yeah I just wanted to link to the ars technica article
> Google explained the removal in an e-mail to Ars. "In order to be on the Play Store, social networking apps need to demonstrate a sufficient level of moderation, including for content that encourages violence and advocates hate against groups of people," the statement read.
This is what @realDonaldTrump's Charlottesville comments did to business at Mar-a-Lago. One list is before C-Ville,…
> University president Gregory L. Fenves announced the decision late Sunday night, saying the “horrific displays of hatred” in Virginia had made it clear that Confederate statues had become “symbols of modern white supremacy and neo-Nazism.”
I'm really glad those protests had the exact opposite impact
If they actually stayed up after all that then holy shit
According to flat earthers, DON'T wear special sunglasses while viewing eclipse: you'll not be able to see all of the crazy stuff up there that NASA is hiding from you.
alt-right is based around hate. I get hate. I don't get "let's completely make up some other shit that doesn't make sense, doesn't make anything better, and requires like 20% of the rest of the world to be actively lying to me"
@Avery is there really more to talk about though? Communism is a good idea the Russians just failed to do it right because people suck so now people see it as a joke
> Someone who engages in LGBT behavior -- I don't know what the science is on this, I think it's still out -- but as far as we know, LGBT behavior is a choice they make [...]
@StrixVaria To be fair, both are very practical purchases that aren't as unnecessary as a sports car. Smartphones are pretty much necessary for daily life given all that they can do and a purse can hold your stuff. And a good-quality purse will last longer through wear and tear so you won't be spending more money over time repurchasing purses.
This item received little media coverage. Another example of Trump appointed industry players dismantling agencies.…
The ban was kind of dumb anyway, in its execution:
> It was an effort to reduce litter and encouraged national parks to halt the sale of bottled water. It did not stop the sale of soft drinks or other beverages in plastic bottles.
> The parks system has done studies that show plastic bottles are among the biggest source of pollution in places like the Grand Canyon. In a 2012 report, the Grand Canyon found large decreases in bottles found on trails, for example. The study also cited birds and other animals getting plastic chunks of bottle lodged in their throats.
Yeah, if Trump talks about how America needs more land to "spread freedom" or to take advantage of natural resources, I'm officially moving to Europe and maybe signing up to join a foreign legion.
I'm pretty happy about having moved across Europe so far, even if it involved dealing with some amount of stupidity like having to dig up my birth certificate at my birth place, and finding out there is a mismatch with my first names, and there was a mistake with my parents' names, and I had to do some weird trickery to get the document validated, and
I'm sure "a person can only have one unique legal name" is somewhere on the relevant list of falsehoods about people's names
apparently it should be eclipse o' clock here (lol)
> The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English throughout the United States, gathering responses from 2,149 people, including 874 Democrats and 763 Republicans. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 2 percentage points for the entire group and 4 percentage points for the Democrats and Republicans
> Responses to the poll were sharply split along racial and party lines, however, with whites and Republicans largely supportive of preservation. Democrats and minorities were more likely to support removal.