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not me getting into the office early for a meeting at 9... only to get to 9 and have the meeting delayed by 15 minutes -_-
Ugh! I'm at the apartment today, cleaning. I have to wait for the water to heat up :P
wanna trade places :p
Ehhh... I think I'll survive
damn, i can't say i didn't try
2 hours later…
Well this is new: delivery guy walking away while I am still unlocking the door, disappears... But my package is marked as 'delivered'. :/
Byebye package, I'm afraid. Blegh
2 hours later…
Phone and complain?
Or check around your door for hidden packages. :P
1 hour later…
i have had some really really bad delivery people in the past... one threw a package containing a brand new xbox controller into a hedge rather than put it in the greenhouse (as the delivery instructions specified)
3 hours later…
Q: How to get my condescending friend to stop touching me

Esperanza SolisMy "friend" is constantly touching my arm and hugging me. I have asked him repeatedly to stop, I've asked politely, I've walked away, I've yelled at him, but whenever I tell him to stop he just pats my head like I'm a little child. I would just straight up tell him to stop talking to me, but we s...

2 hours later…
@Sarov Done that, the 'excuse' was that at the depot, they hadn't had any confirmation of the package being delivered yet, so they couldn't confirm. I have to call back tomorrow.
@AlexRobinson Ugh. We're having trouble at my parents place too, one company keeps just putting packages near our front door, for every porch pirate to see and take.
I'm still pissed I didn't follow the delivery guy... He could see (and probably hear, the lock makes noise!) me unlocking the door, there's a window in it, so I decided well if you want to be like that then you can just come back tomorrow I'm not going to trail through mud tracking you down...
Me and my good decisions :/
Q: Being single child of parents, can't decide whether I should move abroad for a good job offer

ishan bansalI am the single child(son) of my parents. My parents are very caring and I am very close to them. However, during my early 20's I somehow felt this caring nature of them had somewhat lowered my independence. Now my dad keeps on saying after he retires, they both will come to hyderabad(city where ...

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