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1:32 AM
HOT TAKE: Whoever designed that menu drop down should lose their job.
1:44 AM
@Unionhawk wooooooooooow, bad UI
2:41 AM
@Unionhawk well, atleast it's better than blindly pressing I Agree on for the "THIS IS A REAL MISSILE ALERT. you accept that bu pressing 'I Agree' that this is a genuine warning and fraudulent use of the alert system is a chargeable offense punishable by [insert punishment]"
3 hours later…
5:51 AM
Queensland's opposition vows to remove covert speed cameras if they win the next election. MORE: http://bit.ly/2D4occO
> The police union and drivers describe them as 'nothing more than revenue raisers', with unmarked cameras catching 106,000 people in the past financial year.
yes, because the government assumes everyone is an idiot on the road and capitalizes on it
the only people who bitch about speed cameras are those who are worried about getting busted by them because they know they're doing the wrong thing. those who know they are driving safely have no worries
7 hours later…
12:43 PM
MLK on the theory that somehow advocating for equal rights turns people into white nationalists
2 hours later…
2:21 PM
@Memor-X Are speed cameras different from red light cameras?
@Yuuki Speed cameras can also be posted in places where there are no red lights nearby
It depends
and red light cameras can frequently also detect speeding
Speed cameras can also encourage unsafe driving. Most people aren't going to go below the speed limit all the time to avoid speed camera citations, they're just going to brake suddenly right before any speed camera that they know of.
I think Ohio is going for "if you as a city want to use speed cameras for revenue, fine! BUT! We as in the state are going to dollar for dollar give you exactly that much less money" or something
There's also cases around the area of municipalities getting people for 26 in a 25
Like come on
2:25 PM
@Unionhawk My father once got a ticket for 131 km in a 130 km zone
That's even worse because 1km/h is smaller than 1mph
1mph is like 5 km/h
Do note that Belgium subtracts like 7 or 8% off your recorded speed, because it helps avoid people complaining that the camera wasn't gauged properly. So if you are over the limit in Belgium, you actually are at least 8% faster
I'm not sure where the law is exactly in Ohio
At some point we were at "there needs to also be an officer there" or something
It's also partially because of the doppler effect
But I think it has advanced in the courts since then
Who knows
2:28 PM
newsmonkey.be/article/57107 is a Dutch article about speed cameras
2:51 PM
@Unionhawk and/or 1.6
Mostly 1.6
Over here we substract a flat 3 km/h from your speed, except when going over 130 km/h (at which point it's your own damned fault, is the reasoning I believe)
3:49 PM
OPINION: Please stop politicizing Martin Luther King Day. It's a day for national unity, not political division http://fxn.ws/2DdJ3yL
@TimStone hahahaha what
MLK day is for presenting a sanitized vision of racial unity
@TimStone wut
its national day of service tho
The Boomers believe they entered the world and as young adults or children solved racism, and since it's solved any claim that it exists must just be agitprorp
3:57 PM
take a shot every time you see a reply to that tweet that says "mlk would be a trump supporter"
@quartata ahahahahaha
i don't want to die from alcohol poisoning
alcohol or rubber bullets, either is fine
I would be dead just by virtur of that one prageru tweet getting quoted onto my tl over and over
@quartata what
Twitter ads today. Funny there’s no option to report it as racist, given the current state of the GOP.
The answer, of course, is no what
3:59 PM
Seriously. I'm intoxicated after just taking a peek at the comments section
Why would that be a thing
look, im not saying that martin luther king jr was a gamer. that would be ludicrous. im simply saying that if games had existed at the time,
dril is always ahead of the curve
To be clear, this is a DIFFERENT porn star covering a different encounter with President Trump than the one from yesterday. https://twitter.com/MarlowNYC/status/952238721226674177
Oh, huh
4:04 PM
he could literally just retweet that and be done for today
jfc there's a Steve King tweet
oh god dammit yeah I was just about to say
Steve King, the congressman who basically repeated the 14 words that one time
and who two days ago proclaimed racism as over
@TimStone goddamn
Steve King retire tbh
4:09 PM
@Unionhawk Yeah, they're probably completely ignoring the part where he started advocating welfare for the poor in the years leading up to his assassination.
Oh no coworkers around me are having chelsea manning hot takes
@Unionhawk About her running for Senate (state?) in Maryland?
Just generally speaking
Do your coworkers just have hot takes out of nowhere?
Lately yeah
4:11 PM
Man, I don't know whether everyone else's office is weird or it's mine.
I barely talk to anyone except sometimes during lunch breaks.
I don't either but people around me do
And it's pretty much the same for everyone else in this office except for two or three people.
@Yuuki Yeah pretty much, but this is a large aspect of what is sanitized out of MLK
On this MLK day remember that the last years of his life were spent condemning the Vietnam War, Capitalism, and standing in solidarity with workers and the poor. Attempts to de-radicalize King do him a great disservice. https://twitter.com/BlackSocialists/status/947142882221273088
@Unionhawk I remember back when /r/conspiracy was just normal crazy not "Trump shills" crazy, there was a post that implied that MLK was assassinated because he started advocating for the poor.
Rather than his work in civil rights.
It's certainly possible, and that's how the timeline works, but I'm not certain it matters a whole lot
OH! ALSO! Today is the beginning of #OperationPUSH:
17 hours ago, by Unionhawk
5 ways to support Florida prisoners going on strike tomorrow: https://itsgoingdown.org/5-ways-support-fl-prisoners-going-strike-tomorrow/ via @IGD_NEWS
4:31 PM
NEW: "The President has been briefed and will continue to monitor the mudslides in California," White House says. The mudslides have killed at least 20 people.
No direct mention of the lives lost in the message is kind of weird?
Also a little late
"UPDATE: We got the toddler to sit down and hear us explain about something far away. We did not manage to prevent the toddler from playing with the mud used to explain what happened."
Stopped raining here like 4 or 5 days ago, leaks were fun
I suppose a half hearted press release is par for the course though
Today we remember a great man and his work. We read his sermons. We recall his sacrifices. We give back. In doing these things, we raise our gaze and renew the spirit in which we serve one another. Such is the calling of #MLKDay.
4:36 PM
"taps chin Now how can I ruin this?"
That's what his face looks like
Ah The Hill back on its oped shit
"Clinton campaign deserves a full investigation just like Trumpworld" http://hill.cm/TYr5KSw
@TimStone wut
@TimStone it's black and white instead of sepia so you know he's not racist
Look if we don't investigate the Clinton campaign and they did something bad it might turn out that Hillary was blackmailed into checks notes writing another book
4:40 PM
@TimStone or sparking another feminist revolution
Moving from being paid by Soros to being blackmailed by Soros makes a certain amount of sense I guess
British lawmaker rips Trump as a "racist" and "asteroid of awfulness" http://hill.cm/Tux6abu
"What does that even mean?"
British politics are way more metal
We've got strong performative politeness that the UK very much does not have
asteroid of awfulness is a good name for a band
high school band trying to be edgy anyway
@Unionhawk I mean they have it too but it's just different
tbh we should remodel the House and Senate to be like the UK Parliament chambers
@TimStone yeah, more harrumphing will fix this
4:52 PM
Where everyone has to sit uncomfortably close to one another on benches and the opposition leader sits across from the majority leader and they get up and debate by leaning really hard on the table
Which is juuust wide enough that if they were to have swords they couldn't kill each other
And there'd be someone sitting in the middle presiding over the whole affair calling people out for being dicks
(if you haven't watched this in practice you should check on C-SPAN sometime because it's hilariously good)
> He is an asteroid of awfulness that has fallen on this world.
You wanted a meteor, you got one. Of the worst kind.
5:12 PM
@Arperum Curse you, Giant Meteor 2016!
1 hour later…
6:19 PM
cc @GodEmperorDune @Wipqozn @Ash
Oh look, FBI agents are still reading Dr. King's mail. https://twitter.com/Comey/status/952935580400222216
@Unionhawk hue
@Unionhawk roasted
@Yuuki hue
@Unionhawk hue
6:29 PM
> ”... Thanks Obama.” - Comey, probably
The best part is like, they found a way to sanitize Letter From Birmingham Jail
It's amazing
The same Letter From Birmingham Jail that names the white moderate advocating for negative peace (absence of tension) instead of positive peace (presence of justice) as a major enemy
2 hours later…
8:31 PM
McCarthy had aide pick out red and pink Starbursts to give to Trump http://hill.cm/vvMO4WQ
Look, that's not even news because no one likes any of the other flavours
I think I've said this before in this room, but the fact that it's legal to have unpaid interns in DC doing this bullshit with the like, #3 cost of living in north america is bad
I'm gonna need a breakdown of where the interns come from first
From a "making rich kids do this bullshit is Extremely Good Actually" angle?
@TimStone marks @TimStone down as 'possible casualty in the upcoming revolution'
@Unionhawk Well more if you interpret it as a gambit to get close to power which benefits them afterward because they also have money
8:35 PM
The only Starburst flavors worth anything are orange and yellow.
Get out
I'll get out all right. Out to the front desk where they have Starbursts.
Orange and yellow Starbursts.
I'm going to have to agree with @TimStone, pink and red are easily the best
Oh good we have ourselves a live Tweeter
8:45 PM
I blocked him to save myself from people quoting him onto my tl and I thank you for not just doing the thing
It's just the typical retaliatory attack on Durbin, not even that interesting
Now I just have to train myself to not click through on "this tweet is unavailable"
@Unionhawk I still occasionally see people quoting him, but the quoted tweet is blocked. Which I'm fine with.
@MBraedley Yes that's how blocks on quote tweets work
The quote appears as quoting "this tweet is unavailable"
Breaking news: Tim Stone now a named defendant in the case
So obviously this dude is vile but also what did the Plumbers do to him?
@TimStone He's secretly an alien fugitive.
I don't know what a zero hours worker is either
I assume unemployed or otherwise has a job but doesn't get shifts
9:13 PM
My dad doesn't like to rent out to people with 3+ kids but that's because he deals solely in 2 bedroom apartments and sticking 3 kids into one tiny bedroom is inhuman.
That and 3+ kids make a lot of mess.
@Unionhawk I've been told it's basically on-call
So yeah, zero guaranteed hours
ah and or god dammit
love too explicitly exclude economically disadvantaged people
and plumbers and smokers and pets
I don't know why I expected anyone to get a Ben 10 reference.
I won't lie, I had no idea what you were on about :P
@TimStone In Ben 10, The Plumbers is a secret organization that basically functions like MIB.
9:18 PM
Ahh, okay
I still can't tell whether MIB is a global organization or whether their jurisdiction is the US only.
@Unionhawk smokers and pets are both not unreasonable
Smokers more so =p
@KevinvanderVelden Sure
9:45 PM
@Yuuki not in Australia at least in terms of how they work since both can be used to catch speeding. though in this case covert speed cameras are generally mobile set ups by the police who hide out in one area tracking the speeders than they radio ahead to police up the road to pull the car over. never heard of fix covert speed cameras but it wouldn't be too far fetched that they'd exist
@Memor-X Ugh, I hate speed traps even more than red light cameras.
on Highway Patrol which is this TV Show that they show the police operations on the roads they had one set up and pulled this guy over who overtook on a double solid line (which the road rules say you can't cross) while going over the speed limit because he wanted to get past this ute.
he claimed that he only sped up because the ute was driving unsafely and didn't want to be behind it yet he didn't slow down and if the car infront is on the speed limit driving unsafely then getting infront is a stupid idea
@Yuuki i generally don't have a problem because i drive under the speed limit so these traps don't get me
@Memor-X I know of a speed trap on a highway exit ramp.
Even if you drive under the highway speed limit, you're still going to be caught by that one.
And if you drive under the speed limit for the exit road on the highway, you'll be ticketed for unsafe driving.
@Yuuki is it because the ramp has a different lower speed limit?
The road that the ramp leads to does.
Logically speaking, ramps shouldn't have speed limits because they're for transitioning from one speed limit regime (highways average 70 mph) to a drastically different one (feeder roads average 30-45 mph) safely.
10:01 PM
@Yuuki not sure about where you are but in Australia you can contest tickets and in that case if you're being booked for speeding on a road in which you wasn't (ie. exit ramp camera booking highway drivers not using the exit ramp road) you can argue that the camera has been incorrectly set up
@Yuuki yeh i don't know if Australia has those kinds of trap but i wouldn't think so because most exit ramps i see have a Give Way sign in which case you're expected to be slowing down to stop
@Nzall that seems quite harsh, i think the error margin here is 5km/h so if you're on a 100km/h road and you're doing 106km/h, assuming the camera is working correctly the police can assume you are speeding
10:31 PM
#OperationPUSH Solidarity demo at RMC Lake Butler, FL. We could see prison workers through the fences waving!
11:21 PM
@KevinvanderVelden's interface to the US had a photo of him having a fillet-o-fish with Trump
and perhaps way more insultingly some really sickly looking fries
and while finally backing down on how the Netherlands has no-go zones and politicians being set on fire he added,
> There are of course situations in European countries which look like that

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