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DoodleChaos' Line Rider animations + Piano Guys music = mind-blowing amazingness.
@ankii they're so cute!
@avazula well Dumbo is the cutest and the fluffiest among all..
let me post another..
we had returned from a walk and this is how dogs cool themselves..
mine does that too, it's true :)
@avazula you had a dog and you’re telling us now!!
@ankii Well, I did mention Frisbie before I think :)
@ankii isn't she lovely?
@avazula she seems very lovely and energetic!
Love the use of lighting too in the photo.
@ankii She is. She really is my treasure
@ankii I didn't take the picture but I'll pass the compliment to who did :)
I can't wait to move where I would work and hope that I can keep a dog. I will keep one if things allow.
Morning doggos :)
@CaldeiraG Dogs wake up early morning and then sleep at around 10 when I generally wake up
@CaldeiraG hello there!
@EmC You should unfreeze the HNQ room. Also, I'm surprise we haven't had any HNQ in 6 days
Well, not unfreeze, but talk in there so it doesn't freeze
Q: A conscious decision to end a childhood friendship

tangentbundleI'm in my mid 20s and I've been friends for 20 years with this person with whom I practically grew up. We were in the same middle school, played together almost every single day after school, same high school, etc. We're both in grad school now (different schools and fields of study) but frequent...

@ankii Lol xD
@avazula Hello o/ :)
how are we today?
tired. you? :)
good :)
i got a new gadget yesterday, mi band 4 :p
@ExtrovertedMainMan Their friend is a bit weird so to speak xd
@CaldeiraG what's that?
@avazula in a short answer: a fitness tracker :p
made by Xiaomi
probably one of the most popular smart bands for less than 30€
1 hour later…
@CaldeiraG oh, okay! I have one too, just not the same brand. It's definitely helped me keeping accountable with my health :)
@avazula yeah, mostly i wanna keep track of my health, steps and sleep results and replace the old-fashioned clock i had on my wrist :p
Not that it was bad, I want to become more smart ;p
@CaldeiraG i have one that is very discrete, it looks like a regular watch
Q: Family member got offended when my uncle gave her a compliment which she thinks is not ok to give to a young woman

ThomasSo we have a groupchat on messenger which includes all family members (20 persons) now 1 girl posted a picture of a magazine in which her picture is. A lot of aunts said: "wow you look great!" etc. And 1 uncle responded "are you in [Dutch magazine name]? :D" This was my uncle way of saying in a...

@avazula Mind to tell me the name of it? :p
@ankii I'm quite jealous of your access to dogs
Hey @EmC, just saw your comment on interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/23010/… and wanted to give a quick ping on the canned text, "...answers here need to address the interpersonal skills involved." reads fine in plain text (like in this chat) but seeing the word here followed by a URL broke my head!
here [URL] is almost always used to indicate the URL is the location something should happen, for example here: justanexample.nope, to have the sentence continue on in the URL after the here is pretty jarring!! Can I suggest either extending the URL to grab the words "answers here" as well or alternatively dropping the word 'here' so it just says "answer have to..."
100% appreciate this is a first world problem, wouldn't bother to mention it if it wasn't canned text that you probably use lots of place. Refining them over time seems like a worthwhile thing to mention. :)
@CaldeiraG I use a Withings, formerly known as Nokia Health (formerly known as Withings, they bought themselves back :p)
@avazula The fitness tracker formerly known as the fitness tracker formerly known as Withings?
@Rainbacon exactly! :p
what a mess ;P
they look very normal XD
Errr, why has my comment been copied here?
Nevermind, I think I see. :) 0.15 Toxicity, is that good?
@RyanfaeScotland we have a bot that reports comments that may not be fitting our comment policy... we have a strict policy of accepting only comments that either ask for clarifications or suggest improvements
In your case I understand it's an improvement suggestion; maybe it could be made a bit more obvious that you're suggesting to add info to the answer, but otherwise nothing wrong here :)
okay, so your comment was reported because it's on an old post
lol nice command
Yeah, I didn't notice it was so old when I posted, I thought it was a few weeks (first of this month) not Aug. Still a valid comment though so I left it. :)
What's the tps/fps value?
Is it telefrags per second vs frags per second? The bot is a big Quake fan but doesn't count 'telefrags' as real frag?
true positives vs. false positives ;)
Oh, ok nevermind then. :D :)
1 hour later…
@Ælis I think there's enough messages now that it's every 14 days (based on the last time it froze - feed messages don't seem to count towards keeping it unfrozen). but I see avazula has pinged it :)
@RyanfaeScotland oh I hadn't thought of that! I meant "here" as "IPS", not "this link". It was a custom-made comment this time but I'll keep that in mind, thanks :)
@DaveG aren't you an old hand too? :p I feel like you've been here forever
Q: How to inform a friend about my will of ending the relationship?

tangentbundleI'm in my mid 20s and I've been friends for 20 years with this person with whom I practically grew up. We were in the same middle school, played together almost every single day after school, same high school, etc. We're both in grad school now (different schools and fields of study) but frequent...

This is gonna hit HNQ soon, trust me XD
I'm thinking of writing an answer too :p
Eh unless those answers start pulling some votes, I don't think so...
oof that last comment
Especially after the PS :/
@scohe001 Perhaps I should say "active hands" instead of "old hands". I'm not particularly active on IPS... maybe partially because I just don't grok the rules.
Ahh fair enough. FWIW, I feel like no one really "groks the rules" here. It's just those who enforce more often end up pushing what they think is the "correct way to moderate IPS" more--until we have another meta post and everybody gets on the same page for a few weeks. But that's just my take
@scohe001 I don't think it's substantially changed a lot for quite some time. But I'm here everyday so surely I'm biased
I mean, every big decision we took (comment policy, answer backup) was made at least a year ago
It feels like stuff will get moderated differently even from the morning to the afternoon as different users are active (here on UTC -5), but I don't think it's a bad thing. Like I don't outright disagree with any of it. It's just a different flavor
We make rules and decisions on meta, but the implementation isn't always the same
IPS is active in your afternoon? o_o
@scohe001 that's true.
Haha less active for sure, but there's still some tumbleweed flying by every so often :p
Your morning is, for me, the best time
America and Europe join their forces together, it's thriving, it's beautiful ^
Yea the mornings here are always popping
It's when I overlap with all you Europeans
@avazula Yeah, I don't usually see anything happen after about 2pm
Q: How to prevent your eyes from going into a girl's cleavage?

user586228I am an Indian male of twenty four years of age. It seems that I somehow struggle to prevent my eyesight from going into a girl's cleavage while speaking to her. It is not that I find a girl too sexy or beautiful but breast is something that I seem to be over-attracted to. It seems I over-sexual...

@ExtrovertedMainMan definitely intrapersonal
1 hour later…
I kind of want to comment on there "I commend you for identifying this as a problem and trying to fix it" at least, haha
I'm still waiting for someone more religious than myself to drop the verse from the bible that mentions gouging out one's eyes
If I'm showing cleavage, it's to show off :P
@Tinkeringbell What exactly counts as cleavage for parrots?
@Rainbacon Anything lower than clavicles? :P
I usually wear sweatshirts ;)
Or men's cotton t-shirts, with round necklines.
Ah, so under the wings :p
Something like that :P
@TheTinyMan Thankyou for the complimentt
Yes pls answer me on the chat
It is my question
That's not what chat is for...
@ExtrovertedMainMan Didn't we have a question forever ago about a girl with low-cut shirts going to a game night with a bunch of guys and being distracting? I'd post a "Related: " comment if I could find it
@scohe001 eh, we did. But that one was a train wreck too soo.. besides it was supposed to be about dealing with the clothing, asking her to wear more appropriate stuff, not the interpersonal 'dont look at it'...
Oh I figured. But I'm sure there was still a fair bit of "don't look at it" and "as a girl, here's what I'm thinking" in there that might help OP
@user586228 I unfortunately don't know that I have a good answer for you, regardless. :-(
@scohe001 interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/12760/3171 (ahh, the old hnq...)
Meh. We should probably moderate that out instead of linking people to it ;)
@Rainbacon hahaha.. so are some of my friends who are scared of dogs but still want to pet them.. when they see the big boi Speaker walking around me..
@Tinkeringbell >.>
@Tinkeringbell lol fair enough
just in case you people missed Dolly's new photos... Follow Rain's message ^_^
@ankii Such tongue. Much pant.
I could listen the breath .. it was much faster than a normal one... like someone doing power yoga..
Pranayam is the word.
@Tinkeringbell can I split a bounty into two?
I think some situations allow that to happen if I leave the bounty unawarded.
@ankii not outside of that, no
so I have to check all the conditions on my question... :(
1 hour later…
Q: How to inform a friend about my will of ending the relationship?

tangentbundleI'm in my mid 20s and I've been friends for 20 years with this person with whom I practically grew up. We were in the same middle school, played together almost every single day after school, same high school, etc. We're both in grad school now (different schools and fields of study) but frequent...

This thread went a bit towards discussion. People are questioning the intents instead of asking for clarifications.
@ankii please flag the comments you think are too chatty then?
I've posted a warning already. also it looks like OP has answered a lot of questions, if someone wants to edit the info in, those comments could be cleaned up too, I won't have time for a bit
Q: How to deal with neighbor with vendetta

SnappingShrimpWe've lived in our house for 11 years. The house to the south of us is a small rental bungalow while we live in a 3 bedroom obviously family home. Shortly after the newest renter moved in, we got a nasty gram through an online service that will send anonymous complaints via snail mail on your be...

@EmC made an edit(OP approved), countered a frame challenge, told op to edit, flagged 4-5 comments.
@scohe001 What is experimental@ avazula ?
@ankii awesome, thanks :)
@ankii when we setup new regexes we're not sure will work, we usually prepend "experimental-" and then append it with a ping for ourselves so we get pinged when the bot catches stuff
Lol Ava probably wasn't too certain about that one so she kept it "experimental" and opted to get notified when stuff was caught
So what does this catch?
Looks like she didn't realize it'd catch on "photo" :p
@ankii yea, that's the regex
Step into the Closet and I can show you a little more
We have cookies (that are owed, but it's almost as good as the real thing)

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