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12:14 AM
Weirdly relevant:
1:06 AM
Oh yeah this deal is uh
.—Any alien who has been de-
nied admission, excluded, deported, or removed, or
who has departed the United States while an order
of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding,
and subsequently enters, attempts to enter, crosses
the border to, attempts to cross the border to, or is
at any time found in the United States, shall be
fined under title 18, United States Code, imprisoned
not more than 2 years, or both.
1:21 AM
@TimStone Oh god he was born in Canada?
I'm so sorry. Also no refunds.
1:40 AM
Wow. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/01/25/us/politics/trump-mueller-special-counsel-russia.html?referer=https://t.co/sB62tIuWyq?amp=1#click=https://t.co/sB62tIuWyq
1:54 AM
Trump is also going to keep Gitmo open, shocking no one
@TimStone i thought i heard about this already
Possibly the other thing where they lied about who he had authority to fire?
Remember in June when Chris Ruddy visited the White House & went on TV and said Trump wanted to fire Mueller, and White House aides said he was wrong? Well... https://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/13/chris-ruddy-comments-trump-fire-mueller-239496
Oh and I guess that
Meehan won't seek reeelection
1 hour later…
3:13 AM
Trump leaves for Switzerland tomorrow. During each of his last three international trips, huge, bad news for him has broken here at home. Let's make it 4-for-4.
hue, we are 4-4
although bad news for trump breaks weekly so
2 hours later…
4:48 AM
Sean Hannity: The New York Times is trying to distract you. They say Trump tried to fire Mueller, but our sources aren’t confirming that! Sean Hannity, minutes later: Alright, yeah, maybe our sources confirm Trump wanted to fire Mueller. But so what? That’s his right. Anywho... https://t.co/yUIt7Un56d
Trump at least theoretically has a term limit but what do you do about that?
Not that Fox destroying norms for fun and profit is new but it's just blatantly stupid now and people still watch
Stormy Daniels will be on Kimmel after the State of the Union address
5:19 AM
Also liberal sheep think I should run wild with @nytimes anonymous sources and not confirm myself. Sure, I trust @nytimes that put this picture on the cover of their magazine (I added the green)
lmao, what
2 hours later…
7:04 AM
People give us millennials a lot of shit but the baby boomers and Gen X in Congress can’t keep our government running, and Gen Z is eating Tide Pods for likes on YouTube.
@TimStone she’s still under NDA though
2 hours later…
9:38 AM
@fredley well they don't want to cure trump :p
5 hours later…
2:56 PM
For those confused about what libertarian means
3:09 PM
lol yeah I don't think spencey's agent has a case in "it's unfair that UC is charging him $10,000 for security":
Richard Spencer event at University of Florida to cost taxpayers $224,000 http://bit.ly/2ndiYoD
two hundred twenty four thousand
3:34 PM
@GodEmperorDune Absolutely
@GodEmperorDune It only needed to matter to <5% of them I think
@GodEmperorDune They're not a homogenous blob
@GodEmperorDune On the one hand, what could she be under legally-enforceable NDA about? On the other, she probably can't afford to find out maybe can't afford to find out unless interested parties will foot the bill.
3:57 PM
morozov's technological solutionism applies to healthcare as well: for forty years, more increasingly recently, we've treated healthcare problems as problems only inasmuch as they have technical/technological 'fixes'
@Ash related ^
(smallish thread)
2 hours later…
Also there is a Warframe refrance in that article, not sure if intentional or “the war within” is a common phrase
@GodEmperorDune It's a common phrase.
5:45 PM
@Unionhawk Those are some good points
JUST IN: RNC finance chair accused of decades of sexual misconduct: report http://hill.cm/585Ik0X
Oh wow Steve Wynn is trash to the surprise of no one
Also pretty sure we have a word for "forced to have sex with him"
Oh, but that would make him sound like a super monster and come on we don't want that
@GodEmperorDune "the war within X" is definitely a phrase I've seen used long before Warframe existed, but OTOH is google is full of people who enjoy warframe so it could easily be a deliberate reference
Also holy fuck I'm glad that article got published
Terrific guy, that
Wait what. Right after his White House released an immigration proposal demanding $25 billion for The Wall, Trump told CNBC: "I don't need $25 billion to build a wall...we'll have a lot of money left over, and we'll spend it on other things. "
rubs temples
A slush fund, also known as a black fund, is a fund or account maintained for corrupt or illegal purposes, especially in the political sphere. Such funds may be kept hidden and maintained separately from other funds that are used for legitimate purposes. They may be employed by government or corporate officials as part of efforts to discreetly pay influential people in return for preferential treatment, advance information (for example, to acquire non-public information in financial transactions) or some other service. The funds themselves may not be kept secret but the source of the funds or how...
@ToxicFrog yeah some of the quoted people have gotten more and more frustrated and tired on twitter and it's good that it is coming to light
5:58 PM
@GodEmperorDune yeah, I didn't know they were working on this but I know a bunch of them, so it's good that they are finally able to talk about this shit externally even if what they're talking about is #include <dumpster_fire.h>
@ToxicFrog feel free to pass along virtual hugs or whatever is appropriate to them from an internet rando
they are doing awesome work and it is awful that they are getting punished for it
Jeb Bush: Trump's "shithole countries" remark is "racist" http://hill.cm/DItI8mv
Aslo little late to the game there bud
@GodEmperorDune will do
We're like ten news cycles ahead now
comrade jeb
6:07 PM
@GodEmperorDune eeeeeeeeeeeeeergh :(
Clinton protected top staffer accused of sexual harassment during 2008 campaign: report http://hill.cm/08gQ9lu
I am still okay with the prospect of just launching the Clintons into the sun so we don't have to deal with them either anymore
For Science!
Everyone into the suuuuuuuuuuun
@GodEmperorDune hugs deployed
@TimStone I don't think the hypothesis "if we launch the clintons into the sun we won't have to deal with them anymore" will hold
6:09 PM
Wait what are they going to do from the sun?
oh hey, the FBI had a file on Roger Ailes that is now public
@ToxicFrog \o/ thanks
@TimStone this is bad but also 2008? For a woman who has retired from politics?
I mean it still matters in the sense that this attitude is pervasive in power circles and needs to be dealt with across the board
Otherwise, yes, Clintons into the sun I never want to hear about them again
Part of me is just like exhausted at all the badness but that's my own personal badness poking me with sticks
Lawyer Trump once called "most important" attorney writing "tell-all" book: report http://hill.cm/VGCLQoW
Uhh I mean I kind of hope it isn't tell-all? O_o
6:14 PM
oh good a new best seller
Love too eradicate attorney-client privilege
Thank goodness we still have large adult son-father privilege though
@TimStone fully agreed there
abusers need to get in the sea
across the board
Speaking of getting into the sea why is Paul LePage not there yet?
@TimStone if there's a third party in teh room, attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Jesus, Ailes' file is a hundred and twenty pages long (with a number of pages withheld that the public number is 113)
6:16 PM
@TimStone i thought he was running for something else
@GodEmperorDune Well yeah, but surely that wasn't always the case so it can't be tell-all :P
@GodEmperorDune he's probably going to get a golden life ring from the administration
as chief medicaid officer or some shit
@GodEmperorDune I believe he said he'd run for Senate
A Partial List of Companies That Definitely Could Have Afforded to Pay Their Employees a Good Wage at Any Point Before the GOP Tax Bill http://ift.tt/2ncj9RM
(incidentally from the header image, I believe Unite Here Local 737 overwhelmingly rejected the last raise disney offered as not good enough)
Nikki Haley rips "disgusting" rumor of affair with Trump http://hill.cm/syxI3Kg
There doesn't seem to be any substance to that, shit's getting out of hand
6:27 PM
Louise Mensch's sources said it was true
She's pro life and takes no pleasure in reporting this
The US Olympic Committee's CEO tells USA Gymnastics it will lose its status as a sports governing body unless the entire board resigns by Wednesday and an interim board is in place by February 28. http://cnn.it/2E9P5xi
Holy shit
BREAKING: A new @E60 and OTL special investigation of the Michigan State athletic department reveals shocking details of a culture of sexual assault inside the men’s basketball and football programs: http://es.pn/2rGRgWD
I'm beginning to think perhaps Michigan State has A Problem
Well at least the entire USA Gynmastics board is gone
or will be
@Unionhawk that is way more consequences than I expected to ever happen, wow
I mean to be fair, USOC CEO has way more leverage to tell an entire board to resign than, like
we do
as the our library our decision coalition
6:45 PM
Crowds in France went hazlenuts for the chocolatey spread after the price dropped from 4.50 euros to 1.41 euros. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/01/26/581031630/this-is-not-normal-nutella-riots-hit-france-after-stores-slash-prices?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20180126
/cc @Yuuki on that NPR pun game
7:11 PM
Well the DNC survey came back, health care is the #1 issue among survey takers
which hopefully is Good
7:30 PM
It was a hard survey to take because I assumed that if I ranked anything lower they'd take it as a sign they could cave on it because they're dumb
yeah #5 is climate change which I assume is going to be Really Cool
They had like "national security" and "foreign policy" on there and I was like "lol"
Can't really do much about FP anyway, and I had a feeling "national security" didn't mean "Abolish ICE"
I mean, that part is hard too because like, what are they going to do about foreign policy, just "more foreign policy"?
Because I'm sure that one doesn't mean "free palestine", "stop american imperialism", or anything to that effect
@TimStone except they misspelled hazelnut. :P
They did, hmmm
@Unionhawk I mean it's kind of the domain of the executive it seems like? So yeah, I dunno
7:38 PM
That too
But like, in addition to the fact that they wouldn't do either of those things
Aside from, I guess, as they have done, promise to move the embassy then don't
8:32 PM
ha, US International Trade Commission voted unanimously against Boeing today
9:03 PM
Jordan Peterson personifies the strong, courageous, yet harsh virtues he champions http://nyti.ms/2Fgc2OE
nyt retire
@Unionhawk hell yeah
@TimStone yeah there was something like this when haley was running for gov
9:15 PM
@puzzlepiece87 my opinion on Peterson's insanity comes straight from the tap, what with his weird "if you want to see Google's impact on The West, google image search 'bikini' then try the same on bing and see how they're shaping perceptions" and such, as well as just the self-help-for-Young-White-Men(tm) stuff his content is a lot of the time
And the sad part is a portion of the cult of personality around him has convinced themselves that he can help them with a $100 patreon tier skype session
@SamAdlerBell just look at this shit
$100 per month? Holy shit
@quartata that's the "talk with him for an hour" tier (apparently it's also got a long wait list)
who the hell does he think he is, God
does he even have a degree
I'm pretty sure he is in fact PhD psychology
doesn't mean he's a competent counselor but jeez
that actually confirms his narcissism tbh
9:22 PM
Also, as an adendum to the google image search thing, alt right types would reply to people like "what is this supposed to prove I don't get it" with "try searching 'american inventor'", which has a page full of images of black inventors, that all link back to alt right blogs being mad that this result is in there
he could be making more money with a regular job
instead he'd rather have a cult
@Unionhawk so they are literally mad about the googlebombing they are doing?
@GodEmperorDune They think it's some conspiracy, as if Google cared about anything other than making money and were interested in performing this conspiracy
Which, arguable and no
they're literally doing it themselves hahahahaha
9:25 PM
Watching these idiots get owned by algorithms is astonishing to me every time
like the people who don't know that advertisers use tracking cookies
9:50 PM
Apparently AF1 carries like 30 days of prepared meals (requiring refrigeration) for everyone onboard. http://www.defenseone.com/business/2018/01/air-force-one-needs-new-refrigerators-they-cost-24-million/145457/
lol, that is such an American answer to that problem
"In the event that we need to stay airborne for an extended period during a threat against the president, we need to make sure everyone stays fed"
"So we need to order some MREs?"
"Oh heavens no, giant fridge"
that way trump can get his finest well done steaks and ketchup
@TimStone LOL true
BREAKING: Federal judge in Maryland rules with @ProPublica and other news orgs against Kushner Cos.' request to keep secret the identities of its partners in Baltimore rental complexes that are the subject of tenants' class-action lawsuit. Watch this space for more details soon.
10:23 PM
@TimStone "Air Force One needs new refrigerators, an upgrade that will cost taxpayers nearly $24 million." FOR FRIDGES? Dear jesus.
Yeah, I assume they're like custom-made industrial walk-in fridges with speciality materials to reduce weight but like eat some cheerios if you're gonna start WWIII or something idk
@TimStone Amen
@TimStone agreed.
10:38 PM
@TimStone so this is a necessity but refuel isn't?
I don't understand how these things aren't like, a package deal
The thing doesn't have a 30 day range on its own
This is for the current plane
Which does have refueling capabilities
Yes. You might think "But if they decided they don't need in-flight refueling then why not just pretend they don't have that now in making this decision?" but that would be ignoring everything about how government project requirements work
No it makes sense I mean what else would they do, eat the press pool on board instead?
10:47 PM
Seems reasonable.
Interns first.
11:26 PM
Booooooo calling it chain migration, Conor. theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/…
@puzzlepiece87 yeaaaaaaaah talk about racist terms
the real chain migration was when people were brought here in chains against their will and conjuring that up for undocumented immigrants now is fairly fuct
The term chain migration makes me want to puke.
extremely same
Though I love Conor and his article's proposal
citizenship path for everyone who would have been eligible for DACA regardless of actual registration
It is about the shittiest possible way to refer to "keeping families together" yeah
11:36 PM
immigration is one of the only things where i really don't understand the counter arguments
@GodEmperorDune It makes more sense if you view it as a small piece of a complex system geared towards making the rich richer.
@GodEmperorDune You and me both, friend
Fewer people --> fewer public expenditures --> lower taxes for the rich
Okay, I kinda get it in the "we don't want people coming to just be a drain on our resources" but that's actually extremely rare
@puzzlepiece87 except most programs already exclude non citizens and the verification makes it more expensive than just providing everyone
11:38 PM
(I know Canada used to be more hesitant because oh hey healthcare but we're relaxing on that)
(although there's still a large onus to prove "legitimacy" in why you're coming)
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, but that's too rational and uses too much evidence and data.
because what i've heard is this "there are more people that don't look like me or sound like me and i don't like change"
(sorry, I'm grumpy over my own stuff, it's impeding my ability to be kind about any of it)
@GodEmperorDune It makes more sense if everyone coming is a potential murder/terrorist who is also using all of our education and healthcare stuff.
Deep sarcasm by the way if you can't tell. I agree 100% with your positions.
11:40 PM
@puzzlepiece87 to be coldly logical, if the terrorists are blowing themselves up then they aren't consuming resources anymore
@GodEmperorDune Yeah but they might blow themselves up at a golf course or something
and the prison industrial complex would prefer more murderers that could then perform free labor
And that would ruin cocktail hour.
@puzzlepiece87 repairing things is job creation!
@GodEmperorDune That would make more sense if rich people were actually job creators :P
11:42 PM
@puzzlepiece87 its actually from a economic theory that ignores opportunity cost
@GodEmperorDune it's a hybrid of just straight nationalism combined with an almost tautological argument that "that is the law therefore it is the law"
The usual argument is "we don't want people coming in and then just using our social services and not giving back" even though numerous studies have shown that's not the case
because repairing things takes time away from building other things that actually improve quality of life
I think
@Ash then legalize them so they pay into said programs
11:43 PM
@GodEmperorDune except if they have no job and thus are on welfare and are useless and lazy WHAT THEN FRIEND WHAT THEN
(let it be widely known I DONT AGREE WITH ANY OF THAT)
this was the argument against letting them into the exchanges and like, do yall not understand how insurance gets cheaper for each person the more people in the pool?
(I am just bitter and sarcastic and I get to hear all this shit from people when I go "Immigration is hard yo")
@Ash applying for citizenship is pretty much a full time job
@GodEmperorDune you're tellin' me. :P
11:45 PM
and the business community is all "we can't find workers" and conveniently leave out the "at the rates we want to pay them" and "we don't want to train them" parts
@GodEmperorDune emphatic nodding
Sorry that I get so awful when this comes up
I should stop letting my own frustration colour my thoughts on all this
my rage starts boiling at all this stuff
like "my business model no longer works if you raise the minimum wage" then i dunno, new business model
how dare we want to keep people from dying and keep families together and stuff
11:56 PM
Oh man @fredley
Apparently May wants to let US companies provide NHS services or something
Which currently extranationals aren't allowed to do
@Unionhawk ps @fredley this is a bad idea
we can't get our own healthcare system together
She is apparently "still committed to a health system that is free at point of use"
but lol
I've got to find this burn now hang on
@chrislhayes too easy: the absolute boy Jeremy Corbyn https://t.co/SzViReweJn
@screenslaver I think a lot of people would say that but he's not actually running a country.
@chrislhayes neither is Theresa May

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