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again, in a sequence of words I never thought nor wished to say, this is Steve Bannon's hip hop musical of CORIOLANUS, st during the Rodney King riots. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/17/opinion/sunday/steve-bannon-hip-hop-shakespeare-rewrite-coriolanus.html
@TimStone wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut
who likes coriolanus?
it is one of shakespeare's worst
You may have noticed that Bannon likes things that are not good
Both men and women were sexually aroused to the same degree by erotic films that catered to their own or to the opposite sex. http://utpjournals.press/doi/10.3138/cjhs.253-A4
huh. that's neat
It appears Russia just assassinated someone in a British crown territory http://washex.am/2DzMX1J by @TomRtweets
@cazc_941 Interesting, but very small sample size.
We is least wraithist of all creatures! Yes least wraithist creature! Yes precious, many orcsies saying this. We only hates fat hobbitses because they is tricksy! And FALSE! Theys bringing pipeleaf & rotten taters! But yes, least wraithist of all! Wow! Best Preciousdent!
looks at calendar
Oh yeah, we have four days until the shutdown, again
(Right, today is Monday >_>)
love to shutdown the govt when the same party controls all 3 branches
Let's not forget this is basically what they were working on when Trump decided to open his mouth
@GodEmperorDune I mean but also hopefully the Senate actually holds the line this time instead of just allowing 14 day CRs to pass every 2 weeks
It does sound like there is a 6 year chip deal in the works which is good
That one should be a no brainier, clean dream is stickier
And I blame Steven Miller for that
It's already real dirty from what I know, reducing legal immigration by 50% already, but I believe wall funding was still in question
@Unionhawk i read somewhere that CHIP and DACA as leverage might've been kushner's idea
We really should just send him to jail already
something something about keeping families apart
hey this would be cool
Del. @MarkKeam has filed a bill that would create a Virginia Chief Data Officer and require that agencies publish open data. 🙌 https://www.richmondsunlight.com/bill/2018/hb781/
@GodEmperorDune I mean for inviting Cotton and Badcoffee to that one meeting
Refusing to fund a government that allows 9m children to lose health insurance and 800,000 people to lose protected immigration status should ideally be like, a left position but since everything has to be a stupid deal since like forever not just president deals it has to be dumber than that because you know we also apparently have to limit legal immigration in order to make those things happen
Which isn't, like, the absolute worst concession to make I guess but
i was listening to an interview with a foreign policy guy talking about how us-pakistan relations could totally be transactional and deal based, but the trump admin is too inept to recognize and capitalize on that, they'd rather strut around talking crap instead of actually working out the deals
Hashtag president deals
@GodEmperorDune that sounds about right for everything
2 hours later…
.@samanthadawson_: Authorities rescue 13 siblings found chained in a US home, in what police describe as 'dungeon-like' conditions. MORE: http://bit.ly/2rbrHN7 https://t.co/mioLnL7c3s
so i guess condoms are too expensive in the US that it's just cheaper to breed like rabbits and then treat children like trash
3 hours later…
Apparently, some people say the USA should bomb Kim Jong Un's port-a-potty on the Sunan airport...
@Nzall Some people are probably also saying to bomb everything that is not America. Including political opponents of their prefered government, since those are not real Americans.
@Nzall we bombed a ton of leaders we didn't like before they got nukes (including hussein and gaddafi). now the rest of them will never give up their nukes as it is literally their only insurance policy against assassination or invasion
2 hours later…
@Nzall well, could be worse
1 hour later…
@TimStone I mean, they do that all the time
Those crazy Russians
> Russian Assassin: In Russia, Assassination is pointless, car spontaneously combusts killing target
Britain: but this wasn't in Russia
Russian Assassin: it was Russian Car, very crap, spontaneously combusts
Britain: how do you know?
Russian Assassin: we sell car, easy pay from Lord Prime Minister
Day two
Thank you to all who rallied, called in, spread the word on social media and donated to #OperationPUSH and most importantly to our incarcerated comrades who are risking their lives right now refusing to work. We’ll keep all posted as we receive news from inside.
Ok fuck this. There's a popular initiative about removing Media taxes (? Idk if that's the correct english term) in my country. Basically removing neutrality in TV and radio.
Yeah, I believe Fairness Doctrine is close to what you're looking for
We used to have that
Now we don't
It's fun
@Unionhawk Yeah I don't want a left vs right tv shitshow tbh
That's the one thing i like about our programme. It's extremely neutral compared to other countries.
This is the screen that set off the ballistic missile alert on Saturday. The operator clicked the PACOM (CDW) State Only link. The drill link is the one that was supposed to be clicked. #Hawaii
And It's actually coming from a party I usually support but fuck them for that move.
Fairness Doctrine went away in 87
Classic 80s
@MadScientist 10/10 UX, would fuck up again
The UI is even worse than I expected
Honestly that UI is pretty exactly what I expected
Oh great... the vote is during my military repetition course...
A more structured list divided by topics with redundancy of words like ALERT and TEST can help. Also emojis can help differentiate topics without deep reading
Now this is a reasonable UI
1 hour later…
DOJ, DHS REPORT: THREE OUT OF FOUR INDIVIDUALS CONVICTED OF INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM AND TERRORISM-RELATED OFFENSES WERE FOREIGN-BORN https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/doj-dhs-report-three-out-four-individuals-convicted-international-terrorism-and-terrorism
"international terrorism", "foreign-born" 🤔
Also, you know, the all-caps propaganda, but
Does that mean a full quarter of international terrorism events were caused by Americans?
@TimStone So 1 in 4 international terrorist was an American? Sounds like we need to ban Americans from going anywhere, keeping 25% of terrorists out by simply blocking one country is a good deal, right?
I mean how many people were convicted of international terrorism or terrorism related offenses
Is the number 4?
@Ronan Assuming it means convicted in the US but who knows
This report was required by the Travel Ban EO so you can expect what conclusions it comes to
International terrorism is hard, unsparing work requiring sustained focus, so I’m surprised that 25% of native-born Americans can handle it
@fredley that would only be if the entire population were convicted wouldn't it
@cazc_941 It's a dumb tweet about another dumb tweet. Perhaps it's being deliberately dumb?
haha just making sure
BoJack is the only Stable Genius I need in my life
@Yuuki and @Unionhawk, thanks for your contributions to the H&M and speeding camera discussions.
@fredley International terrorism, like all other industries, is sending jobs off-shore.
Trump will bring back those jobs. MAFA (Make America Fearful Again)!
One of these times I'm actually deitalicizing you in bridge
text-style: normal
Holy shit congressional review on Net Neutrality is at 50 in the senate?
Let's go?
Susan Collins welcome to the resistance
Yeah though if the fact that it's been reported screws it up I'mma be pissed
(not that this is any different than literally anything else being reported)
Senate hits 50 votes in bid to save net neutrality and/or make Republicans look dumb http://gizmo.do/qUcFt9t
@Unionhawk She keeps coming and going.
I was doing the thing where I welcome random people to the resistance for doing one vaguely out of character thing
Always good to pick up some practical tips in the Financial Times.
@GodEmperorDune That's something he should ask on Arqade.
We know plenty about changing succession.
Yep, we even got that horse to be pope
@MadScientist I'm more excited about post-Trump, post-Breitbart Bannon's testimony than I would have been about November Bannon's testimony. Hopefully he's feeling vengeful now.
And kept the receipts.
@puzzlepiece87 Eh, Bannon would've turned on Trump even before he left the White House. Bannon's goals lie beyond keeping Trump in power.
His goal of making people think he's a genius has worked though
@Yuuki I don't know if I'd draw the same conclusion as your first sentence, though I agree with your second. I think Bannon sees Trump as a useful tool - you usually don't trash useful tools without a good reason.
#OperationPUSH Update Communication from inside went completely silent starting yesterday. The only logical answer is repression tactics - lock downs, sweeps... At least two contacts were put in confinement w/o reason. They said dozens more were also locked up before the strike.
Sad, but inevitable
I know several people (including me) from this room have feeds steeped in backlash, but have any of you seen backlash to Caitlin Flanagan's article in the Atlantic saying that Aziz Ansari was smeared improperly?
I've not yet but I've not really poked Twitter with a stick yet
(And tbh this is a topic I personally will likely call silent retreat on for myself)
@Ash Makes sense, thanks for sharing, and the "Not yet" part of the answer is exactly what I was looking for, thank you.
I'm sure we could all find backlash if we wanted to dig, I was just wondering if I was crazy for reading that article and thinking that Flanagan ultimately concluded it wasn't sexual assault because Grace didn't fight back enough.
If that was her conclusion, then I was expecting there to be more backlash than I saw in my normal, not-specifically-seeking-rage reading.
I think a lot of people are just wholly uninterested in Aziz hot takes
Like yeah that's a bad take but like
Well, I've seen various backlash against the idea that it didn't count because Grace did not follow the rules of being a Good Victim
None directly tied to that, but plenty of people going "if you think that's how it works you have no idea what anything is like gtfo"
Makes sense, thanks. Obviously I am not surprised by bad takes on the Internet or the Post or Times opeds, but I love The Atlantic so seeing a bad sexual assault take there threw my eyebrow up a little bit.
Thanks for your feedback, and I love how you phrased that @Ash, I'm definitely going to use that in future discussions.
@puzzlepiece87 Glad I could help :)
A lot of the victim blaming is just people assuming a very stereotypical Hollywood style rape scenario and....99% of the time, it doesn't work that way
(Also oh hey I'm seeing reactions now to that, funnily enough)
Also, as per usual, Ana Mardoll has a good thread:
[Rape] Okay, I am going to talk about a thing I keep seeing with Aziz, so mute this thread and this TW if you need to.
(And with that, I do need to silent retreat on this one - please don't ping me related to this anymore. I realize I started the discussion, but I need to respectfully back out now to keep myself together.)
Can I reply to that without pinging you?
I'll just ignore pings from here for a bit, if you need linking replies :) No worries :)
#BREAKING: Trump appeals judge's ruling to protect DACA directly to Supreme Court http://hill.cm/etBMGms
It hasn't even made it through the initial court what
You don't take a TRO to the supreme court
JUST IN: Christie signs ban ban on bump stocks just one day before leaving office http://hill.cm/d3VWRxq
Chris Christie,,, welcome
Chris Christie,,,,,,, thank you for your service
wait, a ban on "a ban on bump stocks" or just "a ban on bump stocks"?
lol, I didn't even notice that
A ban on bump stocks, though
can you see the the mistake in this sentence?
nothing but respect for MY former governor of New Jersey who absolutely embarassed himself for this administration and got nothing out of it
Okay, so the idea that "she brought this on herself" is definitely reprehensible and who the f--k thought that? But the notion of unequal standards of consent is troubling to me for a reason that I can't seem to articulate. Although now that I think about it, it might be because of gender stereotypes where a male is always considered the aggressor in such a case.
I'm rambling but this whole thing seems like a giant mess and people are way too busy making hot takes.
Aziz Ansari's case is far more murky and ambiguous than someone like Harvey Weinstein and James Franco.
> (listening to lawyers talk about J20) I think one of the funny things about the jury verdict is the jury verdict saved the prosecution from getting really humiliated on appeal for some really grotesque arguments
Nobody gives a shit about Steve Bannon anymore guys
I mean you're right in the same sense that also none of this russia stuff matters, yeah
But him needing to testify is still really funny to imagine
@Ash this is a horrible story but it's also making dudes sound a lot smarter and more devious than I think most of us are
Self burn
@Unionhawk what's he testifying about
I dunno
Russia Stuff(tm) I guess
Whatever Mueller brought him in for
Do people still think that is a thing
Yes, both in the sense that there is still a special prosecutor and in the sense that some people outside of government think it's going to somehow end up with a new special election or some nonsense like that
Breaking: L.A. Sheriff's deputy charged with operating large-scale drug trafficking operation after FBI sting, said he and other officers provided security to drug dealers http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-sheriff-deputy-drug-conspiracy-20180116-story.html with @joelrubin
Like there is still somehow a still-not-fired special prosecutor on the thing, but aside from a couple of lower level officials getting slammed for lying to the FBI or something (people have already been charged with this thing) I don't think anything is really going to happen
And even if things do happen it's not going to magically make things good except when considering values of "bad" that only mean "Donald Trump is president"
@Unionhawk Nah, we have to hold out hope that Kushner will definitely go to jail, possibly for something not even directly related!
Yeah, I mean, that's best case scenario really
Jared and Jr. go to jail and the president only pardons Jr. or something
@cazc_941 He makes some points I agree with (which is to say he states some facts which I believe to be true), but they in no way support his thesis. He doesn't realize that 1) Trump has no real control over Congress, they will do as they see fit, and so 2) Representatives and Senators don't need to align with Trump in order to keep their jobs, but 3) aligning with Trump may actually cost them their jobs, because true Trump supporters make up maybe a third of the electorate writ large.
Not because that'd be truly "good" but more in that it'd be "really funny"
Someone should probably check Stephen Miller's closet for skeletons too
Like, literally
@TimStone not surprised, the sheriffs dept has been a mess for a very long time
Without Kushner or Miller there's a non-zero chance that Trump would just shrug and play golf every day instead of every third day
WATCH: Sen. Orrin Hatch removes a pair of glasses he's not wearing https://t.co/QXCCb4RHzn
(I buy the muscle memory explanation but it's still funny)
@puzzlepiece87 I have lots of backlash in my tl on this
@TimStone yep I have done this too
A good calm thread about this was already posted in here, but thinkpiecebot has a more visceral one
Here’s a family friendly post in the middle
writing shitty thinkpieces about how #MeToo has gone too far isn't limited to any particular generation but I'm particularly sick of the Baby Boomer "gee who can understand these youngsters with their Pokemans and their enthusiastic consent"
@Yuuki I'm on team affirmative consent but I know a lot of people aren't.
The one question I have about affirmative consent is whether consent can be withdrawn retroactively.
If so, my paranoia levels just skyrocketed and my twitch reaction is to never have sex ever.
@MBraedley #2 is not really true - witness Bob Corker for just the latest example.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, seems like it's gaining a little bit more traction.
@puzzlepiece87 Well, the point is that Trump can't really fire them.
@MBraedley Got it, I understand better now.
@Yuuki Consent can be withdrawn, but that can't invalidate the consent prior to the withdrawal.
@Yuuki I approve of proactive thinking, but like the theoretical case for voter ID, I'll worry about that city of Atlantis when it actually appears. Not saying it's never happened, but it would be quite atypical in 2018 for the potential he said/she said of a sex crime to be "Potential victim: I never gave consent; Potential aggressor: Actually I asked a few times during the course of the activity and Potential Victim always said Yes I want this"
I'd prefer not to let (potential) perfect be the enemy of the good here.
@puzzlepiece87 well, no, that actually happens a lot, that sort of "I didn't say yes" "yes they did say yes:
Or they implied yes or they were naked or they did x or basically all of that
BREAKING: Governor of KY Bevin says if courts say he can’t kick people off Medicaid for not working (95,000), he will end Medicaid expansion— health care for 400,000 people. https://twitter.com/rachanadixit/status/953350294531969024
@Ash Oh, then I definitely trust your experience here then - my impression of the cases I've read is definitely more where Potential Aggressor just says "it was consensual" without ever explicitly telling a lie that they explicitly asked for consent verbally and then Potential Victim explicitly replied Yes
@puzzlepiece87 You do get cases where it is very much a he said she said thing
(or whoever said, insert pronouns as needed)
Matt Bevin retire tbh
@Ash Just to make sure I'm 100% on the same page as you, are we talking he said/she said to the tune of "They wanted it"/"No I didn't" or to the tune of "I asked and they said yes"/"They never asked and or I never said yes and or I said no"
Just want to put it out there that I agree that we have a problem with understanding consent in this country/culture/etc.
@Ash I believe and support what you're saying, I'm just fully understanding it.
@Yuuki It's been evolving really fast, hasn't it. It's been something that needs effort to keep up with.
@Yuuki (on top of engrained forces that don't favor the kind of consent that could lead to more culpability for aggressors)
@puzzlepiece87 Both. But I understand the current focus is on the latter
@Ash Got it. Thanks for sharing and for helping me to understand.
Thank you for being patient and asking for clarification and being okay with the fact that this is a topic I can only take in small doses
Sorry you got pinged after you asked not to be.
Nope, as I said to Yuuki, if people needed to link replies that was okay, I'd ignore as needed :)
Okay cool :)
Revising my conclusion in light of the new evidence a bit, I'd say that Yuuki might still be taking it a bit too far, with this dimension in mind: if you ask for affirmative consent, then at least the other person has to be lying if try to retroactively withdraw consent, rather than there being much of any possibility for an honest mistake.
I mean, I realize it's a little paranoid to be concerned about retroactive consent, but as a person whose biggest run-in with the law has been being caught in an illegal speed trap, I'm unreasonably concerned about a lot of things that could result in serious prison time and punitive action through a possible honest mistake.
Or misunderstanding.
And I'm not telling anyone how to have sex, I'm just saying that (even absent sexual assault) having sex with someone you don't trust is an inherently dangerous thing in general.
@Yuuki I suspect that's really more what needs sorting out, rather than the idea of defining consent...
Like, I don't travel with more than $20 in my wallet because of civil forfeiture.
This is fair and likely smart
It's like when there's a new computer vulnerability that allows someone to pwn you if they have physical access to the keys - sure, it's bad that vulnerability exists, but if a bad actor has physical access it's pretty much game over anyway.
@puzzlepiece87 As has been mentioned before, that's still not a comforting thought.
Similarly, if you have sex with someone you don't trust, you're exposing yourself to HIV and other things that could potentially be even worse than retroactive consent withdrawal.
affirmative consent doesn't affect the burden of proof. It's not really likely to put innocent people into jail
@Yuuki True, but hopefully it helps shift the thought window to a place where the risks feel manageable/controllable rather than the opposite.
If I'm thinking about "How can I stop someone from retroactively withdrawing consent?", I feel helpless. If I'm thinking about "How can I have sex only with people I trust?", I feel much more empowered.
@Unionhawk Agreed, that's a benefit of going cash light I hadn't considered, nice @Yuuki.
The difference between affirmative consent and enthusiastic consent seems to have been glossed over
It's less "how do I stop someone" and more "what if, what if, what if, oh god i'm going to die in federal prison".
Affirmative consent is making sure the other person says “yes”
@Yuuki That's the kind of issue where the specifics are irrelevant ;) A baser fear or one linked to some unresolved past issue.
@GodEmperorDune Sorry, I didn't know we were talking about enthusiastic consent, I apologize for glossing over the differences. Thanks for bringing enthusiastic consent back up again.
Enthusiastic consent is a repeated “hell yes”
@GodEmperorDune Good to know, though now I'm confused about what relevant differences were glossed over.
@GodEmperorDune It seems to me all of the same discussed concerns could apply.
The repetition and the scale are the difference
A whimpered “sure” could count for affirmative consent but that is not good enough for enthusiastic consent
basically it's not just about getting the yes once, it's about how the yes sounds and it's context + checking in to make sure things are still okay and wanted as things change/progress
Sure, but I think the concern that started this conversation could be equally matched to enthusiastic consent in this way: "Potential Aggressor: 'I repeatedly asked for consent and Potential Victim repeatedly affirmed enthusiastically'; Potential Victim: 'No you didn't'"
The quicker feedback loop of the enthusiasm limits the damage being done since the last consent
That said, I was Team Enthusiastic Consent without realizing it, repetition was already part of my consent definition. Thanks for informing me.
If the use case is malicious rapist ignoring the lack of consent, then the kind of consent isn’t really going to matter
@GodEmperorDune The use case was "I'm worried someone will try to retroactively withdraw consent and I will end up in federal prison"
@puzzlepiece87 I would argue that the goal of enthusiastic consent is to limit the time and damage of when things get awkward for one party without the other realizing it
Less damage = less likely to need remediation from the legal system
The helpful side effect of enthusiastic success is that sex is phenomenally better when both parties are enjoying it
So if one side is not enjoying it, you can adjust to where both sides are enjoying it again
Or just stop when it is a bit awkward but doesn’t progress to awful
No one is suggesting “sign a waiver of liability every time you change positions”, it’s more of a “would you like me to do this? Is this good? Would you like something else” and listening to the responses
Yup, I'm on board with all of that.
@Yuuki does that make sense with your concerns?
And all of that makes sense though probably isn't helpful with @Yuuki 's paranoia lol.
By @Yuuki 's own description, I think their concerns are more of the unassuageable variety
Yeah, I kinda realize that.
i mean this wasn't like invented recently, but the term "enthusiastic consent" was raised to cover it
Also just to keep you company in the boat, @Yuuki, I'll sometimes push the lock button on my car remote over impossible distances just because it will make me feel better.
i've read similar versions of this in books aimed at rekindling the spark in marriages, believe it or not (my wife specialized in family and couples for her psych degree)
And on the less humorous front, my grandmother used to worry constantly about people coming into her house/apartment and moving stuff around.
(First it was periodically changing the locks, then it was security camera, then it was "people are messing with the security video")
(a.k.a. unresolvable)
as technology changes though, a lot of stuff that used to seem super paranoid is obvious now
in the 1950s, if you were worried that a shadowy organization was watching everything you did, clearly something was wrong with you. if you worry about that in 2018, it's because it's true. your ISP has every web page you visit, there are cameras everywhere with govt or police doing facial recognition, your phone is connecting to cell towers leaving a map of where you went...
"celebrities are talking directly to me" yep just look at twitter, insta, or the new social media i am not hip enough to know about
"people are walking down the street talking to people that aren't there" yep, bluetooth calls
It's fun living in the future
I am grateful almost every single day for Google Maps.
@puzzlepiece87 same!
V. yes.
DoJ charges a former CIA officer with unlawfully retaining classified information. Arrested at JFK upon arrival from Hong Kong.
I guess this qualifies as news
apparently someone "mad online" at the last jedi has made a cut that eliminates everything they were uncomfortable with, resulting in a 46 minute movie with almost no women in it
also the part where chewie doesn't eat the porg because he feels bad
anyway the best part is the cast response
Great points. Hope it’s okay to make a final point... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://twitter.com/hamillhimself/status/953312313758564352
WASHINGTON (AP) - Navy: Commanding officers in 2 deadly ship collisions in Pacific are charged with negligent homicide.
The events were pretty severe but I would have expected them to duck responsibility anyway, surprised to see that happen
@TimStone is this a normal course of action for incidents like this?
i mean ultimately the responsibility is the commanding officer so i guess it works
@GodEmperorDune AFAIK you usually see just disciplinary measures, not actual charges like this, but I'm no expert

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