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04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

@Rainbacon Mine was supposed to be a day full of it, and we got sent home two hours early. Because temperatures were over 40 degrees in the building's atrium, where we were having our meetings.
Is it hot too in the USA?
ugh, that sounds awful. It's not nearly that hot here, but I was supposed to have 4-5 straight hours of meetings. The first ended a half hour early and the second ended over an hour early
@Tink envy me, we had 20°C today :3
@avazula Nice!
It's currently 26 C here
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 hours ago, by Tinkeringbell
I was the popular girl at work today. We had a day full of meetings/planning stuff and they gave us the hallway of the building, which is basically one big greenhouse. I brought my fan :P
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 hours ago, by Tinkeringbell
Though I guess I may have been beaten at the end by the manager that let us go two hours early, and just sent us home with 'just put 8 hours on the meeting code today'
@Rainbacon That's kinda hot too. I think I'm at 24 or 25 in my room now, and I have my trusty fan aimed at me so it feels cooler :)
Oooh, 55 minutes until election end...
Oh, that's the outside temperature. I'm in a building that has air conditioning so it's much nicer
29.3 outside now, at 21:05 :P
Max today was 35.3 in this town
You think we'll have any last minute voters (other than Catija, who just voted a few minutes ago)
@Tinkeringbell There is air conditioning in my office. I always have a scarf with me because they put it too cold ><
I have a spare jacket I keep near my desk at work in case the AC gets too cold for me. :) (I use it like a blanket over my legs since I have another jacket I wear most of the time.)
@Ælis I'll be bringing a vest on Thursday too, we're in some sort of weird shaped office then and there'll be an extremely cold part (our assigned part) and two other really hot parts :P
At least you are in the cold part, working in a really hot environment is really not fun
@Ælis IS it hot in your part of France?
@Ælis I know ;) I worked in a greenhouse for two years :P
@avazula It's currently 32°C
@Ælis oh dear o_o
26ºC/79ºF here.
@Ælis Lots of courage to you <3
@avazula Yep, and it will be like this until the end of the week. So much time for my apartment to take the heat from the outside... ^^
@avazula Thanks my dear <3
@Ælis we plan 35°C tomorrow over here
@avazula Well then, could luke for tomorrow to you too. Does your office have air conditioning?
@Ælis erm ... it's not working ^^
but you know, we're lucky in Brittany ... I was cold in my office this afternoon! Can you imagine?
@avazula Arf ^^' I'm always more frustrated when the air conditioning isn't working then when you don't have one
Wait a sec. Is 35 °C hot?
I'm wearing leggings outside... it's humid
Humid sucks, but I don't call 35 hot
I hate the sticky feeling if I'm wearing leggings in
warm humid weather
For a place that averages 17C during the hottest month, yes 35 is hot
@avazula I can because I was cold too but not for the same reasons :p However, it would be nice to feel cold in my own house. Thankfully, since I'm at home, I can always take a shower and be... less dressed ^^
@Rainbacon I didn't know some part of the USA were so cold that the hottest month averaged 17°C Oo
@Rainbacon France is like that?
I was referring to the Netherlands
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ just took a look at your question. Doesn't actually looks like it needs a rewrite at all. I think it's good to post
@Rainbacon Oh, right x)
@scohe001 Therefore you are
Although, we do have Alaska which averages 16
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ That would greatly depend off what part of France you are talking about. Some part are very hot and others tend to be much colder
@Scohe "restive" is a word
@Rainbacon Alaska doesn't count ><
It conveys exactly what I want it to convey, but I'm open to alternatives that convey a close meaning
@Rainbacon Alaska is cheating by most standards.
> 2019 Community Moderator Election
ends in 36 minutes
In the meanwhile, I just saw someone wreck his way through a game ... blindfolded.
A quick google search tells me that most places in the lower 48 reach into the mid 20s at their peak temperatures
(ノT_T)ノ ^┻━┻
@Tinkeringbell That's easy, I can do that. Only once though, I don't have too many expendable systems I can play a game on.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ XD. This one managed to keep the Wii alive ;)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ huh "unable to keep still or silent and becoming increasingly difficult to control, especially because of impatience, dissatisfaction, or boredom." didn't sound like what you wanted :/
But feel free to edit it back! All those changes are suggestions at the end of the day
@scohe001 That's weirdly worded. It means stubbornly standing still in face of coming force, or trying to actively move backwards
Hmm, what's the adjective for "inertia".
Hmm that was the "google definition," let me actually put effort in and go OED then
Cuz from that, it sounds like it's a result of impatience/boredom
> Of a person or (occasionally) a thing: stubbornly refusing to advance; resisting control, intractable, refractory, unmanageable; resistant to someone or something. Now rare.
"Now rare" :/
Yeah, it is
That's why I'm open to alternatives
@scohe001 People don't ride horses often anymore, that's why ;)
I mean "resistive" works. That's what I thought you meant
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, quite impressive. And apparently, his personal best while sighted was only 8 seconds faster.
@El'endiaStarman I noticed. I'm kinda sad the 4 hour pokemon run that's up next didn't start earlier. Now I can watch at most an hour or 90 minutes, before I have to go to bed.
I'm watching Pokemon sun and moon on Netflix now
@ElizB with 18 minutes until the election closes?? :O
I mean not right this minute I'm riding the bus now
Oh lol that makes more sense. I read that last message with no context
I could have worded it better too lol
I'm trying not to be nervous but I'm excited at the same time to see who the next new mod will be
No, wait, sorry, they're not in
Mostly stuck at the door
What happens if there's an unscheduled 1-hour maintenance on SE 3 minutes before the election ends? In terms of heart attacks.
Yeah, i wouldn't like that
May I divert the minds to a little issue I ran into. and SO doesn't allow me to post for next 90 minutes.
> If you believe someone else would do an even greater job as an official moderator, you should vote for them and not for me.
Why kind of why not me is that
@ankiiiiiii Question rate limits?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Maybe you shouldn't vote for me then :p
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ 1 per 90 minutes. I couldnt even post it. It had tags issues.
Q: What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanDo not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING WE ARE ABOUT TO TELL YOU. While trying to ask a question, one could get: We are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more. Likewise, for answers: We are no longe...

@ankiiiiiii Lemme take a look
@Ælis Oh don't worry, I'm not voting for you!
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Nor are you voting for anyone else :p
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I already knew that :p
@M.A.R you could get 8 votes in 8 minutes
I believe
@ankiiiiiii Do you have deleted questions?
Oh make that 7 minutes
@Rainbacon 111 reference?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ not that I remember ..
what did it mean btw ?
So, how do I do this?
@ankiiiiiii Just a reference to the fact that he doesn't have the requisite rep to vote
Just verbatim copy and paste?
I think the 90 minutes is just a rate limit, not any question ban?
@scohe001 When are the result disclosed? You all seem to think it will be at the minute the election get closed
Oh idk when results are posted, but if MAR wants to vote, it's gonna have to be before the election closes
@Ælis The immediate results will be a .blt file you can run through the OpenSTV app
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Interesting, thanks for the answer :)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ "You can only post once every 90 minutes." I tried two accounts. By Second one I didn't even click the post button.
@Rainbacon yes they have 111 on ips
> Users with < 125 rep on the current site, 40 minutes since their last question anywhere on the network (This applies to the user's IP address, not their account. If the user shares that IP with other users, they can be limited by the other user asking a question anywhere on the network.)

Question limit - You can only post once every 40 minutes

Other per-site limits may apply; e.g. on Stack Overflow, new users can only ask once every 90 minutes
While the limit is waived for users with 125+ reputation on a given site, questions posted on sites where one has 125+ reputation still count tow
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/164899/… < From there, under asking :)
Huh, i learned something new :)
Ohh I posted it on Network.SE first, Instant closed. Should I use VPN? I had 101 on NE, 62 on SO and 1(2nd account on SO)
30 seconds. . .
ok I'll wait.
Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt. :-P Sorry. It's been one of those days.
@ankiiiiiii Just wait the 90 minutes out ;) See what kind of feedback you get on your Network.SE post, maybe it might be useful for your SO post too :)
@scohe001 Follow the second part of the result message :P
Download OpenSTV for windows or mac ;)
I only see the file so someone with a computer can run the results :) I'll wait as patiently as i can
Oof "install" and "work machine" don't go well together :(
I'm on mobile
@scohe001 textedit could open it. but would have to write a code to count score.
@Tinkeringbell It was off topic. The highest rep person held it.
Yea I looked at the raw text, but couldn't make a lot of sense of it
Looks like i gotta wait because i'm on mobile
Interesting, the presence of @Ælis name is causing it to crash for me
@Rainbacon XD You might want to rename me then ^^'
LOL yea you could probably do that by just opening the plain text file
My stuff says ava won ;)
Oh jeez, darn you @Ælis for your Unicodey name!!
@Tinkeringbell \o/
(Don't take my word for it though, as I"m really bad at reading/doing the openstv stuff :P)
Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing
> Counting votes for Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange Moderator Election 2019 using Meek STV.
5 candidates running for 1 seat.

R|NVZ |avazula |Rainbacon |ElizB |أ†lis |Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold
1| 70.000000| 69.000000| 27.000000| 30.000000| 27.000000| 0.000000| 0.000000| 111.500001
"Winner is Avazula. Hasta La Vista"
in Charcoal HQ, 46 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
Unofficial results: Winner is avazula.
Yup, I can confirm this.
Oh wow. That looks very different from what I expected
@avazula Congratulations!
أ† is a beautiful replacement for Æ BTW
@scohe001 I'd be curious to know what you expected
@scohe001 Yeah, it's always managing to confuse me :P
A priest staff and a mage staff
@avazula Congratulations!! Wake up :P
No turning back now, @avazula. Congratulations, and condolences. ;)
Oh sorry, I meant the results look very different from what I expected, not the format @Tink lol (tho the format is pretty bizarre)
@scohe001 It's surprising to see Eliz being the last one to drop out, that's true ;)
No turning back now, @avazula. Condolences, and congratulations.
Oh, and ;)
(No hard feelings @ElizB, just that like you said you were just trying for fun, and I didn't expect it to get that far! Well done!)
@Rainbacon I'm not sure it'd be productive to speculate anymore...not now that we know that none of us can get drawings anymore. That would be a moderator picking favorites! :(
@avazula I believe people are working on it :P Patience, young one!
@avazula It takes a few minutes for the CM to process it... patience :P
@avazula More like where are the boring documents you have to read
I just realize that the results might have been slightly different if I would have been eliminated after first round instead of @Rainbacon
@Mith used to be a normal guy. He then had to read those documents.
@avazula Congrats!
Now he's wearing cargo pants and doing bike tricks. Not sure if related.
@avazula Congrats!
@avazula ♦
Did I congrats Avazula? Dunno.
Congrats @avazula!
Let's assume I did. Or intended to
Congrats Ava!
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Ha! Since when was I normal?
@Mithrandir24601 That is very French of you.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ we know your feelings :)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It is? Why isn't it?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ The French version would be:
@Mithrandir24601 PARSING ERROR
Félicitation @ava !
@Mithrandir24601 Putting a space before the punctuation is a French thing IIRC
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Bah! You spotted my cunning plan
Felicity is a different name
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ You broke my message >< :p
@Ælis and the English just removed the accent and took the word?
@Mithrandir Ah, I'm just not sure if putting punctuation immediately after a ping prevents the ping or not
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Assuming I was normal? That's a bold move.
@Mithrandir24601 it does not
@Mithrandir No, mostly italic.
@Mithrandir Interesting, good to know, thanks!
Can SOMEBODY tell me which @Mith is the real @Mith.
@Mithrandir indeed it is :)
It's a Mithtery
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Yes.
@Mithrandir Is that somebody present?
@ArtOfCode Sorry, can you try that again, I just got several pings at once and don't know if that was one of them or not
Now we know which one the true one is
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ All of us
@ArtOfCode I wanna see 24601! computed.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ many
@scohe001 oh no, I was talking about that punctuation rule lol
@ArtOfCode Thanks - I got the ping noise at least, that time
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Infinity, according to Google
@avazula we've gotta train you here so you're ready to be misunderstood by all the users on meta ;)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ "precision error"
Man I'm so popular I spend more time clearing pings.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It's about 2.21*10^97340, according to Wolfram Alpha.
@Avazula won the fight, M.A.R. won the night.
I stole that from Creed.
But it's OK. They won't notice.
@HDE226868 Tiny, in other words
@Mithrandir24601 A mere epsilon away from zero.
You know what'd complete such a night. Me prematurely posting my question.
Omg I almost stepped on a racoon because I was writing you guys on my night walk! Haha. Thank you everyone. Congrats to the other candidates, who I believe would have been great mods. I hope my job will meet your expectations you all! And I'm very looking forward to continue moderating with you :) thanks for everything you're doing for IPS!
@Mithrandir24601 Yeah we get it, you're rich
@avazula poke
@avazula Be careful! You kinda have responsibilities now :P
@avazula It could have been a skunk
A fitting starting exercise
@avazula Oh, you have the diamond now!
@HDE226868 A mere 10↑↑5 or so, indeed
@Ælis Not the diamond. Just a diamond
I mean, it's not a big deal. Mith has one of those
Maybe mostly graphite.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Well, it's still the first elected diamond. :)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Mith have two of those, you mean?
What Mith said.
I feel ganged up on.
Yeah, exactly, what Mith said
BRB using "contact us"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I mean, I have two too.
Just to join in the ganging up :P
Q: Mediating Between a Parent with High Expectations and a Defensive Sibling

M.A.R. ಠ_ಠI have a father with high expectations who, I believe, genuinely wants my brother and me to succeed in life. He's a traditional man, and a bit conservative (firmly believing in the "Good ol' days . . ."). The safest bet for success, in my country, is an academic life in fields that are in high ...

Oh hey @avazula your first question to moderate! :P
@Tinkeringbell Meta.SE doesn't count. It's more like The Cabin in the Woods
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Meta SE does count! It's hard work!
And a very special honour to be hand picked for that :P
I still don't know why they did that.
Because you're not afraid to speak your mind, I'd guess :P
Yeah wait.
I don't get it either.
@Tinkeringbell but it's almost bedtimeeee xD
@Tinkeringbell I assume because you're the best parrot on SE?
Almost. 1 a.m. here.
@avazula I know... :P I'm watching a bit more GDQ now (it's pokemon!) but I'll be off to bed in 30 minutes. Just drop all your questions with Em :)
@avazula You're a moderator, you don't get to sleep now
Normally I shouldn't have too much work on this one since it went to the sandbox first (and if you're trying to break the site @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ, be careful with what you're doing! Lol)
Beautifully mixed response. I feel like Jordan Peterson
@avazula You think if I could I wouldn't have already
@ExtrovertedMainMan I feel like any good answer here is going to involve a long talk with the brother.
@Mithrandir24601 Maybe ;) I can do a lot of parroting ;)
@Mithrandir That too. It's kinda hard to keep that mind inside though :P
@Tinkeringbell They were kinda looking for people who'd explicitly be willing to call out SE staff, if I understood things correctly. That seems right up your alley ;)
BTW, with that question out of my chest (it looked more like a sandbox not a ribcage though) I might become less active till this bloody exam is over with next week.
Can the election chatroom be closed now? I would appreciate haveing one thing less to monitor x) @Tinkeringbell @avazula
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Good luke with your exam then :)
I think it can, yes :)
@Ælis You can stop monitoring it anyway
Usually it just froze, I forgot.
@Ælis Thanks!
Oh. I froze it now, dropped a link to here for users that stumble across it :)
That is the most emotional thanks I've said in forever
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ But what if someone posts something on it and I don't see it? :o
@Ælis Campaigning for . . . a new Brexit referendum? 2020 US election? Pigeon rights petitions?
I'd sign a petition banning pigeons from pooping on house windows. Cars are okay
Especially if the owner is annoying
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I waited for about an hour in my car yesterday. Good news: I've never seen a bird from that close before. Bad news: they pooped on my car.
@avazula Yesterday you had to flag them for moderator attention. They won't dare this time
I've seen a bird from very close
A couple of times it happened. Poor birdie comes in from the window and loses the way out.
You gotta catch them before they hurt themselves by hitting walls and stuff
Q: 2019 Community Moderator Election Results

Shog9Interpersonal Skills's first pro tempore moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderator is: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! F...

@IntrovertedMetaMan Oh hey, welcome to the party. I think there's a small piece of Ava's celebration cake left
@Rainbacon Don't worry, there's a spare one. And I don't know, maybe Shog was on the Pie side of that whole debate...
I seem to remember he doesn't like sweet stuff, like sprinkles :P
aaaw @scohe001, if only you knew me IRL, you'd know I'm indeed smiling all the time! :p
Yeah, I'm over near the wall with a celebratory rhubarb pie. Congrats, @avazula!
@Shog9 Thank you :)
Alright, time for me to go to sleep before we're tomorrow again... I definitely don't sleep enough these days. Have a good afternoon/evening/night/whatever everyone! :)
@avazula Sleep well! And congrats. :D
@avazula hah, I figured as much! You have a very smiley personality (over the interwebs at least) :)
@M.A.R Don't forget to delete your Sandbox post once you've posted it on main!
@scohe001 Aye aye, sir
I did the editing for you this time ;)
The reception seems positive enough. Holds 80 percent on Rotten tomatoes
Still not comfy with a whole paragraph in bold.
Now, it's imperative that someone come up with a really good answer so we hit HNQ and sing kumbaya.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I've been hitting HNQ wrong this whole time...
What does that mean
Are you already in HNQ? Shoo, get out
I had no idea you were supposed to sing kumbaya with your answerers! They must've been thinking I was a total jerk
Hello @Vality! Or as Dracula puts it, "Welcome"
@scohe001 Dude. Duuuude. That's like the essential HNQ ritual.
How come nobody yelled Sacrilege?
Clearly everyone unanimously agrees
@Tinkeringbell sorry, was in a meeting. So, i'm the runner up, that's cool. :) no hard feelings indeed.
@avazula congrats!! I'm glad you got voted, you'll be great!
Oop, just saw her message about going to sleep. Sorry!
04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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