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oh hi and thank you!
(belated, because of course I was immediately called out to the other room for something else :p)
Hi back (belated, because I was finishing up homework) hehehe okay I have to go to bed. Hope you have a good night! :)
haha :) you too!
3 hours later…
Morning everyone :)
@dhein Morning!
what's up?
@Anilla Sounds like you are a C coder by passion xP
@AJ Love is in the air... you know xP
Not much. just a usual day. wbu?
Trying to find a flat currently, as my trial period is soon over and it seems like they gonna keep me. So yeah, need to prepare my final relocation.... viewed 10 flats so far.... none of the landlords decided for me and the one I could have had came out to be a deal breaker since it has just a 6K Kbs connection share over a 8 parts household.... meh
Had not thought its so hard to get a flat in the area around SAP >.<
@dhein Yes it is. :P
@dhein ohh
@avazula hey there!
Hey everyone! @dhein why's it seem like I'm a C coder? Haha XD
@Anilla The need to build everything from scratch to avoid overhead is a C coders sterotype ^^
As I am one and its true for me xD
@dhein aww man. My cover's been blown! xD C is my favorite language, I won't lie. The endless optimizations and close native interface... Whew lol. If you're an over-optimizer AVOID writing in a hex code with OPT codes from a manufacture's assembly reference sheet...
@Anilla I worked once as a embedded developer. Reeding the Register manual and seeing how the chip reacts for each bit being set.... that was nice x) But debugging was quite frustrating, till I realized, that the IDE's variable watcher triggered the "on read" event in every step for the watched variables xD Was a bit weak for a 5 digit euro license per year, of an IDE specifically for embedded development ^^
But yeh I get you :P
Oh you said you are from medical background? It was a respiration device the start up I was working for worked on :)
@dhein This isn's fair xD ya'll are working on two of my favorite things (medicine and computers). I don't know too much about embedded systems, but I tried severely optimizing a lil arduino board I got... since C was too heavy when compiled for me.
@Anilla What you mean by "C was too heavy when compiled"? xD
@Anilla And well.... I WAS working in that area, currently I am just a .... assuring Softwares compliance. So kinda Quality assurance.^^
@dhein I'm not quite sure what I mean tbh. I just remember I was able to optimize my instructions better than AVR-GCC did for the Arduino. I squeezed a few more clock cycles and lightened the profile of the program itself. QA? What type of products/services are you assuring?
The whole Product portfolio of SAP. I don't know how the term for SAP's products collectively is called to be honest xD

I think it is generally a wide collection of Enterprise software solutions ^^
@dhein Ooh okay. That's pretty neat. It seems like a lot of people on this site come from some sort of technology background.
Yeah, but thats kinda plausible if you consider how most people find to the SE entwork. I'd bet most of them ended here, cause they had a programming issue, googled for solutions, found their problem on stackoverflow, after repeating this for a few times they join the community and end up finding out there are other plattforms aswell.
Thats at least my theory. And I find it sound. ^^
@dhein That's likely what it is. I knew about StackOverflow for awhile, but never realized how large and diverse the community was till I stumbled upon IPS.I've slowly found that I absolutely hate front-end development. I miss my comfy little heartless server environment. :(
@Anilla Did I get you wrong that you aren't a professional developer? If not, why don't you jsut go back to it? x)
@dhein Yea, I'm just a novice (full-stack, kinda) developer. The application I'm building for my school requires a front-end to interface with the research database so I have to make that pretty enough... before I can hug Redis again >_<
Ahhhh. So you are studying? Or what is it? '^.^
@dhein I'm actually not involved with any sort of software/CS classes. But! Since I'm able (enough) to implement these types of systems, I was given the opportunity by a student medical department to create an application to better analyze records and store information.
It's proven quite challenging, but it's helping me learn a lot! :D
Oh that's cool :)
@dhein thanks :) Have you fooled around with Redis before?
No, not at all '^.^
@AJ wow, that was too early for me to be awake ^^
@ElizB yay! thanks dear :)
and Hello everyone!
Hey you :)
Happy Valentine's day everyone! Love from the US <3
Haha, same to you :) --> From Germany :P
@avazula: Btw, having been able to fix my self esteem troubles, makes me now.... Well.... before I was someone very self confident with a lack of self esteem.... now having a healthy portion of self esteem, I feel like getting overconfident in my self x'D
@dhein maybe it's just because you're not used to it yet?
@Anilla Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Tonight we're going to watch an anticapitalist play, and I feel it's perfectly in the theme of this day haha
@avazula Maybe. But even if that's not it, I find nothing bad about it, as long I stay aware of being overconfident and act accordingly if required, I find nothing bad about it yet. And honestly.... the last 1.5 weeks were awesome so far. I had no anxietys at all, not to mention any attacks. I am waking up every morning and am happy about my life. Its such a wonderful change :)
@dhein That's great! Good for you pal!
I'm happy for you
yeh, thanks. It was just in time... I was about to head into another depression. '^.^
there is also a depressive here.
@dhein Really? Oh no :(
@CaptainBohemian Hi! Are you referring to your own experience?
@avazula no, I am just surprised that there are also depressives here. Language Overflow seems to be also frequents of depressives.
@CaptainBohemian I can't agree nor disagree, I don't know LO.SE.
Plus depression is not something you can always spot on people's face or writing ^^
@avazula Well, I think so. I was very frustrated with my self and desperate how to fix that. But now I found a way and it was live changing. Gonna see how it works in the long run, but if it keeps this way, I might have found just to my self x)
@CaptainBohemian Huh, well. How you get that finding? I haven't seen here anyone saying it as direct as I just did in my last message ^^
@avazula Ah... you made my point already.
@dhein I often see people in Language Overflow talking about their depression.
@dhein that's great
@CaptainBohemian Ah I see. you were for IPS just refering to my statement and not to a general thing. Well, as said. I wasn't, I was just about to.
@dhein Maybe it's time to make that rock smile ;p
@avazula HUH!!!! You are soooo FU***NG RIGHT ON THAT ONE!
Gonna do that tomorrow :)
Q: How to form (deeper) friendships instead of only acquaintances?

SuimonLately I feel like all the people I meet (may it be new people, people I have not seen in years, people in the gym or at work) only get and stay acquaintances to mine. I don't have a huge friend group and would enjoy forming new friendships, going out more with people, etc. What is the key of tu...

1 hour later…
Uhm, has anyone of you yet ever experimented with the SO database?
I am wondering if it also contains deleted posts.
@dhein I would say it does since a delete post continue to be visible to any user with enough rep
@dhein SO database as in 'Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE)'?
@Tinkeringbell nah, the public backup of stackoverflow
public backup?
Never heard of that...
I'm learning something new here :) Where do I find that?
@Tinkeringbell data dump
That same data dump goes into SEDE?
I believe so.
Ah. Then it doesn't hold deleted questions :D
Well, the data dumps are, if I'm understanding correctly, static - there's a new dump every now and then, while SEDE is updated every week. So the old dumps might have posts that, by now, have been deleted.
I'm not sure what I thought I read, or more importantly, why I thought that. I can't remove my downvote without an edit. Apologies. — bruglesco 2 mins ago
#20977 bruglesco (588 rep) | A: How to tell people to stop aggrandizing my allergies? (score: 0) | posted 27 hours ago by Astralbee (24062 rep) | Toxicity 0.12231422 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Morning everyone!
I wish it was afternoon here too
@Rainbacon Hello, I hope you slept better this night :)
@Ælis I did.
@Rainbacon good afternoon!
or should I say ... good after-AElis?
@avazula Hehe :D
@avazula yes, I love it
If I post...
Then I can say:
Good after-Me!
Oh darn I missed my joke, I wanted to just say "good AElis". shoot haha
@avazula Do you mean that it's always Ælis in some part of the world? Because it's currently not Noon in France (even if Noon is, indeed, in France) :p
@Ælis ooh, that's smart too. No, I wanted to say "good AElis" instead of good afternoon, because it's the afternoon here, and that you used to come by the name of Noon. But I failed my joke :p
Morning all!
But what about when it's noon for Noon in France?
@avazula I believe it worked anyway :)
@ElizB Ah finally, another human experiencing the pain of mornings
I believe we're in the same time zone haha
@Rainbacon Then you have a Me^2 :p
@ElizB Hello :)
@ElizB Yes, and it's nice to have another person in my timezone. I said good morning, but everyone here at the time was in Europe
Hello :)
@Ælis That's what happens when my coworker with the same name is in the office
@Rainbacon Yup I can relate
@Rainbacon Hehe :p
In college I had a class where Me^4 happened
Haha wow that's confusing
In a class of 20 we had 7 students with one of 2 names
4 of me and 3 of another
@Rainbacon Wow, that's a lot of dimensions! Congrats for being a hypercube! :p
That's fun hehe confuse everyone
My professor read the roll call and told us that our parents had conspired against her
@Rainbacon Haha x) Did you use nicknames instead then?
Not really. My friend with the same name as me had a nickname that we used, but that predated the class and only the students called him by it
My mom calls me "chiffon", which litteraly means "rag"
^ That
My mom once called me T-Bone (that's our dog's name)
And my sisters call me "Aha" (it began when we couldn't pronounce the V as children so they used to call me "Aha" instead and it sticked)
My parents just run through all four names (plus sometimes those of their siblings...) until they find the right one.
@Mithrandir Heh, my grandparents do that too, they somehow can't recall my name :p
@Mithrandir that's what my mom does, and sadly the dog's name comes before mine somehow
My mom calls me "ma douce" ("my gentle") when I'm angry/grumpy ><
Well, what was the context? Was she yelling at you? If so, that means she's more used to yelling at the dog :p
@Mithrandir That's exactly what my mom did for me and my two other siblings but never for my little brother
@avazula my mom pretends to not recall my name, and says "Hey, you... who are you again??" hehe
@ElizB haha
@avazula she does that way too many times and one sister lives in another state but my mom often calls me her name not mine :P
in my defense, that sister got in trouble A LOT. so that might be why she's first most of the time
I'm chilling in the classroom myself i like having it to myself
playing music semi-quietly from my phone speaker
This Is Me :)
@ElizB I'm personally blocked on RP'sDG music haha
It motivates me when I have to debug
@avazula Who?
Rupaul's drag race :3
Now it's various country songs like Carrie Underwood's "Church Bells"
@avazula ahhh gotcha thats fun
my last entries in my "favs" playlist are quite ... eclectic.
There's pop, rap, Styx and Rupaul.
That contrasts a lot with the usual metal
yeah I haven't listened to any of it. Oh, good opening medley from Happy Feet 2 :P I'm addicted to this one
May I ask for you to take a look at this answer from the workplace? I really like it (it's backed up with personal experience!) but I'm hesitating to accept it (since I don't know if this will work for me, since I didn't try yet) but I would still like it to be at the top of the list. So, you know, vote if you like it ^^
Oh, do you see my rep number? it's "7890" \o/
@Ælis I think it's a great answer. I haven't looked at the others yet, though
1 hour later…
I sent a message to my manager saying that I won't be able to be there for the company meal next week (monday) and he responded with "ho, ben alors" which I don't know how to translate from French (@ava might know?) and I'm also unable to understand it's meaning in French since it's a written message without any voice indication... ><
@Ælis "ha, well, ok"
But I'd understand it negatively personally. Like "ha, well... that's a shame"
@avazula But it could also be "ho, ben alors ?" which won't translate like that at all
I'm not familiar with French colloquialisms, but if someone said that exact translation in English, I'd think they were being a little condescending
@Rainbacon In French, "ho, ben alors" is more often use toward children, so...
Oh, I just assume any phrase that is used specifically with children is condescending (but that might just be me having a strange world view)
@Ælis I thought the French would follow the English and spell mom as mum instead of the Americans. =)
@Rainbacon Now that I think of it, it's more a sentence that you say to people who you are very close to or children
@Ælis yeah, but that's actually the missing question mark that makes me think it's negatively intended
@Ælis I used to try to make my rep on every site a multiple of 5. =)
@Jasper I follow no one rules! :P (I watch a lot of American show so, even though we learn the English of England in France, I tend to use some American words instead of the English version of them, unless my spelling checker correct me)
@Jasper I have a strong preference for "0", same number repeated several time "777" or a suite of number "1234"
My favourite number is 23.
I see 23 on many watch advertisements and on many T-shirts. I don't know why they like it too.
@Jasper I think I read somewhere that something like 80% of watch advertisements have the watches set to 10:23 am
@Rainbacon Oh, I didn't hear that. But it seems to me the time looks more like 10.10 most of the time!
@Jasper I love "7" because it's the magical number. I also love "8" because if the symmetry of it
@Rainbacon I back up this. My phone theme proposals all are set at 10:23
@Jasper 10:10 is very common, yes.
Haha, so we now have 10.10 and 10.23
I think that article gives a lot of good reasons for choosing 10.10
My manager just asked me if I could free myself for the company meal on Monday. I said it would be difficult and then propose to him to talk about this on Monday (since he will be physically at the office). So now everything is set and I will have to tell him on Monday that I'm on the autism spectrum, that I'm currently waiting for the "handicap worker recognition", that I have tiredness issues and that this is why I won't be able to join on Monday. I hope everything will go well #*fingercross*
*crosses fingers*
Good luck @Ælis
Thanks people :)
1 hour later…
Should I call or text a long distance partner for valentines day if we've mostly been texting thus far?
I'd call or leave a voicemail or at the very least send some kind of voice message over text
Show that it's a special occasion by doing something special
I would say that it probably depends on your relationship to them
But @Rain's right, that's just what I'd do in my relationship
To me, being in a LDR for years, we don't really do much in regards to Valentine's day, it's not our jam
So....it depends if they care? Like for me, sending a text would be enough
How long have you been together? How serious is the relationship? You said you've mostly been texting thus far, which sounds to me as if maybe your relationship is newish
We've been texting almost daily for a few months and we met up twice to spend the day together.
In that case I'd default to what Ash said about it depending on if they care
How do I find out if they care? Text them and see if they get mad? Probably too late to have a broader discussion with them about such things right now.
Do you know how they feel about other holidays? Or Birthdays? Or special occasions in general?
It's difficult to say without knowing this person
@NotThatGuy Maybe send them a cute Valentin day picture? This way you are doing something a little bit "special" but not too different from usual
Or like...just a generic "happy valentine's day" with like maybe a heart emoji or two if that's your jam idk
good afternoon :)
Good afternoon!
Anybody have valentine's day plans tonight?
back from classes, and just giving my brain a break.
@Rainbacon I already gave @El'endiaStarman a card and a Time magazine valentines day special about the science behind love :)
That sounds nice!
i skimmed it and it talks a bit about brain science, shows statistics of what people are attracted to, how to have good sex, how to do pick up lines haha
@Rainbacon I'll probably be up late typing, but that's about it...
Sounds like good reference material for IPS answers sometime
Need to do homework, clean the apartment as promised, and find out what my plans are tomorrow night
Good luck! I cleaned my apartment last night. It was a lot of work
nice, i am doing it step by step
so i don't overwhelm myself
It had been far to long since I'd done a major cleaning, so it took longer than it should have if I was better at remember to clean
make lists
that's what helps
I said "i'll do this part tonight, do that tomorrow, then do this on saturday"
el'endia said what he will do and when
I was feeling overwhelmed and it didn't help that I was moody for some reason
so he suggested I write it down
@ElizB this helps me a lot
@scohe001 yup it works
Having something to check off as I'm going makes me feel a lot more accomplished
just find the kind of lists you like and go with it
Yeah, I have a checklist of 19 things for my current work task. There were a lot of things to add and it was getting difficult to keep track of them all mentally.
Yeah, I have multiple classes to keep track of
@ElizB I heard cookies are a good way of tracking stuff...
and tasty as well
@Tinkeringbell hehe yeah
@Tinkeringbell ooh that's smart. Give a baby a cookie and then you just have to follow the crumbs to find them!
Too bad babies are constantly clearing your cash :(
haha yeah
@scohe001 You do know how that worked out for Hansel und Grethel, right? :P
Eh then you just need a cat to keep the birds away!
@scohe001 [facepalm]
hehe so many wonderful puntastic people here
I appreciate all of you and your puns
I appreciate "I" as well, not just "U"
(I'm sorry, that was awful, but I couldn't think of anything better that quickly)
@Mithrandir Reminds me of a lame Valentine's day pun: Urinal my thoughts!
I've been trying to work up a pun for 'incognito,' something about watches being neato, but I'm having no luck :-p
@Tinkeringbell oh dear
@TheTinyMan Incognito ergo sum? I am anonymous
@Rainbacon Guy Fawkes mask goes here
@Tinkeringbell bahaha
@TheTinyMan "My watch keeps messing up the time, is it that 'cog-awesome' you were talking about last time that's broken again? Or was it 'cog-cool?'" "Nah, your issue is definitely incognito this time." <- the best I can do
@scohe001 That's... probably not worse than what was kicking around my head. ;-)
"Oh, the lice eggs have gotten in the gears again. Who keeps taking my watch?"
I have just discovered that it is difficult to write something set in a school setting when I have never attended school.
I... am not 100% sure how it works :P
There's bullying, a mean teacher and a classroom with too little fresh air? :P
@Mithrandir Simple, it doesn't
Oh just make all the older kids bully the younger kids and the teachers not care about the students at all. Isn't that how YA fantasy novels are supposed to work? /s
@Rainbacon nicely played
It's not like the characters I'm not sure about; it's that I don't know exactly how like classes are structured, or the order of the day, etc etc etc
@Mithrandir That differs a lot based on country and even type of school.
@Mithrandir The order of the day varies
Same with class structure
I figure I'll just see what comes out :P
And even some schools (including one I went to) have/had a different ordering of classes each day. As in, some class would be in the "A" period and that period would be at different times throughout the week.
@Mithrandir reminded me of a question I was gonna ask ya'll xD... In my writing, does it seem like I overuse the semicolon? haha
You see, for me, I go "it's midnight, time to start studying"... can't do that with a school ;)
@Mithrandir Sure you can, it's called university
@Anilla What does overusing a semicolon even mean? Most people don't even know how they work :P
(warning: exaggeration may be present)
@Anilla I don't think so, but I'm a programmer, so I think a lack of semicolons is weird
I know I overuse commas :P
Funny, I underuse them
@ElizB You mean "I know, I overuse commas :P"?
@Mithrandir I'm not entirely sure. I've seen people who edit my questions specifically target my semicolons. Perhaps overusing is to the point where someone doesn't understand the transition from one part to another?
I once had a manager tell me to "throw some commas in sometimes"
I've always had a knack for run on sentences
I happen to like semicolons...
@scohe001 hahaha i know that means differently than what I just said
@Rainbacon oh gosh me too. Deaf people have a knack for run on sentences......
Also, when I've made edits with a semicolon ('cause it would fit in perfectly), people seem to not enjoy it too much. I guess it formalizes their question too much?
Oh dear, does that mean I'm deaf but nobody ever told me?
*checks current writing project* Hmm, only one semicolon in 3,700 characters. I'll have to put in more...
in deaf culture, we tell the story first then get to the point. Hearing culture you get to the point then add the story haha
Oh wow, I'd fit in well in deaf culture then
most deaf people can't stop chatting haha
@Anilla A bunch of people don't get how semicolons work. That might be why they remove them.
there's always a group saying bye then slowly leaving
@Rainbacon perhaps you will! have you learned any sign languages?
Run on sentences are so prevalent on this site haha. That's why I try bringing my semicolon army to fight them xD
@Mithrandir I guess that's why then. Big shame IMO :P
I haven't yet, I need to get on that
In spoken word we have different tones to how we say things that alters the meaning, is there anything like that for sign languages?
@Anilla Also, some style guides do encourage never using semicolons and instead splitting it onto two sentences.
@Rainbacon tones=facial expressions.
Or body language.
@Mithrandir Yeah, I agree. Sometimes they fit in well and other times... not so much. Do you write frequently? :P
That depends on how you define "write".
I use chat a lot ;)
I don't write formally too often; that's basically limited to SE meta posts at the moment. I did just start a (fiction) writing project, though - I had a stroke of inspiration and wanted to jump on it ;)
@Mithrandir Ooh, I just thought maybe you wrote for something since you mentioned a "writing project".
I've taken proofreading and editing jobs in the past a couple times (I'd like to do more, but not many folks are willing to hire teenagers).
My current project starts like this:
> Bailey Green chewed on her lip, nervously curling a lock of hair around her finger. Butterflies were migrating in her stomach, making her wonder if she was going to throw up.
It’ll be fine, she told her stomach. Her stomach didn’t care.
(Also, I have a tendency to monologue in chat at times.)
@Mithrandir damn, her stomach and mine would be good friends
@Mithrandir Love the start! Would be interested in reading more lol. @scohe001 me too. Me too.
@avazula you might like this resource for learning sign language too lifeprint.com/index.htm
I'm about 650 words in, so... I'm going to go work on that more now. :P
@Mithrandir What's the direction you're trying to take your story towards? What's the overall theme/setting going to be around?
Plz say stomachs
Oh you can edit chat messages!!! Why don't we have this in iMessage/texting? :(
I, uh, don't entirely know yet. "coming of age", I suppose
@Anilla only for two minutes though (unless you're a mod)...
@Anilla I know, when I discovered this i was so happy! :D
One of the biggest features that's lacking in e.g. FB Messenger.
@Mithrandir That sounds pretty neat. Keep me updated if you'd like! I love following writing developments lol. @ElizB, hey! any interesting teas today? :o
@El'endiaStarman yup, agreed
@Anilla Sure!
@Anilla I had matcha last night, and my reishi/lions mane mushroom tea today. :D
@avazula This might help if you want to do self study self study course
@Anilla Interesting enough? :P
@ElizB huh, I'd say so! XD I've never heard of the mushroom tea before... that sounds far too exotic for my American taste hahaha... Where'd you get it?
@Anilla at a farmers market- this company sells mushrooms and makes tea and various spices and stuff from them Mariaville Mushroom Men
I've met Allison personally and she's the sweetest person
I know that it helps market the mushrooms but seriously the mushrooms are amazing. I have now in my fridge sauteed cinnamon caps, pioppinos, and shittake mushrooms that are delicious
@ElizB haha thanks for sharing the link! So this company sells mushrooms and teas? What does the one you have taste like? You're making me hungry xD
@Anilla The tea has a mild, earthy flavor that is something like green tea but sweeter... hard to describe. I have one cup (6oz) a day, and it's supposed to help with focus and brain function plus the antioxidants and good stuff in it is pretty good for immune system and stress relief
and I've done my research and it seems valid, despite being under-studied
I also have Chaga tea which is another type of mushroom but I quickly discovered that it's got a pretty good diuretic effect.... and I drank well above 10 oz in a big mug
the recommended serving size was 6-8 oz
@ElizB That actually sounds nice. What made you go so big with the Chaga tea? Haha why 10oz instead of the usual 6/8oz?
She likes using the bigger mugs instead of smaller teacups.
@El'endiaStarman yup. Big mugs = more tea :D but in this case more chaga tea = More bathroom time! :P
@El'endiaStarman ahh that's fair. I find myself drinking tea (or any beverage really) just to add a bit of kick to my work. Helps me focus and keeps my ADHD in check xD
Lions mane would probably help- it's supposed to repair neural pathways - basically help brain function improve
plus the mushroom itself tastes like crabmeat and has texture like it
it's really weird but yummy
@ElizB that does sound weird. Maybe I should try it sometime. I'm in a bit of a strange spot since ADHD medications only give me anxiety and actually don't really help me focus. Perhaps tea is the way to go lol
@Anilla I've tried adderall for my ADD and it made me depressive as F***. Hated it.
@ElizB me too. I tried the generic for it I think. After the end of the day was in tears. Never. Again. LOL
most medication made me lose appetite and I'm on the edge of being called underweight because of my low BMI
I think I have some kind of fast metabolism thing going on where I don't store as much fat no matter what I eat, I know I am grateful for it but it means I need to watch my weight so it doesn't dip under 100
25 years old, 5'3, and I think I'm at 110-115 now
so that's pretty close to underweight :P
@Anilla I tried it for 3 weeks. First week was better but the rest was crap.
@ElizB Yea, the medications can really ruin an appetite. I think I have a high metabolism too... so I really need to watch my weight. I'm not too keen on being so thin, makes me insecure lol
@Anilla yeah just not feeling good in general makes me insecure
@ElizB Mhm, it's true. Hard to feel secure when you're not at 100%.
@Anilla I remember during my finals in my undergrad I would actually lose weight because I was so stressed
Now i'm much better about watching my stress levels during midterms and finals
sleep and food is key :) Speaking of food, time for dinner! :P
@ElizB I sleep and eat decently... any other tips for not stressing too much about uni? Lol, it's been pretty rough this semester so far.
completely agree with your first point; never underestimate the importance of convenience — BKlassen 2 mins ago
#20988 BKlassen (1141 rep) | A: Asking people to meet outside of work/gym/etc (score: 0) | posted 5 hours ago by Ælis (5390 rep) | edited 3 minutes ago by BKlassen (1141 rep) | Toxicity 0.052776787 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
@Mithrandir Oh... you can talk to the bot? :o
Note: If <botname> is the only argument, it can be ommitted and the command will be seen by all bots. If <botname> is "*" all bots will repond as though they've been mentioned.

!!/on <botname> - Turns on the bot (if it isn't already on)
!!/off <botname> - Turns off the bot. When the bot is off, it will only respond to !!/on.
!!/notify <botname> <type> <on/off> - Turns notifications on or off. Currently there are two types: "regex", and "magic"
!!/alive <botname> - It'll tell you if it's alive
!!/reports <botname> - It'll tell you what the current reporting settings are for the current room
@Anilla Make lists and dedicate time blocks to doing stuff
@Anilla yup you can haha
@ElizB I think that's what I need to do lol. I created a calendar schedule for myself this semester (for the first time)... life saver.
@Anilla I use google calendar for all my tasks, classes and reminders
My goal for tonight was 1,000 words. Just noticed I did 1,111. I like that number :P
Make a wish?
Also good stuff on being productive!!
and it's only 1:20AM
@ElizB Ah, that must be nice since it's all cloud based. I was slightly irritated at my computer calendar for receiving the "Valentine's Day tomorrow" notification lol. It's like macOS wanted to rub in that I'm single haha. @Mithrandir look at you! Good job!
@Anilla yeah, so I can sync to my phone then whatever reminders I put down during the day I can look at and make sure I get it done when I get home

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