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12:44 AM
From the beginning, Team Trump has dreamed of selling nuclear reactors across the Gulf. Now Saudi Crown Prince MBS wants US nuclear technology AND the right to enrichment BUT doesn't want intrusive inspections to prove the peaceful nature of the program. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/22/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-nuclear.html
Oh well I'm sure mister bone saw can be trusted
Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa suggested this week that she may be open to automatically restoring voting rights to people with past felony convictions. https://bit.ly/2zoL2Ms
3 hours later…
3:29 AM
@TimStone i mean there was an argument with one of the inspectors in an embassy and...
@TimStone hell yeah
3:57 AM
After workers staged a “Strikesgiving” protest at a Whole Foods store in Chicago, employees were offered more leniency in choosing whether to work on Thanksgiving—and were given double their regular pay if they did. The lesson: go on strike. http://inthesetimes.com/working/entry/17404/want_thanksgiving_off_follow_these_whole_foods_workers_example_and_go_on_st
4:20 AM
NCAA athlete disowned by family for being gay is able to keep GoFundMe donations https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/ncaa-athlete-disowned-family-able-keep-gofundme-donations-n938021
yay NCAA for doing the right thing
4:39 AM
@GodEmperorDune not like it's enough to make up for Larry Nassar
@Memor-X yeah the larry nassar call was a bad one
11 hours later…
3:34 PM
@GodEmperorDune I honestly can't imagine having bigotry and hatred that runs so deep that you'd disown your own children.
"Tragically, her death was caused by someone who just decided they were going to shoot bullets into her house, and she's dead" I'm sure that we'll not find it's anything more then that...
3:54 PM
@fredley I wonder how long until that onion article is republished
2 hours later…
5:46 PM
@fredley oh fuck :(
6:17 PM
@Wipqozn neither can i
NEW: Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel Mueller, according to a person with knowledge of the talks. Corsi is a key link between Trump, Roger Stone, Nigel Farage, & WikiLeaks. (And Alex Jones. And Ted Malloch.) https://wapo.st/2FF5kHc?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.6815dcb17318
The '20 primary schedule is far from final. BUT under current plan, California will start early voting before Iowa caucuses. Then, OH, IL, GA, and NC will open before NH's primary. New, on the stealth reshaping of Dems' process, and what it (might) mean > https://nym.ag/2PQMlOG
6:42 PM
Thousands of Amazon workers in Europe stage Black Friday strike http://f-st.co/ZMkUmPd
Be advised: do not purchase from Amazon, especially while there is an active picket line.
7:31 PM
@Unionhawk hell yeah
2 hours later…
9:51 PM
@GodEmperorDune Noooooo
@TimStone iowa and NH can get in the sea
first in the nation my foot
I mean true but I think instead we should just force everyone to push everything back because I don't want to start any earlier
oh for the love of god
Harvard and Yale scientists are proposing that we tackle climate change by dimming the sun. It sounds crazy, but according to their research, it could actually cut the rate of global warming in half: https://cnn.it/2R8SBO6
@TimStone they'll push it back to the day after midterms
@TimStone sure, mr. burns
> The researchers also acknowledge potential risks: coordination between multiple countries in both hemispheres would be required, and stratospheric aerosol injection techniques could jeopardize crop yields, lead to droughts or cause extreme weather.
Apropos of nothing,
BREAKING: Massive federal report warns that extreme weather disasters, like California's wildfires and this year's hurricanes, are worsening in the United States. The White House report also frequently contradicts President Donald Trump. http://apne.ws/y8s9BDG

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