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@Ælis you're maybe probably asleep right now, but I just saw your MSE post and I wanted to tell you it was a really good read! Your English is nowhere near as bad as you make it sound in the intro :p I think your passion shows through in the way you wrote it and you made your stance on it all very clear. All in all, awesome answer :)
4 hours later…
^ this
2 hours later…
Morning :)
@CaldeiraG Afternoon!
1 hour later…
This is madness, there is been more and more SMS's pretending there are someone else (normally known companies and brands) to make us click on malicious links, even more worse when most services here only have 2-step SMS authentication which is insecure :\
@scohe001 Thank you :D When it comes to discrimination, the words you use matter a lot. Since I'm not necessarily aware of all the connotations a word as in English, I didn't want people to think I used a specific word with a possible negative connotation on purpose when I, in fact, had no idea I was doing such a thing
It's so quiet in here, how are you people?
Busy! Bzz bzz buzy!
Well, I guess it's good news since it means you aren't bored. For my part, I have things to do but I'm not really interested in doing them. I'm wondering if it could be a weird side effect of switching medication (trying a new one, hoping it would be more effective for me)
@Ælis the old one wasn't good? :/
@avazula No. It was better than nothing but it didn't prevent my anxiety from going through the roof sometimes. And I also had some really bad depression day :/ I hope the new one will do the trick, but I know people usually have to try several different drugs before finding the one that works for them
I'm back to SU review queues \o/
@CaldeiraG Try not to missclick this time :p
@CaldeiraG This forces a lot of companies to put a banner about fake job offers before letting us read the job page itself
But I wouldn't accept jobs from companies which use SMS for professional communications
@Ælis I got cold, and now the ding sound of my phone makes my head hurt so bad.. :(
Gotta keep it mute or avoid chats
@Ælis lol :p i will try not to
AD got no audits
it's SOFU only I think..
@ankii Not much about jobs, I refer banks/supermarkets like "Your bank account has been compromised, please verify your data at (suspicious link)"
I mean, those are pretty easy to catch but not for non-geekies
People click everything lol
ah han.. we also receive precautionary emails(from the college peeps) every three months or so about not to click on account password reset etc.. emails
@ankii Ouch :/ I hope you'll get well soon
Thanks ^^, rain turned into winter pretty quickly
@Ælis I must resist to say placebo.. I am not disregarding the opinion, just an uninformed guess for a possible reason.
@ankii Seems like you didn't resisted much ^^ Please don't say that my drugs are placebo when you don't even know of which one I'm talking about
Yeah there's no reason to assume eveyrthing's a placebo. Most things aren't.
^ giving patients a placebo instead of prescription medicine is malicious at best
life-threatening at worst
I'm sorry :(
I'm not sure if placebos have much use outside of clinical trials
it shouldn't carry much weight either.. it was "uninformed". I should have sent the question I really had.. why would people find two different drugs effective? instead of a poor allegation.
The first two are very general, talk about body mechanisms and reception. Third one is close to what I was looking for.. Psychiatric Drugs.
"different disorders look remarkably similar, diagnostic process becomes more unreliable and, as such, so does the efficacy of the selected treatment. " gotcha
I got my first job(internship actually)! Hurray!!
Thank you @nog !
@Ælis yeah, I had issues to find the right drugs too when I had depression. If you didn't know, anxiety & depression drugs are different things, so I'm not surprised to hear you saying it didn't work on the latter. I hope the next one will do wonders!
@ankii Congrats! \o/
@ankii Yay for you!
@avazula In my (short) experience, doctors still prescribe the same drugs for anxiety & depression, hoping it would solve both issues. I believe it's because those kinds of drugs tend to interact (badly/weirdly) with each other so it's safer to only prescribe one. My doctor did ask me if my bigger issue was anxiety or depression before making the prescription. In any case, thank you, I hope this drug will work too (but I won't know before at least 3 weeks, so I better be patient ^^)
I hope my answer is good enough :)
I have a hard time writing answers, I want to make it complete
Thanks Ælis, Caldeira !
@Rain any chance you've ever used the plugin serverless-prune-plugin ?
Unfortunately, I have not
Is it giving you trouble?
@Rainbacon kind of, yeah. I'm trying to save up some space but although I understand this plugin helps with removing old lambda versions, I have no idea whether is also affects the layers
Ah, do you have a lot of cloudformation stacks hanging around from old deploys?
Or are all of your old versions in one cloudformation stack?
Any feedback regarding my latest sandbox question? interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/a/3838/21067
@Rainbacon the latter I think
Ah, in that case I don't know how to help you, sorry :(
If it was the first case, one of my coworkers built a solution to that one
@Rainbacon Thanks for trying :) I still don't really understand how layers cleanup work and I can't seem to find much about that online
Oh, like lambda layers? I haven't used those yet
@Rainbacon yup
I didn't know they were pretty recent, which may explain why I struggle to find info about it online idk
Yeah, I think they were first released in 2018 if my memory is correct
They seem pretty cool though
that's what my coworker told me yea
Nov 28th 2018 to be exact ;)
Oh wow, they're newer than I thought
@Rainbacon yup, that's pretty new
how are you doing? :)
I'm doing well. About to start day 2 of my 2 day long training (I'm quite ready for it to be over), but then I'm going to a job faire tonight. How are you?
oh right, you mentioned it last week I think. Good luck!
I'm good :) waiting for the weekend to come!
@Ælis lol
13 messages moved to Trash
Ahh beat me to it. Thanks @Ael :D
You're welcome ^^
Not sure the answer "it's always a pleasure beating you" would have been appropriate :p
@avazula What makes you say that it's a "hot topic"?
@avazula Have an upvote
I guess we have all been waiting for something like that, so here you go (not sure we want to discuss that in here though. For now I would rather have people avoiding the subject but I'll let the other mods/Room Owner/Regular decide).
@avazula (high five avazula, I have 127 rep lol)
@Ælis that doesn't really fix the issue as there is no reason why did they fire Monica not following the standards and with unreleased CoC but I would rather keep this subject on Meta IMO
@CaldeiraG If we both agree to keep the subject out of TAS, maybe don't post screenshots of this here ^^
@CaldeiraG on a totally unrelated note.. what phone OS is that? nifty font in the URL bar
(developer for mobile things here :P)
Yeah, I'm just complementing my answer xD
This is actually a browser called Mint made by Xiaomi, it's available for all phones, I coincidentally run a Xiaomi Redmi note 5
The phone OS is MIUI if that matters
oh cool :)
I've been hearing more and more about Xiaomi lately, it seems
OS *UI interface, runs android like everything else
They deliver great prices for their phones
yay Android :D
All my family runs Xiaomi now, it just have better specs than any phone with similar price
Yep 😄
And Xiaomi phones are actually in Portugal, including stores so the support is much better and I don't need to get it from China as warranty is kinda of a big deal
Not in the US and with the China ban they'll probably never reach the US
lol well..... last I heard it's just Huawei, though who knows how that will change in the future
From the 25%tax US is applying from everything coming from China even Apple is affected
dang. clearly you know more about this than me :P
I get bored at work. I read news :p
some days news distracts me from work.. some days it's the other way around, hah
Since nobody mentioned, Sara lost 311 rep today.
+165 / -506 307 events An Update to our Community and an Apology
and people are visiting old questions/ answers to upvote them too.
@ankii a link was posted above.. we're kinda avoiding discussion of that here
or rather, a screenshot
if you want to discuss it there's plenty of meta posts for that ;)
but she as a person.. I dont see it as taboo
I remember starring your request to Monica to stop the discussion, and I myself stopped it in AD room too. I understand what to avoid, and her rep doesnt fall under that.
@ankii sorry, I'm not sure what you mean?
Why would discussing rep of Sara be avoided, not mine or Cal's or Ava's?
well for one, Sara doesn't participate on IPS :P
unless she has a secret sock :o (<- totally made up speculation)
All CMs have one or two xd
Shog once had 5.. they united closed a question.
@ankii Well, let's talk about my reputation then. I have currently 9,399 ips rep. I WANT MORE! So, you all better come up with questions I can answer!
ah this reminds me of a comment of yours I should reply to.. I opened it in a new tab and got caught up in TSR, and here
That question in sandbox, after graduation, might help you a bit for 10k
Oh, really? I wonder what you are talking about :o
what are the limits of editing once again?
actually I was having problems with the word "meaningful". Just asking how are you is also a polite gesture, maybe not a story-time question
@ankii What do you mean? Like "on shouldn't edit too many old answers in a row"?
I edited my message ~5 times above..
I think you can only edit for 2 minutes
fastest and incorrect-est keys in the west
@ankii I just edited my post to clarify that (sorry, I, too, forgot to do that earlier ^^)
no issues.. :)
My definition of meaningful (in this particular case): who brings joy and a sense of belonging to someone else.
will await it on the site..
Generally on social media I have a lot of "mutuals" and I would be worried too many people respond and I wouldn't be able to afford getting them all a gift. — Captain Man 1 min ago
#23048 Captain Man (105 rep) | A: How to make a gift without seeming creepy? (score: 7) | posted 2 days ago by Em C (10908 rep) | Toxicity 0.19329774 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@IPSCommentBot ... so what I said in point #2 of the list ... ?
@IPSCommentBot Seems like this person is telling you that you don't have enough friends, @EmC :p
Nice smiley xD
@Ælis Ouch, let me get you some cortisone for that burn @EmC :p
@scohe001 flags as rude :P
Q: How do express my condolences, when I couldn't show up at funeral

Fartwo days ago, one of my old relatives passed away. His family lives 900km away and due to my job, I couldn't show up at funeral. Where I live it's important to show up. I've thought of calling his family, which were always good and friendly to me, and express my deep condolence. What has stopped ...

It's a sad week to be an avid SE user :/
But on the bright side, I think this might be the first time (since creation obviously) where we've gotta a first page and last page question in the same week (when sorting by votes)
Kinda fun trivia I guess
@scohe001 On the bright side, I gain 500 MSE rep, so that's nice :p
Well, I posted an answer there and got +164rep lol :p
@Ælis lol this reminds me of an old saying about war being the best time for an opportunist to make money. Darn it if I can't remember it tho
Hehe, seems like I'm a reputation cow-boy now :p
@Ælis in the spirit of the state of SE (and using cooler words), a genderless version would be a "cowpoke" :D
@Ælis yee-haw? :P
@ExtrovertedMainMan "If you are good at saying condolences" -> Dear, I hope no one have enough experience to be good at that!
Source: I live in Texas
@scohe001 speaking of condolences.. (jk)
@EmC LOL I'm dying. You're terrible
@scohe001 What's a "poke"???
@scohe001 Oh no! Who should I offer my condolences to?
@scohe001 hahaha ;D
My MIL moved to San Antonio a few years ago, it actually seems pretty nice there :)
@Ælis beats me. I think the origin comes from something they'd use to poke cows when they tried to get out of the fence? But "cowpoke" has come to mean the same as "cowhand" or "cowboy" :p
@EmC ooh yea San Antonio and Austin are awesome
@scohe001 Oh, that nice, not really vegan-friendly though :p Maybe I'll use "cowhand" instead ^^
@scohe001 I visited Texas once (we have a familly friend over there). I was very surpise by how green it was. I was expecting sand, and rocks, and sand, and dust, and sand, and... ^^
@Ælis well a big chunk of it is farmland, so I'd hope it's pretty green :p all of the midwest actually is pretty much just great farmland
You were probably thinking more "Wild West," which is more Arizona/eastern California. That's all straight desert
@scohe001 Yeah, I went there too afterward. It was definitively more like I imagined the Texas would be
Also, who just stared my rep comment? x)
Bummer, the one day it's loud in here and I'm stuck in meetings all day
Also, if any of you have cute animal pictures. I would gladly accept them. Got my semi annual review back today, and now I have a lot of anxiety over the meeting to go over it tomorrow.
Also, <3
@Ælis aw :D
Oh my goodness, you are all amazing
@Ælis tiny kitty <3
Wouiiii ! :D (it's "French" for a long "yes")
@Ælis A yes much longer than the kitty :)
Hehe :p
More kitty:
Oui, j'aime ces chats :p
I learned a bit of french at school lol
barely remember anything
Haha :p
yesterday, by scohe001
Petition to start pronouncing "Stack" as "cats," since it's last in, first out of my mouth.
I feel like we should have a bot that post random cute animal picture when we ask for it
@IPSCommentBot since you're the only bot i know with custom commands, kitty?
Is there some place where we can "ask for a chatbot"? Like a "feature-request" but for really not useful stuff?
don't know if you can actually request stuff there
@Ælis With this (aws.random.cat/meow) it's totally doable
maybe a meta post for it xd
Make it a FR for a new command !!/cats on the github and I'll add it ;)
Aren't we mostly engineers? Why don't we just make it
True :p
I wonder if these guys onebox though...
(aw, no onebox for my link)
Ooh they do
@scohe001 LOL
But also, thank you for reminding me. My company has a custom slack response that if you send the message "I need a corgi" it will post a gif of corgis
My personal slack message has quite a few corgis in it
@EmC Cats on stream :p
@scohe001 If you are serious about that, you need to tell me how to do a feature-request. I can't fing the damn button ><
@Ælis GitHub?
(you can look at current issues or some of the past closed ones for examples)
((it uses markdown like SE posts))
@scohe001 Thanks!
@Ælis he already added a reaction :P
Copyrights? (of the images)
They won't have a lot of them on Github...
We could load it with our own images
or add the source with the image
Also, now I think scohe needs to dress Finley up as a cat for halloween so we can add that picture
Cats are a rare species in my surrounding. Dogs chase them away.. can't help there, but would love to see some kittens!
we could have a feed of Ash's videos after Geek's permission. He has a youtube channel right?
@ankii sounds like the owner of that site is pretty okay with people pulling pictures for bots: random.cat/help.html
Also good call on the kitty @Ælis
The owner deserves a lot of thanks and some more cat pictures as additions to the dataset.
@ankii the main site mentions you can email them with more pictures. But I absolutely agree that whoever's running that is awesome. It's one of the reasons I'm always looking for a reason to bring it up in conversation and use it :D
does anyone knows a windows software to search with AI photos, like google does on Photos, you type documents and documents show up
I'm looking for some cat pics on my folders lol
Isn't Cortana smart enough Wink? Siri can do .. not bad..
I needed to change my windows language and she doesn't do that, I suppose?
that's not it, i have much more on external drives and such
you have 52 pastas on your laptop lol
I want 52 pastas
lol XD
I'd settle for 1.
Why the numerical discrepancy between Tamanho and Tamanho no disco?
makes for a fine question on SU?
I'm currently eating (raw) pastas
@Ælis I'm jealous. I'm stuck at work for another hour
Size and size actually in disk
Q: Why is there such a big difference between "Size" and "Size on disk"?

vfsorakiAs you can see below, there is so much difference between the Size and Size on disk fields in my folder. Why is that? I know that Size on disk should be a little more than Size because of allocation units in Windows, but why that much of a difference? Could it be because of the large number of...

@Rainbacon Good luck to you then :)
@CaldeiraG They stole my 302*5 rep years ago
@ankii The pastas?
@Ælis I wish the question actually had the screenshot with pastas
Well this happened
first time getting this badge
pastas = folders, portuguese things :p
@ankii XD
@CaldeiraG You should answer to heated questions more often, then :p
In my experience, it work pretty well on IPS :p
I dont see notifications about negative rep change.. is it intentional? Feels like internet wallet leaking without informing, unless one remembers the rep, or something positive happens.
@ankii You shouldn't, i still got 3 downvotes on my answer xd
@Ælis Well, i'm slow to write answer so by the time a question is hot, probably already my answer written by someone else
I shouldn't what ? I see for positives BTW
receive notification for downvotes
@ankii yeah I'm pretty sure that's intentional.. something along the lines of "it's just going to make people upset/sad/angry to see that"
I really need my time to answer on IPS as it can be time-consuming :p
could have been optional.. or reverted after a certain rep. New users might take theirs very seriously. (My precious LOTR reference. )
oh crap
let me fix it
i mentioned this on my meta answer and it's fairly true
@Rainbacon just noticed this. We've put a tiny cowboy hat on him before and he wasn't the happiest with that. Not sure how tiny cat ears would work :p
Not surprising, our cat hated being a ballerina (or so I've been told as it was before I met my wife)
Oh but I'm sure that was well worth it for the pics
It probably was
1 hour later…
I tryied to write an answer about "How to help and Support Users with Anxiety in the Context of Stack Exchange?". I talk a lot about IPS on it, so if someone wants to double-check it, it's here: meta.stackexchange.com/a/334320/400547
And now, I'm up to bed, which I should have done an hour ago...
What Should I do question:
Q: Bug-a-Boo Friend

RyanDSo, I have a friend that calls me every single day, sometimes more than once. It’s rather annoying because just until a few days ago I was a very busy person, working 2 full time jobs pretty much every day of the week. I love my friend dearly, however I do not require daily communication from her...

if someone could take a look and put a better title and yeah, all good :) i added some tags and a template comment
@Ælis night :)
Q: Bug-a-Boo Friend

RyanDSo, I have a friend that calls me every single day, sometimes more than once. It’s rather annoying because just until a few days ago I was a very busy person, working 2 full time jobs pretty much every day of the week. I love my friend dearly, however I do not require daily communication from her...

@ExtrovertedMainMan too slow :D
@Ælis you got some typos, other than that, good for me :)
i saw that question earlier today
Q: if I ask a girl to bum a cig and she gives me 2 what does that mean?

jim jamDoes this mean she wants to start a conversation or something else? Or is she just being extra nice for no reason?

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