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After having actively participating on MSE for the past three weeks, I must conclude two things. 1) I obviously like jumping into fires (why else would I inflict this upon myself?) and 2) MSE is a weird place fool of weird people. I now understand why people coming from other parts of the network find it so hard to adjust to IPS.
@Ælis MSE isn't usually like this
@JourneymanGeek This is just proving my point 1) even more :p
@Ælis part 2) is also true
but not how you think it is ;p
@JourneymanGeek I'm curious now. Are you about to explain or will you let me dye of curiousity? :p
@Ælis "Normal" MSE is a mix of people asking about random stuff, and obsessive curation
And I don't mean gatekeeping
its literally a handful of people trying to make everything perfect as per their view
@JourneymanGeek Ah, I'm also an obsessive curator. I guess I would fit right in, then :p
And lots of polite disagreement over what MSE should be
@JourneymanGeek "polite disagreement" -> At this point, I have no idea what this could look like x)
@Ælis ah, so - I strongly believe a primary goal of SE is as a helpdesk and "teaching aid"
So I personally tend to feel we should give more leeway to questions and not be as hasty to dupehammer them
I also don't care about rep so I'm cool with posting answers then having them deleted.
Some folks are super keen on closing dupes as fast as possible
I'm not going to yell at them for it. I do disagree that's the best way to do it, and we just deal with our opposing points of view
A duplicate shouldn't be closed unless it's clear how the questions are the same.
@user58 ah, uhm. Sometimes its less so? And my first impulse is to answer, not look for dupes
@JourneymanGeek I think I agree with that (at least for MSE). Also, if I disagree with someone, I 1) ask questions 2) write my own answer 3) not confront them on the disagreement. But this looks more (IMO) like "politely avoiding confrontation" then "politely disagreeing"
@Ælis oh we disagree ;p
But the difference is you respect the other opinion too.
@JourneymanGeek Let's respectfully disengage then :p
8 hours later…
I think I just don't like quietness. That's why I write stuff on MSE. At least, when people are screaming it me, someone is interacting with me (yes, I'm might be going a bit crazy out here. I should really find something interesting to read)
2 hours later…
Hello, I'm reading your post now :)
@AGirlHasNoName Here, have a bit of cuteness:
Thanks. Im gonna need it. I bet this gets ugly
Like every other post talking about the lavender community...
Just remember to keep existing
I'm with my family for now, it helps a lot
yay \o/
I hope you are well surrendered (with loving and supporting people) too?
Glad to hear :)
@AGirlHasNoName Also, I don't know how to phrase that, but would you be happy if I told you that your username always makes me think that you are "Not A Number"? :p
Nice. I'm also not a number
It's a Game of Thrones reference.
@AGirlHasNoName Oh, I know that ^^ But in chat, my computer only display a part of your username: "AGirlHasNoN" and the last always part makes me think of "NaN" :p
That's awesome
NaNs... [shudders]
Glad to hear, I was afraid you would take it badly ^^ (even if I do find it funny :D )
(They wreak havoc in code that does any kind of math.)
Definitely using that
@El'endiaStarman Oh yeah, those NaN definitively scare the hell out of me :p
@AGirlHasNoN "Public Service Announcement" you killed me right here xD (People are gonna be soooo mad at you)
that's what PSA means
She asked
Also they already are mad.
@AGirlHasNoName True that :/
Unrelated, I just looked at the IPS front page and one of the questions there was also cross-posted to Christianity.SE (and closed there too).
@AGirlHasNoName Also, I finally figure out why I thought this person was a male (when you thought they were female). People with last name that looks like first name are soooo confusing >< (granted, it's not their fault)
yeah I saw her name again and guessed it might be that
I want nothing to do with her. She has said some vile ish. I'm not engaging with her.
@El'endiaStarman I must say, I haven't really read any IPS post since Thursday. I'm currently having a hard time focusing on long posts and IPS post tend to be... well... rather long
@AGirlHasNoName Yeah, I wish there was a "ignore" feature for people you just don't want to read (like there is on chat). It's always the same people that are commenting under my posts and it's getting exhausting
@Ælis That's the point.
At least, we (currently) don't have this (or any) issue on IPS (right now). (unless I missed something since I haven't really read IPS in three days)
@Ælis Richards, you mean? Is Richardson better or worse? :P
@El'endiaStarman I guess "Richardson" is a bit better? In any case, there is wayyyy too many people named Richard on MSE, it's really confusing!
True dat.
gahh. I hate the constant dismissiveness.
It requires downright willful blindness.
@AGirlHasNoName Do you have proof of that? (okay, bad joke, sorry :p)
Maybe we should talk about something else, change our mind?
We could make a contest of "who can find the cutest puppet picture ever"? Who is with me?
(Please, let me flood this room with cute picture *_* )
I should go back to doing homework
I need to do this Parametric function work
I shall flood this room alone then :p
Just know that I support you.
@AGirlHasNoName Well, good luck with that ^^
@AGirlHasNoName \o/ And me you! <3
Also, I just realize that "puppets" isn't a cute name for "pets". This is awkward :p
Ah, I just found a nice one! (with a pet and a plush, so it's almost a "puppet" :p )
So much for doing homework
@AGirlHasNoName Oh yeah, I saw you on the Tavern and was like "hum, this sure is a weird way of doing homework" :p
I saw the snowflake thing and went there to get assistance
Then you went to the OP
Your route worked better ;]
Yep, it was nice to see how they reacted. I was afraid of an ugly reaction :)
same. That's why I went to the tavern
@AGirlHasNoName I guess I'm also afraid with ugly reaction on The Tavern. So I thought "the fewer people are involved, the fewer I'm at risk of ugly reactions"
I don't see how it is offensive. Explain yourself further!
You might want to take a break from the conversation, it's not really leading anywhere
(As, like, every other conversations about transphobia I have seen on MSE so far...)
Also, I'm trying to make a meme about "do you have proof?" but I need to find a template first. I let you know when it's ready @AGirlHasNoName :D
Please do.
On a side note:
@AGirlHasNoName Oh, those people are lucky. I don't think I ever manage to actually see what a gender look like :p (note: "I'm agenre" and, to me, the whole concept of "gender" don't really make sense)
Ohh I thought that that was what they were getting at. Like the realization that they were Agender
Hum, I read them as more "genderfluid" so, "losing" their gender for a time would make (a bit) of sense
But yeah, that could definitively apply to someone agender trying to act as if they weren't
Like "Oops, I forgot to put my gender costum on" :p
yeah I can see it being genderfluid too
Like, constantly changing and feeling like you aren't on top of it. Don't know where it is.
@AGirlHasNoName Just for you (not sure I should post that here though):
@Ælis downloaded
Hehe :p I'll let it up here unless someone complains about it (or unless a mod decide it really shouldn't be here ^^)
The mods are asleep
So, I'm the most powerful person in this room Mouhahaha (/me try to not wake up El'endia) :p
oh hi TSM!
and Aelis and AGirl
@ankii Ah no, TSM are a mod too, they have more power than me!
@Ælis you must be familiar with accents and how to type them on laptops right? Could you proofread this answer of mine apple.stackexchange.com/questions/373107/…
@Ælis xd
@ankii I am familiar with accent, but I can't proof read this. I have a very nice French keyboard who already incorporate accent, so I don't have to type weird thing in order to make them appear (also, I haven't use an apple product in a very long time and short cut do change depending of your OS).
Oh okay..
I was surprised too when I saw windows Alt Codes working on mac
but then hex input also works like that, and it confused me
All I can say is that my linux shortcute don't work on Windows :(
aww lol
But I should go to sleep now, see you tomorow, people :)
See ya!
Q: How can I seriously talk about history of lack of belonging and loneliness without sounding like I'm indulging in self-pity?

BobsYerUncleA 27 year old dude here. I feel like a lot of the baggage I am carrying stems from moving around a lot and not really being able to find communities where I belong, as well as being pretty unpopular socially in my teens/early adulthood. When I get closer with someone (e.g. starting to see them ro...

2 hours later…
@Ælis ಠ_ಠ

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