@ankii For those kinds of situation, I find it generally simplier/better to ask for external sources. These, you don't have a pointless argument about "everyone know that" and "it's commun sense"
Most of my friends have gone down the marriage with 2.4 kids route. Great for them but it does eat most of their time/money.
Not having done that, I can afford a decent house, to have a couple of holidays each year, and to spend money on luxuries.
Sometimes when they ask what I have been up to,...
@avazula And you don't want to delete? I already put my delete on this, I don't think it would be such a big deal if we were to delete it with only two people instead of three (but it's your powers, I understant if you don't want to be accused of abusing them)
I had a family friend/classmate/neighbor who I am not in touch with for more than a decade and we were never friends but on friendly terms in childhood. Two years back I got to know that she had a transition from male to female and it didn't go well with her family, relatives, etc. Even within my...
@Ælis Breathe in, breathe out. Make sure you position yourself in such a way that both your face and behind feel comfortably warm but don't get burned! :)
Oh... and don't inhale too much of the smoke, it's bad for you :)
One thing I noticed is that even you hide a certain account on the Network profile, if you go the reputation tab, it shows the hidden account (cc @Ælis)
I need help. I don't know what to do. I'm 36, married, from India, recently moved to Sydney. I just wish there is someone out there, reading this, and wanting to help me.
Below, is a big text, and has everything I want you guys to know before answering my question. I sorry it is long. I am start...
I'm 26, female, moved back in with mom and dad in April after a breakup with my ex-girlfriend (the relationship ended as she got a job elsewhere... I couldn't afford to live in NYC, but she could). I live in a large town in Texas.
For the past few weeks (well, since early August) my mom has been...
@Rainbacon I feel they are still don't answer her main question :/ Also, I probably could find something good with a little more digging but I'm not interested in that anymore. Feel free to you use them, though
Perhaps they don't, I didn't fully read all of them, but I might give it a shot later
I had a 3rd round of interviews with a company over a week ago, and I still haven't heard anything back from them. They mentioned that they had a couple more interviews to run though, but I'm starting to get nervous
@Tinkeringbell Because I'm angry and insulted and having people upvote answers that tell me that my fears are invalid when i've laid them out in excruciating detail on numerous occasions and only then have someone else compare being afraid of bigots(who actually go around killing people like me) to being afraid of insects makes my blood boil!!! /rant
@AGirlHasNoName I understand. But it would be so, so very very sad if these people succeed in getting people like you off the site, because they managed to piss you off to the point of breaking the CoC yourself :(
I'm being scoffed at, mocked, ridiculed, and derided and then when I get emotional it is used against me. I have been painstakingly holding back my emotions and being as objective as I can but it keeps getting cloudier and cloudier
@AGirlHasNoName 'when I get emotional it is used against me' > Sadly, yes :( But as a mod, I can't just excuse one side as 'only emotional' without the other side being able to lay claim to the same favours :(
@Tinkeringbell I know. I was already planning to make that my last post on MSE. In fact I had planned to stop before that but I know that user from over at Writing and I have seen her put up with a lot of abuse over there so I wanted to answer her.
This is a very unusual communication conundrum that I have struggled with for some time now. It is about an unusual connection (or so I thought) I made with a girl. She is a friend of an old crush of mine. She did something once, which unwittingly helped me. I want to thank her for that. B...
@Tinkeringbell It's a good thing I'm not a dev at SE Inc. If it were up to me, I would completely disallow the comment function on MSE for as long as necessary (like, at least two weeks)
@AGirlHasNoName Working on it. But I can't do miracles :) People have been handling flags like crazy, yet sometimes I handle three and the counter actually goes up :(
@AGirlHasNoName Oh no, I really don't find it friendly either. But some people over there are still nice people, I'm hoping there are enough nice people to out-weight the "not nice" ones
they even explicitly say on the FAQ post that they're going to delete extra comments/answers on the policy post, sooo I think pretty much anything there will qualify as NLN
@AGirlHasNoName You might want to do like me and just post one custom mod flag asking for the entire conversation to be cleaned up (if, indeed, several comments could be removed)