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2 hours later…
@HDE226868 Did you just use an apostrophe there
@Mithrandir feral feline style, or Spongebob? I need to know.
Cat style. Definitely.
I was thinking more like tiger but fine with me, Garfield
movies.stackexchange.com/questions/101493/… — Funny, I dreamed last night I was in a sped up movie o.o
@HDE226868 They should have specified an hour for when it will start. I'm a bit disappointed that it didn't start already
@Ælis Usually it's somewhere around 8-10 pm in our timezone ;)
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/election/1 < Says nomination period begins in 11 hours... so I think it starts 10 pm :)
@Tinkeringbell Interesting link, thanks! But I'm still sad that it will start so late ><
You can always just put your nomination up tomorrow :)
Voting doesn't start for another week...
So it's not like you'll miss out on votes because your nomination is a bit later ;)
@Tinkeringbell Oh, I definitively will. But I was expecting some action already :p
Patience :)
Maybe I should write a new question instead. Or just, you know, work :p
I have a day off today :)
Perhaps I can do the question writing.
@Tinkeringbell Pff, lucky you! Today is "solidarity day" in France and so the day is not off for me (but half of France do still take some vacation on this day)
@Ælis Google translates calls today 'Whit Monday' and it's a day when a lot of people have a day off... Though most stores, restaurants, and other forms of entertainment are still open (shorter than usual, but open)
@Tinkeringbell Well, it is 'Whit Monday' here too (and it uses to be a day off for everyone), but now it is also "solidarity day" so the day off isn't off anymore and to make things easier to understand, we are more or less working for free today... (more money goes to the government to "pay the retirement" and less goes to us)
Hmm. This feels like a perfect day to put on a gilet jaune and go protest ;)
Honestly, working for free... Blegh.
@Tinkeringbell Haha XD
How does the French retirement system work? Ours works in a way that what I pay now is used to pay the people that are already retired... and with all the talk about reforming the system I might never see anything of that money again :/
@Tinkeringbell It works the same here
(but the govnerment always say "we don't have enought money" while, in the same time they are removing taxes for rich people and adding taxes for the poor one...)
Then it really pisses me off that they have special days where you work to only bring in more money for that system :(
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, me too. But I guess we are getting us to this :/
@Tinkeringbell Or beach day.
@Mithrandir I'm not that fond of the beach when it's this sunny... But sure :)
Monday morning you don't have too many people around, which is good, because I don't like going to the beach with people around :P There were a bit more than I'd've liked, but still fun
Sounds good :)
@Tinkeringbell Well, we're gonna get Caucus and Constituent badges. ;)
@Ælis You can nominate yourself any time during nomination period. As Tink said, it really won't affect votes you might receive. ;) (However, don't forget to put answers to your questionnaire as soon as you nominate yourself.)
@AJ Oh, I wasn't worry about that. I just was in a hurry to read other people nomination and stuff about the elections ^^
I don't work today but I'm not paid either :p yay solidarity day
@Ælis Well, try reading nomination posts on other sites such as StackOverflow.
@AJ You wouldn't have a link by any chance? (even if it's far less interesting to read nomination from people you don't know compare to people you already know and appreciate)
I was lazy to add it there. :P
@AJ Then thank you for overcome your lazyness for me :p
I just wanted to share with you all that I feel incredibly good today. That I have gained a lot of self-confidence during the last 9 months and it's partially because of you and this amazing site. So thank you, you are all wonderful <3
Q: How to tell my ex not to expect sex

PapagonI'm a 25 years old male living in France. Last year I dated a 30 years old female in the US, and kept things really casual (I knew she wanted to be more than dating but it was not reciprocal). Now she is in Europe and wants to come visit me in France for few days. I said sure, because I would li...

@Mithrandir I'm more wonderful.
Grrr, can you guys cut down the room description a bit?
It takes so much space.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Once we get the HNQ feed working in here, that part can go from the description... but that might take another 6 to 8 weeks...
Q: 2019 Pro Tempore Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Em CIn connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as the space for the candidates to provide their answers. We've selected the top 9 scored submissions (edi...

@IntrovertedMetaMan "your job is simple - post an answer to this question, citing each of the questions and then post your answer to each question given in that same answer." -> The job might, but this sentence definitively isn't! :p
room topic changed to The Awkward Silence: Welcome to The Awkward Silence! Here, you can find the general discussion for interpersonal.stackexchange.com. Feel free to ask your questions about the site, or participate when people are practicing their smalltalk skills! HNQ Feed: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/94066/hnq-feed (no tags)
@IntrovertedMetaMan I already started to answer some of the questions, I definitively want to answer all of them right now but I'm also have to work ><
@Ælis just copying the standard election post text ;)
@EmC I definitively see why you wouldn't take responsibility for such a sentence :p
@avazula I worked for 9 days in last month and am getting paid for 16 days. :P
Hello everyone!
@Rainbacon good morning!
@Rainbacon Purple to you!
@EmC Oh, you are only 2 IPS rep to have 10k rep!
@Rainbacon Jello!
@AJ That sounds tasty
@Ælis I know! I almost regret downvoting some bad answers now :P
@EmC Well, you are a mod, you just have to delete them now :p
@Ælis not necessarily
@Ælis yeah but then I'd have to like.. go look them up again.... or I could just wait for other people to VTD ;)
Sometimes we just downvote cause they deserve it ;p
@JourneymanGeek Sure, they can also edit and revert it but it's far less fun :p
"When the Devil is too busy And death's a bit too much They call on me, by name you see For my special touch....."
@JourneymanGeek Ahah :p
ah, people of class ;p
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ You know, it was an embarrassingly written message for any number of reasons. :P
@ava IME, people don't "get" being pan. they tend to see it as just being bi, and people also think that choosing a person is choosing a "side". *eyeroll*
And that discussion is being imported from where? :P
@Tinkeringbell Exactly what I was wondering :p
Man I tuned in at the right time, haha. Hi everyone!
@avazula <3 I only read half of your article Mith just posted and I already love it <3
I keep getting a 502 error when I try to follow that link
Q: My boss asked me to be more proactive

whoosisI work in start-up IT company and we are introducing new a technology which i am responsible for. I am technically very good in this technology and do my work very seriously but i am an introvert and reserved person and dont talk much. Its been 8 months and we are still finding some business usec...

@Rainbacon Me too.
I've been getting on-and-off 502s from Medium on various things for the past few minutes, not just that link.
Fun story, I just learned that the only test user for the dev/staging environments of one of our systems (and soon to be a second system that I'm in the process of deploying for the first time) has multi-factor authentication that is linked to one of the product owners' phones. So the second he goes on vacation, nobody on the team will be able to work in the lower environments for those systems.
Don't worry, I don't get a 502.
It's already blocked here.
@Rainbacon hahahah wow. it's like a bus factor of 1, but worse
@Ælis "Your job is simple. Understand this sentence if you dare . . . "
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Ahah, exactly x)
@EmC The lack of good dev practices on my team might send me to an early grave
@Rainbacon To find the previous developer and what they meant to do with their messy, incomprehensible code
Q: Alternatives to the term "rant"

Nate EldredgeOn several of the sites I frequent, we occasionally get questions posted by people who are facing difficult situations, consisting mainly of them expressing how upset they are. In many cases, the post may not include a question at all, or it may be an afterthought ("...what should I do?"), or be...

Eeps-y meta.
@IntrovertedMetaMan @EmC thanks for taking the time to comb through to edit the questions and post this!
@scohe001 np! we also had some behind-the-scenes editing help from JNat ;)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ @Tinkeringbell I don't know how to react to this sentence "offer some fake support". I'm silently laughing and feeling guilty at the same time ^^
@EmC it looks good!! Could you golden hammer this for me though to discourage further posts?
@Ælis I guess that makes the point ;) You don't have to call things by their names sometimes ;)
@Ælis The support is fake because you can't really do anything, but it's very real in hitting the right spots for the frustrated OPs that need them
Either someone is being childish, or they have some serious trouble. To the seriously troubled, your empty words of kindness can be very, VERY real.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I agree and that is why I wouldn't called it "fake support" in those cases
My POV is "this is a rant, come back when you have something useful to say" is pretty useful on metas, not so much on main
Yeah, I believe I agree with that
Then again, I've not been a participant of any Eepsy site, like Eeps, TWP, Acdm, RPG (Those are real abbreviations).
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Even on meta, things like 'Sorry to hear your experience on this site has been so frustrating, but this question isn't very constructive the way it is. What do you want to discuss/change/request? Hopefully we can turn this into something useful' can work ;)
For the rest, there's always flags...
Sure it can. That stuff is left for mods with the infinite mental capacity cheat code
@Tinkeringbell Agree here too. I guess I would reserve the "this is a rant come back when you have something useful to say" to people that keep and keep ranting and with whom the nice technic didn't work
@scohe001 done!
Calling something a rant is never the best option, but sometimes it's very useful to avoid some shouting at the screen by dismissing a misguided effort at discussion quickly.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Modding really is nothing more than a combination of an arbitrary number of pre-learned lines ;)
Doesn't need mental capacity ;)
Thank you!
Well, sounding like tech support takes mental capacity
@scohe001 You're welcome
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ welcome to more of your wonderful humor?<3
Because I will absolutely take you up on that
. . . That was unexpected.
@Tinkeringbell ...except for all the times where one has to figure things out. ;)
Usually a punch in the gut or snark and sarcasm are the typical responses.
And thank you, I really have awesome bodily fluid.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ the term "emotional labor" comes to mind ;)
> Roles that have been identified as requiring emotional labor include those involved in public administration, espionage, law, caring for children, medical care, social work; most roles in a hospitality and food service; and jobs in the media.
Espionage? That makes sense.
Popeye ate some espionage and he got super powerful.
Spoons? What genius came up with that.
@EmC Brilliant, now I know that this is a thing. It's always great to get a term for a concept. :)
Mith is the fickle one on the right.
The one that looks like Jaws is @rene
@El'endiaStarman :) beware though, I've seen it get misused a lot to mean, like, "I helped someone deal with their feelings" - it's really meant to be about when your job relies on you emoting in a particular way
Misused almost as much as Dunning–Kruger
@Mithrandir I didn't know this had a wiki page :D it's such a useful way to explain things
Or "ironic"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ "literally"
I could care less.
@EmC Ooh, I like that term. My company has a specific expectation around regulating our emotions in interactions with co-workers and clients that we get evaluated on during the review process
@EmC I suppose that's technically true. I think it will still be inevitably used for situations where one experiences emotional load/drain.
@El'endiaStarman alll over twitter -__-
"you're asking me to find sources? emotional labor!"
@EmC How could someone think that finding sources as something to do with emotion!!!???
Oh, Twitter? I don't go there; 'tis a silly place.
@Ælis I'm guessing because it was an issue that affected them personally?... but yeah, it's a pet peeve for me when people say things like that >.<
@El'endiaStarman It can be. Especially if you follow me.
...the most recent thing I did on Twitter is have a meme battle in the DMs with an online friend that I had lost contact with and recently got back in touch with, though, so the platform does occasionally have its uses.
speaking of pet peeves, all these bug reports I am looking at that are basically: "Steps to reproduce: 1. opened app 2. did other things for a bit 3. your app is now broke"
@Mithrandir I started following you and @EmC this weekend. It certainly made my feed a lot more full.
@Mithrandir those are fun :D
@Rainbacon heh
I treat my Twitter account as a stream of consciousness + random retweets of stuff I found interesting / wanted to share
I mostly treat twitter as a place where I consume information rather than putting it out
I've had an account for like 6 years and only tweeted about 100 times
@Rainbacon haha. hope you enjoy cat pics / rants / memes / programming jokes / news / craft pictures / anything else interesting that crosses my feed :P
/ flat earth theories / anti-vaccination campaigns / trump / trump
@EmC I just realize that you put nine questions on this mod election post. That confused me when I was counting the number of question I already answered and the number of questions I still have to answer (I was expecting 10, then 8 but not 9!) :p
I've had a tumblr for a while, I like how they make it easy to set up topical side-blogs. doesn't really work that well with twitter afaict though, if anything people just seem to have public / private accounts
I definitely enjoy cat picks / programming jokes / craft pictures. And I often enjoy the other things
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I have blocked any mention of Trump and several other keywords related to US politics from my feed. It's just annoying.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ anti-anti-vaccination campaigns :P
@Mithrandir Can be depressing too. I have stop reading about certain subject because it is too bad for my mood :/
@EmC 3 levels. We'd synchronize the kicks with Rick Astley
@Rainbacon I enjoy big fake hamburgers in commercials
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ never gonna give you up (to measles)
Ooh, @Ælis you're catching up to me pretty fast for top rep of 2019. I better go write some higher quality answers :p
@Rainbacon Yesterday, I gained 190 IPS rep. I was really disappointed that I didn't make it the 200rep cap ><
@Rainbacon You make it sound like you've been holding back :P
1 hour later…
@scohe001 uh oh, you're on to me
Rainbacon has only been using 1% of his answering power!
Rainbacon = SHaggy
@Mithrandir It wasn't me
@Rainbacon lmao that is one oooooold reference. I love it
I mean, Mith's the one that made it
Also, apparently a helicopter crash landed on a building 10 blocks or so north of my office
@Rainbacon I think Mith was referring to the recent Shaggy Memes (as in Shaggy from Scooby-Doo)
Oh, that makes sense
After all, Mith's not nearly old enough to remember Shaggy the musician
Never attribute to me a deeper meaning than the simplest
Honestly, I knew nothing of the Shaggy memes, so to me, a reference to the artist was the simplest
Does that make me out of touch with the youngsters?
oh crap, that means I'm probably too old to run for mod.
@Rainbacon lol that reminds me of this nomination on SO
Speaking of which, 1 hour left till nomination starts.
Ahem that's 1hr and 15 seconds
@Mithrandir Are you planning to nominate?
@Mithrandir That's how I understand it too. Funny is that most people can't seem to tell you what they look for in a person whereas they have strong opinions about the gender that this person should be. I never quite understood that, even though I respect people who feel that way
@Ælis aaw. Thanks :) <3
@Rainbacon does this work better?
@avazula It does, and that's a very good post you've written
@Rainbacon blushes thanks for the feedback, it wasn't an easy one to write
@avazula I used to be like that when I was starting out with the world
After a couple of times of being wrong I dropped it.
Or it dropped me. Maybe it just dropped.
Not that being wrong is something I do, I just wanted to see how Mith feels being wrong all the time.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ so you're saying the world is doomed because of you? :p
@avazula I can imagine, it can be very hard to be real about something so personal, especially when you are so used to those around you either not understanding, or actively deriding you for it.
@avazula from talking with friends, it feels like most relationships start because of physical attraction (or at least that sparks enough interest for the two to get to know each other). If I had full control over my libido I'd choose to be pan if I could. I feel like it would encourage more looking before leaping :p
@avazula correlation doesn't imply causation
@Rainbacon it was more like a fear for people to be offended, I didn't want them to believe that I feel they're being picky
@scohe001 that's an interesting point. I believe that genitalia interest is conditioned by the way we were raised (you're told it's normal to be attracted by the opposite sex, maybe if you're lucky, that it's also normal to be attracted by same-sex people, but most parents don't talk about bi, panssexuality and many of the other types that exist.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Prove it
@avazula I don't think it's upbringing/the way you're raised, unless too much one way drives people the other way...
I've... seen upbringing fail in that regard ;)
@avazula huh that's a super good point. I wonder how much of that is influenced by nature vs. nurture
@avazula Prove that correlation doesn't imply causation, or that I didn't drop the world, or that I used to be like that when I was starting out, or that Mith is wrong all the time, or that I enjoy big fake hamburgers in commercials?
I just wanted to chime in and add it was a very good article @avazula
@Tinkeringbell what I meant is that we're often being told that you may either be gay or straight but that the other possibilities around exist too yet are not discussed a lot
I want to chime in and say that it's probably an interesting read for an ignoramus like me, but it's censored anyway.
@avazula I think there's definitely a lack of discussion of most forms of sexuality when growing up. Growing up I was taught that there was straight and gay and nothing else.
@avazula Ah, different kind of upbringing... sorry! I misunderstood based on what I've seen ;)
@avazula I think that this goes hand in hand with our emotional language. I can't remember exactly what it said, but there was a study I was reading about awhile ago that was discussing the impact of the words we use to describe emotion on the emotions themselves. If we don't know a word for a specific shade of emotion, it makes it difficult for us to remember feeling it. I wonder if knowing the concepts of different sexual preferences functions similarly
...then you end up discovering things through the internet, when you plug searches in in an attempt to find out if you're normal...
@Tinkeringbell So...you misunderstood the upbringing she was talking about due to your upbringing? :p
@Mithrandir . . . and realize you've been doing ellipsisses all wrong.
Yo dawg, I heard you like upbringing.
s/all wrong/lazily
@scohe001 My upbringing was actually kinda okay in that regard... I've seen stuff in other people's upbringing that wasn't as lenient though...
@bruglesco thank you! do you write on Medium yourself? :)
@Tinkeringbell oof yea I feel exactly the same about how I was brought up. It's crazy to think about what kind of person I might've become if I'd been raised in some of my friends' households
Or raised as the son/daughter of a megamillionaire.
@scohe001 It's quite interesting to think about the effect that environment can have. My fiancee often tells me about how she thinks she would have turned out to be a very different person if her parents hadn't made her start going to church as a child
@avazula I don't. I had to create an account just to clap.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I feel like I already annoy enough people without the added bonus of being pretentious. That definitely wouldn't help :P
Or raised by certain carnivorous animals that tend to eat things normally, not raise them.
Seriously. From Japan to the other side of the world (which is interestingly still Japan if you go far enough), people keep being raised by wolves.
Even those Rome founder twins, they were raised by wolves IIRC.
@Rainbacon yea that's a big one I've heard from my friends. It's a big winding rabbit hole to get lost in--thinking about your alternate lives if you'd been brought up differently. I never know what to say when people begin to "blame their parents"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I thought for sure you were going Tarzan or Mowgli with this. Is this an actual thing that happens?
That was kinda my point. Alternate timelines drive you crazy.
@scohe001 It has happened, but it's fairly rare, and the kids have lasting problems that never go away.
Like... never being able to speak.
Hmm I guess that makes sense. Language centers finishing developing at 6, right? Can they be integrated into society though?
Haha it's definitely not real. Who names their kid Romulus? HAHAHA
Also something about wolves raising infants in Japanese mythology.
@scohe001 Wait. If I can learn a NEW language whenever I want, why should the first one be special?
I'd guess something about having a foundation for language at all. Like at least you'll have a concept of structure and verbs/adjectives/nouns etc...not to mention the emotional language stuff I brought up earlier. Plus you already know how to make the correct sounds...
@IntrovertedMetaMan unkind
Wow. That's pretty close to the mod question I gave lol just lower quality
So should we leave that question there and have each of the mod candidates answer it to the best of their ability?
@Rainbacon LOL too late for that now. And right after I posted a comment :(
Yeah, looks like the r/a flags got it
@Rainbacon nope haha. bad questions shouldn't remain even as a moderating exercise :p
@Rainbacon yup
@avazula Sorry! Didn't realize y'all wanted the practice ;)
@Tinkeringbell oh I'm fine lol
Yeah, I think it's unlikely that anything we could have written in a comment or an answer would have satisfied that user
So does everyone have their nominations ready to all post immediately when the election opens?
@Rainbacon Mine will wait a bit. We'll have a whole week for applying, don't we?
Ahh see @Ava's playing it smart. She knows that the most recent nominations go on top ;)
I thought moderator nominations were randomized in order
@scohe001 do they? haha. I believe it's random
@Rainbacon from the right bar here:
> All nominees are displayed in most recently nominated first order.
Unless I'm interpreting that wrong, which is entirely possible O_o
Nah, it's just that it's 10PM over here already, I have chores to finish and sleep to catch (mister Ava is sick and I don't sleep much with all this snoring haha)
Oh, maybe it's the election phase where they are randomized
Dang, I'm gone for 5 minutes and the only dosage of delicious drama for today pops up and is removed.
What was the mod question asking?
Good Luck and Best Wishes to whomsoever runs for moderator!
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ basically "how could you delete this" with nothing in the body except the link
@scohe001 Wha that's boring. Why R/A then?
There were also some insults directed at the users who deleted the post
I'm gonna try to answer the questionnaire before going to sleep
Good luck!
I'm hoping that I have time to answer the questionnaire before the nomination ends :p
No accusations of censorship, no 'reminding' us of freedom of speech, no this-is-why-u-suck rhetorics, no nothing?
That sounds like their next Eeps question then.
Oops, misread that
I never said I had one :)
Q: 2019 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2019 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page a...

you too! We talked about it with @Ælis yesterday and we believe we're gonna have great candidates :D
I'd nominate but I'm too cool
( ∙_∙) ( ∙_∙)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
Yeah, what I'm really interested in seeing is who nominates that isn't a chat regular
And 198 reps short.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ All you need is one answer on an HNQ question ;)
"How to insult an entire online community and feel self-righteous"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I'm about to do that.
Oh cool. Brings the popcorn
@Mithrandir Wait, by nominating?
HAHA rimshot
Or bah dum tiss, whichever is more hip.
...no, by writing an article complaining about the Imgur community :p
Imgur? What about them? Last I recall they were jerks on some topics
@Mithrandir Ooh how do you pronounce that? That's one of those words that I can still see going either way...
or im'jr
Ahh. I see.
We were so close to being friends
@scohe001 Haha another rimshot
Mith is on fire today. Literally
And how do you pronounce it like that, it's weird.
*shrugs* That's the official pronounciation
I pronounce it Im'grr.
@Mithrandir I need to write a complaint on that one then.
@Mithrandir Anyway so what upset you? IIRC when I left there it was 2016 and the entire west was very polarizable
icky comments, mostly, permeating the place
Done. I'll probably need to edit it a bit tomorrow, but I was satisfied enough with it.
I'm satisfied with your satisfaction.
Dangit, Medium again.
Anyway, not directly relevant to here.
No election chat room this time around?
They have to be manually created, I'm guessing nobody just got around to it yet.
Really? I'm surprised that's not scripted as part of the election setup.
I'd bet the CMs or mods are on that.
1 hour later…
since this is a pro-tem election the only "official" thing CMs do is set up the election announcement and page
so we weren't planning on making a chatroom, but if y'all want one we can create one and link it
(might take me a few minutes since I'm on mobile though :p)
@EmC Good to know; I figured as much.
Unrelated to the above, I noticed that both of the nominees so far consider improving the experience for new users to be one of the most important ways IPS needs to improve, which is interesting.
@HDE226868 What about that is interesting to you?
@Rainbacon Maybe "interesting" is the wrong word; I was just a bit surprised (also, glad) to see such overlap there.
Ah, it might be because Ava and I are both chat regulars, and I know we've had a few discussions about the topic here
Oh, fair. That would make a lot of sense.
Oh, I forgot to link my answers in the question. Thanks HDE!

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