I am searching for some Advices to find my woman type via the internet for long distance friendship or dating.
I am an electrical engineer and 37 years old Iranian boy and have not girlfriend!!!.
So I tried some sites like badoo site for dating and as you can see nobody answered my messages via t...
When I send a gift to my friend, she responds with an email which looks like a thank you note but doesn't actually contain the words "thank you", or any words of gratitude. She might respond with "What a lovely gift" or "I'm very flattered". This seems impolite to me. When I asked about it she sa...
@brug :D I am mostly fine, but my mother just had some terrible back pain this afternoon and we had to call the emergency services. She got some morphine, but she is still laying on the kitchen floor (with pillows and blankets) and wasn't/isn't even able to go to the bathroom. So basically: this afternoon was full of things and more tiring than a regular afternoon and I will probably be a mess tomorrow but, hopefully my mother will be better by then (she just took some other drugs)
Also, the President didn't talk about the covid. No one said anything even though the ministers are saying that "what we are doing now isn't enough" and I wish I could go to holidays but I don't dare plan them because I'm convinced that we will have a lockdown before two weeks even though they don't want to announce anything yet (but the gouvernement keep having "emergency meeting" and it really doesn't look good)
@brug She did some sport this morning. She didn't fall or anything and was fine afterward but the doctor said she probably didn't feel the pain when the muscles were "hot" but know that they are cold, that's why she is in pain
@brug Oh yeah, I heard about that, that's not good either :/
Well, apparently my tiredness is giving me back pain. So that way I stay all my days laying in bed (remote working, reading, on my phone or on my computer). I will have some exams link to my tiredness in two weeks and will have the results 3 weeks later after that. And if they don't find anything, I will have to find another doctor because mine is useless (unless I have a cold or some other "basic" stuff in which case he does provide the drugs and the "no work certificate" without any issue)
Hopefully, my mother will be able to walk again by tomorrow. Otherwise, she might need to be hospitalized
@brug <3
@brug Yeah, hopefully. But I know it can take several years and it's kind of been two already (but "only" 6 months since I finally figured that my depression wasn't the cause for my tiredness since I basically don't really have depression anymore)
@brug Ah, that would explain why your last picture was so much PINK :p And, IMO, nothing wrong with having a childish style. People should be able to dress however they want without fearing other people judgment (yes, I really want to be able to go to work wearing my softest pajamas)
@brug I really can't say that I share your love of pink, but I totally understand it. I, personally, always hated this color because pink is a "girl" color. Now, I try to appreciate it again, but it's hard
@brug I don't think we did talk about this indeed. But basically: I have short hair now but I still hate cutting them so they are often longueur than I wish they will be. I have a collection of amazing t-shirt but only one masculine long sleeve shirt. And that's it. I don't have enough pants (also because I gain back some weight). I don't have the vests I wish, nor the coat (the one I have is very cool but also screams "woman"), nor the shoes.
I wish I could be able to completly dress up in a "men" way (especially a "hot" men way :p) but it's not the case. And I don't really want to buy new stuff when the old ones are still ok. But I also can't really buy new stuff because of the tiredness anyway so... (I would buy them online but with my sensitivity to touch, I really need to try it on first)
But also, I don't think I want to go on T (because, really, I don't want to need to shave x) ) and I don't think I want to do surgery even though I wish my boobs were smaller (I'm terrified of blood, so that partially explain why I don't want surgery ^^)
@brug Binding with my sensitivity to touch is just a no go. I mean, even wearing a bra is too much for me, so... But my boobs aren't a huge issue anyway. They are annoying but since I'm wearing very large things they are relatively easy to forget
(And I don't do sport anymore, so they aren't an issue for that as well)
I can't really go to a swimming pool though. In France, most "inside" swimming pool have a rule against UV t-shirt and, well, I don't want to be wearing something more "feminine" and I don't want to be wearing nothing here either
@brug We also have a rule against "bath shorts". You, USA people, would be scandalized at how little we wear in a swimming pool x) Men have to wear something like this: this And let me tell you: you can guess everything x)
The idea is to prevent people from using stuff they wear outside, so it's cleanner
@brug Yeah, that's really not a great policy for anyone who isn't comfortable with their body. And I think it also prevents muslim woman from going to the swimming pool