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@IntrovertedMetaMan Nice data, yeah, quite a lot was affected
Morning :)
How are ya?
been looking at Prime Day deals x)
I'm okay. I am not looking at Prime Day deals, I already spent too much money this weekend ;)
I'm in a standup where my coworkers are again being too chatty and going past 'what did I do, what am I going to do, what's the impediments'.
Morning people :)
@Tinkeringbell eh, usual morning stuff XD
Yeah, but it sucks since we just had a retro yesterday where we said we'd aim to improve this XD
ah XDD
@Tinkeringbell When it's not my turn, I don't even listen anymore and do some work instead...
@Ael Yeah, it's tempting :)
Hi lila!
1 hour later…
I'm currently reading a very nice comic (lore Olympus) and thus, I don't want to work but want to read instead right now ><
oh, I've heard good things about that one
The face when you just figured out that the fourth bug in two weeks you're fixing was also introduced by your coworker :|
@Mithical I'm not surprise, it's very good (well, the beginning is just medium, but then it becomes very good. Like "I don't want to stop reading" very good). Also, I believe it's one of the most read story on webtoon
@Tinkeringbell Will you get to "scream" at them?
I suppose I'll have to actually get around to reading it :D
@Ael He's on vacation this week too :P
I won't scream though, just gently point out he needs to test more :)
@Tinkeringbell So, no writing of subtly incendiary email or yes?
No writing as of yet. Perhaps if things get worse ;) I assume he usually is around and fixes his own messes, which is fine.
It only becomes annoying when he's gone ;)
Ah yeah, that does make sense
@Mithical I can only recommend it :D
1 hour later…
@Tinkeringbell beh XD
Q: How do answer the question "Who are you?"?

cinicoI'm sure it will always depend on the context, so let's assume you just meet a stranger in a coffee and he asks you "Who are you?". Let's put aside privacy or safety concerns (assume the stranger only has good intentions). This is a bit of an open ended question, so I understand if it gets closed...

I'm upset, one of my meetings was canceled last minute even though I was planning to do nothing but listen to people talk all afternoon. Now I actually have to make my brain work by solving some problems instead :'(
@Ael :'(
@ExtrovertedMainMan Who are you?
@Ael :'(
@ips cat for Ael?
@IPSCommentBot cat for Ael?
Sounds like the bot isn't in chat
@CaldeiraG :'(
Too bad, I did wanted a cat :(
i'll grab one quick while i fix the bot
@CaldeiraG Aw, thank you! :D
Dear, now I want to pet it ><
@Ael you're welcome :)
ips is back up
@ips cat now?
@IPSCommentBot More cat please!
Awwww, little cuties!
3 hours later…
Q: How do I tell my PhD supervisor I want to drop out?

Henrique AndradeI am going to start my PhD degree this week and I realised that, for personal and professional reasons, I don't want to do it. Personal reasons: I live in a foreign country and I don't like living here, I have no friends or girlfriends here and I'm far from my family. I already lived two years h...

5 hours later…
Poland is getting hit hard by the worm in the recent days, since 10th October they reintroduced some restrictions. I honestly cannot attribute malice to people who don't take this seriously, the main minister of health department (I'm not sure how to translate this to English) himself said recently that "wearing masks is not really meant to protect people, but to remind them of the pandemic" ;_;
And another important person, primary minister of health of Poland, a week before our first case of a person infected by the worm, laughed and discredited people in foreign countries that were wearing face masks because of their ineffectiveness; not long after he ordered us to wear masks in public places ;_;
I know we are not allowed to talk about politics here, but I'm not talking about politics I'm talking about covid.
We just got more lockdown here, and to be honest I'm glad the government is finally restricting things again. As much as I'd like to think, there just are too many covidiots here.
@Tinkeringbell Hahahaha nice, we also have a term for this which seamlessly translates into "covidosceptics" :D
Including my mom celebrating her birthday today... They've been saying to not meet more than three people at a time and limit your interactions, so she just lets 15 people come spread out over the day :/
@lila well the Dutch and English for idiot are very similar so we just use covidioot in Dutch ;)
@Tinkeringbell In Polish it's also almost the same but I never heard anyone using that before, I'm stealing it then :D
You're welcome!
You can't steal stuff I'm sharing btw 😂
1 hour later…
@lila saves lives by swearing
It is late, sleepy sleepy good night
it is late, sleepy sleepy turn off the light
Good dreams unravel bad dreams unravel
I am going through dreamland's travel
Strange dreams unravel weird dreams unravel
I am going on dreamland's travel
See you tomorrow see you tomorrow
Awkward Silence wards off my sorrow
See you tomorrow see you again
A place to cover from cold and the rain.
@M.A.R. Oh are you a swearing medical professional or something then?
@M.A.R. Is that an allusion to a scalpel? :D
@lila no it's just a joke . . . awkwardly scratches head
@lila cancer patients undergo chemotherapy to remind them that they're sick so their bodies may be persuaded not to be sick anymore
@M.A.R. Haha okay but I wanted to know whether I got that joke right [my awkward chuckling]
Wow thanks for the star! :D
Because of all the outrage at the admittedly outrageous handling of the pandemic by the Trump administration, we tend to forget how other politicians have also handled it terribly, more often than not.
I tend to notice the clergymen don't wear masks properly, while other government officials do
@M.A.R. Haha I guess if that minister of health department was an oncologist, then he would publicly say things like this :D
Don't be sick, dammit
It's not hard
Have you tried not having covid? Oh, come on.
Did you know that we all have only a few minutes of life left and the clock is constantly ticking? But each breath of air resets the timer :D
@lila that's so romantic zomg
lives in the moment
I wonder how people manage not to live in the moment.

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