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Gamen :)
So you wish me no good? Taken note of ^^
I don't actually know what "gamen" means.
Gamin'? ^.^ gets out his Playstation controller
Good Afternoon/morning/evening/night it means ^^
Ah. Well "amen" was meant to just return whatever blessings you were giving.
1 hour later…
@dhein Is this proper German or is it a word you invented? I'm curious :)
Morning! :)
@avazula Its a term @Mithrandir invented ^^
And no, not proper German ^^
@dhein aaaaah
shoot I just understood the thing with the acronym haha
You're supposed to capitalize either the A, M, E or N depending on your timezone (afternoon, morning, evening, night)
@Tinkeringbell Oh, GaMen then!
I starred it so that people can understand when it is used :p
@Tinkeringbell Ahhhhhh cool info :D Didn't even know that about it :)
Btw, the article of the newspaper I got interviewed for, and had to clarify quite some of the quotes she made of me got released last week. It became a really awesome article, being onpoint in regards of autism and I must say.... It is written really lovely :)
@dhein Link! Link! Link!!
@dhein well, I didn't invent it - I just brought it over from The Sphinx's Lair :p
@avazula +1
@Mithrandir Flagged for chatty: "+1", "thanks!"
marked helpful
@Mithrandir That's synonym in my world for inventing xP "You invented it to me xP"
Ehm.... I only have a PDF of it :x Dunno how to find it online chin scratch
that's an interesting definition
@dhein If I give you an email would that do?
you could chuck it on a file sharing site
or, convert it to a vector image and upload it here using the image upload
@JAD I could, but that would throw a very bad light on me, considering that I am a professional copyright/Interlectual property compliance analyst ^^
schwaebische.de/ueberregional/… Here is a link if anyone coincidently has subscribed that newspaper '^.^
not even a soft paywall. harsh
It ain't cool D:
oh haha
the text that's blurred beneath the paywall is gibberish
nice one
Now I'm sad
Makes me wonder whether it's just plain gibberish, or german
or a cypher or something similar
@JAD Whats the difference? xPPPP
@JAD It is a very basic cypher. Having the original and the gibberish putting it side by side, made me already break the code within less than a minute ^^
@avazula Would that do what? Causing me to have your email address? sure it would. Then I could tell you about my date and other stuff not suited for this chat ;P
@dhein OMG I'M IN
thinks about how to send my email without making it available to the whole chat
@dhein Kind of interesting. I wonder though, it doesn't look like a ceasarian cypher though. Too many 2 letter words containing the same letter twice
Although it looks consistent. SAP -> DME I guess
There must be more than one letter that maps to lowercase-L, because otherwise wtf is this:
> Dgblsmlloolllolealo
@avazula You can't really...
@dhein It's a bit harder without the original XD
@Tinkeringbell well, with my support she could :P
just to check, am I correct that I read that you are 27 years old?
(according to the article at least)
or you just write me there xP
@JAD you are correct :P
@JAD and another hint: Kgalohh Elho is my name ;D
ugh, so far I have 5 letters that have mapped to l at least once
I found the Elho already
And Bhlo is the other guy :P
@JAD The not encoded Picture having our names can help without having the original xP Having the original makes the encoding very obvious ^^
yeah, I found that
@dhein Smartypants... @avazula let me know if you got that written down somewhere and I'll clean it up nonetheless to avoid any troubles.
that's also how I figured out that Elho is you, and Bhlo is the other guy. Same last three letters, but the l makes more sense as e, because the use in dmsl ll which I guess means sagt er.
@Tinkeringbell Thats what I am. Touchè :D
However, I'm kinda stuck, since I have many different letters which appear to be mapped to l.
the t in sagt (dmsl), the e in Hein, Fien, er, the r in er.
yeah. I think we don't have to proof that we could decode it if we had to :P
lol, I'm just trying to figure it out, but I'm not really an adept puzzler
and trying to do it in a language I'm not fluent in doesn't help either
@JAD I think there are actually additional rules invoking the duplications of letters. As for me it seems after skipping through a few sentences that it is consonants being replaced by the letter they are followed by ;D
or at least e and i
@Tinkeringbell sorry I was on a break. It's written down :)
@Tinkeringbell Oh now I got what you were about to clean up. Thanks :)
@dhein So should I use your junk mail or the other one?
As long Tinkeringbell hasn't cleaned it up, anyone else who wants feel free to do the same :)
I mean I could use my RO tools but it'd just go into another private room, it wouldn't be deleted
@avazula Well... since I gave you the trash one so I had not to write down my real one and then just realized I am not caring too much at all, I'd say take the real one x)
@dhein okay haha
Oh by the way, Happy autism awareness day to everyone x)
@dhein Cheers!
I sent the email! Sorry for my poor German but I really wanted to try to speak :D
Huh, for a moment I wasn't sure if this might be a spam mail xP But the obligatory phising link was missing. Haha... but no, its decent enough so I could understand what you were saying ;)
@dhein because of the "Hey dhein"? Haha
I know my email domain is pretty unconventional, it may disturb some people who would believe it's spam
Also the german language looks pretty much like the grammar of most spam mails :P But no offense. I just noticed that.
My teachers would be so hard on the sentences' construction ... "put the damn verb at the end!"
Okay, no reason to caps at me ^^
@dhein no offense :)
none taken x)
@avazula Now I'm curious, what is your domain name? (that is, if you are okay with sharing it)
Q: What is the etiquette for responding to someone thanking me for doing my job?

ÆlisMy manager has the habit of thanking me after every one-on-one meeting we have. Here is how those meetings goes: I present my work to my manager My manager gives me feedback and helps me improve stuff At the end of the meeting, my manager thank me The thing that troubling me is that: Is the...

For people who are wondering how to protect privacy and still sharing email, you can use yopmail.com . It's a "throw aways" email service (cc @avazula )
@Ælis I'm with Newmanity! But sadly they stopped their mailing service, now they just offer chat services to the new customers. I went with them because they have a neutral print on the environment and they respect our privacy
@Ælis I know yopmail, but everyone can use that address and I don't want people to read my stuff, so ... I'm better off using my hippie emailing service :p
@avazula Never hear of Newmanity ^^ Also, you can delete email on yopmail (without waiting for the 8 days) but yeah, it's only suppose to be use when you want to subscribe somewhere without giving them your real email
@Ælis It recently changed names, I think it's Places or something now
<rant on> Seems like "my" devs will never learn that "if it can be clicked, there need to be an id on it". </rant off>
Oh yay, they say (FR only, sorry guys) they'll provide their mailing services again soon!
@avazula Nice ^^ I personnaly use free since I'm 11y and I'm not planning in changing soon
@Ælis Transferring isn't nice, it's heavy:(
@Ælis Really? It's not true always. :P
@AJ it's so much easier for the QA engineers when testing
@Ælis I can tell you a lots of such domains. I use them to sign up for newsletters. ;)
Selenium works best with IDs IMO
@AJ Well, if they add ids where I don't really need them, I won't complain ^^ But always having to create tickets because, one more, the dev didn't put any identifyer on something (usualy a div acting like a button) is really tireing (and annoying)
Dunno if this is irony or not, a QA used to add a bug if we add id. ;P
@AJ I wasn't being ironical. But what was wrong with you adding id?
Also, how are use suppose to UI test something without id or name? You just use the xpath and fix your test anytime someone add or remove a div somewhere?
@Ælis Risking to let users know unique ID and exploit it to get some random stuff they are not supposed to? Although, I had put sufficient measures to not let that happen.
Like you can't see deleted posts on Movies & TV even though you have post ID.
@AJ From what I know about @Ælis id dilemma, the id's are for testing purposes only. And here I must agree, I see not which harm could happen by users having knowledge about the test ID's of buttons. I mean.... let them exploit the tests, let them not?
@AJ I'm not sure we are talking about the same kind of ids here. I'm talking about the id of a button here. Like the "send" button on this chatroom have the id "sayit-button". In any case, if having an ID pose security risk, the problem isn't about the ID but about your security (at least, IMO)...
To be extra clear, I'm talking about front only id here. Which is something that is never use in the back. So I don't see what kind of security risk this could cause...
Are you talking about IDs of HTML elements here?
Okay then.
... I think a coworker I never saw IRL just asked me out
and what I'm most angry about is my partner's reaction. Said coworker used to send me messages like "you're so talented", "it's really nice talking to you", "that's a shame you're leaving" (so far I had the benefit of the doubt). Now he just asked me for a drink in a bar next time I go to Paris and my partner still believes that's nothing but professional
@avazula Doesn't he know about it already?
@AJ about what?
@avazula It might just friendly, but yeah, it's hard to see it as only professional
@Ælis He's a 50y.o. man that I never saw in my life
I just had calls (not even video) with him for work reasons
@avazula Okay, if you never casualy chat with him, it's a little weird (and kind of creepy too IMO)
@avazula What exactly he finds professional in that? And what is actually the LOB connecting you with said coworker(not that it would really matter but maybe that gives an idea of why your SO thinks that way)?
@avazula about your relationship status?
@Ælis pretty much.
@dhein Coworker is in another team, in another city, he's just interested in devops and so I'm helping him setting up some tools and explaining the methodology
@AJ I think the problem here is less about that coworker but about her SO's reaction/opinion about it. And I assume she talked with her SO about her relationship status at some point. ^^
@avazula Brings me back to the question, why your SO thinks that would be professional? :o
It's obvious I am missing some context here, so I'll just back off.
and post a pun.
@AJ No, I never disclaimed my status, because we only talked in business meetings and there was no reason or appropriate time to talk about it
I would think that people who what a professional meeting would make sure to say as much. Like "If you want to have a beer and talk devOps next time you are in Paris, I would be happy to". But I might have some missconception about professional meeting
@dhein well... SO has issues with the way feminism is exercised in some countries, e.g. like in the US. He's 100% for gender equality but he thinks that there are lots of situations in which feminists see sexism where he sees none. This one would likely be one of those cases. you know ... that story which starts with a male coworker trying to be nice and the female coworker suing him for sexual harassment?
@avazula Okay. Find a manager and forward this stuff...
@Tinkeringbell it's that bad?
@avazula If someone starts asking you for a drink while you've only had work-related calls? I'd say so. I'd at least want my manager to be aware how uncomfortable it made me, so that the case is already there if it gets worse... and let the guy know directly that this is bothering you too.
@Tinkeringbell I think it may be time for a question on TWP then
thanks for the advice y'all :)
@Tinkeringbell Even considering that she is about to leave? I mean there is little to no chance this would happen again in the future anyways.
Perhaps tell the guy first, so you did the 'talk about it like adults stuff' and can show that to the manager too ;)
@dhein Huh? I missed that. Okay, perhaps then is isn't worth the effort of escalating. That's up to avazula though :)
How soon will you be leaving, @ava?
@Tinkeringbell Agreed :)
@Tinkeringbell By the beginning of June. I won't go to Paris (for professional reasons @Ælis :p) until then so I guess I'm good.
@avazula Ugh. I see the point. But still.... I am sensing a fallacy here... just can't find the words for it >.<
I think I can understand your SO, he likely wants you to assume good intentions (e.g. you haven't seen face to face yet and he's assuming the guy might like to meet you once before you leave). But if it makes you uncomfortable, do decline the invitation.
@Tinkeringbell thanks for the advice :)
I'm not sure if I should even answer anyway, I'd like to just pretend I saw nothing Jon Snow
@avazula Coming from the gal that is going to sleep in a hotel next weekend to go to a colleagues 50th-somethings birthday party :P
@Tinkeringbell haha, yay!
@avazula I would decline now. Otherwise he might ask again and then it will only get more awkward for both of you.
I don't know, perhaps you could just say you're not interested in meeting outside of work, that you like to keep work work ;)
@avazula Yeah, I'm looking forward to it :)
@Tinkeringbell Honestly, maybe I'm overreacting. SO never believes me when I say I've been harassed in the streets (like, a random creepy guy with graphic claims about what he'd like to do with my butt and following me on several hundred meters), and also, I've been (sexually) harassed in the past by a teacher whom I thought just wanted to be nice. So now I'm extra careful. Maybe too much.
@Tinkeringbell Right, good idea. I'll say I don't plan on going to Paris by my departure, sounds the least awkward to me
@avazula That's okay too. The important thing to keep in mind then (I think) is to decline gracefully but strict ;)
@Tinkeringbell Interesting. That's not how I would react at all. I would probably answer with a "maybe :)" and never talk to the person ever again (but that's probably a bad idea. I just wanted to say that directly saying "no" would have never occure to me)
@avazula "Oh, when will you be going to Paris then, perhaps we can meet up later?" < possible reply to that, so I'd say it doesn't lock the door enough ;)
@Ælis From my experience, unless you're clearly saying "no" to people, they would continue to believe in their chances
@Tinkeringbell Right. Darn you're smart!
@avazula Ehhh. Perhaps, though this comes more from that time when I was quite the manipulative kid :P
@avazula I'm sorry your SO doesn't believe you :/ Also, I don't see anything wrong with being too careful
Although I could still say "I don't have plans on going to Paris for now" hehe :D
Ugh now I don't know how to phrase the refusal
Don't they say "l'amour est ne a Paris"?
@Tinkeringbell Whats manipulative about that?^^
@AJ they should add "le harcèlement de rue aussi" (street harassment too)
@avazula I would go with "No, thanks for the offer." '^.^
@dhein I was really, really good at finding loopholes in whatever was said to me, and replying to it in such a manner that people had to come up with another argument or 'no' ;)
@avazula Oh yeah, but the goal of my strategy is to avoid having them becoming somehow violent against me. So, leaving them with false hope isn't my problem (I will only more clearly decline if they keep contacting me after that)
@dhein sounds terrible in French :p
@Ælis ooh, clever, right
@avazula Depends on how much you want to say. You could go with a 'Thanks for the offer, but I like to keep work and private time separate', or a 'Thanks for the offer, but due to personal reasons I'm not comfortable with doing this so I'm going to have to decline'
@avazula It's better to refuse sooner than later. So keep it short as Dhein said.
@Tinkeringbell Hahaha, I did the same. But not even on purpose. I allways thought, if people meant no, they would say no and as long they don't they apparently don't mean it. But at some point in the end there was anyways a "no" and I felt more awkward about finding the loopholes and not getting it was a "no" already, than I felt manipulative >.<
@dhein Mine was probably a bit more deliberate than yours, if your autism had anything to do with your behaviour. Hence, it was more manipulative ;)
@Tinkeringbell Most likely it did. What you tried to achieve with this, tho? Did at somepoint people give up and just said "yes" to avoid giving a "no"? :o Now I wonder, how many times I got a "yes" by doing that, when actually "no" was meant '^.^
@Ælis Does this always work out well? I would be more likely to react "violent" if I realize someone was wasting my time by not speaking strict, rather than I would when being rejected. (But admitted I am not the majority here, I just wonder how well your strategy is working)
@dhein Yeah, the idea was to eventually get my way. Not just by having people give up and just say yes instead of no, but also by consistently crossing and pushing boundaries.
@Tinkeringbell sorry to keep bothering you with that, do you think answering "that is nice of you to offer, but I am afraid that is not going to happen"? It sounds better in French though ("c'est gentil mais ça ne va pas être possible")
I would translate the French more like 'it is not going to be possible', usually people respect that, but they might ask what's making this impossible.

If it really does translate to a 'that's not going to happen', it's a pretty clear signal you don't want to.
@Tinkeringbell let's say it's an indirect, polite way to say the second.
Then I think you can go for it :)
Unless this is perceived as kinda harsh over there?
@Tinkeringbell no, I think its nice and polite. What do you think @Ælis?
(IPS saves the day again)
@avazula I would have a smiley :/ or ^^' to soften the blow and possible a "I think" (but I'm very afraid of directly saying no to people about that kind of stuff, so that is probably in play here)
@dhein I never had problem with this strategy but I don't always use it. Also, I make sure to respond "no" the second time the person ask (so the first time they can get use to the idea of me saying no, and the second I actually say "no")
@Ælis yeah I get that, that's the same for me.
Anyway, thanks everyone, both for the advice and for listening :)
@Ælis Ah ok, that is a nice backdoor of that rule. This way probably even I wouldn't be too offended, if it just took a second approach to get a clear signal x)
brings back the awkwardness in that silence
avazula rolls a natural 20.... critical success
@dhein I'd like to ask what's that but I'm afraid it's about illegal substances :p
(is it?)
like in 420?
@avazula Nah, like D&D ;)
@Tinkeringbell oh... now I feel dumb haha
Depends of what your juristication says about pen and paper RPG's. Here in germany they are totally legal, despite back in the 70~80's there was a religious movement against it, as it was considered as diabolic and real devil worshipment, I am fortunately not aware of that.
But now I wonder what 420 is about... But I am afraid to ask, as it seems to be about illegal substances xP
trying to supress my wide grining while sitting at my desk x'D
@dhein somehow, 420 is associated with weed
@avazula: In PnP RPG's you usually roll a 20-sided die, to evaluate the success you have in executing the action you announced your character is gonna do. in some systems 20 is a critical success, meaning you succeed with the best impact one could consider while 1 being a critical fail. So you announced the action of bringing back the awkward silence, and I figured you must have done so by rolling a 20 ;P
@JAD Ahhhh, like 4:20 pm
420 staat voor 4:20 of 4/20, de datum 20 april in Noord-Amerikaanse notatie. Amerikaanse gebruikers vieren die als een feestdag van de tegencultuur. Cannabis wordt op die dag publiekelijk gebruikt. Het begrip is ook een verwijzing naar het gebruiken van marihuana in het algemeen. De oorsprong ligt mogelijk in 1971 in de staat Californië, waar een groep tieners van de San Rafael High School na schooltijd om 16:20 (4:20 pm) bijeen zou zijn gekomen om marihuana te roken. Ze zouden zich verzameld hebben om op zoek te gaan naar enkele onbewaakte cannabisplanten die zich bij Point Reyes zouden bevinden...
I never understood that my self, but a friend of me always full of excitement pointed out the clock in his share flats kitchen to me which was stuck on 4.20 for years. x'D
@avazula And you just summoned a conversation about illegal substances while I was just making an RPG reference '^.^ That was a 1 you rolled there, I suppose.
@dhein Nah, I brought the awkwardness back in the end, so I won! That's a 20 for me! :D
@avazula I am not sure if you got that principle of rolling the die correct. But I let you have this one. You won cheering
@dhein I'm terrible at games and I really don't like them :x but if I win every time with yours, I wanna play! :D
@avazula Well to some extend you do. Or at least, usually all players win or loose all together. Or depending on the players and game being played, you start over again with new characters till its won. Its more like playing a character and controlling their actions in a story being told, rather than playing in a competitive way. :)
@dhein I think what bothers me most is the numerous rules and their complexity. I play games to have fun, there's no fun for me if I don't understand the rules. But now you're making me want to try RPGs :p
@Tinkeringbell 420 is the number of a thief here.
@avazula yeah, especially if you start playing a new system its very complex. BUT in the end most of the rules just apply to specific characters. When a new campaign is being planed every player should inform the game master about what character they want to play. SO the GM can look up the rules that will apply. If you start as a character, you only need to be aware of the rules for the actions you would want to take. And the motivation for learning new rules comes by itself while playing.
Also people usually remind you what actions you could take by given rules, as everyone sits in the same boat. And also you can just take a not too complex character class when playing the first time.
I mean your group wouldn't want you to fail as they would fail with you. And a GM usually doesn't want you to fail as they worked out a whole complex story for weeks if not months, they couldn't continue to tell if the group fails. ;)
Disappointing enough for a GM if the group takes notice of the cave having put in days of work for preparing that dungeon, just to let the group figure that dungeon looks uninteresting and just passing by :P
@dhein I'm curious, what is the definition of "failure" on an RPG? Can't the GM just "twist" things so that the group will eventually win?
@Ælis They could, and they usually are. But if the players are getting too aware of that, the excitment is being lost. Also there are games where the GM's want to challange their group and see it as "either the GM wins or the group wins" but that's not the kind of game I like to play, as that usually causes nothing but drama.
and from what I know, there is technically no such thing like failure or win. That pretty much depends on your personal goals for playing. Most people consider it a failure if their character dies and they have to come up with a new character they have no bonding to putting in a background story and finding a reason why that character now finds their way to the group. So do I.

But the campaign I currently am playing, there was a few times a whole series of horrible rolls I did, and at some point it got quite clear, that the GM kept "twisting" the behavior of enemy or how the environment re
@Ælis Originally D&D and other RPGs were very very harsh. It was very easy to die multiple times in a session
@JAD True, but thats not the kind of PnP I try to advertise here :P
@dhein In the game I'm currently playing, our GM says they are a bit lenient on death in the first few levels, since the PCs can just die to any random goblin that looks their way wrong
we already almost had the entire party die to one single spell at level 2
@JAD As said, thats as well a way to play it. But especially for beginners that's a very disappointing way of getting in contact to PnP RPG's as it feels very unfair. Additionally, you need really good and emotional stable GM's to play such a setting in a fair manner :P
it's a genre on its own
the gritty dungeoncrawlers
@dhein I wish I could test some "off-line" RPG sometimes. It seems to be something I would like to "play" (but only if I am with the right people I guess). Also, about the fact that the GM isn't "allowing you" to die, it's probably something that people should discuss with the GM beforehand.
D&D has evolved past that to be more roleplay focused
@Ælis that's definitely a session 0 thing
@Ælis Absolutely. They should. I just didn't here. As for me the social connecting as I am new in this area was more important for me than the game itself. So I didn't really care about their expectations and jsut wanted to join them :)
@Ælis Well, there are a lot of ways to do that. Most of the ways I prefer, probably wouldn't suite you. But maybe some of the ways I don't like might work for you. (Like joining a Forum where people play their sessions in chatrooms/threads :) )
@dhein Oof, I can't stand to play RPGs in a forum. It's in person or bust for me.
@dhein Yeah, maybe. But I guess I'm just not ready yet to engage myself in something that will take time and will be around a butch of strangers. Also, I think I rather do that in person
@Rainbacon Same for me. I find it really exhausting to wait for what ever amount of time till I finally can make my action again. But still, might be different for Noon :)
@Ælis Hey, what ever is best for you :) Just wanted to give an idea of what its about :)
If anyone would want to join, I would gladly host such a session :D I mean I don't make it a secret that I absolutely would love to meet you all here somewhere at some point :P
I am leaving you to the awkward silence now, tho. I am calling it a day. Have a nice one :)
Hmm, how can I tell someone that they don't have to @ mention me in a direct message
@Rainbacon Ask, don't tell? :) Otherwise, just like you did here ;)
I have a coworker who starts every single slack DM with an @ mention to me. It's kind of obnoxious
Sure, but a gentle reminder does better than a 'you're being obnoxious' :P
So if you haven't done that yet..
⚠️☢️🚨 Offensive/Abusive Comment 🚨☢️⚠️
#21367 Edwin Lambregts (101 rep) | Q: How can I help someone become more assertive? (score: 4) | posted 11 days ago by Rainbacon (3562 rep) | edited 3 days ago by Ælis (5913 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic", "offensive"]
It's autism awareness month.
I'm very aware of autism...
@Rainbacon we have that in common. :D I posted something in TWP Meta about it, and shall do so in IPS meta as well.
I'm having a good day and am very articulate, so I'm taking advantage of that.
@RichardU That's exciting! Also, it's good to see you around again.
@Rainbacon thanks. I've had tons to deal with, having lost my father and my brother, going through a divorce, and dealing with some real serious health issues with my children. My moods have been all over the place, and I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention in here until I was more stable.
Sorry to hear about all of that
@Tinkeringbell I agree. A gentle reminder is always better than deliberately upsetting someone.
@Rainbacon yeah, it got bad, but I'm feeling much better now.
@RichardU It also only works if the person hasn't been reminded before. Otherwise, they're just crossing boundaries and need firmer measures.
@Tinkeringbell still, never a need to be rude, or to attack disabilities, for example.
@RichardU I didn't get the impression Rainbacon's coworker had a disability. Nor that a firm reply is ever more rude than deliberately crossing a well known boundary.
@Tinkeringbell well, I like to assume good intentions, and never assume deliberate behavior.
@Tinkeringbell oh, I find it is much easier to get along in life that way. If I took offense at every slight that could be easily explained away as someone having a bad day, or absent mindedness, et cet, it would make for a very sad existence. Given all the tragedy I've already experienced, well, it wouldn't be good.
@Rainbacon the post is up. feel free to add/edit/comment.
Q: April is autism awareness month

The WraithApril is autism awareness month. As I've seen no official posts on it since I've been here, I've decided to take the initiative. Autism presents difficulties both from the person with the condition, and the people around them. Even though people are becoming more aware of autism, it is still oft...

1 hour later…
@RichardU Might it be u2 talked about diferen topics? Can't see what the offensive comment was about, but I think Tinker wasn't talking about that one and you might have assumed so? ^^
Nevermind ^^
@dhein sure, I always want to give the benefit of the doubt.
Hmmm, strange, a downvote on autism awareness in meta? That's very odd
@RichardU Well, downvote means someone didn't agree with you or maybe thought it wasn't a good meta post or it was something else. Anyway we can't know and it's a normal thing.
@AJ yeah, but it would be nice to know which, and how to improve. Ah well.
It's just annoying to write something that long, and get a DV without comment.
Maybe people thought meta wasn't the place for it because it's not really about the workings of the site itself?
@Mithrandir copy-editing?
Your own stuff, or a paid gig?
Interesting to see how they handle that ;)
Don't have any paid stuff at the moment :(
Not many editing job opportunities for teens.
Well, first reaction would be that it's discouraging, but on second thought this way you can actually see the effects of your copy-editing in a very good way...
@Mithrandir 😬 Perhaps when you're older :P
Wachten in de fietsenkelder #onweer #hoosbui
Nope... not Dutch at all XD
(A bunch of cyclists waiting out a thunderstorm in a bikeshed)
@Tinkeringbell I thought this was a picture of some special bicycle event XD
o_o that's a lot of bikes
@Ælis Hahaha no :P
@Mithrandir Only one bike per person, the average Dutch person has more bike than 1 :P
You should visit the bike parking areas near major Dutch train stations for fun someday :)
@Tinkeringbell Wow Oo
^ Can't guarantee that's still Amsterdam
(bad internet, bleurgh)
@Tinkeringbell Our family has like 10 for 6 people, but only 5 work...
All those picture really looks like fake Oo
@Ælis They're not.
That's really what stuff looks like over here :)
In just a few places, as others aren't big enough cities to get that much bicycles in one place.
But e.g. you go to the station on one bike, park it at that station, then take the train to another station and you might have a second bike there to continue your travels
Crazy thing is though, if this was America and hence those were pictures of parking garages, the footprint would be way larger and there would be multiple floors.
@Tinkeringbell I would say "I believe you" but my mind just can't accept that :p
@El'endiaStarman There's several stations over here that have multiple floor bicycle parking :)
@Tinkeringbell In my last city, it would have been: "you park your bike near the train station, you come back one hour after, you don't have a bike anymore" ^^' (But the bike stealing in my last city was crazy. I believe you would have to wait at twice as long in Paris :p )
usually, those even have areas reserved for scooters, and for bikes with crates up front (because they need a bit more space as well)
@Ælis Hahaha. Well, parking your bike at a station over here does carry that risk as well, that's why people usually only use really old bikes for that.
Or they park their bikes in a secured area.
We have bicycle safes over here :P
*Screams in horror - I just had to deny a pull request where one of my coworkers was trying to commit a private key to our source control
@Rainbacon Ugh.
Oops. Well, I guess that's what's reviews are for :)
@Tinkeringbell yeah I guess
@Tinkeringbell I had to google that to see what it looked like. The idea of having individual bike safe seem a little extreme O-O
@Rainbacon Sounds like something I could do... add it, just to make sure the code is working, then forget to properly sanitize the code before committing ;)
Maybe? But I have more faith in you than that
@Ælis Well, the idea kinda breaks if you give two people the key :P
@Rainbacon Don't :P My co-workers know to look for unsanitized bits (like write statements and such) because I do tend to forget one or two. Usually I do take the time to just commit then do a cursory review for any obvious stuff myself though :)
@Tinkeringbell Yeah but I would have thought that some small bike parking would be enough ^^
@Ælis In some cases, that's going to be more expensive (as you need a person checking access and whether you only take your bike out and stuff) than a few individualized boxes that people can rent.
@Tinkeringbell That makes sense I guess
@Ash Since a marked lack of IPS is endemic to autism, I thought it would be ideal, ah well, live and learn.
@RichardU I dunno, that was just a guess at how people might think of it, and why they might downvote. I obviously can't tell you their actual motives, but I figured I'd try to guess.
Actually, I looked up pricing... A safe is 109 euros per year. While both other options (with or without service employee) are mostly free for the first 24 hours. You can also get a yearly subscription, giving you a 'reserved' spot (so basically guaranteeing you a spot) for either 55 euros or 105 euros per year.

But then remember that this is for way more bikes than a safe would be, so all in all you can see that for a spot in a building with a human guardperson, the costs are already way higher.
@Tinkeringbell I think, I see the safe as something kind of "crazy" because space cost a lot where I live. So having something taking that much space for just one bike seems like a lot. But yeah, if space doesn't cost that much, then a building is indeed less cheap than a safe
@Ælis Yeah. On the smaller stations, there's usually plenty of room as they're more on the outskirts of a place. So enough room to place a few safes and generic racks for the other bikes. Some even have pretty generous parkings as well.
Q: How to talk with a girl about the fact that she keeps standing me up?

alexanders916I'm interested into a girl of my circle of friends. We know each other as friends, but I decided to try a bit harder to see how far I can go. The first thing I did is talking with her throughout the whole night at a party. The next day she asked me whether I would help her with maths. Of course...

@Ash If that's the case though (that it doesn't belong on meta because it's not about the workings of the site), close-votes for off-topic are a better option perhaps.
Like I said, I'm just guessing based on past experiences with meta stuff.
@Ash I'm sorry :) Pedantic me just wanted to suggest that at least a close-vote leaves some feedback ... But you're right, speculating and guessing probably doesn't help
@Ash thanks for the input. I've never been able to figure this site out for some reason. I just figured an announcement would be better on Meta than as a question on the main site. We have many autistic posters on SE, and this being autism awareness month, I thought it would be a nice gesture.
2 hours later…
Is there a proposed feature for hiding answers above the answer box so it's way easier to reference the question? :P
There is not!
Not that I know of.
They could also be shown side-by-side on a wide enough screen...
that would be really neat lol. i think it would be quite useful to many too!

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