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12:02 AM
Man cements microwave to head for YouTube vid, needs rescue http://dlvr.it/Q53LjN
12:17 AM
Friday's editorial cartoon by Bruce MacKinnon http://herald.ca/ZUC8
Cadet Run Out of West Point After Accusing Army’s Star Quarterback of Rape https://www.thedailybeast.com/cadet-run-out-of-west-point-after-accusing-armys-star-quarterback-of-rape
BREAKING: @PageSixEmily reports: Former Fox News anchor Juliet Huddy said President Donald Trump tried to kiss her in an elevator around the time he married First Lady Melania. https://pagesix.com/2017/12/08/ex-fox-news-anchor-claims-trump-tried-to-kiss-her/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
i don't even
@uni oh shit chelseaXY endorsed your DSA candidate
Chelsea is comrade
She's comrade as fuck, she understands more than anyone the importance of dismantling the prison and military industrial complexes
12:41 AM
A situation like this, imo, calls for CNN to make a public determination whether the sources who misled them acted in bad faith, and if so to name them. http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/08/media/cnn-correction-email-story/index.html
love to leak fake news that will absolutely never come back to bite me
Just blame James O'Keefe
> The error prompted Donald Trump Jr. to attack CNN. In a series of tweets, he characterized the story as fake news and went after the credibility of the network. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, also attacked CNN and CBS News.
> In 2008, the Los Angeles Times revealed that the judge had maintained an email list that he used to distribute crude jokes, some of them sexually themed, and that he had a publicly accessible website that contained pornographic images.
oh i remember this
how was the judge not fired back then?
1:23 AM
> Airlines no longer have to display extra fees (baggage,etc) when displaying prices.
It's honestly a bit impressive how consistently wrong this administration is.
@Yuuki "if you have a problem with it, just fly on a private taxpayer funded jet"
@GodEmperorDune Seriously though, it's hard to be 100% wrong.
"Even a broken clock is right twice a day" and all.
@Yuuki my favorite thing is that they told zinke not to use jets anymore so now he take helicopters
1:43 AM
!!!!! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-calls-romney-a-great-man-but-works-to-undermine-him-and-block-senate-run/2017/12/08/4b9887f2-db82-11e7-a841-2066faf731ef_story.html?utm_term=.fa8af23b4964
Ah, well, that explains why it was less than clear that she was related to Mitt
1:54 AM
"We are gonna have such borders. Borders on top of borders.” - Donald Trump just now
Our chapter @DSACincy has been super active in the struggle to save this public library from being sold off! https://twitter.com/cityresearch/status/939165695098675201
Woo national love
The felony charges against DeAndre Harris have been dropped!!! https://www.theroot.com/felony-charges-against-deandre-harris-dropped-in-charlo-1821138524?utm_source=theroot_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
He'll yeaaaaaaaaa
@TimStone I thought borders went out of business
There is a fine selection of Borders-themed jokes on Twitter right now, it's great
Amazing: Minnesota news crew in DC for Franken overhears Trent Franks soliciting $2 million to start an anti-filibuster PAC http://amp.fox9.com/news/fox-9-confronts-rep-franks-before-his-immediate-resignation
@TimStone What is that even supposed to mean?
lol what the hell
@murgatroid99 He is a rambling lunatic and he's holding a campaign reality, the rules of logic apply less than usual
One might wonder "Hm, why is he holding a campaign rally?" and you'd be right to ask because even though it's in proximity to Alabama the topic of the election there hasn't really come up!
Oh wait he finally got there, 40 minutes later
Trump went on to mock Gloria Allred, call Doug Jones a Pelosi puppet, and and ... "So get out and vote for Roy Moore."
Trump says that you couldn't fire "sadists" at the VA before, and, "Now we say, you're fired! Get out of here!" ... He then segues into mocking Arnold Schwarzenegger's performance on The Apprentice. [Really.]
Just pure, unadulterated lunacy
2:16 AM
@GodEmperorDune is any of that illegal?
@cazc_941 they said it was ok because he didn’t intentionally publish it, he just didn’t know how to make things private on the server
But it’s not an appropriate thing for a judge to be doing
Not at work, no
But I assume he wasn't doing it at work
1 hour later…
3:42 AM
@MBraedley Man bruce, you're great
4:38 AM
The weather in Alabama next week will favor Moore because it’s supposed to dip into the teens.
5:12 AM
So our DSA chapter is dealing with a library closure right now, and apparently the library they want to close was the filming location for an upcoming Emilio Estevez film about library patrons defying the board and doing a sit in to make the library a homeless shelter during extreme cold
You can't make this shit up
I'm laughing so hard at the fact that there just happens to be a film in a similar vein filmed at the location they want to close
5:35 AM
Update: I watched the trailer for it and it looks rad and powerful
7 hours later…
4 hours later…
4:28 PM
> The Couple Who Pledged To Divorce If Marriage Equality Was Legalised Have Chickened Out
> Awww, their love was more important than an ideology...🤔 Strange concept, huh?
@Unionhawk I really want to see that film because yes so much good
4:44 PM
@Unionhawk Question: why is Michael Williams so prominent and yet so far down in the credits?
Idk because they got Alec Baldwin or something
4 hours later…
8:46 PM
I'm crying laughing... "Alexa... are you connected to the CIA?" "Alexa... you are lying to me." - Alex Jones' hard hitting back and forth interview with an Amazon Echo. He's not gonna let it get away with ANYTHING. https://t.co/GxguDBLMST
@GodEmperorDune I just...I hope this dude is just messing with us all because like the alternative, that he honestly believes all his theories....just what
like dude, come on
@Ash it's conspiracies all the way down
(Although man, listening to that made me laugh so much I choked on my tea)

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