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Anybody watch The Dragon Prince?
@TheTinyMan You watching??? I loved it!!! General AMAYA! :D
You should lurk more. ;)
Feb 11 at 15:25, by El'endia Starman
Oh, unrelated, but ElizB and I watched The Dragon Prince last Saturday and it was pretty awesome. Also, at one point, there are characters named Ellis and Ava!
My NP and I are rewatching in anticipation of the next season. xD General Amaya's her favorite character too and I wanted to make sure you guys in particular were aware of it, haha
There were more than one scene where she signed without voice and it was so freaking awesome I could understand that without captions or voice
Yeah, I could've sworn ElizB remarked on General Amaya before in this room but it doesn't look like it.
And hey, I'm trying to be active around here again! :-P
It's also not often that we see STR fighters beat DEX fighters in shows without being so tough they're invincible :-P
Plus very interesting use of a shield as her main weapon.
I adored that! She's such a cool character, haha! I also have a weakness for noble knight types, in addition to astandard weapons.
I love it when General Amaya said "guard, run and get a stable boy quickly... I've encountered a giant pile of bull crap (translated as droppings)"
I coulda sworn she used a stronger word/sign.
There was also an interpreter moment when Commander Soren was talking for her then she said "I'm assigning commander soren to the mission", then when Soren was talking he was like "wait, hey I'm commander soren. that's me."
hahaha, I just rewatched that part. xD It was hilarious.
Commander Gren, my bad
I think Claudia is my favorite, though. The world needs more bubbly dark sorcerers. xD
i'm undecided about her.
Viren put a ton of pressure on his kids
Gods, yeah, he did
i'm excited to see what comes next.
Me too! :-D
New episodes tomorrow!
I'm glad you know about it and this is what accessible and diverse TV should look like. I can totally relate to Amaya now not just because of her character but because she's deaf
and shes a freaking general
Right? That's such amazing representation!
And she doesn't need her translator to be who she is.
yeah absolutely. her translator is just a medium and he's so willing and in tune with what she wants to say
Makes me wonder there's another interpreter. How does she command people at the Breach otherwise?
I bet her other commanders know enough and that she can send written commands
It might get difficult in the heat of battle - but, yeah, I'm also betting that the people who are regularly around her are people who can communicate with her easily.
Yeah, that's what me and el'endia think
she also had a long time to get to know these people and work with them
Presumably...although I'm not sure what the mortality rate is out there.
Hmm, good point
Oh, man, and the thing with the puppo!
Man...we're being awfully spoilery in here
ooop, yeah we are. I could erase stuff in here but it doesn't look like anyone's up
Hmm, maybe that'd be best though, otherwise it'll live in the archives
@TheTinyMan any specific spoiler stuff?
or all of it?
@ElizB Ehh, I dunno. I take spoiler sensitivity to an unusual extreme. "HOW DARE YOU TELL ME YOU CAN JUMP IN THIS GAME I HAVEN'T PLAYED?!"
hehe alright
@TheTinyMan i'm not sure what to take out
Ehh, I guess really it was what I was about to say that was the spoilery bit. xD
@TheTinyMan ah, okay
I would consider telling the story spoilery, but not the characters
the characters are interesting
Yeah, the interesting thing about the puppy is a story spoiler though xD
The other puppy. :P
Ohhhh yeah that puppy :P
Yep :-)
3 messages moved to Trash
2 hours later…
Random question everyone! :)... What types of music do you like jamming to when you're trying to be productive?
Every time I see a question like that, I like to bust out my Fantastic Epic Songs playlist.
Entirely consists of songs that I have listened to on repeat for...a while.
@El'endiaStarman I'm going to listen to it rn! xD I'll let ya know what I think :)
Fair warning: 76 songs takes a few hours. :)
Haha, yeah it is. I love it so far, it's really inspirational. Reminds me of the sound track for Destiny 1/2 and a few others.
Hi I don't exactly know where to ask this but what's the easiest way to shorten a thin piece of hard plastic by 3mm?
my monitors new cable is 3mm too big to fit in the port because of this plastic shell around the port that's very thin and flimsy
@LDR Perhaps Lifehacks or Home Improvement.
Take a look at their on-topic article in help center first.
Q: How can I build up the confidence to actually ask questions on places like ... this stack exchange?

Ed GrimmI have a number of questions I would like to ask on stack exchange. Mostly other stack exchanges, to be honest. But it feels really intimidating to do so. Asking questions and exposing myself to all kinds of review makes me feel vulnerable and exposed. I especially feel intimidated by all of the...

Mooorning :)
@Anilla DeJaVu '^.^ I in fact prefer listening to white noise when trying to focus if required. But generally just having my noise canceling headset on is enough, so its more "void" I prefer to hear ^^
@EdGrimm: Could you possibly remove the intrapersonal aspects from your question and just reduce it to the interpersonal problem you want to ask for help with? If you can do that, I think this post should be fine after that edit. If you can't cause it is closely related, then the solution you are looking for is more based on the intrapersonal level and hence off topic here. — dhein 1 min ago
#20989 dhein (960 rep) | Q: How can I build up the confidence to actually ask questions on places like ... this stack exchange? (score: 0) | posted 31 minutes ago by Ed Grimm (272 rep) | Toxicity 0.06816434 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic(@Noon)"]
@AJ Nice that he just asked in caht before posting. But I wonder a bit why he came here '^.^ I think this is one of the least fitting stacks for such a question '^.^
@dhein Evening! :P White noise aye? That's fair; I have those times too lol. Especially when it comes to C...
I am not sure if I should feel discriminated right now xP
Me poor little minority C developer :x
I see a lot of Javascript nerds on the block. C has become very niche based xD I'm glad I've learned it though; it's refreshing to refer to the elementary. I like languages like JS, Java, and Swift. Life becomes easier with them (most of the time).
I agree. But I what I don't like about them (despite I think it has over the last 5 years happened once at all, and way more often in my own code) that I can't stop worrying, that it sin't my code, I have no idea what a framewrok does behind their scenes and.... meh.... if something has inside a framework a bug, it will cost you so much time till you figure that...
@dhein Yea, plus there's usually a learning curve to finding out how to do different things. Syntax is generally familiar, but extra things you have to learn (like lambdas, generics, templating, etc.) add to the complexity. C is simple in that regard. I recently got pretty upset when I found C doesn't have a good standard library for UTF-8 encoding though XD That's where these modern languages shine.
Pfff who needs UTF8?!
once uppon a time we had not even 40 letters being enough to communicate. Leaving 215 as controll signs is more than enough. Everything exceeding that is just extravagance
@dhein Me! ;-; I gotta have my Emojis!! 2,097,152 possible characters... that's reasonable, right?
R'mber that ol times? IPv6? pf who needs 3 addresses for every atom in our solar system?
I was allways for IPv2
emojis âla DIY 0o

@dhein I'm too young to remember previous IP versions XD Once I started learning about computers IPv6 was already a thing... :P
@Ælis hello! Good... uhh morning?
Being a thing and being fully implemented are 2 very diferent things. I'd say IPv6 Is even today not fully implemented but more so its worked around it by most ISP. And I dont know how young you are, but I think the transition to IPv6 just started over the last 4~5 years. While it was already a "thing" since the 1990's(?)
@Anilla It's morning for me indeed :)
And IPv2 was just a bad joke :P
By the way, speaking of IPv2:
Any of you have heard of RFC 1149?
I am so sad that this revolutionary technology from that time had not made it: tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1149
@dhein Yea, that is kind of saddening. I wanna be able to directly connect to an IPv6 remote server (ISP still doesn't support)... I don't know much about the protocol's history. All I know was it was starting to be implemented more frequently. Whoah... RFC 1149... We get a lot of geese here. That would be so fantastic XD
@Ælis Good morning then haha! xD
@Anilla Note the date when they released that standard xP
@Ælis Oh and yeah, morning to you :)
@Anilla What should I wish you? It seems that it's the middle of the night for you but I can't wish you a good night if you are not going to bed ^^
@dhein morning to you too :)
@Ælis It's 1:38 AM for me right now. I'm most likely gonna stay up till 4:00 AM before going to bed. Wish me luck, that's what I need xD
Also, I hate noticing my comment had a grammar error after my 2 minutes... it just sits there forever being incorrect :(
@Anilla Good luck and a lot of courage to you then!
@avazula: Oh noooes :X I have no Fineliners at my desk to make the rock have a smiling face :(
@Anilla If it makes you feel better, I can't spot those kind of error (not even in French >< )
@dhein :( I was all for a smilly rock too!
@IPSCommentBot fp
@Ælis Thank you! :D French is a really cool language. It looks slightly more tricky compared to Español. Does the IPS bot have a voting system for marking comments? Or does it just take one user?
@Anilla No, it can take several users but it's mostely useless to vote several time (but take the time to learn when you should use "tp" and when you should use "fp" before using it)
@Anilla And yeah, French is definitively more tricky that spanish ^^
@Ælis Is French your native language?
@Anilla It is :) I also know English and Spanish
And you?
@Ælis English is my native language. I know Español decently since half my family speaks it. French is one of my favorites though. I love the way it sounds.
@Anilla A lot of people say that about the French language, we have some kind of "romantique" image ^^
@Ælis Haha yeah, Spanish too a bit. Are these people who say that from your side of the pond? Or are they often americans lol?
@Ælis I think I am just going to our secretariat and explain them that I need fine liners cause the rock has to smile! :D I am sure they will understand and then I can do that on monday x)
uh, ¿hablas español?
@Anilla It's mostly Americans people :P
@dhein Sounds like a good plan! :p
@dhein Si, y tu? Pero no soy capable de utilizar letras acentuadas (no las tengas en mi ordenador)
@Ælis No muy bien, pero si
I'd construe a Spanish sentence if I knew my grammar would be 100% on par xD I need to get better at it... family is pressuring me and plus I wanna learn too. @Ælis ahh man... us darn americans :P
@Anilla Ahah, don't worry, most of you are fine :P
@Tinkeringbell Any good link for this question? I was only able to find that has to why we don't do intrapersonal question
I had 3 years spanish lessons at school. But at that time I was really not motivated anymore to sit every day at school. And I had a quite funny spanish teacher. He made up rules like "I allow you to use cheat sheets in tests, if you write 10 copys of them and hand me over 9" or after having finished tests he just asked us to hand over our tests to the person to our left and let them correct it. He didn't even want to check the corrections.... So a few people got that and just gave each others A+'s but some bi***es were like unneccesarily strict to each other cause they didn't like and so t
Just an anectode from my past x)
@Ælis In regards to that question I kinda felt for the user. 'cause they're somewhat correct. A lot of responses on this site might seem impersonal; especially to someone with a lack of interpersonal skills. Maybe you could link your meta question from awhile back? This user might want to discuss those topics further and that could be a good fit for what they were trying to say.
@Anilla Me too. I had a lot of questions of intrapersonal base, leading to interpersonal problems. But still, we are just not the right platform for it :x
@dhein Oops! I meant to say it would be a good fit to expand upon their mentioning of the idea that people seem impersonal on the site. Darn, can't edit my message xD
@Anilla I have done so :)
Plus, I added some links I was able to find about intrapersonal questions
(but I wasn't able to find a very good one)
@Ælis Thanks! :) Also I'm curious, have any of my responses seemed slightly impersonal at all? I've recently tried adding a little "happy-flare" to things to improve... but maybe there's a few other areas I could work on?
Side Note: Someone ate my entire brioche loaf... NOOO! ;(
@Anilla Was it.... you? xP
@dhein Honestly... it very well could have been LOL. I don't remember though... probably 'cause of all these long nights xD
Are you living alone? When was the last time you saw that named suspect? Who had access to it?
If the answers are yes - not sure - just me, the case is closed xP
@dhein I have three other room-mates. Uhhh, a few hours ago. ALL OF THEM. They usually don't eat my food... but I actually baked this loaf... good chance the freshness lured them in >_<
Huh! sounds like a intense investigation should be initiated xP
Just to figure that in the end it was you :D
@Anilla Your responses sound good to me but I'm probably not the one you should ask since I tend to write in a not very personal tone (even if I still try to be nice)
@dhein I sense an IPS question coming a long... "How to launch a household investigation of brioche loaf consumption?"... with my goal being to ensure my room-mates never touch my bread again!
In all seriousness though, it could've been me taking nibbles throughout the day while not paying attention xD
@Ælis Ahh okay, thanks though. I wish the OP would be able to somehow give better dialogue on each response. It's rather difficult sometimes to know how well something actually helped them.
@Anilla .... you forgot the essential goal: so * "How to launch a household investigation of brioche loaf consumption.... without comming over paranoid?"
Your goal as you sated it might be a better fit for Law.se to get guidance how far you are allowed to go to ensure it xD
A crossplattform question on chemistry + cooking + law and soon a investigation will be running against you xD
@dhein Truth is I do get pretty paranoid about my baked goods. Being a decent cook has its perks and disadvantages XD Once your roommates smell the sweetness of brioche... they just can't resist making it disappear... Lol for cooking SE: "How to make my brioche only taste good to me?" XD
@avazula hey!
@Ælis It seems to me that would be a fruitful discussion to have on meta, migrated it there as such.
Q: What techniques could a shy person use to have a better outcome when asking questions on this SE?

Ed GrimmFor someone who is shy, interpersonal skills are always a big challenge. It's especially daunting, because there's always an intrapersonal aspect to it, which is generally much harder to overcome than the actual interpersonal issue. Stack exchange, as a whole, is a lot more hostile of a place th...

@Tinkeringbell Hey! Since it was moved to meta would you consider removing all the comments debating its fit for IPS main?
@Anilla best way to go about that is to flag the comments as "no longer needed" :)
@Mithrandir Huh, that's the way to do it aye? Haha, you've been teaching me a lot today xD Thanks!
Yeah, that way any mod will see that they've been flagged and can delete them - it's best to avoid pinging any one mod in chat for something like comment deletion
I flagged them
I already deleted the one about being off-topic ;) I'll take a closer look after I finish my answer there, I think I'd at least like to leave Ed's there, as they can be as much clarification of the question and a starting point for discussing as they are defending being posted on main :)
Thank you. Apologies if I bothered you through the pinging system; I'll be a bit more delicate next time :)
No problem :) But what Mithrandir said is true: in general, unless you need a mod really quickly, flagging is better. That way, all moderators on this site can see and handle it.
So if someone is running around posting rude stuff everywhere, feel free to ping, if there's a few comments needing cleanup, feel free to flag :)
And for everything in between... use sound judgment ;)
Oh, questions are always welcome :)
2 hours later…
Q: Knowing when you should send message instead of comming in person

ÆlisIn my day to day life, when I have a question, I like to ask the person who has the answer in person (instead of sending a slack message). One of the reasons for that is that, most of the time, I can't move on to my work without the answer I'm looking for (I'm really bad at switching task on my o...

Q: Do we want to be back on HNQ?

ÆlisNote: This is not an official question! I'm posting the same question than this one but several months later. I know that, at least some of us, are still thinking about HNQ (see here, here and there) and I'm wondering what does the community think? If we could, would we want to be back on HNQ?...

1 hour later…
A: How to designate, that I'd prefer having a conversation in english, when someone aproaches me in my native language?

virolinoAlmost all my employment happened to be with big multinational corporations. I saw this problem many times, and occasionally I was the problem. Everything I say below applies in private life as well - you just need to make minor modifications to the words, eventually. Every time, the solution wa...

Just wanted to courage you to appreciate a brilliant answer of a new contributor :)
1 hour later…
Ok folks, something really weird and funny just happened to me at noon
I went to see an osteopath because my hips have been hurting for the last weeks. I just learned that I'm currently injured on both hips ... because ... hang on ... I walk too much!
How's that possible? I thought walking was good for your health! Haha
@avazula Oo
@Ælis yeah, that surprised me too xD
@avazula Was the osteopath able to do something? Are you in less pain now?
@avazula I aren't obese, are you? 0o I mean I know that if you are heavy weigthed you shouldn't push it too much. Also I know if you have some bad aligned bones or that alike that this can lead to it. But if you have generally no other problems, this was new to me, too :o
@Ælis The osteopath is so great! We talked a lot about a lot of things. He explained a lot of things about my body, manipulated me and gave me "homework" haha. I'm still in pain but as I have two tendinitises and a sore shoulder, I'm not so surprised.
@avazula Might it be because of your sitting posture or sleeping posture?
@avazula I'm glad he was great <3
@Jasper No its because of walking too much, didn't you read what she wrote? :P
@dhein I'm not obese (anymore), but I'm still overweight. The issue with my weight is that I won 30kg in less than 6 months because of bad medication. I've lost 10 of them so far (I'm still losing 1-2kg per month) but my body may be struggling to adjust to my always-changing weight, especially because I walk a lot everyday
@dhein Yeah, but sometimes there are multiple possible causes.
@Jasper Hi. He explicitly said that it was because of too much walking.
@Jasper no offense. you are right. I just wanted to be sarcastic.
Now I need to switch to biking.
@avazula Be careful not to injure yourself somewhere else :P
@avazula Anyway, you should say 'gained 30 kg' instead of 'won 30 kg'.
@Jasper Hello to you too.
@avazula Woh, I would be sad if I couldn't walk anymore. I love hiking and its so nice, now I am living in the middle mountains of germany :)
@Ælis I'll be careful ;)
@Jasper Indeed.... As I took "winning" them as having won by loosing them :x
but meh my brain is just farting right now I think xD
@dhein I hope it's temporary. I won't walk that much anymore anyway. I'm moving out and will go to work by bus. I need to heal those muscles and normally it'll be good after that
@dhein Haha, I think you mean 'losing them' instead of 'loosing them'.
@avazula healing muscles? Thats usually not that hard, they are quite good at regenerating, or am I missunderstanding you?
@Jasper Maybe >.< xP I mean loosing them could be meant too.... And just visualizing it in my head looked quite weird xD
@dhein well, they need to rest and I have exercises to do. Maybe for relaxing them?
@dhein I see what you mean by 'loosing them', LOL.
@avazula Dunno, when I do power training in gym and my muscles just feel destroyed the next day I enjoy going just again to the gym. I know that this isn't really giving proggress, but I enjoy that. And the personal trainer here said while he wouldn't advice doing that, its at least not damaging my muscles more then they already are.
@Jasper I "saw" it too xP
@avazula Thats why I am a bit suprised that you mention long periods of rest for your muscles, as from what I know I thought muscles are generally very stress resistent
By the way, if you haven't checked the answer I linked could you please have a look on it? Not that I want to convicne you to vote. But I really feel like such a great answer deserves if not more votes, at least more attention. As its a new user on our site having made a really neat contribution with it.
Well wishing you all a nice weekend :) 0/
16 messages moved to Trash
@Rainbacon Hey there :)
Q: How to identify and approach depression or similar condition in a partner avoiding any serious conversation?

inVaderThis is my first question on the Interpersonal Skills StackExchange. I have browsed through a number of earlier questions regarding identifying and approaching depression but I have not quite found what I was looking for. In accordance with the Help Center rules I will try to make this more about...

1 hour later…
@Anilla 0++ or 00+
(those are my productive playlists)
@Anilla Epic Music, mostly. However, @El'endiaStarman 's music is mostly instrumental and orchestral... I like them but I prefer more dramatic changes and drums added, and some musical soundtracks. However recently I played a 3 hour playlist of piano covers of disney tracks, it was very calming.
i've recently liked letting youtube make a playlist for me based on what I like hearing- Audiomachine's Guardians at the Gate extended edition is my favorite to start with
@Rainbacon We built this city! ♪
Wow. I asked a question on TWP like 10 minutes ago, I already have 4 answers
They basically all tell the same thing but, heh
HNQ there you come.
@avazula This "Fattie" doesn't sound really nice :/
I already regret doing this
@Ælis I usually see comments like that from them on most of the TWP HNQ threads... :/
@avazula :( It's when I see the answers (and comments!) on TWP that I'm the most happy with your very strict moderation rules...
@Ælis Technically TWP has the same rules, so if something is rude, flag it there :)
Or no longer needed
Just remember that TWP is magnitudes bigger than IPS so they can't always keep up with stuff the way we do.
My laptop has a sticker that says IPS. Stands for in-plane switching.
@Tinkeringbell I was more thinking of the lack of "back it up" but I flagged the not very nice comment as NLL (since @ava responded to it anyway)
@Ælis TWP faq does mention back it up: workplace.meta.stackexchange.com/a/2338/74461. But it's oooold
@Tinkeringbell Hey, well, they don't really seem very strict on that...
Like I said, probably a case of sheer volume.
Even when IPS was in HNQ, we didn't even hit 10 QPD, but we weren't really able to keep up with answers.
It's Fridaaaaaaaaaay
Y'all have some exciting weekend plans?
I spent evenings going over 40 answers an evening, and seeing a lot that the community missed ;)
@scohe001 It is indeed and my day will be over in 10 minutes! \o/
@scohe001 It's spring temperatures here, so I'm going to take a walk and crochet ;)
Boo lucky :(
@scohe001 Haha :p
@Tinkeringbell hopefully not at the same time?? I can see that one not ending well...
@Ælis o//
Yeah, I walked out the door this morning and noted that the air felt kinda weird. Then I realized that the temperature was above freezing.
@scohe001 Hahaha no, two different things ;)
@El'endiaStarman It's so nice to be able to go outside without having to put on a coat!
@Tinkeringbell I guess that being out of HNQ is a very good thing then, it gives us time to "recruit" new community moderator
@scohe001 Going to a deaf chat up north at a ski mountain tonight and apparently there's a torchlight parade down the mountain, a bonfire, and fireworks :D
@Ælis That's one of it's perks, yes.
@Tinkeringbell ooh that does sound relaxing then. Do you ever crochet out in nature? Or is it only an indoors kind of activity?
@ElizB damn that sounds like a whole lot of fun!
@Ælis my day is over at work in 5 and a half hours
If you don't count lunch :(
@scohe001 I spent a lot of summers sitting in the backyard crocheting... but that's not really 'out in nature' :P
Hehe, I like to rub my "luck" in your faces :P
To be honest, if I really go out into nature I don't take my crochet, it might get dirty.
I didn't count lunch- that's only 30 minutes or so
@Tinkeringbell Eh better than nothing I guess. I was imagining more of like a hike with a picnic and some crochet. That sounds like a lot of fun
I guess that's true tho, this is delicate stuff that needs to be clean
@Ælis luke?
@scohe001 my fiancee is out of town for the weekend, so I'm going to game, and game hard
hahaha no, this is just going to be a walk. No picnics either. Just 1/1,5 hours of movement ;)
@ElizB oh dang. It's Friday tho! Team lunch will be at least an hour and a half :p
@scohe001 I'm all by myself for lunch :)
@Rainbacon ayyyy live it up while you can! Any game in particular?
@scohe001 I was for "luck", I always write this one wrong ><
@ElizB I guess that's probably more productive lol
Probably League of Legends
@Ælis ohhhh lol I wasn't sure what a "Luke" was but I wanted one too :(
@ElizB Me too, I'm working from home for the next week while my company moves offices
@Rainbacon ahh I had an old roommate who was super into that game. We'd just hear random shouted profanities every half an hour or so. It was the only indication we had that he was alive on the weekends
@scohe001 been there
@scohe001 Ahah, I guess that you are out of Luke there :P
Lol well played
@scohe001 maybe but with ADD I'm much more likely to be distracted
@Rainbacon Cool, that's nice
Oof :/
@Rainbacon I used to play, my fave character was Miss Fortune :P
but that was wayyyyyy back like 7 years ago
freshman year of college.
@ElizB Ooh, she's fun, I play a lot of Caitlyn
after a while I decided that school was more important and LoL was time consuming
@Rainbacon remind me again is that the sniper?
I barely remember much
I remember I hated teemo and Cho'gath
Yep, and good call on deciding school was more important. I know some people who got too into LoL to the detriment of their school work
@Rainbacon yeah and with a hard science major it wasn't easy on my schoolwork from the get go
1 hour later…
@ElizB That sounds like so much fun
@avazula I still have 7 hours of work today and 7 hours tomorrow (I work Saturdays) before my weekend, but this weekend is a long weekend, so that's pretty great.
@Ash I don't know whether I should write a happy or sad face
laughs well, it's my normal work schedule, so I am used to that part
@Ash I'll write a penguin then: <(")
Are Mondays part of your weekend?
@avazula I like penguins!
Me too!
@El'endiaStarman Yep, I get a SUnday/Monday weekend, and so for the long weekend I get Sun/Mon/Tues
All my Deezer playlists are pictured with penguins
@Ash what holiday is it for you? I have a long weekend coming up too, but that's President's Day which I'm guessing doesn't apply :P
They called it "Family Day" aka "we want a long weekend in February but dont' really have a good reason"
@Ash yeah I'm excited
@Ash haha, sounds like a good enough reason to me :)
Friday afternoons are a bad time to start a new user story
@Rainbacon But the best time to deploy to Prod!
That just gives me flashbacks to the time I was working on a deployment until 2am one friday night
@ElizB Thanks to you I'm watching "The dragon Prince". I like it so far :)
@Ælis yay!!! i'm excited to see the new episodes. I love General Amaya's no-bull attitude
@ElizB I didn't see General Amaya yet, but I will keep an eye out for this character ^^
@Ælis she shows up in episode 4 I believe
or 3 i'm not sure
@ElizB Well, I just saw the episode 3, so it won't be long until I see her :D
@Ælis alrighty :D
@Ælis It's such a cool show!
super accessible and understanding for many topics
This is really good :D if anyone is interested heres the link
one hour and half until I get out of here :P
@ElizB It's so close, yet so far
@ElizB About half an hour left to go here, then I can reasonably go to bed :P
@Rainbacon Tea and music is helping
@Tinkeringbell Not going to bed for probably another 7 hours haha
Hey, I have those things too! Plus a lot of chocolate that my fiancee gave me for valentine's day
@Rainbacon Chocolate- yes! I just ate two of three mini resees mini cups :P
wow, we're a lot alike haha
So it would seem
It shouldn't surprise you, after all. Great minds think alike
@Rainbacon no, i'm absolutely not surprised at all haha
Hello everyone :)
Hi @Anilla!
Hello @Anilla :)
How's it going everyone? :D I'm running on 6 hours of sleep but somehow am feeling great haha
It's going pretty good. Work week is almost over :)
@Anilla Could be that you woke up right at the end of your sleep cycle. that's happened to me before with 6 hours of sleep
@Rainbacon I'm glad to hear that :) Doing anything fun over the weekend? @ElizB I think that's what it was... a brilliant and perfect awakening time. Don't those hip sleeping apps help you do that every time? xD
Just staying in and gaming since my fiancee is out of town
@Anilla I've tried those sleeping apps and it usually fails, I just go with self discipline....
basically "mothering" myself into making sure I'm in bed by 10pm and up by 8am :)
@Rainbacon That's fun! What games do you typically play? @ElizB I've never tried them before, they seem rather pseudo-science-y IMO. I usually wake up perfectly when I have my curtains open so the sun naturally wakes me up... but since my sleep schedule is kinda off I've had them closed lol
Pretty much only League of Legends at this point. I played a lot of Halo when I was in high school and college though
@Anilla Circadian cycle usually depends on the sun so when you feel it's back, I highly recommend keeping the curtains open
@Rainbacon I've got the Halo Master Chief Collection on XBox One. :D
I don't have an XBox One, I switched to primarily PC gaming about 6 years ago
I still have my XBox 360 and an old PS2 though
@ElizB I definitely agree. I miss the warmth of the sun on my face when waking up on a cold winter morning. It's so motivating for some reason xD
@Rainbacon I've never played League before... heard good things. I tend to play Sims and Civ V... pretty basic lol
Every so often I'll fire up Minecraft again
I got my NP into Civ 6 a week or two ago and she hasn't been able to put it down :-D
@Rainbacon Ahh I loved that game when I was in HS. Modded the hell out of it. Eventually just became "have your friends mine for you and you do all the crafting" lol
@TheTinyMan I wanted to get Civ VI but the reviews scared me...
@Anilla Yeah, I'm not a morning person so either way it tells me "get your ass up"
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