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Hey everyone :)
Morning :)
Hello :)
For the people arround here who have imposteur syndrom: instagram.com/p/B72JjqcArFT/?igshid=1gg8luvkp30jw @Belle @ava
haha. This is great
that's a nice account you linked here
Hmmmm... googling imposteur syndrom and other things recently that pretty much describe my behaviors quite well, slowly start making me feel like I am nothing but the sum of my symptoms... Feels uncomfortable :x
@avazula I have pleinty other like that. I like those accounts that make feel good about yourself and tell you that it's okay to have all those mental health issues and that it's okay to be different and to set boundaries
@Ælis I knew you were going to like Instagram :)
@dhein Yeah, I can understand that. Sometimes I wonder who I would be without all my anxiety.
Morning :)
@avazula I don't like it, I love it! Finding so many people that tell me that I'm okay the way I am? This means the world to me
@Ælis Very old joke. :P
@Ælis I wonder even more, if there actually can be someone who has none such impairments at all. What would one be driven by, if they had no obstacles in their thinking they had not first to identify and then work around them '^.^
Oh I posted by the way something on Psychologics just right now. I made a blind shot and hope its even on topic. But asking that way felt solid for me. So I think it might be interesting for some of you, too :)
Q: What makes pathological demand avoidance different from reactance?

dheinI am quite aware for some years already, that I am feeling resistant towards anything, others tell me what I have to do. I avoid watching youtube, news or anything, where I could perceive a message is trying to be communicated, telling me how to behave or what to do, as the resistance it makes me...

ugh ... I hate cypress :(
@avazula What's "cypress"?
So, a coworker of mine just posted a link in our "random" channel (where we usually post fun stuff). Except 1) The coworker didn't put a trigger warning first and 2) the title is a very gruesome description of a woman murderer by her son. So, now I'm basically shacking because I really wasn't prepared to read this on this usually cute and happy channel :/
@Ælis :(
@chump Let's have a cat
How are you people today?
@Ælis the equivalent of cucumber :p
@avazula But I love cucumbers :(
@avazula Seems like this cat agrees with you, though:
Hover, this one is with me:
And maybe this one is too?
@Ælis I saw this picture on Instagram once.
This question feels like a massive troll... who really thinks it's okay to pull out someone else's headphones? — Ian Kemp 1 min ago
#15046 Ian Kemp (130 rep) | Q: How can I politely get the attention of a coworker who is listening to music? (score: 51) | posted 609 days ago by teslajin (1051 rep) | edited 608 days ago by Community (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 0/0
@chumpbot nope
Invalid feedback type. Valid feedback types are tp, fp, rude, and wrongo
@chumpbot pewpew
Marked this comment as flaggable (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
Just got out of a meeting. My head feels like it's filled with fluff.
oof :/
Mine is filled with "wth won't you work when I look at you but as soon as I change windows you run just fine?!"
Aaaah ... testing ...
Concurrency or just coincidence?
I have no idea. I'm testing end to end so it's on the front end, which ... I'm really not familiar with
If it actually behaves differently when you're in a different window, concurrency seems likely.
@avazula What are you testing with? Maybe I can help (if you are doing mobile testing though, I probably won't be able to help. I'm discovering it and it's a nightmare ><)
@Ælis Cypress ... ;)
I'm still trying to learn the stack of my new job and their framework. At least the language is the same :\
@avazula Ah, no I finally understand! x)
At my last job, there were weekly database updates and they were always backward compatible and had a database for every developer. This job has a central database and has updates directly applied to it, unlike commits, which you need to sync. So ever so often, the frontend crashes and I need to sync. But it usually takes me a few minutes to figure out the problem. A few minutes of frustration.
I prefer being a little frustrated because my code doesn't work than my colleagues gaslighting me though
I like this job :)
@avazula May I ask why you are using Cypress? I just took a look at it and it doesn't sound really great...
@Belle do you by any chance know how to solve those concurrency issues? I tried with waits but it's not enough ...
@Ælis Company choices
I just found 15 questions regarding cypress on sqa and 4347 regarding selenium-webdriver. So, you know, I'm gonna stick with selenium ^^
Motivated by my abhorrent colleague
I used to swear by Selenium ...
@ava That's some Java + Selenium code, but maybe the logic might help you?
public void pageIsReady() {
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 15);
wait.until(webDriver -> ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return document.readyState").toString().equals("complete"));
@Ælis I don't think so ... but thanks :)
@avazula Concurrency issues tend to be complex. Waits are not a good fix. Imagine two trains that are supposed to arrive at a particular station at the same time, so the passengers can switch between them and then they leave. Now one of these trains, train A, gets delayed sometimes, and train B leaves without the passengers of A. That's what's happening with your code. A wait tells train B to wait 5 minutes for A, but it's waiting unnecessarily if A is on time, and it doesn't solve the
issue when B is delayed for 10 minutes sometime.
In any case, good luck @ava. Sorry, I can't help and sorry you have to work with a tools that have such a little community :/
You can try to find the issue with waits, but it's not a stable fix. There's going to be some data that one thread needs that arrives to late. You want to make the thread wait (or continue doing other stuff that doesn't matter) until you're sure you have the data. Or refactor until the two threads are no longer so dependent.
Thanks for the clear explanation @Belle. Unfortunately refactoring isn't an option, as I'm testing code I didn't write (and the person who did ... well ... let's say the least I talk to them the better. They're just the "what you did is just s**t" kind of person)
Concurrency issues are (imo) one of the worst types of issues you can face though, very difficult to fix.
That sounds unfortunate, @ava. Is it an option to send it back to them with a bug report?
@Ælis thank you :)
Let's have some cat @chump
@Belle Erm, I don't think so. Maybe I shouldn't try to automate those end-to-end tests in the first place, as it works just fine when done manually? But I wanted to enforce the non regression audits and save time.
I also think it's good practice but, what do I know ...
@avazula I'm a QA tester so, I'm probably biased here, but maybe you can try to automate test with cucumber + Selenium instead of not testing at all? But yeah, you would have to introduce a new tool which might be... difficult, depending on the mindset of the people you work with
I don't think I could change the mentality on testing and its benefits that fast.
@avazula Also, even if it's not good practice, a "sleep" (in your test code) can save your life. Also also, make sure your front-end element have ids and that you use the ids to interact with them
@avazula Yeah. That's unfortunate, but it's almost true everywhere :/
@ava Tell me if I'm bothering you with this, but do you have someone (Product Owner for example) who do a specific list of manual tests before and after a push in production?
@Ælis we never went to production yet
but no I don't think so
@avazula Well, that's explain why they don't really care about automating tests at all. If someone was doing all those tests manually every time, I can assure you, they would be more than happy to see it being automated (yeah, some of my coworkers call my work "life saving" ^^)
I know :p
Can you give some backup on how this will be helpfull/had been helping you in the past? And especially give some backup explaining why OP is with certainty the reason for them using headphones? — dhein 32 secs ago
#15094 dhein (2405 rep) | A: How can I politely get the attention of a coworker who is listening to music? (score: 12) | posted 608 days ago by CCTO (445 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 0/0
@chumpbot fp
Marked this comment as not flag-worthy (fp). Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@Ælis This is true. A sleep in test code isn't good practice, but it's much better than a sleep in production code :)
And even better than spending days on chasing an elusive bug that no one ever noticed
Remote day today!
Oh, that's nice!
Seems like Fedora is done being angry at me for saving the mouse I prevented her from killing
I found a great technique involving a glass and a sheet of paper
I've already saved three mice with that technique
1 hour later…
Q: Is Enforcement of Backup Requirement in Answers Consistently Enforced?

JamesFirst of all, I want to say that this question is not driven by bitterness on my part, but I know it might come across that way. I had an answer deleted about 5 months ago because it wasn't supported by personal experience or by an outside reference. Link to question where my answer was deleted...

This got me thinking ... PSA: we could use some eyes on the review queues people! If you have some time :)
@avazula Sorry, but the review queue is empty for me ^^ (maybe because I'm the one flagging all those answers :p )
I think so too :p
@avazula It's a bit scary though, because I know I read far less question/answer than I use to
Yeah, activity seems to have dropped a bit lately ...
in community moderation at least
We lost a lot of valuable people let's not forget about that :/
that's the downside of volunteered-based communities ... you're not paid for that work so life gets in the way ... which is completely normal
@avazula A lot? I didn't fell like something like this happen, but maybe I'm missing something?
@Ælis well, some people left (without warning us of their departure first) and some others haven't been very active lately
Hum... It's true that people activity vary but isn't it how things are suppose to be? But yeah, if we don't have "new blood" to replace some of the old one who are leaving, then it's an issue
I haven't really touched anything related to main site moderation in months...
@Mithical Yeah but, apart from flagging comment, you weren't that active on IPS moderation, were you?
I used to downvote, flag answers, and close vote a lot
....as evidenced by me having cast the most downvotes on the site.... somehow that hasn't been broken yet.
Wow, I casted a lot of them too! Oo
(I mean, you casted way more, but still!)
Also, big up to @EmC who casted so many, many votes!
1 hour later…
@Ælis I'm so close to getting the electorate badge, but I keep voting on answers so I don't meet the percentage criteria :p
@EmC Oh, you're one of them answer-voters :P
@Belle I like to encourage following the answer guidelines ;D
Q: Why is it that not every relationships led to marriage

Jonathan MatorI really want brief explanation on this topic, moreover I have had relationships that I thought would lead to marriage, but it did not went well, we went for a while and later on breakup.

@ExtrovertedMainMan Because marriage is prison
@avazula lol aren't you married, silly?
arf, I had a nice comment written to explain why I was close-voting, but forgot that casting the close vote refreshed the page
@scohe001 sssssh :p
Q: How to know when a conversation is over, and how to end it?

awkwardGuestThis happens to me a lot at work. I'm in a conversation with a coworker and I can't tell the difference between a pause/change topics and when the conversation is over. I'll frequently start walking away only to have my coworker keep going with a related but different topic - I clearly misread ...

@ExtrovertedMainMan .. I too would like to know this
That's definitely something that happens at work to me often
@EmC Well, if you want to upvote some questions, I know a user who usually posts good ones. I think you know them. Their name starts with this weird "Æ" letter and ends with an "s" :p
@Ælis if only I knew how to type "ae", then I could search for them :p
that'd be targeted upvoting though ;)
I was mostly kidding :p
Exactly :p
Caught the boy in his morning stretch:
user image
Remember, you should always get a good stretch in before you go scouring the house for bits of dropped food start cleaning the floor
hehehe so cute
French firefighter did what??? Oo
Arf, no one-boxing :(
wut :O
Here the article: metro.co.uk/2020/01/28/…
It's kind of funny seeing how the police tried to gas them. I mean, they are firefighters. Their job is literally to keep going while dealing with such "small unpleasantness"
2 hours later…
Thank you for providing backup :) — Belle 1 min ago
#24002 Belle (7140 rep) | A: How can I explain a problem without finger-pointing? (score: 4) | posted 3 days ago by Kevin Olree (39 rep) | edited 3 days ago by Kevin Olree (39 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
1 hour later…
A site (where I want to work) is under DoS attack and I can't browse the patch review :(
@scohe001 that's a lovely bed.. I need one now
Links please
Haha our little dude loves to burrow, so it's the perfect little place for him to feel snuggly
@ankii we found it here: amazon.com/gp/product/B00W4YQV3U
Do they make 170x40 version?
Lol we're actually going to be looking for a bigger one pretty soon too! Finley's starting to chunk up. I don't think that company does, but if we find something we like, I'll give you a ping ;)
I'd probably start by searching something like "Dog cave bed"
170 is my height
Q: Calling someone "hubba hubba"

clichedWhat does it mean when a guy calls me "hubba hubba" even before he sees my picture?

hahahaha oh dear
Maybe they think you're a marsupilami? Or that you may stick to them like an old gum? Who knows?... Joke aside, please give us more information, because as it stands, your question is too broad, unclear or opinion-based. Please take the tour ans read How to Ask. And welcome to IPS ;) — OldPadawan 54 secs ago
#24035 OldPadawan (18386 rep) | Q: Calling someone "hubba hubba" (score: -1) | posted 25 minutes ago by cliched (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
I've been stuck in a terminal all day and I just came back to my computer after getting up and tried to tab to autocomplete my password to unlock it. If only :(
Post is currently hot! With 10 comments in the last 3 hours: Calling someone "hubba hubba"
@brug fyi I usually use the sandbox chat (chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/1) for testing stuff (not that there's a problem with trying things here)
@scohe001 hmm it doesn't work there...
maybe because it isn't a site specific chat and the link is site specific
Oh yea I don't think that one's linked to a specific site
@scohe001 I wish an RO was this nice in another room which I tried to keep active using a null char
this small a rant is a shame
@ankii Then go off about something else. I'm here to listen.
(partially. I'm about to sit down to dinner.)
Q: How do I turn an acquaintance into a friend?

AmpThis is probably the most embarrassing and stupid sounding question I’ve ever asked in my life; but it’s unfortunately one without whose answer I’m stuck. Before I start with my story, I’d just like to say that this is going to sound really weird and on some level, pathetic sounding, but I’d appr...

I have a rant! I've been trying to do UI changes all day, and now that they're finally kind of working, I have discovered that the dimensions I was given to implement are wrong. ARGH
Oof. UI changes are a great way to ruin your day :/
If only every user could use a terminal :p
I left a comment on the doc hours ago and the UI person has not gotten back to me yet... there's also some cases that aren't covered... and I'm not sure he's thought yet about accessibility requirements, or different display sizes that users could have...
I actually kind of like UI work! just ... not when I am given obviously wrong requirements
Maybe this should be more for the The Workplace community. Provided you add more details to your post. — Henry WH Hack v2.1.3 1 min ago
#24037 Henry WH Hack v2.1.3 (101 rep) | Q: Job interview question (score: -1) | posted 11 minutes ago by Barbara Carey (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
Q: Job interview question

Barbara CareyI would like to know how to ask a person we are doing the interview to be hired in our company if they are a smoker or not? I know legally I am not allowed to ask.

@ExtrovertedMainMan :///////
"legally I can't ask, but how can I ask"??
@OldPadawan I am one of those people you mention that give this answer with no intention of attending, purely because organizers tend to pry into "why not?" and I would rather avoid the conflict. If I know someone won't whine about it, I'll give them a straight answer. I like to leave the ambiguous answers for those who don't take "I said no" as a valid answer. — mascoj 20 secs ago
#24027 mascoj (101 rep) | A: How to get somebody's confirmation when they say "I'll check my schedule"? (score: 31) | posted 38 hours ago by OldPadawan (18406 rep) | edited 8 hours ago by OldPadawan (18406 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@EmC I am trying to get into UI of an app rn
coz I don't know any details of the vast amount of tools it uses
@ankii oh fun! iOS or Android? ;)
Mac linux and windows
only if Catalina keeps supporting opengl
oh that kind of app :p
or the devs decide to use "Metal"
.app is all macOS has
unless it's .exe and I use wine
so do you design or do you code?
I do the coding
there's a a couple dedicated UX people for this project
UX people for us is users directly lol
But the devs sometimes use it, so there's that
I need to learn using it too
My dog(pupy) is not putting its front paw while walking
I know she got into a fight, but is it a fracture idk
oh no :(
Guess I'd take her to a vet after giving her a bath, or I won't be able to do it in case there's a plaster

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