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Q: On multiple occasions neighbor confronts and accuses me of things I have not done

RincewindOn two occasions my neighbor has confronted me because he thought that I had a problem with him in some fashion. The first happened about two years ago, and the second occurred tonight. Both times I have been completely caught off guard by this because a) have no issue with this neighbor and b) t...

2 hours later…
good morning
@ExtrovertedMainMan is this a "what should i do"
@AlexRobinson I think so, yeah :)
5 hours later…
you too
how's life?
Pretty okay actually. Got work done today, pretty much ready to take two days off and go do work at the apartment :D
two days off sounds pretty great right about now
Well you know... it's not two relaxing days off, but they are off :P
all i know is that tomorrow I have to spend most of my work day in meetings and i have to get up earlier than normal sooo
Take the day off :P
Or just decline the meetings!
also Ha.
as much as i dislike meetings, i do kinda need to be in most of them
Then enjoy, sit back, relax and keep count of how much you earn just being there ;)
i like this approach
Keep count how? Per minute? Hour? Second?
It's one that works for me :P If it's really, really boring I might even get out the Nintendo Switch, a coloring book or a simple phone/tablet game :D
@Sarov Depends on your wages... But I would go with a counter that just increases the price the longer it is left on, like the one at the gas station when pumping gas ;)
if i were at home i'd have something like slay the spire open on a second monitor, but alas, i have to be at the office tomorrow
ooofff.. fidget spinner/cube or a notepad and pen for doodling then.
2 hours later…
Wheee 550 errors due to permissions~
Well, at least you know the culprit :D
Ooooh... lightning. very very frightening.

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