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@caldeirabot Well, unfounded accusations on the early morning. That's nice.
@Euchris this could be a good answer foe itself! — Allerleirauh 1 min ago
#26076 Allerleirauh (385 rep) | A: How to respond to an obviously unfair offer in a high-stakes negotiation without offending the other side? (score: 2) | posted 40 hours ago by Arthur Hv (2657 rep) | edited 40 hours ago by Arthur Hv (2657 rep) | Toxicity 0.22721519 | tps/fps:
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@Tinkeringbell just another day
Friyay :)
looks like i'm switching to yellow blockquotes :)
A: Please revert the quote background from white to yellow

Aryan Beezadhur Note: I'm currently working on making this a browser extension Since SE do not intend to revert this change, I have written a simple user script that tries to recreate the appearance of quotes before this change. Here is a screenshot: Download to Tampermonkey See it on StackApps GitHub...

and.. they don't work
@CaldeiraG Fries-day, and I get to have two weeks of vacation after today.
@Tinkeringbell nice!
got 2 days off next week
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it :D
Q: intel i5 sticker is not straight . so is it normal on a new laptop?

user1213220I bought a new laptop and it has a very slightly tilted Intel sticker. It is so less that some would not even notice it but I did so. Is it normal?

lol XD
It's a fake sticker! Someone secretly scammed you with an i3 laptop.
Ooh, so tempting to start an urban legend XD
@JourneymanGeek ^ Can I play with users on superuser like that, or would I get a mad dog chasing after me? ;)
@caldeirabot rude
Registered as rude and flaggable (tp). beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
Morning people :)
Morning :)
@Tinkeringbell XD
Morning Ael :)
@Tinkeringbell probably not nice
Yeah, I was afraid of that :P
People figured out i'm not a true economist
Which I'm unsure how to feel about
@ArthurHv Are you business insider?
@M.A.R. I just give random explanations for Wikipedia existing as economic entity, but some people understood it was random
probably the lack of mathematic formulae and game theory
Honestly most of the answers to this question, if you forget the consideration it should be on-topic for economics, are quite unsatisfying explaining
So I just tried but i don't know, first feedback is negative
1 hour later…
+1 This is a great answer, and does not make assumptions about how long is too long to rekindle a friendship. The truth is you cannot tell until you try. — Ivana 50 secs ago
#26083 Ivana (171 rep) | A: How can I contact a long-lost friend I tracked down on the internet without being creepy? (score: 3) | posted 18 hours ago by Randolph Howell (139 rep) | edited 18 hours ago by Randolph Howell (139 rep) | Toxicity 0.06871278 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["+1", "chatty"]
@caldeirabot tp
Marked this comment as flaggable (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
It's annoying when devs have zero idea how UI tests work and are thus, unable to correctly add the stuff (UI id) I need in order to test ><
@Ael Any reason not to teach them ?
@ArthurHv It's slow and I wish they would already now ^^
But yeah, I don't have much choice here
aha well, you could skip most of the details for the important part where they have to do some stuff so you can have your tests :)
@caldeirabot tp
Marked this comment as flaggable (tp). Currently marked 2tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
@Ael :\
@ArthurHv I wish it was that simple
If by any way this would impact your schedule, inform your manager, but i'm sure they would encourage you to do so even if that may mean delaying stuff
by a few hours
it's the glorious medal of becoming knowledgeable. You code less. Mixed blessing if you ask me
@ArthurHv You are missing some context here and what you are suggesting just wouldn't work ^^ I appreciate the fact that you want to help, but I was just ranting, not asking people to solve my issues ^^
@Ael hwo oui tests wrok kthx in advanced
y u downrate
You should direct them to StackOverflow 👀
Runs away
@Ael Fair enough. Just a bad habit of throwing some pointers :p I have this controversial idea that when you procrastinate for something, there are usually more reasons than just being lazy or having to force yourself to it, sometimes it's about mentally making a path to resolution
@ArthurHv Well, no one is procrastinating here. It just that things aren't working and they keep not working even though we are trying to make it works and it's frustrating and it wouldn't be an issue if devs just knew more about UI tests
I took your first post as a "cba" kind of thing. Especially when you said "I don't have a choice" it made me think you could be in the case of looking at a difficulty and be at least tempted to procrastinate
@ArthurHv Oh no, not trying to procrastinate ^^ I just have to wait and do something else in the meantime. And as a general rule, I do love to rant but I very rarely want someone to help me solve the issue. And if I do, I will state it
Well I don't like ranting, I don't like to see people being hurt and I like to help people the best of my ability so it's a nice personality mismatch :D
@Ael flagged as rude
@CaldeiraG did too
now i'm curious about the answer
@CaldeiraG The other one they wrote?
@Ael yea
@CaldeiraG It was basically assuming that OP wanted to contact a CamGirl from 15 years ago... It was also a 3 lines "answer"
@Ael ah, lol
@ArthurHv I don't like seeing people hurt and I do like to help. But usually, people who are ranting just want moral support ^^ And I must say, even for someone who is French, I do rant a lot
and suggesting to buy rational male (idk what is tihs exactly, a book ? A style figure ?)
@Ael It depends of the person ranting. Sometimes the implied meaning is help. Would you define yourself as needing a lot of moral support then ?
@ArthurHv I'm not sure if I really need a lot of moral support. It's just that ranting is the way I express my feelings. Having people morally supporting me afterward is just an added bonus.
@ArthurHv And yeah, some people might rant when they want help. But I find it's usually best to ask them if they want help solving the problem. This way you don't give unsolicited advice to someone who doesn't want them
@Ael I don't usually ask before giving advice because I take for granted people can disregard it completely and I wouldn't mind. I sometimes use this as showing interest and as an invitation to further discuss the situation if the person wish to. If my advice was somehow unwelcome, clumsy or inappropriate, you have my apologies
@ArthurHv In some situations, giving unsolicited advice to someone can really hurt their feelings. It wasn't the case here but I think you should be careful with that. The other person might feel like you find them stupid and/or incompetent
That didn't happen to me a lot. All in all I have good feedback regarding (unsolicited) advice I give. Granted I try to remain tactful even if that may fail from time to time.
forgot you can use pewpew as a tp on the bot :)
@ArthurHv That's good but you should keep in mind that some people won't tell you if they disliked you giving advice
@CaldeiraG Ahah, yeah, that's thanks to avazula x)
@Ael Like some people won't about any interaction they have with you. You could be hurting feelings with a lot of seemingly innocent statements, that of course include but is not limited to advices.
Usually, the advice itself is not the problem, the assumptions made by the advice could be problematic but I don't assume people to be dumb or incompetent. Any misunderstanding can be easily cleared out
I have to go take my lunch break, but as a general rule: don't give health advice to people unless they asked for it. People know their own body better than you do and this is especially try for people with chronic illness
I wouldn't give (much) health advice even if solicited for it, i'm just not competent
@Ael x)
2 hours later…
@ArthurHv By "health advice", I meant "you should try yoga", "do more sport", "eat better", "got to bed earlier", etc.. People usually aren't afraid to give those
I gave a hell of a lot unsolicited advice for my SO to quit smoking, I know I've been annoying on that and that was kind of on purpose but arguably it's very different. His decisions impact the couple so I have a say in that
Other than that, yes it's the kind of stuff i don't advise because it's a bit easy and it's often misfitting
I remember a Workplace SE question where OP stated he had issues getting up on time because of mental condition, one guy advised discipline and got many upvotes, I was one of the few if not the only person to flag it and other high reps told me they thought my flag was rude
reads up
hands @Ael a hammer
this might work, its a percussive attitude readjustment device. Just don't let HR know :D
Oof I thought I was the target :D
@JourneymanGeek Ahah x) Thankfully, it finally worked \o/
@Ael lol...
I have a few old online friends I wonder about
One has zero internet presense outside the same photo she used like 15 years ago
another dropped out of my life for the better but part of me is curious where he ended up
@JourneymanGeek I have a friend like that too. There is also this one person who bullied me during middle school and I often wonder what they have become. I kind of want revenge and knowing that I'm doing better than them in life would definitively feel like revenge ^^ Maybe I should try to search them again. It's been a while since the last time I tried finding them on the internet
@Ael lol she was a lovely person
as the old buddist parible goes, I let the lady off my back once I have crossed the river.
@JourneymanGeek I don't know much about Buddism, what does this parible mean?
@Ael x)
@Ael ah...
so a master and his disciple were walking along a river. A geisha asked if one of them could help her cross. The master carried the geisha piggyback, walked on water, and put her down. The disciple felt that his master should not have carried a woman of negotiable affection. After a while, unprompted, the master said "I put that woman down on the other side of the river. You seem to have carried her with you all the way"
So, I put down my enemies, across, or in the river
I do not carry them with me ;)
That does sound wise :)
Though, sometimes it's hard to put things down. You just don't know how to do it
One of the people I didn't like at all died.
at around the age I am now...
Ouch, I can't imagine how you must feel about that :/
tbh, nothing
I feel sorry for his partner, who I didn't like either.
But I didn't feel he deserved much more than that from me.
Yeah, I can understand that
Yep. That seems logical :)
Glad to see there's more people that think like that, I had a semi-fight with my mom over something similar a few weeks ago.
@JourneymanGeek I think I would feel weird and a little bit sad if this person who bullied me died. We were friends once and I know that their mother never loved them. I wouldn't wish death for them, not even illness. I just want the proof for myself that I am better than them
@Tinkeringbell What happened?
@Ael Oh, so grandpa and grandma are both getting worse and will probably not last much longer, and we talked and I said I'd be sorry for dad/the remaining grandparent if one of the others died. Then we got into a whole argument about how I should be grieving too... which... they're old, they're grandparents, they'll die. Sure I might miss them, but to be honest I already do that because all the fun stuff you can do with a grandparent, we can't do that anymore.
It's my mom, she can be really irrational about these things, probably because she lost her parents at a rather young age.
@Tinkeringbell well
my reaction to hearing one of my granmas died was "oh"
then I went back to sleep
I wish I could do that too. I'm pretty sure I won't be allowed to skimp on looking sad and I'm also sure I won't be allowed to be annoyed at having to act sad.
And I'll probably be sent shopping for 'proper burial clothes' and for a haircut...
And expected to run most of the household while mom runs stuff over at the grandparents that aren't even her parents...
Wait, why would you need burial clothes, someone else would be buried :D
oh the household thing, sure
I do hope I will have my own place by then, hopefully at that time I can get away with just visiting the burial + leftover grandparent the week after and be done with it.
@JourneymanGeek funeral... the word I was looking for is funeral.
@Tinkeringbell I know :D
Though if I buy some good lasting ones, who knows.
you could randomly wear it to work
to confuse people
Oh, maybe I can do that and then say 'Can I leave 2 hours early, I've got a funeral'.
Just have to come up with enough bogus relatives.
no no
You need to say "My Grandmother died"
every single time
and break out into tears every time someone asks which granma
Aww! That's a wonderful drawing! :D Thanks
@Tinkeringbell Hi I am practicing for drawing a cat for someone on Pets chat, after yesterday's especially warm welcome on Awkward Silence I noticed one person's avatar is drawing-friendly in the sense of having clearly defined lines and not a lot of complicated details, here is the result. How do you like it? ^.^ Have you originally drawn this yourself?
@lila I didn't draw the original, ShadowWizard found a picture of a red parrot with glasses for me online and I decided it looked cute enough to use. :)
I have crocheted the avatar once though: i.sstatic.net/zxQn3.jpg
You're pretty good at drawing!
(I'd say you don't need much more practice)
Oh thanks! ^.^
@JourneymanGeek OMG, I am laughing so hard x'D
@JourneymanGeek Hahaha I don't cry at work. People would look at me weird ;)
@Tinkeringbell that's the whole point
@lila Wow, very nice drawing!
@Ael Thanks! ^.^
(To be totally fair... I will make sure my brothers never find it. They've already dubbed the red version the 'penis-parrot', I must admit a greyscale version makes it kinda worse XD)
Haha that's mean :D
@Tinkeringbell I was the same with my grandparents (well, the two of them who are dead, not the ones who are still alive). They were old and weren't living anymore, more just surviving and waiting for their actual death. So I wasn't sad when they died. I was only sad once at the church, when everyone was heartbroken and crying. I don't like seeing my loved ones like that, it made me cry too.
Plus, I didn't really get to know these grandparents when they were in good health. So it was different than from my cousins who spend a lot of holidays with them when they were young.
@lila They're brothers, I'm their sister... we get to be mean to each other ;)
@Tinkeringbell I'm not sure I had seen this once. It looks nice :)
@Ael It's hidden in a link on MSE somewhere, on the 2018 winterbash knitting post. Someone made a knit of my avatar, and I said I'd try to actually try the pattern. It was fun, I still have the bag and used it back when I was taking the train a lot to take a small project with me.
@lila lovely drawing :)
@Tinkeringbell where is the 3d version? :P
@CaldeiraG Ehh. That might take a while :P
@CaldeiraG Oh thank you ^.^ and by the way I hope I'm not a being a nuisance but I tend to, among other things, star all the compliments, because from time to time I'm going through them all, in the event of having a bad day or something like that.
@Tinkeringbell XD
@Tinkeringbell At my funeral I wish I could be there to tell people to just go home and not feel obligated. I'm afraid giving directions is against the principle of being dead tho
@Tinkeringbell And the crocheted version is beautiful, I'm guessing it must've taken you a lot of time, at least I don't have the skills to do something similar.
@Tinkeringbell My twisted imagination creates a picture in which this crocheted bag with your avatar enables a stranger on the street to recognize you from the IPS, then to start asking you "how do I do A and not appear awkward" and "how could I politely do B", then you replying that street is not for extended discussion and this conversation would better be moved to the Internet ^.^
Hahaha I wish! I've never been recognized on the train, not even while wearing my moderator cap ;)
I did once write an answer though, and the person next to me was apparently on SO and said he'd loved seeing me answering on IPS (or something like that. That was fun).
@lila I think it took a day or two. I skimped on the finishing of it: I just cut ends for most of the colors, tied them together, added a drop of textile glue, then put in a lining to hide the mess XD
Found this a while ago, if you struggle with relationships you could give this app a try: monicahq.com
it's opensource and you can self-host it
I think this reaction is way over the top. If I'm in a car cuddling with someone and they close their eyes, I would assume that they are just enjoying the moment, not that they are asleep. It also seems like a very little step to go from cuddling, caressing and kissing each other on the face to a kiss on the lips. It also seems that the kissing stopped immediately when the face was turned away and it was clear that it was not wanted. — Orbit 2 mins ago
#22858 Orbit (314 rep) | A: My best friend kissed me while I was half asleep. How can I bring this up and set boundaries, without making a big deal about it? (score: 27) | posted 358 days ago by goat_fab (1313 rep) | Toxicity 0.43309465 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@CaldeiraG Oh no. No,no,no.
That's like my aunt and two cousins each expecting a message on Facebook congratulating them when one of them has a birthday... and I never visit Facebook anymore.
@caldeirabot context matters
@caldeirabot Am I dreaming or is the robot actually evaluating and telling the emotional toxicity of answers from the site?
@lila not the bot but the Perspective API
@lila And it's the toxicity of the comment, not of the answer :)
If the score is close to 1, then it's really toxic. If it's closer to 0, then it's fine
I suspect it does not detect well some elaborate way of bullying e.g. irony
@Tinkeringbell what do you mean?
Oh okay thanks a lot, I have to admit it's black magic for me but it's amazing.
@CaldeiraG That it doesn't make your life better if everyone expects a message or card for every little fart they make :P
@Tinkeringbell the app's purpose is to "manage" your relationships and keep track of stuff you made with them, it's not public (only you can see it)
it's not a social media XD
Still :P It's based on the premise that you do need to do so to be a good friend/family member... which I strongly disagree with :P
@Tinkeringbell you could, doesn't mean you should XD
@lila yea, it's cool :P
@CaldeiraG I gave it eyes... it would really be nice if the people voting to delete would also be the ones to leave comments...
As not doing so confuses people...
@Tinkeringbell true
@Tinkeringbell I already commented under all the otherdelete worthy answer on this question. I was getting tired and figured someone else could do it. Plus, it wasn't a new user
@Ael No worries. Getting kinda tired of it is understandable, and I do realize you commented on all others (thanks for that, it really is kinda awkward to comment on delete-able answers if I have my own answer there).
Are you using a comment script?
@Tinkeringbell No, I just copy past from the meta template
Ahh, that makes things a tiny step harder ;)
O.o it just started raining here, HARD, out of nothing!
and now there's thunder too. This is going to be a cozy night :D
Ahh, our local weather guy explains: twitter.com/Stefanuzz/status/1299355747336237057?s=20
it was raining just this morning, clear skies 3 hours later
go figure
We're supposed to get rain tomorrow
@Rainbacon What about bacon?
No bacon sadly
Q: How to convince my parents to let me study biotechnology instead of MBBS?

I dont knowFrom my childhood, I haven't had any dream of becoming something but my parents always wanted me to study and become a doctor and that's how they joined me in Neet Coaching when I was 8th grade. I didn't know anything at that time I thought it was some tuition which will help me for studying. But...

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