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Q: How can I respectfully ask my landlady to use english when in my home?

ELDONNA PRATTWhen our landlady comes into our place she always brings a relative. When they talk to us they use english. When they talk to each other they use their native tongue, which they know we don't understand. I feel this is disrespectful, rude and shady. How can I politely say to them that if they do...

1 hour later…
3X STREAK achievement unlocked
If that means I get more sleep, you can have it :P
s... sleep...
what's that?
@avazula I don't know, I'm usually not awake enough to tell afterwards ;)
1 meeting down, 1 to go...
my workday hasn't even started x)
Well, the sooner I get mine done with, the sooner I'll have weekend :P So I started early ;)
yay to flexible hours XD
nay for me :p
I'm going to miss starting this early once I have to go back to an office: I'll have to wake up at the same time, but I'll be starting an hour later. So work is finished an hour later, and then I'll also need an hour to drive home!
@CaldeiraG Afternoon!
@avazula Sometimes we deploy stuff and some bug pass unnoticed but then we notice it and want to rollback. And sometimes some tests will fail but we will still want to deploy/not rollback. That's why the rollback is manual
Also, good morning people :)
@Tinkeringbell If you eat this early, aren't you starving when it's time for bed?
@Ael Not really. If I go to bed late, I might eat some fruit at 8/9-ish though.
Also, does this mean that you never eat "gouter" (google translate it with "afternoon tea")? Oo ("gouter" is usually between 4pm et 5pm)
@Ael We do drink a cup of tea in the afternoon (usually somewhere at 3-4 PM), but besides sometimes a cookie there's no food :)
@Tinkeringbell But the cookies are the best part :'(
Cookies are nice, that's true :) But if there's dinner at 5, they're not that necessary ;)
@ExtrovertedMainMan technically, if its your landlady, its her house
@Tinkeringbell That's why you only eat at 7~8 PM. So that cookies are necessary :p
@JourneymanGeek A house is not a home :P
@Ael Hahaha :D
true but there's a wierd "Its my space" vibe
Maybe next week then, when my parents are gone and dinner won't be served at 5 but still needs to be cooked by then XD
@JourneymanGeek Isn't MySpace more like a was?
a has been?
@JourneymanGeek Technically, you can't throw your weight around just because you rented your place. It's the tenant's place, at least in my religion
So for example a landlord/lady can't say her prayers without the tenant's consent
@M.A.R. but getting huffy cause someone is talking their own language seems... rude
granted, we are used to that, and there's a local slang for speaking in english :D
@JourneymanGeek I guess if they're glancing at you with a smug expression while doing it is ruder
would be just as bad in english sometimes
Q: The movie is about this invisible thing that travels around killing people randomly

RaeThis invisible thing can only be seen on the radar on the news. It can’t be seen in person. There is a scene where this elderly lady was making coffee or tea on the stove,she had the news on in the background. The news was tracking this thing on the radar but the lady didn’t know this thing was i...

Uh, you need to get out more often, OP
At least over here, it's expected you adapt to the language of your host. It's a courtesy of the host to speak another language with you, if that makes things easier for you.
But you don't get to complain if people speak Spanish at home and speak Spanish while you're visiting.
Shrug heavily context-dependent I guess
It's probably not rude rude either way, but greyish
It would definitely be rude here for my friend and her mom to come visit, and then start talking Spanish.
It would be equally rude for me to visit there, and say they can't speak Spanish in their own home just because I'm around.
Rude all the way around
The only solution: When the landlord visits with a friend and starts speaking Spanish, listen to Vietnamese music
Speaking of music: Any idea how to read ogg music file in windows 10?
start singing in finnish
@Ael oh, natively?
@Tinkeringbell If there's someone who doesn't speak English at my house, if it's not directed at them it'll be in English (e.g. kid talking to a parent). If it's relevant to that person at all it'll be in Hebrew.
@JourneymanGeek I guess? But I'm really open to all solutions
for anything native
Using a third party music player would be an option too - I use foobar2k
or even an editor (is Audacity available for WIndows?)
@Mithical yes
but ehhhh
can't have a playlist that way
sure, but if you're looking for a one-time read of a file...
@Mithical Yeah, that's an option here too I guess, but then it's because the person that doesn't speak Dutch is e.g. visiting me, and my parents aren't the ones 'being visited'. So that excuses my parents from being hosts and adapting.
you might even be able to convert it to mp3 from there
@Ael What? Windows Media Player supports .ogg afaik
.... oh?
@M.A.R. we forgot something
@Ael what version of windows are you on?
4 mins ago, by Ael
Speaking of music: Any idea how to read ogg music file in windows 10?
I forgot breakfast
@M.A.R. Yes and no. It can read a file but it doesn't want to include in my library
I guess I should just convert all my files to mp3
Other question: how do you uninstall something on windows? ^^'
Nevermind, I finally found (thanks google)
I think you can use the system settings to get to 'install and remove programs'?
Google is much nicer than me ;)
@Tinkeringbell Well, Google has more knowledge but I wouldn't say they're nicer :p
@Ael right click on windows symbol on the taskbar, apps and features, select an app and uninstall :P
it's faster than going to settings then apps XD
like MS says
@CaldeiraG The right click on the taskbar doesn't work for me. It can only close/open them that way or pine/unpine them.
But it works if I'm in the menu
that doesn't make sense x)
i say this because i use this shortcut 100% of the times XD
The guy pins it to taskbar before uninstalling it
That's just cruel
2 hours later…
I managed to schedule an appointment to renew my ID \o/
@ankii o/
@CaldeiraG Yay! Are you sticking with a new version of the same, or will there be upgrades? :P
@CaldeiraG why are you installing so many things that you need a shortcut to uninstall them?!
I just toss them to trash and delete its files from ~/Library
most non-sudo apps work this way
those which need sudo come with uninstallers
@Tinkeringbell my picture will have an upgrade XD but everything else will stay the same
I would need to have 25 years old to renew it only with a SMS like my mom did
@ankii it's a windows shortcut and not mine XD
i was just pointing out that the way ms page refers on how to uninstall stuff is the long way around
but mainly because my disks are most of the time full
C++: so many years and all methods of converting enum to string are hacky!
even thought i have 2750gb in total
@CaldeiraG you don't say that to someone with 128 GB!
@ankii x)
just gta v is 100gb alone
indie games ftw
Mac with ARM processors though
it will be a crazy efficient machine
basically a iphone on a bigger screen
@CaldeiraG yes it improves performance! also with MoltenVK atop Metal (replacing outdated OpenGL 3.3) would be awesome
with x86 emulation?
@CaldeiraG what is that ? 32 bits ?
@CaldeiraG but I won't be using it for games though.. just don't like video games
@CaldeiraG Catalina removed 32 bit support ..
@ankii yea i remember that
indie games are none at this point XD
all current 64 bits apps' instructions will be converted to native instructions either before opening the app or on the fly
@ankii I know adobe and their in-house Mac apps (Final Cut, etc) will get ARM instructions soon enough
@ankii rendering faster would be my use case! :)
But steam = nothing
Bootcamp = bah
Ecosystem = huge plus
@CaldeiraG yeah.. they scratch each other's backs a bit too much
@ankii good then :)
2 hours later…
TIL a portuguese keyboard layout
HCESAR (pronounced by saying the name of the letter H and then the word César: in Portuguese, agá-César) is an obsolete typewriter keyboard layout. It was created by decree on July 17, 1937, under Portuguese prime minister António Salazar. The purpose of the layout was to place the most frequently used characters, as they were used in Portuguese, in the center of the layout. It was common that the 0 numeral was omitted (in favour of using the uppercase O letter), and there were also some typewriters without the 1 numeral (with the lowercase L being used to achieve it). Also absent were symbols...
bit of a pain to see that keyboard
Yeah, perhaps that one is better off being obsolete :P
true that
1 hour later…
Oh, fancy. The first real meeting of the energy cooperation for my new apartment will be Monday, July 13th.

Guess where I won't be going XD
i'm out of the office at that date too :p
It's the first Monday after my week's worth of vacation. But it's ... boring. And if I'm not careful, I'll end up being pushed into some kind of committee. I'll read the pieces and go to the next one. But I'm not going to take on more work.
@Tinkeringbell totally understandable
1 hour later…
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