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room mode changed to Private: only approved users may enter this room (this should only be used for moderation purposes)
1 hour later…
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
But are we sure this is fine?
Wait, does "this is fine" actually render as an image?
Does that happen in all rooms?
Huh. Is that new?
not really
Extensions are turned off in incognito mode, right?
@Yuuki I wouldn't keep working if I wasn't going to keep getting paid.
also oh dear, I forgot how terrible the default CSS is
Okay, so it's not a Porkchat thing.
Unless you enable them especially for incognito mode
@Yuuki You can enable some in incognito anyway.
also that's weird
oh wow
easter eggs?
this is not fine << this doesn't complete
This has been available for a while
oh wow
yeah it works on other rooms too
That's awesome
How did you guys not know? It was spammed everywhere a few months ago =p
wrong room
proposal: star all article links
@Avery What about removing all stars that aren't articles.
That way you don't feel obliged to spend stars but the star list is some kind of index based on recent popularity of a topic.
I totally forgot about 40 star limit
but can trump fuck up 40 times a day?
@StrixVaria I'm okay with this. It'll help keep the room on-topic.
@Avery Trump? Yes
Also I think this chat isn't specifically just about trump, it's trump related, so white supremacists etc are on topic.
yes I know
so this is the new political shitposting room? nice
for the time being
University of Texas takes down four Confederate statues overnight
@GodEmperorDune And the protesting before this was non-violent.
I Can't Believe This Is Texas.
i thought they would shoot the statues down or something
@GodEmperorDune Well, I thought someone would shoot the protesters.
fair nuff, texas after all
oh, I had that account blocked
yeah I just wanted to link to the ars technica article
> Google explained the removal in an e-mail to Ars. "In order to be on the Play Store, social networking apps need to demonstrate a sufficient level of moderation, including for content that encourages violence and advocates hate against groups of people," the statement read.
I didn't know twitter did any moderatering
This is what @realDonaldTrump's Charlottesville comments did to business at Mar-a-Lago. One list is before C-Ville,…
And my hometown to Beijing is 11 hours by car, 4 hours by high-speed train, and 2 hours by plane.
@Yuuki thats nice that you have so many options
@GodEmperorDune He'll just make up the money by sending Congress to Mar-a-Lago or something.
@Yuuki probably
i mean he already drained the secret service's budget
@GodEmperorDune Hmm... I commented in the wrong place.
Evolution confirmed fake news
Did wapo do that just for today?
That's wapo's slogan
@fredley yeah they changed it around inauguration time
id say theres about a 50% chance this happens later
@Avery That's pretty metal for a major newspaper
@fredley it's swole bezos, what did you expect?
> University president Gregory L. Fenves announced the decision late Sunday night, saying the “horrific displays of hatred” in Virginia had made it clear that Confederate statues had become “symbols of modern white supremacy and neo-Nazism.”
I'm really glad those protests had the exact opposite impact
If they actually stayed up after all that then holy shit
@Wipqozn it's a small step but a good one
@Wipqozn Even six flags has taken down their confederate flag apparently, one of said six flags.
So it's Five Flags Over Texas now?
Oh nevermind, it's One Flag(s) Over Texas.
When I realized Six Flags was short for "Six Flags Over Texas" it blew my mind
You can watch this VICE episode if you haven't, and want to cry yourself to sleep over how awful people are
places where you can protest a confederate monument and watch the eclipse at the same time
@Sterno this one is terrifying
1 min into that vice thing, I believe we shoyuld give trump the nuke keys so he can nuke the whole planet
I can't even imagine being a cop at that event.
I loooove how the altright guy is blaming "commies" for everything
I love how you can tell the reporter is just like "MUST KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT, MUST KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT"
Although it drives me a little nuts how she closes her eyes whenever she's talking
@Sterno More racist than donald trump... JEsus. That's the quick part I jumped into.
I'll need to watch this tonight. Probably.
@Sterno that oart about the only thing he doesn't like about trump is that he let "one of them" marry ivanka
I think it's time to watch the Blue's Brothers again
"They've had to bring in leftists from the entire country" when just before one of the alt-right guys said he came down from Canada.
It must be exhausting to be that racist
> We're not non-violent, we'll fucking kill these people if we need to
@fredley indiana jones and the last crusade is also good
@GodEmperorDune Doesn't have Aretha Franklin in it tho. Or Ray Charles.
@Wipqozn Managing that much hypocrisy in one sentence is impressive though.
@fredley fair points
OVER 90000000S
How do you even get to be this shit of a person
okay I need to get back to work, but man
these people are literal nazis
Seriously, though, that reporter needs to stop closing her eyes whenever she speaks.
this fucker has 5 guns on him while rallying... i just
Well shit
Now I'm clicking on related YouTube links
and on some video on how the whole thing was just a hoax
People are so dumb
> I think it was more than justified
the murder.
the woman is too fucking brave
I'd just boot than question this person
Holy shit his "justification".
What an absolute monster.
@Sterno alex jones had the hottest take imo
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, I think that's what this video is saying
@Sterno jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus
I mean, that's lightweight for Jones. Saying Sandy Hook was a hoax is probably more offensive
@Avery SURPRISE. The alt-right were nazis all along.
I'm happy vice made this video, because it just goes to show the alt right is as shit as people say they are
@Sterno i suppose so
people suck.
@Avery It is, after all, the oldest profession.
Suck -> oral sex -> prostitution is sometimes called "the oldest profession".
I see
I mean, it likely isn't since getting food and surviving is probably higher on the priority list than hanky-panky.
Therefore, hunter or gatherer would be the oldest profession.
@Yuuki That's not really a profession though is it?
@Yuuki it could be the longest continuously running profession
If you teach monkeys a currency system, the first thing they trade for is... well what do you think it is? (hint: it's not food)
because there are no more hunter/gatehrers today
@fredley Well, some monkeys use food as a currency system.
Someone has to get the food.
And bitcoin mining is considered a profession/job, right?
And your profession/job is to generate the currency used in the currency system.
I mean
they all require knowledge
@Yuuki There was no currency system in hunter-gatherer societies. Money comes a long time after Agriculture, do you even AoE bro?
It was a barter economy
I can't remember if you can research Currency without researching Pottery or Irrigation in Civ VI.
I come here to be depressed.
Nope, the tree goes Pottery -> Writing -> Currency.
According to flat earthers, DON'T wear special sunglasses while viewing eclipse: you'll not be able to see all of the crazy stuff up there that NASA is hiding from you.
@fredley the sun is riding on @Wipqozn or something
@GodEmperorDune No, the earth is perched atop 5 4 elephants which are in turn perched atop @Wipqozn
@fredley well i knew @Wipqozn was to blame somehow
Underneath @Wipqozn is another, bigger @Wipqozn
Flat earthers are so fucking weird
It's @Wipqozns all the way down.
alt-right is also so fucking weird
@StrixVaria I thought we weren't going to star non-article/news posts?
@Yuuki He did not star that.
I can't star my own post, even as a moderator.
he pinned it
@Arperum Obviously not.
or was it fredley
@fredley pinned it
you can self-star
But I replied to it because that's the message being starred.
1) pin 2) unpin 3) success
alt-right is based around hate. I get hate. I don't get "let's completely make up some other shit that doesn't make sense, doesn't make anything better, and requires like 20% of the rest of the world to be actively lying to me"
@Avery Through pin/unpin
@Yuuki You just volunteered to help keep the star list clean!
@Sterno 20%?
@Avery Are you unhappy with the percentage I made up?
I mean, you can't say 99.9%. A lot of us are just sheeple not in a position to be actively lying, but just not know any better
I'm talking about people who would specifically have to know the Earth is flat but then lie about it
I'd like to imagine that 80% of people aren't flat earthers
@Sterno Just use weasel words, like "some percentage of"
This isn't Wikipedia, nobody is going to even notice.
@Yuuki can we put rules in the room description or something?
I wasn't saying 20% was the non-flat-earthers. I'm saying that's the percent that, if it were true, would have to know its true but be actively lying
@Avery "Actively lying" is the operative word(s) here.
room topic changed to This Is Fine: The news discussion offshoot of the Bridge. Please only star articles or news items. (no tags)
room topic changed to This Is Fine: The news discussion offshoot of the Bridge. Stars reserved for news articles/videos only. [-gaming] [news]
@GodEmperorDune sets everything on fire
@BlueBarren let's continue here
But yeah, it's perfect on paper, but the historic applications are a dumpster fire
@Avery is there really more to talk about though? Communism is a good idea the Russians just failed to do it right because people suck so now people see it as a joke
but that said dumpster fire isn't caused by communism but by other factors
at least not completely
yeah by people abusing a system all for themselves
honestly communism failed the exact same way democracy has
it being seen as a joke is quite sad tbh
@BlueBarren the question is if anyone can successfully transition to communism without getting stuck in a tolitarian regime partway through
you just have greedy people taking advantage of a system that supposed to benefit it's people
@GodEmperorDune no due to the inherit nature of people who want to lead us
I hate when people use exceptional cases as an argument against the whole system.
we don't have selfless leaders anymore we just have selfish ones
"No one should get welfare because I know someone who is on welfare and has an iPhone and a nice purse."
I've heard exactly that.
Thanks Obama
> Someone who engages in LGBT behavior -- I don't know what the science is on this, I think it's still out -- but as far as we know, LGBT behavior is a choice they make [...]
> I don't know what the science is on this
i'm not saying communism will never work, i'm saying that it has been tried a few times and never got there
I heard a very similar thing about tipping waitstaff once. One time they got shitty service so now they never tip anywhere ever
> as far as we know
I pressed them on the logic of that and they just stopped talking
@Avery so if the Turkish government could see you even talking about communism (and potentially advocating for it) would you get in trouble?
I have tipped poorly on the specific occasion where I got terrible service. I also tip really well if the service I get is above my expectations.
i am too old and now i get great service everywhere
when i was younger i would get shit service at most places despite tipping well
@BlueBarren communist party here is viewed as being pretty much a joke, but I'm not sure if advocating it could cause me issues.
at least, I have bigger concerns
@Avery see I just thought Turkey was in a state where if you're not aligned with that leader dude who's name I don't know to spell you'd get in shit
socially yes
legally not sure
too corrupt to comment tbh
@StrixVaria To be fair, both are very practical purchases that aren't as unnecessary as a sports car. Smartphones are pretty much necessary for daily life given all that they can do and a purse can hold your stuff. And a good-quality purse will last longer through wear and tear so you won't be spending more money over time repurchasing purses.
He was quoting someone, I don't think he was also agreeing with them =p
@Yuuki Yes, but you see to get to this conclusion requires the ability to put information together in a logical order.
unless you have cheapo purse and cheapo android then you're not in need of welfare
(obvious /s)
if those people are surviving with the welfare properly AND picking up nice stuff, then why bother fighting against the welfare
hell, instead of throwing crap, go ask them to teach you how to do proper personal finance
@StrixVaria A beautiful world
@Wipqozn Read the rules.
@StrixVaria must resist urge to star
@StrixVaria Damn it.
Now I look like a total @Wipqozn
I think the meme in this chat is going to be saying star-worthy things to troll everyone else.
@StrixVaria oh wait!
let me test
I'm an idiot
I found a loophole
^star this
I'm out of starbaits
@Avery Links to articles.
3 hours ago, by Avery
proposal: star all article links
dammit me 3 hours ago
This item received little media coverage. Another example of Trump appointed industry players dismantling agencies.…
It received little media coverage because it is pretty inconsequential, I'd imagine
plastic water bottles are pretty bad for the environment
but in the scheme of trump being nazi sympathetic, yeah it is less consequential
@Sterno It's still worth noting because of the obvious conflict of interest.
The ban was kind of dumb anyway, in its execution:
> It was an effort to reduce litter and encouraged national parks to halt the sale of bottled water. It did not stop the sale of soft drinks or other beverages in plastic bottles.
yeah they should've done all plastic bottles
@Sterno Wow.
Rather than ban the bottles I'd rather just see harsh penalties for littering
Now that's the kind of incompetent politics I wish we could get back to.
I'd take bottle bans over blood and soil chants everyday
I'm not really sure those things are related.
But I agree!
political controversy during obama / political controversy during trump
> The parks system has done studies that show plastic bottles are among the biggest source of pollution in places like the Grand Canyon. In a 2012 report, the Grand Canyon found large decreases in bottles found on trails, for example. The study also cited birds and other animals getting plastic chunks of bottle lodged in their throats.
@Sterno i imagine the problem with littering penalties is enforcement
My son had a birthday party with balloons and some popped and my dumbass cat tried to eat one
especially if you are dropping stuff on trails and whatnot
@Sterno yay pets
@Sterno Well, both involve things being put on the ground that really belong elsewhere. Unless I'm misremembering blood and soil as "blood on soil".
@Sterno My daughter put an entire Zeppole into her mouth and then threw up and then my dog ate that.
@Yuuki Wasn't that what the alt-right was chanting? I mean, I agree, they shouldn't be on the ground. Let's send them to space.
@StrixVaria I...
I have no response to that.
@Sterno Isn't that the plot of Iron Sky?
I was having trouble not throwing up myself.
@Yuuki the nazis were chanting the english translation of blut and boden. i.e. blood and soil
Yeah, if Trump talks about how America needs more land to "spread freedom" or to take advantage of natural resources, I'm officially moving to Europe and maybe signing up to join a foreign legion.
Or Canada.
Poutine minus the curds was nice.
And maple whiskey is surprisingly tasty.
@Yuuki That's not even poutine anymore
Unless you're using grated cheese, which is also fine
Cheese being in curd form is not required imo
I probably would have seriously considered or actually moved to Europe if I hadn't had a family.
As it stands I don't know the specific process or requirements I'd have to meet to make that happen.
<shameless plug>my employer will figure all of that stuff for you<shameless plug/>
but then you'll be in the Netherlands
which meh food and meh weather
I would be looking at Germany, in this hypothetical.
on the plus side you wouldn't have to change employer
on the minus side, yeah, they won't help you with the move
@Wipqozn wrong. Poutine needs cheese curds or Bromont cheese.
I could probably get them to sponsor that, actually.
My team is such that having people scattered around the globe is a positive and we only have one person in an EU time zone at the moment.
Is Chrome still being handled in Munich?
Moving one from NYC to EU would be a benefit.
@badp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
oh, so you wouldn't even have to switch teams.
Yeah, I could probably stay on my team.
My wife really, really wouldn't appreciate moving to a non-English-speaking country, though.
@Wipqozn I need more lactase pills before I can eat proper poutine.
You can get by in Germany with English only but there are still some difficulties.
@StrixVaria the Netherlands is practically English-speaking
For now, I just eat around the curds.
even the banking mobile apps have decent localization nowadays
ABN AMRO in particular has ~everything available in English
Switching banks sounds like a whole world of headache I hadn't even considered.
more or less than filling a form with this title
don't worry there are instructions
I can understand that decently well.
I don't read much super-official language so it's slow, but I can make it out.
@badp Is that a bank transfer form or a requisition paper for the apocalypse?
that's good, because in Germany the typical response I got is "I'm sorry I'm not allowed to give you advice in English"
I can't tell with German.
@Yuuki That's an application to be a tax-paying worker in Germany.
That's what the words say.
that's essentially a declaration of income for people who work for less than 6 months per year
Or is it paperwork for an after-action report on the Doom of Man?
I'm in the EU so I do not have to "apply" to be a worker in Germany
Application for issuance of a certificate for the calender year 201_ for restricted income tax obligation paying worker.
Or something very similar to that.
I dunno, I don't speak German
Maybe "restricted" means "in time".
As opposed to some other meaning.
it's probably based on some technicality around the 6 months mark
the tiny print probably explains this
Anyway, I'm not fully fluent so it would be pretty overwhelming to deal with.
also things might have improved since 2013
Bitte Belege beifügen !
also none of what we said in the last 20 minutes or so was politics or news
whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It started from people wanting to flee America!
I'm pretty happy about having moved across Europe so far, even if it involved dealing with some amount of stupidity like having to dig up my birth certificate at my birth place, and finding out there is a mismatch with my first names, and there was a mistake with my parents' names, and I had to do some weird trickery to get the document validated, and
I'm sure "a person can only have one unique legal name" is somewhere on the relevant list of falsehoods about people's names
apparently it should be eclipse o' clock here (lol)
so I'll try and see if anything at all is visible
Nice thick cloud cover in NYC right now.
Can't see any sky in any direction.
Thanks Obama!
damn both sides were holding tiki torches!!!!!!
@StrixVaria can I have an application to be a non tax-paying worker in germany? That'd be sweet
@StrixVaria Partially cloudy in Houston, but I managed to get some peeks in between the clouds.
"Android Oreo"
wrong room
@GodEmperorDune That's because science is wrong, it's fine to look at the eclipse without glasses.
As he did this, someone in a crowd of aides below shouted "Don't look."
@TimStone it was bright on many sides... many sides
you can't make this shit up
They told me I couldn't star messages
@TMannWSJ @gabrielsnyder Finally preparing to set up a blind trust
@Yuuki yeah i liked that one
4 messages moved to Android Hell and your stars are now this pear
@TimStone Was it just the .5s he looked up? Meh
2 hours later…
@Ash NOw I want poutine.
I blame @Yuuki
@Wipqozn Do it :D Poutine is great
poutine? in my news chat?
2 hours later…
"A majority of Americans want to preserve Confederate monuments: Reuters/Ipsos poll" -
> The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English throughout the United States, gathering responses from 2,149 people, including 874 Democrats and 763 Republicans. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 2 percentage points for the entire group and 4 percentage points for the Democrats and Republicans
> Responses to the poll were sharply split along racial and party lines, however, with whites and Republicans largely supportive of preservation. Democrats and minorities were more likely to support removal.
A majority of Americans uneducated and/or racist
Well, enough that we found our way into our current predicament, at least.

  last day (2726 days later) »