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2 hours later…
Q: How do I apologize to my girlfriend after she said her heart is broken?

VahnI and my girlfriend are in our 25's. We live in the same city in Indonesia. Recently, our relationship hit a problem. Last night, we chating about our goals. I really like to her to be my wife. As a man looking for a wife, I think its normal for me to know about her better. We spoke about her p...

5 hours later…
Morning :)
Q: Did I see a mentionable event this morning?

ZaibisAround 6.15am (GMT + 1) this morning I was looking out of my window heading somewhat north and looked into the sky, when I saw something one would probably call a shooting star. the features were of a magnitude I havent by far ever seen before. From my view frame it moved from my right to my left...

Thats so cool :)
@dhein Wahoo, nice!
Also, I here to share my sadness with you all. I can't vote on Neurodiversity anymore :"(
(I already use all my votes)
oh that is sad
@Ælis me too, don't worry :p
anyone good at comfronting people?
@Rainb what's happening pal?
A general pattern in life.
I just cant express myself
at least when it is worth it.
But 3 hours later I am like, oh I know what I should have said
You struggle with expressing emotions?
I guess expressing most things
I don't know how to keep convs with people.
So people ask me stuff and I am like, let me think about it, and I just answer
I see. Do you know why you struggle keeping it on? Is it because you don't know what to say, or more specifically how to say it?
or something else maybe
I guess both
I am going to give you an example
other: How are you?
Instead of saying good, I just reflect on how I am feeling which can take a while, then I express it, if I don't know how I am feeling then I just say I dont know right now.
conversations don't last long enough then I reflect on how I am feeling and then It's okay
the problem is taking so long to figure out what to answer
I see. Have you ever heard of alexithymia?
I think it's partially covering what you describe
actually no
Maybe this could help you? medium.com/@sonyahallett/…
I'm sorry, I'm off for coffee break, I'll be right back! :)
I will be busy reading the blogpost thank you
I want to upvote this answer for the second part but I can't fully agree on your first part. If someone brings up that they feel discriminated against then I sure am entitled to receive an example of such discrimination. I do however agree with you that it's important not to dismiss any weak example as non-important since it's the combination of countless tiny things that make up the discrimination these days. — Imus 26 secs ago
#20884 Imus (3420 rep) | A: Asking questions about sexism without sounding like I'm... 'part of the problem'? (score: 3) | posted 10 hours ago by Ælis (5044 rep) | Toxicity 0.27868447 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@avazula Yeah but now I can't upvote @EmC good question :(
@Marcus Hi there! Long time no see :)
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
I agree that the open discussion is the better way to go. However, I can't help but remark that some teams/developers/companies suffer from a toxic change-resistant environment, where opening a discussion topic leads to conflict and leads to any intended change being shelved because it creates animosity. I'd suggest to tailor the approach to the environment. — Flater 14 secs ago
#20839 Flater (5706 rep) | A: How to introduce change in a process while avoiding conflict? (score: 2) | posted 4 days ago by Llewellyn (159 rep) | Toxicity 0.08895146 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
@Rainb what did you think about it?
I am not sure if I agree 100%
it is not that I am incable of doing it
it is just that I take long amounts of time
kinda like retardation
ok, I see. I just realized that I got confused with you an another user with a similar username. If you don't mind me asking, are you on the autistic spectrum?
I don't know
ok :)
This was funny wasn't it.
I'm sorry, the confusion made me tackle the issue while taking autism into account. The article may help but it's true it's very focused on the autistic conneciton
I might share some traits but I don't share other traits of autism
I see.
I read that autistics are not ok with change, actually not many people like change, but I don't mind it.
and I don't have tics, are you on the autism spectrum?
I'm autistic, indeed. But you know, even if these are traits that are commonly shared by autistic people, not all do. There's a saying "if you met one autistic person, you met one autistic person", i.e. just as neurotypical people, we're all unique. There are autistic people obsessed with order and routines and others like to live in a mess and don't like schedules.
I am very not organized or clean
like most people, which I find ok
For instance, I can't stick with using planning tools. My job requires that I use stuff like JIRA and such so I force myself to use them, but it exhausts me :p
I have heard about jira a lot.
What do you have to do in jira
I am sure it is boring but I am curious
@Rainb Basically, plan and report everything that I need to do/ have done
What if there is no plan
@Rainb then it results in an endless reporting stream of mails and my team doesn't want that
I am a student
and I am unemployed, but if I did work, I don't know if I want to be my own boss or just drone someones instructions
I am not a good leader, so it is hard for me to work on groups
so following that logic, I am not sure what I would do in your place because I can't plan my own day 😂
@avazula how dare you mark my comment as chatty! I mean, it's true, but still!
@Imus no offence pal, I just want cookies ;)
oh wait, wrong linked thing. But my point holds :)
sends avazula a cookie A colleague treated us some for his birthday. Might as well spread the joy here ^^,
@Imus Yay! Cookie! ♥
@Rainb To be fair, that all depends pretty much on the intepretation of "change" the devil sits in the detail. I just moved 700km for a new job recently build up a complete new social circle around me and all that belongs to it and it was exciting and almost no stress at all. But small things, like a cleaning service regulary changing the alignment of stuff on my desk... that bugs the hell out of me.
so big change = good
small change = OCD PANIC
Also for the tics... I didn't have them either, for reasons from my childhood. So I had recently learned how to make use of the positives of having such tics, and learning it in a socially acceptable manner, what is a great add to my life :P
What do you mean using tics in a socially acceptable manner?
@Rainb As said, that differs from autist to autist. And also depends on what each individual person udnerstands in small change and big change.
I am quite sure other autists would feel quite uncomfortable with the steps I took :P
I don't care about the order of things unless I have to find something
and then I am extremely annoyed and suspicious who took my stuff!
I would say I am normal in this sense, I hope at least
@avazula The reason why I don't like jira is.... not because I don't like the mentality of such tools, but because.... JIRA feels so.... intuitive. That wouldn't mean I wouldn't like an good alternative to it. I mean the idea behind it is generally good. Do we agree on that ava?:P
@Rainb Well, I wouldn't say I am unnormal xP
Are you saying you don't like JIRA because it is so intuitive?
So would you rather use something more cryptic and complex?
JIRA can be great if setup correctly or a pain in the *** if it only gives you extra overhead on otherwise simple tasks
unintuitive* -.- stupid correction tool...
why do everyone knows jira
Now I want to use it too, so I don't feel left out and feel feelings of belonging.
because it's a mostly useful tool in most busenisses where you want to have lots of people loosely working together
and also for working tightly together ...
probably cause it is a "to be known all over" in IT buisness ^^
it does everything!
@Imus everything? :o So it will replace me one day? :O
jira wont
ok, not literally everything ...
but it will help replacing you
*note to self: be exact when talking with autists
@Rainb I don't have tics. But I stim. A lot. But it seems to be discrete because when I told my coworkers Monday, they said they didn't even notice.
and it will free you for the burden of work
@Imus Made my day '^.^
@dhein I don't like it either. But I have to use it. So ...
@avazula Got that one. I rather ask for the why than for the if :P
I don't know how you can communicate unexactly, I guess one trait it is that I like to be very literal
I mentioned getting a state-acknowledged autism diagnosis to my partner yesterday, and they asked why it'd be important for me to get one, as I already know I'm autistic. I'm dreaming of getting special accommodation at work ...
because when there is a lot of ambiguity I don't know what I should interpret it as
Like, noise-cancelling headset, a small office, and custom timetables (e.g., starting at 6 and leaving at 2)
that should be for everyone tbh
@Rainb So you're saying you don't like it when people say things that can be taken in both a normal and a really sexual way?
@Imus yes
@avazula argh.... the reaction it self would already bug me if my SO asked that.... Even fi well intended >.>
@Rainb yeah, but you know... it's not that easy to get accommodation in my country
even as an allist, so ..
But those are the most fun things to talk about at work here XD. Where you say things that should only be taken the non-sexual way because we're at work... and than you try to one-up the other person to make it sound even more sexual
it's hilarious XD
@avazula no you see, I find it is a good idea, and you know even good ideas have to be sold.
So go to your ceo and promise better productivity, use charts and slides
I am kidding by the way
@Rainb It is not that easy. This would generally raise the question "How so?" and be disputed. Even if you come up with autism in the reasoning, that will most likely not understood.
@Rainb hugh facepalm
Yes you would need to do your research and arguments
ask possible pitfalls and build counterarguments in your head so when you get asked such questions you will know how to answer
@Rainb You can research as much as you want if others aren't openminded towards the topic you want to introduce to them.
@dhein You can't expect people to take "autism" as the explanation. Take that as the cause of your strenghts and weaknesses and explain those and how certain changes at work can compensate for your weaknesses or reinforce your strenghts
you can also use stories to provide emotional support for your idea
This is Paul
He works all day at boring stuff but he cant concentrate because x, y, z
then this happens
and now everythnig is good
@Imus Don't get me wrong, I am quite good at this. But still if there is ignorance/inacceptance in place, you can do what ever you want, you wont archieve anything.
Sadly have to agree with you on that one
and ultimately if you cant sell this idea to your bosses, you can try doing it to different companies
@Rainb Technically you are right and thats what I did in the end. But still, you are oversimpifying it. It isn't that easy, especially if you have just a limited capability to keep up with your all day dutys.
Yeah, I know
I am just making a fantasy
Then you should disclaim that. Otherwise I take what you write at face value xP
but I am technically correct
the best kind of correct
@Imus so I am just curious how this works
what do you mean one-up the other person to make it sound even more sexual
@Rainb Technically you are, practically there are so many intra- and inter-personal factors making it less easy ;)
@Rainb I was wondering somewhat the same. I would feel quite uncomfortable trying something like that at work and were worried coming over sexist '^.^
It's cultural, probably.
@avazula By the way, how it comes you use that term now sometimes too? Did the article convince you? I love to see you using it :)
I feel I have theory of mind failures the whole time
@Rainb: Have you ever considered making an appointment with an professional therapeut? Autism or not, you mention here jsut in that short time quite a few things that bother you about your self. Maybe you should find someone who is trained in helping you with such worries? As our knowledge here is very limited.
Oh yes, the problem is that for most things I have to talk through the phone
it's really dumb
yeeeh v.v
I had that once and it was really unsatisfying, I felt like being fully misunderstood.
But still, why then not try to find someone doing it in person?
I am scared of talking on the phone I guess
like idk
what do I even say
I feel like when I speak on phone I make many mistakes
and the person on the other side is just annoyed to death
Well thats the good thing about professional therapists: If they do their job well, you don't have to worry what to tell, cause they will ask for what they need to know ;)
and they just have to cope with me calling them
@Rainb Then again: Why don't you just try to find someone doing it in person?
well to do that I have to call numbers
I think
I mean
at least the ones that my insurace covers
But in the end, even if you annoy them, it is their job they decided to practicate. So they have their reasons why it is ok for them being annoyed, if they are at all.
you mean calling them to make appointments?
omg you are right
I think my biggest problem is I am afraid to annoy people a lot.
Just stand it out one time and try to make new appointments with the therapist whenever you are there anyways. Thats the way how I do it with mine and I rarely have to call for rearranging appointments at all.
why dont they do chats like these D:
it would just be more easy and stuff
@Rainb I know what you mean. But keep in mind, if it si someones job listening to you, they get paid for it. So even if you indeed annoy them, they get money for it so they have to accept it ;)
Yeah, thanks for making me feel entitled to annoy therapists.
you are welcome :D
@dhein I'm using it from times to times, mainly because it's shorter :p
I still hate that ambivalence "auto"/"others" and what it implies but I see the utility in using it
what is allist
> English
Alternative forms
Etymology 1
all +‎ -ism coined by David Lewis in his 1989 paper "Noneism or Allism?"

Allism (uncountable)

(metaphysics) A belief in the existence of all possible entities including past and future things or unactualised possibilities.
Etymology 2
all +‎ -ism Coined by Peter van Inwagan in 2009.

Allism (uncountable)

(theology) The denial of creationism in all its forms (including intelligent design) and the assertion that evolution alone is responsible for the diversity of all living creatures.
I just read that parody
I feel like this should be studied tho
Q: Could we invite hurting users to come discuss it in chat?

avazulaWhat brings me to ask this question today is because I recently created a Stack Exchange proposal which scope may partially overlap the IPS scope. One of the proposal's followers raised that concern and I was dazzled by that answer to the question: [...] When unsuspecting users wander into th...

because it really feels like they are on another planet o.o
@Rainb who?
@avazula Fair enough :P Thats one of my favorite reasons too. Its just not the one I use to convince others xD
@avazula Here again: I never said it is perfect. I just think that NT/AT isn't actually so much better at all.
@Rainb and which? 0o
@dhein I understand. I think we have different opinions on that point. RN I like ND/NT, but that's a personal choice :)
@Mithrandir You sure this is the right refference? :o
@avazula Yeh, we agreed on that already :P
1 hour later…
Haha the fireball I saw this morning became a literal HNQ :D
Ehhh... never heard it in that context either.
Also googling that martin zefram seems more like he is an IT engineer. So I am kinda curious how it comes an IT engineer publishing such a text 0o
@Rainb: crackedmirrorinshalott.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/… This is actually explaining the source and terminology Ava was using.
That dude actually drives me mad.... he has no degree in anything, is an professional IT engineer with autism himself if trusting his website and he dares to publish such a paper... wtf....
it seems it is just a neologism, so I fear that if you talk with people on the academy they might see you as a quack or something
but that can change too
let's see if it gets traction, I don't think so.
...the Rains have started taking over TAS...
Oh no, rain.... :P
I was here first tho
Well, sort of
I've been hanging out in this chat room for a while, but I was asleep until about an hour ago
oh yes you are right
you were here before
I can see in the "chat user since" attribute
therefore I am newest
@Rainb No idea what you mean and who is supposed to be a quack ^^
ugh nevermind.
Ducks. Ducks are quacks.
20 days left for download to complete
@Rainb That's so fast. I once had a download get into the 200s of days
oh nice
did you download it
No, I gave up
That was several years ago. If I'd left it running then it might be done by now
damm, I guess if you had so much data to download there should be a server as interface to use it
It was a torrent
was it a collection
like old snes games or songs
of millions of files
yeah, I think it was episodes of a tv show, but I don't remember for sure
I see, I guess you could have just looked for a stream..
sure it is not the best quality
but it takes less than 200 days
True, but this was probably 12 years ago or so
my download speed varies from 30KB/s to 1 MB/s
it drives me mad
ok, I admire your replies on this forum sometimes
I'm talking to all of the ips community
Good morning :)
Q: Please tell me why this 100% valid Answer was deleted. Please be specific

Johns-305Approach friends about getting un-invited last minute with terrible communication and rude behavior? Yep, here we go again. I want to know exactly, other than obvious personal and competitive issues, why this perfectly valid and complete Answer was wrongly Deleted. Be specific, if you can. Bu...

If I could upvote an edit, I would definitively upvote @HDE one
imagine if there was a chatbot that talked to him the rules
Oh, Hi @ElizB. I didn't see your greeting because of the meta post
if such a chatbot existed, lawyers would be replaced by machines
@Rainb I'm wondering whether someone ever tried to use machine learning in law
that would be sooo controversial
@Ælis HDE is a great mod. I'm always amazed how how level-headed they manage to stay
I am sure machines would dissect and detect hypocrisies and logical contradictions in the law
then law might become even more obtuse and obscure, I think
@avazula I think they did in the US. Turns out the A.I. was as biased and racist as real judges
@Rainb Given that you can't have a complete axiomatic system without contradictory statements such a system would be impossible.
@sphennings I think too.
@Ælis AI is all about recognizing patterns. If you train it on on a biased system, it's going to turn out just as biased as that system
@Rainbacon I don't see them moderating on IPS much but I find their intervention on this specific topic really good indeed
@Ælis That wasn't as much the legal system as whole as specifically a system for determining flight risk before trial. IIRC.
@Rainbacon Yeap
@sphennings Oh right, but still
was the AI accurate tho
@Rainb What do you mean?
@Rainb it sure was accurate to the data it was fed with
@Ælis Accuracy in predicting flight before trial.
@Rainb More to the point it had a distinct racial bias, which means that it shouldn't be used as part of the US legal system.
I don't care about shoulds or shouldn'ts, I was just asking about the accuracy of it..
the problem with current machine learning is that you truly have no control of other parameters that you might want to modify, and you must treat them like a black box function. I don't think that is ideal.
@Rainb have you ever worked with ML? Because that's a strong statement that I think isn't (at least entirely) true, for I worked with it for a while
I guess it depends on how you combine the NNs with the other parts of some software, I have not worked with it no, but I would like to know how much control do you have over it?
@Rainb I'm not sure I understand what you're asking?
Can you explain why in ML did the network take some arbitrary decision?
why do they take the decisions that they take?
@Rainb Erm. I'm at work so it'd be difficult for me to take the time to explain it fully, especially as this is quite a broad topic. I could give you some reading references if you want to though.
Hmm I don't think I am conveying the idea. The idea is, humans can't know why complex neural networks take the decisions they do, it all reduces to fiding a local minima on their error function.
So if I say
hey AlphaZero, why did you move the bishop instead of the knight?
he won't know, it is just the collective of weights and biases that determined numerically that was the best move.
but we won't understand why that is the best move
or why the network thought that was the best move
As I said, I'm at work RN and don't have the liberty of discussing this boldly but, here's the thing:
ML and DL are fields where you give some mathematical concepts a huge amount of data (both "inputs" and "outputs"). The concepts (and as it's a mountain of interconnected computing cells, let's call them networks) are processed by the networks, and then these latter will give you the relationship (aka, mathematical function) between the given inputs and outputs. If you take an example:
Say you wanna predict the price of an house based on some criteria:
You'll feed the network with a huge amount of data with paired inputs (the size, the number of bedrooms, the presence of a garage, of a pool, mould issues ...) and the outputs (the price on the market at a given time, the corresponding taxes, the finances of the renters/buyers, ...), the network will be able to find a relationship between these sets of data and therefore predict the price of a house for which you'll only give some inputs.
Now, how accurate is that result is where humans intervene: the relationship will be determined based on the network nature, and some parameters that a human will set and adjust based on the nature of the data, and their goals: if you wanna fast results, you may have to get less accurate results, for instance
Most of these parameters are comparable to thresholds, that you adjust to get a satisfying equilibrium between how fast and accurate your network will be. Depending on the nature of the data processed, they may also rely on the number of results found (say, if you're trying to detect all cats in a picture, and that once it processed all the data, it doesn't find all the cats, you may wanna lower your threshold and see whether you get more accurate results)
Here, below's an example on how networks process data when it comes to recognizing objects and features in images (which was my main field):
Basically, it's working just like our brains do
They're just not as independent that one would think. There's a lot of human fine-tuning at stake to get accurate results.
(back to work)
Wahoo, nice explaination @ava !
1 hour later…
@avazula Hmm. I've watched 3Blue1Brown's video series on neural networks and I'm fairly sure I remember him showing what the nodes within each layer were actually emphasizing (for identifying handwritten numerical digits) and found that it's still pretty garbled. They just magically produce the right result when taken altogether.
Ah-ha, here: youtube.com/… starting at ~14:01.
2 hours later…
Q: Thanks to friend's deal I saved some money, how should I thank him

CroolmanI have a friend who does financial advices and arranges certain deals. Thanks to him I was able to make a deal on which I saved a good amount of money. Since we're not that good friends, we usually meet just for these occasions and a few others, I won't be able to repay him in other ways. He has ...

Q: How to improve relationship with a co-worker who does not speak to me?

Anon1142A little history: I was transferred to this project team a few years ago. The subteam I'm on has 4 people: the project lead (Jim), another guy, the co-worker I'm asking about (let's call her Mary), and me. We all report to the team lead (Tom), and most of the team works remotely, including Tom. J...

Thanks for taking action @Tink. For what it's worth, I agree with your decision.
@scohe001 Well... y'all are an amazing community and you don't deserve being treated like that. The only point I'd make about that latest deletion: There was no comment from those that voted to delete it :)
Aww<3 you're too sweet to us
That second part is partially on me though as the last vote. I may or may not have snuck it in during a meeting when I couldn't take the time to comment. I won't let it happen again though!
@Tinkeringbell It was on me too. I was tired when I voted to delete and leaving a comment seamed like a lot, espcialy since I knew the user and didn't though that my comment would have been useful
Please, no matter what the history of a user, try to keep commenting and treating them 'like normal'. If y'all stop doing that it makes it a lot harder for us mods to make strong cases for taking next steps :)
I'll try to remember that :)
@Tinkeringbell I get that, but we only have so much energy to expend, and it gets tiring leaving comments for a user who repeatedly dismisses any attempts to help as the community singling them out. I care more about upholding the quality of the site than I do about trying to help one user who refuses to be helped. Should I not be flagging and voting just because I don't have the energy to do more than that?
^ same here
@Rainbacon Nah, that's not really where we want to go either, I understand that.
Also... Hi @Anon1142! Really liked your first question :)
Very well written.
Thanks @Tinkeringbell! Kind of you to say.
Howdy fellas. Long time.
Hi @CrazyCucumber
Hi @Rainbacon
What's new in the room.. Haven't been here in months now!
Oh and also, @Anon1142 same. Beautiful question and very well worded.
@CrazyCucumber so that's why there's cobwebs in your hair. It's good to have you back, partner
@scohe001 Ha! Went through a job change, a move to a different city, a 2 and a half week trip to India with a 2 year old... Yeah I am just glad to finally be able to sit down and not worry.
@CrazyCucumber that sounds stressful
Holy moly an international trip anywhere with a 2 year old sounds like a big bag of stress. Did it end up being worth it?
Congrats on the job change and move though!
@CrazyCucumber did you enjoy it?
It was. All this was jammed within a 1 month period. So it was horrible. But the trip was amazing. My parents were meeting my wife and my baby for the first time! lol
Thanks @scohe001
@El'endiaStarman there's no magic at stake here, really just math. Its just that the courses on machine learning are either way too broad or way too complicated. Trust me, I suffer from a very bad impostor syndrome and I still believe that once you have the right resources, machine learning is kinda easy and all the decoration is just here to try to make it a incredibly difficult topic to learn.
But again, I mainly used it for object recognition in images. May be easier than other fields.
@CrazyCucumber that's so nice! Congrats! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Machine learning? You might be able to help me with something @avazula. You have any resources for learning Knowledge Discovery in Databases? Reducts and discernibility functions and such?
Thanks a lot! :)
@CrazyCucumber maybe. What are you trying to accomplish? What's the goal here?
Or is that really far away from machine learning? Sorry don't know much about that. One of the core courses in my Master's is that class and oh my god my professor is dull.
I feel like this class might have a lot to teach me, but jeez this guy needs to try harder. I am just trying to learn on my own. I need somewhere I can go to learn decision trees, rough sets, RSES, things like that.
@avazula Oh, I was just remarking on the infographic claiming that neural networks recognize certain features and then put them together bit by bit until they have the full picture of what the thing is. The video I linked shows that this didn't happen in the case of handwritten digit recognition. Also, "magical" because it just kinda happens and the logic doesn't correspond very well with our usual reasoning.
@Anon1142 You're welcome. Feel free to stick around, and ask any questions you may have about the site in here :) There's always someone around that's happy and willing to help
@CrazyCucumber oh, I'm sorry, I'm not sure I could be of great help there. I'd have loved to.
@El'endiaStarman yeah, it's true that in that infographic it seems too... Simple.
Handwriting recognition really seems more complicated, for some obscure reason. The simplest human issues seem to be the hardest to tackle with ML. We still have a lot to discover :)
2 hours later…
Hello and good evening :)
Hey! I was in the middle of class when i messaged last, heh. probably shouldn't have but people were falling asleep :P

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