotes because the constitution imposes absolutely no obligation to impeach under any circumstance. It’s at the discretion of Congress. Kinda feels like you’re looking for a lot more fireworks than you’re going to find in this quarter.
I uh
I mean I guess at least he just came right out and said it
That classic check and balance, not doing anything against abuses of the executive branch
He's right in the most technically meaningless of ways
@HalfEmpty you can ignore the Military and just look at people getting commercial Drones and rigging Handguns on them
TUCKER: “Why not forgive all the student loans of Americans who get married and have kids? ... Why is this not the basic promise of every politician running for every office is making? ‘If elected, I will help you have as many kids as you want.’” https://t.co/8re4FBsn6t
Wow, Tucker picked up that really dumb take surprisingly fast
Amazing how that happens
lol @Unionhawk didn't you actually do this?
If a billionaire can refinance his yacht, students should be able to refinance student loans. It’s that simple #KlobucharTownHall
So uh
1:06 AM
tired: students should't have to pay debt
wired: the current system is fine
Someone on the campaign doing a search later: "Oh…shit"
Oh come on
WATCH: Klobuchar pauses for CNN town hall audience: "That's when you guys are supposed to cheer, OK?" http://hill.cm/HiMWRnJ
You can't just be Jeb Bush
thomas satterthwaite bringing the fire to this klobuchar town hall https://t.co/lvhgUWjQIz
My gawd
The kids probably won't be alright because climate change will kill us all but they're gonna make sure everyone knows what they did before they go
1:32 AM
Kansas Republicans are moving to strip Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly of her power to fill vacant state offices. https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article229304834.html
2:12 AM
@TimStone though new spins this year is he's also talking about his Wall to kids
'Oh it's happening,' President Trump brags about building the border wall to children at the annual Easter egg roll. https://t.co/zIoufXyAyf
@GodEmperorDune are these the same guys who, after loosing the state sort to strip power of the incoming democrats?
A video that has gone viral shows a #TeslaModelS parked in a garage starting to emit smoke before bursting into flames in Shanghai on Sunday, leaving 3 vehicles burnt out. Afterward, @Tesla issued a statement, saying it has dispatched a team to the scene. https://t.co/I9J43NWtLm
That's crazy footage
2:32 AM
@HalfEmpty It's a feature
6 hours ago, by Tim Stone
Musk says Tesla's AVs will have varying modes depending on how aggressive drivers want to be: “You basically will have a choice of, ‘Do you want to have a non-zero chance of a fender bender in highway traffic,’ which is unfortunately the only way to navigate LA traffic,” he says
Ultra Agressive Mode
if it gets stuck in gridlock it explodes
Heavy traffic is why my mother cannot drive in a large city. I swear, if she had a sports car, news reports on her would appear in a week labeled "Insane White Woman blazes past Police at 180 MPH"
@Wipqozn that is not a bad idea, actually.
(The law, not what the sheriff is doing)
2:51 AM
@Memor-X i mean it is not the same exact people doing this thing, though it is unfortunately more and more common amongst republicans in various states
@Memor-X LA highway traffic is not as bad as LA street traffic, as far as danger and crashes go
LA highway traffic is effectively a parking lot
Pauline Hanson says man is not causing climate change. "There has been changes. What happened to the dinosaurs, how did they die off? Humans didn't create it," she said. https://bit.ly/2IC8Fr3
@Memor-X i guess she doesn't understand we have shifted the climate in the past 150 years to a degree that usually takes nature thousands, if not millions, years to do
@TheMattbat999 she probably does and denies it
so lets see the record for One Nation

- Refuses to censure for former member Fraser Anning when everyone else does
- Pauline's No. 2 and No. 3 caught talking to the NRA about accepting their money to get into office to water down gun laws
- Leader is a Climate Change Denier
i predict the next thing will show them being Homo/Trans-phobic. unless there's other bridges they can burn
3:13 AM
BREAKING: Myanmar's Supreme Court upholds verdict against jailed @Reuters reporters – judge
Gory but important story via @zhonggg & @Tang_Ailin Across China dead pigs have been heaped in rivers and ditches. Some farmers say they won't report sick pigs to local authorities. Others say officials don't respond fast enough when they do report. https://nyti.ms/2vg7c10
3:39 AM
@TimStone uhhhhh is the swine flu back?
something feel good to match the negativity of how much people suck
Young girl born without hands wins national handwriting contest http://hill.cm/EQorP0q
3 hours later…
6:35 AM
Man lands job after officer gives him a ride to interview instead of a ticket. https://nbcnews.to/2Zvyf6e
4 hours later…
10:40 AM
In the “old days” if you were President and you had a good economy, you were basically immune from criticism. Remember, “It’s the economy stupid.” Today I have, as President, perhaps the greatest economy in history...and to the Mainstream Media, it means NOTHING. But it will!
So he wants to be immune from criticism entirely?
10:54 AM
@MadScientist i googled that phrase
"It's the economy, stupid" is a slight variation of the phrase "The economy, stupid", which James Carville had coined as a campaign strategist of Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign against sitting president George H. W. Bush. Carville's original phrase was meant for the internal audience of Clinton's campaign workers as one of the three messages to focus on, the other two messages being "Change vs. more of the same" and "Don't forget health care." Clinton's campaign advantageously used the then-prevailing recession in the United States as one of the campaign's means to successfully...
:thinking: Bill Clinton was known for the economy, negociated with North Korea for the release of Americans, made something that discriminated against the LGBT+ Community in the Military and also got impeached on perjury and obstruction of justice
he also got 2 terms and it was the second one he got impeached, lets hope the GOP is not trying to create their own Clinton
11:50 AM
I love that half of the candidates are literally the better things aren't possible tweet lmao
"I wish I could staple a free college diploma under every one of your chairs. I do. Don't look, it's not there. I wish I could do that but I have to be straight with you," says Sen. Amy Klobuchar, on the issue of student debt in America. #KlobucharTownHall https://cnn.it/2ZrSAJH https://t.co/jQu08lR7u0
"I would be lying if I said better things were possible"
really good
2 hours later…
1:44 PM
White House tells official not to comply with a subpoena from House Democrats over security clearances https://cnn.it/2ZsXg29
I was going to post the original NY Times opinion link, but instead I'll link to this blistering takedown:
That NYT piece by Joe Lockhart is utter trash. Trump isn't an anomaly of GOP politics, but its inevitable endgame. He ascended as the uncensored id of a carefully cultivated base—not as a betrayer of Republican values, but as their most shameless promoter. http://www.shakesville.com/2019/04/no-no-no-no-no-no-no.html
How on earth is Trump an anomaly if he's at the (il)logical extreme of every one of their values?
exactly. Here's the original piece:
Trump is three years into destroying what we know as the Republican Party. Another two years just might finish it off, writes @joelockhart. https://nyti.ms/2ZtrWQU
I mean, that part isn't wrong, per se, but the Republican Party is somewhat defined by self-destructive stances. At least on climate change alone.
you could argue that Trump is the "GOP Unmasked", that all the dog whistles have been put away and they now can "say the quiet parts loud"
but I agree with Melissa in my link above, leaving Trump in office is inviting further destruction to our democracy
> I can't even wrap my head around being so privileged that you can assert giving Trump two more years in office is a "dream scenario," knowing that those two years could very well see, just for a start, the construction of military-run concentration camps at the border,
> the re-criminalization of abortion, the death of the Affordable Care Act, the rollback of LGBTQ rights, continued empowerment of white supremacy from the Oval Office, and possibly two more Supreme Court seats transferred to conservatives with loyalty to an authoritarian president.
2:00 PM
Wait, that's his argument? I didn't click through because I didn't feel like hearing garbage opinions on "Trump is not who I am as a Republican".
But it's "keep Trump in office and we can get rid of the GOP entirely"?
2:11 PM
@Yuuki Yes:
> For Democrats, leaving Donald Trump in office is not only good politics — it is the best chance for fundamental realignment of American politics in more than a generation. Mr. Trump is three years into destroying what we know as the Republican Party. Another two years just might finish it off. Trumpism has become Republicanism, and that spells electoral doom for the party.
gotta love those accelerationists
part B of his argument is that impeachment will galvanize the GOP to unify around Trump, instead of continuing to fray like they are now
@BradC That's going to be a court battle, for sure.
@BradC but to give him those 2 more years you have to then give him the second term and unless you can get him removed from office and a new election he'll do more damage to democracy (going by what you have quoted)
@Memor-X He has 21 months (~2 years) left in his first term.
2:13 PM
@Memor-X well I think he was rounding up to the two years remaining in his first term, not suggesting we allow him another term
ahhhh, rounding. that makes more sense. i was seeing 3+2 and i thought a term was just 4 years
@Frank It will be, this is already a subpoena, not simply a request
@Memor-X It is, but primary season starts ~8-10 months before the actual election.
@BradC Likely to go to the Supreme court, if Trump has his way.
And the election is 2 months before confirmation.
(and as we can see with the Dems, presidential campaigns start more than a year before the primaries)
2:22 PM
@MBraedley wasn't there also a Republican who's challenging Trump?
William? Bill? Will? Buck?
@BradC Very accurate.
2:35 PM
@Wipqozn hey I figured out where that trib.al shortened url came from
Anything copied from Facebook's internal web browser
Will keep an eye on that in future
A Trump transition staffer (and law professor) says enough is enough, and calls for impeachment (via @TheAtlantic): https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/04/gop-staffer-advocates-trumps-impeachment/587785/
> Politics is a team sport, and if you actively work within a political party, there is some expectation that you will follow orders and rally behind the leader, even when you disagree. There is a point, though, at which that expectation turns from a mix of loyalty and pragmatism into something more sinister, a blind devotion that serves to enable criminal conduct.
> The Mueller report was that tipping point for me, and it should be for Republican and independent voters, and for Republicans in Congress. In the face of a Department of Justice policy that prohibited him from indicting a sitting president, Mueller drafted what any reasonable reader would see as a referral to Congress to commence impeachment hearings.
@HalfEmpty It should be fine. If we leave it alone, it'll take another two years maybe to finish it off.
@Yuuki Are you one of those NASA die-hards, no commercial human space flight people?
2:47 PM
Nah, reference to five minutes ago.
Ten, maybe.
@HalfEmpty For the record I don't care if you use a shortener, but in the context it really did look like you had bad intentions.
I understand I guess? I just want to make sure everyone knows that was not the case
Wow 321 now??
Last I heard was 200 ish. That is fucking awful. I weep for the families
The head of the DNC pledged the committee wouldn't use hacked emails or stolen data for political gain ahead of the 2020 presidential election and pressed his RNC counterpart to make the same commitment https://politi.co/2XEzTkf
3:03 PM
> A Model S burst in flames in a parking lot, Tesla will investigate
How about the NTSB instead? reads article NTSB can't investigate in China
@puzzlepiece87 I think that wasn't in the US
@MadScientist Well said.
3:55 PM
@BradC do they really think this will stop anything?
I'm not sure which answer to that yes or no is more cynical
@GodEmperorDune Doubtful, but refusing to make a similar pledge might look bad, politically (probably not to enough people, though...)
(or to the right people)
Like, if you don't care about what the GOP has been doing so far (in continuing to support Trump, in approving of voter-suppression tactics, etc), then this one bit seems unlikely to move you, but whatever
MUST-READ from @JamesWClark: Under the new tax code Trump signed into law in 2017, Gold Star families are seeing big increases in their taxes. "My kids are owing the government back money, that the government gave them, because their dad died." https://taskandpurpose.com/trump-tax-cut-widows
4:10 PM
@TimStone Is there a specific clause for them or is it a consequence of general tax code fuckery?
The actual kids are being taxed, at a higher rate, because of a change that treats them as a trust or estate now
Instead of being taxed at the rate of the parent(s)
4:25 PM
I don't know much about Gold Star families, are they given a stipend by the government?
Oh yes they are. I should read the article if I'm asking more than one question.
5:02 PM
Obama is coming to my city to speak, apparently
I wonder how much tickets will be. I'd be interested
Lots of opportunity in the field, seems really stupid
@BradC The article's not bad, but it's incredibly extreme. She talks in absolutes, and there's no sense of reasonableness whatsoever.
5:18 PM
New: Bill Barr has received a waiver to participate in the probe of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). The waiver could give him a window into an investigation in New York that involves the Trump Victory committee & potentially illegal foreign donations. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/23/barr-trump-inauguration-fund-1287657
@HalfEmpty Oh wow
@TimStone about fucking time imo
Opioids are bad here
I know I'm in Canada but I'm sure it's bad all over
@Frank Sounds familiar 😁
@HalfEmpty (I understand now that that was an incorrectly linked reply, but for a second there I got really confused as to why anyone would have strong opinions on Bill Barr and whatever he's investigating now lol)
BREAKING: Iowa State Rep. Andy McKean is leaving the Republican Party, joining Democrats in the Iowa House https://iowastartingline.com/2019/04/23/party-switch-state-rep-andy-mckean-flips-from-r-to-d/
> An artifact of the drug war, federal law requires the U.S. Department of Transportation to withhold 8% of a state’s highway funding if the state does not automatically suspend, revoke, or delay reinstating the driver’s license—for at least 6 months—of anyone convicted of any drug offense
Amazing all of the federal laws people supposedly wouldn't go for yet there's stupid shit like that on the books
6:22 PM
According to this early oral argument report, Chief Justice Roberts says getting citizenship question on census is essential to enforcing the Voting Rights Act. But experts have said it is not. And the evidence shows this was not the reason that Ross wanted to add the question. https://twitter.com/ReutersLegal/status/1120709298093531136
lol gtfo
@GodEmperorDune thats.... a profoundly bad sign
hmm it's really Weird that john roberts is doing the thing strange
love too do racist fearmongering to strengthen the voting rights act after gutting it a few years ago
@TimStone That's... a really harsh penalty, jeez.
6:30 PM
also i saw some tweet about "oh no trump tweeted or RTed more than 50 times in a day" and uhhhhhh. maybe i am on twitter too much
@Yuuki Infrastructure Weekwar on Drugs Forever
@Unionhawk Concerning but not particularly unexpected. Just because Roberts has 4 justices to his right and 4 to his left does not mean he is by any stretch of the imagination centrist.
UK politicians criticize Trump's planned appearance at D-Day commemorations: "We made a conscious decision not to invite him" http://hill.cm/WhRtAx7
Very good relationship we have with the UK right now, a country also willing to self-immolate
Saudi Arabia confirms beheading 37 citizens, most of them minority Shiites, in a mass execution for alleged terrorism-related crimes. One body and its severed head was tied to a pole as a public warning. https://twitter.com/Spa_Eng/status/1120743324913152005
Another day, another story of how gendered and racialized harassment/abuse is systematically enabled by HR and execs. This is the culture that allows powerful men to be paid off for committing sexual assault while retaliating against women who organize. https://medium.com/the-chronicles-of-the-coding-curmudgeon/the-chronicles-of-the-coding-curmudgeon-foot-guy-966a5ace5b34
@TimStone these are our best friends in the middle east? jfc
I heard someone characterize the makeup of the US supreme court this way: from 1-100 (liberal to conservative), Chief Roberts is like an 85, Alito is like a 93, Thomas is like a 98, Gorsuch is a 99.4, and Kavanaugh is like a 104
And the liberal justices are really only in the 20-40 range
6:41 PM
tbf I think I got roberts confused with kennedy
resistance traitor
> Netanyahu will introduce resolution to name Golan Heights town after Trump
If it weren't so dangerous it'd be hilarious how pathetic this all is
love 2 just throw the entire principles of international law after world war 2 in the garbage if it is israel who is doing it
@TimStone trump is going to flip when something bad happens in that town
@TimStone Ah, but he didn't say exactly what the name would be, just that it would be named after Trump.
(obtaining territory by conquest is Right Out)
6:45 PM
(insert creative and insulting place name puns that I'm too tired to think up)
he should call it,,, freakin cheetosburgh xd everyone gets mad at me
@Unionhawk covfefe...xD
if both sides are criticizing me I must be doing something right
Excuse me sir Most Americans are Americans
this... checks out I think
7:02 PM
@GodEmperorDune And Microsoft has a female James Damore today as well
Okay friends who wants to test Betteridge's law of headlines today?
> A Year in Jail for the Death of a Fish
Has the National Park Service gone too far to protect the endangered Devils Hole pupfish?
@puzzlepiece87 yikes
Is that the law that says the answer to any headline with a hypothetical question is always "no"?
@BradC correct
Hmmm obviously it must have been a complete accident for this fish to have died and be paired this headline ?????
> Drunk on rum and the roar of the gun, the three men fired up an off-road vehicle and drove away from camp. Riding in back was Trent, who carried the shotgun and blasted away at road signs as they tore across the Amargosa Valley and Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge.
@puzzlepiece87 these are park rangers or randos?
7:06 PM
> They headed toward a remote unit of Death Valley National Park: Devils Hole, a deep pool inside a sunken limestone cavern. The area’s surrounded by 10-foot-tall fencing, a fortress erected to protect an endangered species of pupfish found there.

Trent shot at the gate to the pedestrian walkway area and then shot the surveillance camera and yanked it from its mount. Then he and one of his companions, Steven, stumbled into the enclosure. Steven was so intoxicated that it took him multiple tries to clear the fence. Inside the enclosure, he paused to empty his bladder.
wtf is wrong with these people
> Wilson paused the video and backed it up. The man who fired the shotgun and plunged into the pool had left a few things behind—his wallet and cellphone. The next morning, in the fog of a hangover, he broke in to Devils Hole to retrieve them, ignoring the empty beer cans and his underwear, which was still floating in the water.
for a few minutes of fun they're going to cause so much ecological damage
> “I have so much to tell you,” Sargent said to Dillon. “I’m a convicted felon. I know that I can’t have a gun, that I can’t be around guns. I wasn’t intending to shoot that night and was just going to hold the spotlight while the others shot.” There was a pause—a long-enough silence that Dillon thought the phone might have been disconnected. “But because of the drinking, I shot as well,” Sargent told him.

Sargent had been convicted of grand theft of money and property three years earlier in San Bernardino, California.
wow. So a year seems like mercy
7:08 PM
They literally could have had the same amount of "fun" in at a random swimming pool.
Hmmm just can't tell if one year is too muchhhhh how can we know what was in their hearrrtssss
Betteridge's law is almost as unassailable as relativity these days
it's not like the park rangers broke into these drunk guys house and gave them jail time for joking about a hypothetical thing
Take that headline down and do better, The Atlantic.
Jul 11 '18 at 17:26, by Unionhawk
me: abolish prisons, also me: ^
Shockingly, Steven Moore is divorced now from the mother of those children AND fell $300,000 behind on child support, which gets less-wealthy men jailed. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/23/us/politics/stephen-moore-women.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share
@GodEmperorDune Or shot them in the back while they were lying down.
7:12 PM
There really is no bottom to this barrel
@TimStone If only we could derive energy from the depths of human depravity.
@Yuuki but they WERE AFRAID
@GodEmperorDune >:(((((((((((
7:28 PM
The tech workers coalition mailing list is really good but yeah
7:57 PM
@GodEmperorDune I've been riding one of those buses for almost 5 years, and I think I never would have noticed if a man was staring at the feet of a woman next to him, and I never would have noticed that someone in a window seat was trying to make eye contact with anyone
Just about everyone is always focused on their laptop or phone anyway
8:22 PM
@TimStone The fuck?
8:45 PM
> “What are the implications of a society in which women earn more than men?” he wrote. “We don’t really know, but it could be disruptive to family stability. If men aren’t the breadwinners, will women regard them as economically expendable?"
The hubris of the idiot.
@Frank /r/SelfAwareWolves
@Frank It's quite pathetic that there are still men that feel threatened by this. It's entirely absurd to me
They feel threatened by this because that's how they treat women, simple as that.
Like all women are good for is making babies and tending to the house.
I'd have zero issue if my wife made more than me. That's not likely to happen, but if her stories get off the ground, it very well could.
I, for one, would be okay with staying at home to cook, care for the kids, and clean (okay, maybe a little iffy on the cleaning because I have a sensitive gag reflex).
8:51 PM
The Chinese church I attend is so conservative that people comment if a man does kitchen duties as part of routine after lunch clean up
@puzzlepiece87 That's kinda bizarre to me because my family back in mainland China has no problems with mixing up kitchen duties.
My uncle takes care of a rooftop garden (to the point where neighbors will pay him to take care of their plants) and cooks.
@Yuuki It's partially explained by the fact that the popular Chinese church in America is so young that it directly traces its roots back to a dozen people, who were quite influenced by the white American evangelical church, which is a base that deeply agrees with the positions discussed above.
So less of a Chinese thing than an American conservative thing though the church is explicitly a Chinese church in name.
I need to learn more about Americanized Chinese culture. Despite the fact that I've lived most of my life in the US and most people would see me as a second/third-generation immigrant, I'm still technically a first-generation immigrant.
I didn't have quite enough American influence growing up to be a proper ABC but I'm also definitely not Chinese enough to be a Chinese immigrant. It feels weird, tbh.
9:06 PM
@Yuuki That makes a lot of sense. I'm sure I would feel the same in your shoes.
@Yuuki It'd give me more flexibility to try to work on my consulting stuff.
9:24 PM
@Frank Until a month ago, LadyWacko did make more than me
@SaintWacko If that happened to my wife, I'd be celebrating with her so hard.
@Frank Right?
There's no reason to complain about promotions. It's free real estate money.
9:42 PM
lmao (from a podcast talking about Anchor Union, and a part their decision to organize with the ILWU): "now that they're owned by Sapporo, there uh, may be shipments from Japan that uh, need to come in through ILWU ports. Take that how you will"
Hey there
10:18 PM
so trump is meeting with jack dorsey, CEO of twitter
Trump spent a "significant portion" of his meeting with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey complaining that he was losing followers. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/04/23/trump-meets-with-twitter-ceo-jack-dorsey-white-house/?utm_term=.a142002d2e59
it went about as well as you would expect
Jack Dorsey deserved a meeting like that.
10:33 PM
@Unionhawk my bad
@GodEmperorDune lmao
@HalfEmpty before Officials were saying that believed it was this anti-Buddhist group which seemed odd given that they never did anything this large before but now you have ISIS claiming responsibility and while i would normally go "Yep, ISIS trying to take someone else's credit because they are the worst of the shitbags", it actually makes way more sense that this was their doing
11:11 PM
@GodEmperorDune lol I just saw this and immediately got angry
@SaintWacko Yeaaaaah
@TimStone why do rich people somehow get exempt from the law?
Finally! A meme relevant to the topic at hand!
11:19 PM
@GodEmperorDune lmfao
@TimStone dammit jack
He is the worst person
Who the heck is Jack?
@HalfEmpty that is their culture.
11:34 PM
That's barbaric
Yes, but it is their belief system.
@TheMattbat999 jack dorsey, CEO of twitter
@GodEmperorDune ah ok
@TheMattbat999 Moral relativism to this extent is basically this dril tweet but unironically

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