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@Belle-Sophie I always took hypothethical to mean "Implausible"
Something you're really worried about happening to you some day doesn't fall under that
@doppelgreener Yeah... I think we might focus more on the question than whether or not it's hypothetical...
@Belle-Sophie @Magisch That's similar to how I've been using it in this conversation as well.
@Magisch To me it means "could potentially (however unlikely) happen, but hasn't happened yet"
Although I do have some worries about stuff like that being misused... @doppelgreener do you think RPG gets a lot of questions that are very unlikely and maybe even just written for lolz and giggles, that are purely hypothetical?
Do such questions hurt the opinions people have of your site?
@Tinkeringbell I do not think we do. We have had specific people who have done it regularly and it's always become obvious: they are incapable of providing the amount of detail we've required, then outright said so ("i can't answer these questions! i just made it up!"). We've instructed them to stop, and they've either stopped or been suspended for constant low quality questions.
My boyfriend and I prepared for a hypothetical breakup when setting up our joined finances. We're a happy couple and hope we stay together for the rest of our lives, but we are prepared for this hypothetical situation. It happens, we have proof that people sometimes break up.
@Belle-Sophie I am glad you could do that. That's a good thing to plan for.
I think that the first point is by far the biggest. If the question is held to the same standards as any other question and passes, it should be allowed. Only in very extreme cases, the other points listed here kick in, i.e. "How can I respectfully tell Santa Claus that I want more presents this year?". For these cases, we need the additional points, but in general the first point should be the one in big fat font. — Cashbee 38 secs ago
@Tinkeringbell Most roleplayers I know love asking hypothetical questions about weird edge cases of the rules that are almost impossible to encounter in a real game session. The rules do provide boundaries on how convoluted the scenarios can become though. With IPS the scope is enlarged to the totality of human interaction.
@sphennings i agree
@Cashbee Bolding that.
Should I leave the 4th point in? I kind of agree that it is already covered by the other points, especially point 1.
@Belle-Sophie the big fat font was more rhetorical
but go ahead
I personally would remove point 4.
Sounds like a big improvement to the answer. And I agree that when you focus on it like that the 4th point isn't really required anymore
I think I see what you mean with point 4 but its hard to put into good words
@Tinkeringbell It's sort of like on Worldbuilding how they don't allow questions like "In my world math works like it does in ours. what would people on my world consider the answer to 1+1?" While it's been packaged to be about worldbuilding it's really a math problem and is likely to be poorly received and closed.
@Belle-Sophie I'm a bit unsure the reasoning for adding point 4 to your criteria.
@sphennings You wouldn't believe how much discussion we are currently having about stuff like that...
@Secespitus I'm a lot less active on WB than I used to, but I still check out meta from time to time.
@Secespitus I didn't realize someone had just asked a question about it.
@sphennings I just removed it. I added it to avoid questions like "Suppose I have an aunt who really loves apple crumble and she always bakes apple crumble for me at christmas every year, but I hate the taste. My mum really wants me to eat a slice, though. Her husband just died and she's feeling really sad, so my mum wants me to make her happy by eating a slice..." Just ask that when you actually face that issue please.
@sphennings Again. There are regularly new discussions about this on Meta, in comments on Main and in the chat.
That question shouldn't go through based on point 1 anyway.
@Secespitus Yeah I haven't checked out chat in forever.
@Secespitus Interesting. I'll poke my nose in there later tonight ;)
@doppelgreener That sounds reassuring :) Thanks :)
@sphennings Currently you have people with the opinion that a question should show an effort to be about worldbuilding and people going around saying that every real world question is on-topic. It's a very weird situation, which is also why that is one of the apparently important things in this election.
@Belle-Sophie I don't see any reason why asking about a situation that has already been resolved shouldn't be ok. For instance after communication failure with my partners I ask myself what I could have done differently.
@Tinkeringbell Have fun :D
@Secespitus Interesting.
I guess I should cast my votes then.
@sphennings That's fine too, imo. As long as it is a good question.
@sphennings If you would like to read some of the more-condensed stuff on this topic you can check out this policy proposal and the corresponding answers/comments
@Secespitus Kinda the same like the problems on IPS ;) Some people think that everything that involves an interaction should go, others are actually thinking in terms of 'skills' ;)
@Tinkeringbell A bit like that, yeah
I've decided to just spend my last minutes of office-being-present on Worldbuilding meta :)
No sense in trying to get back to work now :P
@Tinkeringbell what are these "skills" you speaketh of? I've never seen any of those defined anywhere, therefor I conclude they don't exist until proven otherwise!
@Imus skill: An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills). See also competence.
Q: Let's revisit our policy on hypothetical questions

sphenningsIt's been over a year since we've had a discussion about hypothetical questions. Back then, the site was in its infancy and we were still feeling things out. The top rated response to the original discussion on the topic even mentions how young the site is. Should we allow hypothetical questio...

I seriously hope you didn't think I came up with such a convoluted sentence reeking of snobbism myself? :P
:(. Fie!
Let's see. The issues RPG handles well are:
- I am experiencing this problem. (Concrete)
- I am probably about to experience this problem, and need to know the answer for when I can handle it. Here is my situation. (Hypothetical)
It doesn't handle well:
- Here is a contrived situation I have never experienced nor am likely to experience. In order to present this problem I cannot reference anything concrete in my circumstances. What would happen in this situation? (Detached hypothetical, everyone asks for more detail and none of it can be provided.)
@IntrovertedMetaMan. You're truly introverted aren't you? hours late to the party! And I bet you'll leave in 10 minutes too!
Home time. Byebye o/
\o bye
@doppelgreener Yeah, I'm mainly worried about IPS handling the third one ;)
@Tinkeringbell Same way current low quality questions are handled already?
only without the close comment/vote "you say it's hypothetical, this isn't allowed"
@Imus Okay, so I'm worried about people making up the details ;)
Guess I've just seen that happen 1 time too often :)
@Imus Low quality isn't a close reason.
@sphennings Exactly, but currently non-hypothetical (are they really?) with too little details are already handled a certain way, no?
The further you move from the first type of hypothetical to the second, the less concrete detail you can provide. Somewhere along the continuum you are unable to provide a realistic concrete scenario and your question gets closed as unclear. But, also, people get frustrated with you because they don't want to wast their time on hypothetical nonsense when there's real problems to resolve.
It seems like our real concern is with questions about contrives situations.
Hello all, sorry to interrupt an active discussion, although this is related. I was thinking about asking a question on the site, but I was hoping to get some feedback first to make sure you don't find it too clickbaity or hypothetical. Could I pick your brains on it here, or is it better to go to Meta? (Context: I'm new to IPS, but not to SE in general)
Btw, I've looked at the Meta post on hypothetical questions, I think mine could work within that framework
hello @BarbalatsDilemma. yes you can absolutely ask that in here!
honestly that's probably very pertinent to ask about amid this conversation too :P
Great :) give me a sec to compose it
I'm secretly hoping you've got the perfect example of a question that should be allowed but currently isn't ;)
Haha we'll see!
@BarbalatsDilemma although, if you think it's a hypothetical question, you might want to wait 1 or 2 days until the aforementioned meta post was resolved
but you can ask it here anyway
I think we'd also be OK with you making a post on meta saying "I'm thinking about asking this question, what do I need to change to make it a good fit for this site?"
> "What if I was teaching and a student went up and kicked me? What would I do?"
commenter 1: "what kind of teacher are you? private or public?"
asker: "public school"
commenter 2: "ok, which district?"
asker: "errr california?"
commenter 1: "which grade?"
asker: "let's say six"
commenter 1: "what do you mean by let's say? do you teach sixth grade or not?"
asker: "i'm a carpenter, i just want to know."
[everyone gets frustrated, question is closed and downvoted]
@sphennings I'm hoping the sandbox thingy gets enough upwind
We've recently been discussing creating a question sandbox. One of the important things is have people willing to request and receive feedback on hypothetical questions.
@Cashbee I'm willing to wait to post necessary, I'll give you some more detail here first if that's alright
^^^ in the above statement hypothetical means questions that haven't yet been asked on main, not questions that are hypothetical in nature.
@sphennings Sounds like a nice feature
@BarbalatsDilemma yes it's alright.
Would help a lot against skimming through the new question and seeing 9 out of 10 as closed ...
@BarbalatsDilemma There's nothing wrong with asking. It may takes us a bit to reach a conclusion depending on what you're thinking of asking. The only way to know is to ask us.
Ok, here's the question as I would imagine posting it:Recently, many videos have been making rounds on social media showing someone harassing a stranger, often for racially motivated reasons. When videos of these interactions are shared, a common response is "Come on, don't be bystanders!", etc. My question is, how can a bystander effectively intervene in this sort of scenario?

I can see reasons not to intervene, for example, the police are already involved, you fear for your own safety, or it seems the people interacting have an existing relationship (and therefore you don't have enough c
@BarbalatsDilemma is this question somewhat related, even though it's closed? interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/16113/…
@BarbalatsDilemma I wouldn't vote to close that as a hypothetical under my interpretation of current policy. it is rather broad. There are many forms of harassment. I'd probably vote to close this as too broad. Could you be more specific about the type of harassment you're looking to intervene with as a bystander.
@ElizB Thanks, that does have some similarities, however in that scenario the OP clearly feared for their safety as the harasser had already become violent
@sphennings Let's say, purely verbal harassement
@sphennings Ex. "Go back to your country" or some such thing
@BarbalatsDilemma Ahh, gotcha. From what i've seen, these come with angry gestures, I would be hard-pressed to not call that verbal and physical harassment, threatening body language, etc
This looks like an "I think I may run into this situation and want to know what I can do" hypothetical, which is the healthy kind
That's rather broad. There's a big difference between a catcall shouted from a moving vehicle and someone getting in someone's face and yelling and hurling epithets and insults.
Yeah there's a wide range of potential problem situations there, with many varying levels of physical danger, potential for escalation, etc
@ElizB Yeah, they can become very aggressive, so it would really have to be judged by whoever's in the situation whether it's dangerous or not
@BarbalatsDilemma I think it's the start to a great question for IPS. it's asking about an actual interpersonal skill, deescalation, but it could use one or two more details as sphennings pointed out.
@sphennings Ok, I'll further refine it. This was inspired by a video of a person on a bus shouting at other people on the bus. I.e. confined space, not easy to leave. It was sustained over minutes, not a passing comment
@BarbalatsDilemma That seems specific enough to me. Let's see your revised question before posting.
They were separated by a several metres
@sphennings ok, great!
Obviously I understand the question might still be closed if enough others in the community disagree
@BarbalatsDilemma Each person judges differently, I could interpret a wave of an arm or a finger up as VERY threatening and someone else could have different experiences, and wouldn't mind. That other person could consider that picking up some weapon is threatening.
@BarbalatsDilemma You might want to read up on bystander intervention which is the term used for these sort of behaviors.
@ElizB I totally understand! I'm a fairly big guy, so my threshold for feeling threatened would be very different from many other people. I don't think anyone should feel obligated to intervene in any scenario, especially if they don't feel safe
@sphennings Yeah that's a good point. I intend to look it up myself, I thought that getting some info from IPS would compliment that
@BarbalatsDilemma That could also be a useful adition. How a big assertive guy can act is obviously different to a small frail almost child-looking person
@Imus Thanks, that's a good point
@BarbalatsDilemma I'm a small petite woman, so I get it as well. I consider someone walking towards me a threat if it's strange or in a menacing way, though the question here does talk about that. You never know the other person's intents until they voice it.
Q: What to do if you are accidentally following someone?

RelixImagine this: you're a male in their late twenties. It is dark and you're taking the shortest route to your home/car/llama. After sometime you realize that you have been following someone. To make it worse, the someone is a young woman walking alone. And she looks nervous because you have been fo...

Er, as I was composing the answer I think I found a duplicate: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/5560/19687
I mean, mine would be the duplicate
This one is helpful on account of providing a very specific abuse scenario we can more specifically evaluate.
Yeah that makes sense. I think it's similar enough that I should refrain from posting mine. I somehow missed it when I looked through the questions earlier. Thanks for all your feedback everyone!
I had an incident like this on a bus once, where two people were conversing in their (non-English) language and some kid behind me was scowling and growling out "speak English!". (Obviously too quiet for them to hear him, but he seemed to be working up the courage to say it loud enough as he said it over and over.)
So I told him to shut the hell up and stop being racist. :P
@BarbalatsDilemma yes it's too similar
its practically equal
then his friend spoke up and told me not to be a smartass, and I told him to shut the hell up too, and that I wasn't being a smartass but his friend was being racist. (Neither one of them said another word for the rest of the bus trip.)
only its a group of 4, not 1
@Cashbee yes, I agree, which is why I said I won't post mine
(They were both high school kids, and I was bigger than them.)
@BarbalatsDilemma I've had people stare at me and others when I converse in American Sign Language on public transportation or a restaurant. i give them a look of "whatcha looking at?" and usually that takes care of it
@ElizB To be fair, I would stare because I find it interesting and see if I could pick out any of the 2 words I know lol.
@ElizB Wow, it's terrible that someone would be suspicious of ASL!
@BarbalatsDilemma ASL, or satanic hand signalling???? you be the judge
@doppelgreener Glad that worked for you!
I'm glad it shut them up 8)
@doppelgreener XD This is why more people need to learn satanic hand signalling
@TheRealLester Yeah, that's usually the case. If people are courageous enough, they'll tell us in very obvious ways they know one word... (usually a cuss word) hehe. There's also people who legitimately know how to communicate in ASL, and I am pleased at that more than people who wave their hands overly much and declare they know something. :P
@BarbalatsDilemma I know, a lot of people think we're talking about them :P Totally not the case. Unless they stare overly much, then i would mention something haha
@BarbalatsDilemma Satanic hand signaling? XD
@doppelgreener Same here, it's weird having several pairs of eyes on you
@doppelgreener or even better, people pretending not to look, but they're obviously looking
@ElizB Not all arcane masters or eldritch horrors have mouths to speak with, so if you want to get anywhere with them, you need to learn your satanic hand signals :D
@BarbalatsDilemma Noted. XD
Usually the first thing that people ask me about sign is to teach them cuss words
That seems to be a common thread when you learn any new language :)
@BarbalatsDilemma Yeah, seems to be. I do get people who want to learn to communicate, rather than cuss haha thankfully.
@ElizB That's good. I'll admit, I really need to learn some sign language
@BarbalatsDilemma I think it's a great idea. You never know when you might bump into a deaf/ Hard of hearing person that may need help.
just a little fingerspelling goes a long way in just simply helping someone
@ElizB Yeah, I saw someone on Twitter recently asking people to at least learn the gesture for "toilet" and some other simple but day-to-day necessary interactions
@BarbalatsDilemma yeah, very true.
at least, I know how to say hello waves
Usually if a deaf person is in an unknown place, and has no other available communication, they will gesture :)
We are absolute PROS at charades. :P
I can imagine!
it gets boring quick cause we catch on so quick.
In one of my childhood comics, Nick Knatterton (I don't know if it's an international comic), the main dude listens to loud music at home. Since he can't hear the telephone ring, he installed a special phone that produces a waving hand when it rings. I have always found that very funny, but how do you do it in real life, @ElizB ? (talking about a home telephone, not a mobile one)
Q: How to convince my wife that my best friend and I are just friends?

Teri0I have a friend (a girl), who I met around 8 months ago. Since then, she has become my best friend and we are extremely close. Understandably, my wife is envious of the relationship and even sometimes suspects it is more than a platonic friendship (at least emotionally). How can I convince her ...

@ExtrovertedMainMan you were out-gunned by the comment bot.... shame on you
@Cashbee Ooh thanks for asking that! I have a video relay system that basically is an interpreter in between me and the hearing person calling. What I have set up on my mobile phone is that it will vibrate and flash lights to ring, and at home there is a videophone camera with LED lights around it so it will flash when there is a call incoming.
This sits on top of the TV so I can basically have a chill conversation from the couch :P
@ElizB nice! I didn't even think so far that you wouldn't be able to use a normal telephone
@Cashbee Some can, with practice.
Hard of hearing people with enough residual hearing can use the phone, but it really depends on their personal preference.
@ElizB i take it that those are not as hard of hearing as you are?
I prefer using my first language
@Cashbee Can you re-phrase that, I don't understand what you're asking
@ElizB those 'some' who can
you are not able to understand only by resonance, are you?
@Cashbee Yeah, some who only lost some hearing or those who have Cochlear implants and have practiced extensively enough that they can use the phone.
@Cashbee Not sure I get that. Resonance?
with 'by resonance' i mean putting the phone to your head and "feeling" what they say
i can't imagine you can do that
ahhh, no that would be just with the hearing aid, I kinda had that going on when I was younger.
with the CI, it works differently
ah, and back to the LED lights around your home phone.. are there lights in other rooms as well? or do you have to be in the correct room when the phone rings?
I attached basically a light-flashing tech thing and placed it in the bedroom, so i can see it either from the living room (open floor plan, it encompasses the kitchen and dining area as well, and the bedroom is the only place I cannot see the TV)
cool. thanks
@Cashbee that.
@cash there have been so many funny stories of people installing flashing lights for their doorbell, phone, alarms, etc that they get so dazed whenever something goes off haha
Funny guy that is a CODA- child of deaf adult(s)
Gonna get some munchies :)
Q: How is the back-it-up policy going to evolve after the new Code of Conduct?

Andrea LazzarottoSoon, the new Code of Conduct will replace the Be Nice policy. From what I read in the document, there are several points in the new text that are contrasting with the recently introduced "back-it-up policy", but more than the policy itself, the way it's currently enforced. Some relevant quotes ...

Q: How to respond to a gossiping friend?

Totally not a throwaway accounThere's a friend of mine, let's call her... Rachel. We're very close (platonic) friends, and we'll frequently hang out as part of a larger group of mixed gender (including both my girlfriend and her boyfriend). We're all in our young 20's. She has a habit of bad-mouthing people/gossiping a lot, ...

@Tinkeringbell hi, nice to see you here. I just wanted to reach out to thank you for the help you provided
I am trying to figure out if I can delete my account without damaging those I upvoted. But I probably can't because votes seem to vanish with account deletions, so I guess I will just avoid logging in in the future.
@AndreaLazzarotto I believe votes are only kept for "highly active users," but I don't think there's a formal definition of what that means anywhere
You could always unlink this account from your SE network account and then change the username/picture
@scohe001 does that mean then the account remains active, with votes, but unlinked?
also you are right about the "highly active", I just do not know how much active I have been with upvotes.
the weirdest thing is that votes are not preserved but content is... anyhow, I just need to figure out a way to abandon this place permanently.
@AndreaLazzarotto From what I know it should. Best to wait for a response from the others though
@AndreaLazzarotto You could still contact SE asking for post disassociation, just have your arguments ready when they do ask you to delete your account... And then ask them nicely ;)
Or do a preemptive strike and say why you'd rather not delete right away
@scohe001 I wanted to ask you about your response to my question, and not drag it out in the comments :) So, what would a warning before the "please stop's" look like, would that be a pre-pre-setting of the conditions of how I prefer our interactions to go? I could argue that I've given him plenty of words and time and "I feel" 's stuff for him to realize that.
@ElizB When you say "response to my question" do you mean your question question? Or your comment question?
@scohe001 my comment question. XD this could have gotten confusing fast.
Haha glad I clarified then :)
Honestly I don't think a warning is necessary
I think it would help him catch on quicker and would be the courteous thing to do, but jumping straight into the "Please stop" will still be effective
It'll just be a little more of him learning "the hard way" (which I suspect would happen regardless of what you say to him before)
@scohe001 That's what I thought, he's been warned plenty of times. When he bugged me over text about the stupid gaslighting facebook post (a few days before my wedding) I simply did not text back.
He actually texted my sister to text me to check if my phone was working XD
At that point, I'd turn read receipts on just for him (if your phone will allow it with his phone)
Then he understands you've read and ignored it
@Tinkeringbell I am not sure I understand what you mean. I'd rather delete my activity, not my upvotes. Upvotes are beneficial to other users. If my upvotes are deleted, these users are going to get damaged from a rep POV.
@scohe001 He was just asking about rehearsal time and whatnot. I would've answered him straight up and I don't know how that works between android and IOS
Ahh yea I don't think it's possible between the two. Bummer there :/
oh well. (shrugs) not a big deal. Okay, I think I'm satisfied with that. There's a lot buzzing in my head because i took a hiatus in counseling and now recently am getting back into it
and i'm seeing how much resentment I still have. Not the healthiest thing, i know.
Ohhh boy. I don't blame you, your situation sounds really really rough. It's always the worst when it's someone as close to you as a parent :(
I'm just happy that my mom gets it and I can go to her to vent, and she does her best to just provide wisdom and guidance, instead of encouraging hate.
My sisters are pretty much done with him too. My youngest puts up with him and has different techniques to "cool him down" when he gets flared up about something petty or stupid
or starts badmouthing my sister that's not in the best situation
@ElizB Mmm true. And from your comment it sounds like you have your husband there for you too. You're lucky to have so much love in your life, even if your dad can be crappy. Just don't let him spoil the rest of life for you :)
@ElizB Huh what are the youngest's techniques?
@scohe001 I honestly think it's just walking away slowly, or nodding her head and not responding...
@scohe001 Yeah, there's a lot of love around me, I am thankful of that. Even my dad's sisters are sad for him, because he chooses to push away or criticize people
@ElizB Yup, that sounds like your best bet. You just need to teach him that when you don't want to participate in a conversation you're going to shut down or walk away if he doesn't drop it/change subject
@scohe001 She'll also vent to me that "dad's talking about X, Y or Z again...."
Haha gotta let out the steam somewhere, right?
Q: Is it good personality sign to change your (earlier firm) decision due to unforeseen change in situation?

JohnDoeI have read somewhere "Never say never". This is general question about any firm decision you take at any point of time. But in future, you have to change it due to change in situation. Change in the situation is genuine and important. When you first took the decision, there was no way to forese...

@scohe001 yup! i have had so many text messages that I just wanna throw the phone out the window and laugh
@ExtrovertedMainMan Great example of a hypothetical question. Is this allowed?
@scohe001, Yesterday @TheRealLester gave me a reddit link to a page for kids with narcissist parent(s) and I found a letter (in two parts) that sounds SO much like my dad, it's scary....
@TheRealLester See my comment on that question. I think this falls under the "even if it wasn't hypothetical it's still be off topic" bucket
Yep. And since you only wrote 1 answer, IIRC, you can ask for that to be disassociated from your account. Then you'd have an empty account, with no questions/answers, but with a few votes/flags.

Or you could delete your account, or maybe even disconnect/hide it from your network account
@scohe001 Yea that's true. Didn't think about that lol
@ElizB Oh boy...you'll have to give us updates when you start implementing the answers you got!
@scohe001 I'm trying to think about when to implement it. i don't know the next time i'll see him
Ahh from all the talk about this I assumed this was a regular (multiple times a week) thing
I see him maybe 4 times a month, probably less
So a little less than once a week? lol
yeah, depends on what's going on
if he's got a birthday or some thing, or if he's insisting I go visit him... so far, he hasnt talked at all since about mid-june, so probably 2 times a month is more accurate.
@Tinkeringbell my only answer might as well be deleted, nobody will miss it.
@AndreaLazzarotto Err... you can't really go deleting your post because it's upvoted, I believe. And I can't do it either, that'd be considered vandalism...
Is it possible for someone to change a close vote to another close vote? Like from "what should I do" to a "too broad"?
@Tinkeringbell yes, you are correct, I know I can't, I was just saying it might as well be... because it's worthless, so leaving it or not wouldn't be any different
I am not that great in English but it was just a hypothetical sentence :)
@AbhigyanC Nope. But if enough people pick 'what should I do', that's the reason that'll end up being shown as the reason it was closed anyway :)
A lot of posts on IPS hit multiple close-reasons, so I wouldn't worry about it ;)
@Tinkeringbell regardless of the true reason in some cases, i presume?
@AndreaLazzarotto Oh. Okay :)
@AbhigyanC Huh? You mean if it really were too broad, but 3 out of 5 votes picked 'what should I do' it still would show it was closed for asking 'what should I do'? Yeah...
@Tinkeringbell I understand, it isn't totally baseless... But a close vote is a close vote at the end of the day
@Tinkeringbell actually, re-thinking about how people see the values of my contributions here, it would be much better if it were deleted. But whaterver.
@AbhigyanC It is, so we usually encourage people to look a little further than the vote that's already there. A post could e.g. be edited in the mean time, from asking 'what should I do' to being too broad or unclear for example. It'd be nice if the next close-votes reflected that, and the OP got some feedback in comments on what next to improve as well :)
@Tinkeringbell Thanks, I'll keep it in mind while close-voting next time :)
@Tinkeringbell That also shows why it's useful to add a comment explaining (in a friendly way) what to change/add to a post to improve it
@Imus Yep. You can put all sorts of stuff in queues, but if you don't point out to your fellow users why you think a post needs review and improvements, they might not even see the problem (and neither will the person that wrote the post)
@ElizB We're seeing my parents on average 1 time each month. It's just not practical to visit more often with everything we got going on (like planning a wedding ^^, ) and I have no issues with them at all ... so don't let it bother you that you don't see him that often. It's something he'll just have to get used to :)
@Imus Gotcha, it seems my dad wants me to initiate any visit out of fear he'll sound demanding, etc etc.
@Imus whatever bs he wants to come up with sounds adolescent honestly.
@ElizB I don't remember your question and answers about it but I would expect the approach to be the same as handling an adolescent crying for attention ... ignore bad behaviour and reward positive things :)
@Imus yup. (shrugs) What i've been trying to do more recently. Wanted to confirm and solidify my stance on that.
Sounds like a plan :)
@Imus Yup :) Y'know the feeling of being brave before you go face to face with someone that's intimidated you often, then when you're actually face to face with that person, you feel differently? Not so brave?
@imus seems to be a repeat pattern that i'm slowly getting over
Try not to be brave, instead try to be neutral from the start with a plan to ignore anything negative
that way, your true feeling on the spot resembles your plan beforehand more
(or the other way around, probably worded that badly)
@Imus Hmm, yeah. I'll do that. I get myself so worked up like before "getting into the ring"
That's what causes the feeling XD
Q: How to switch conversations in mother tongue/native language to English at office

Sandy CI am an Indian citizen residing in India. I am exposed to quite a few regional/native languages, few of which I am fluent in. My preferred language for verbal communication is English at the office. There are a few colleagues/peers who speak in regional language, most of the time, especially du...

I would approach it more as an: he's got no power over me, and I can't make him change either, let's just see how it goes this time
@imus yeah, that's a good mindset. It's hard when you don't know which direction he will go in.
Added bonus: If you start out neutral and he for some reason starts positive, you will naturaly reward his positive stance with real attention.
@imus yeah, that makes sense :)
Glad to hear I make sense for once :D
(Exagerating ofcourse, I make sense most of the time)
@Imus hehe I'm glad to hear someone that makes sense with the buzzing going around in my brain. (yawn) afternoon slump at work. Need. To. Wake. Up.
Just as a side note: I naturally go a step further than staying neutral. I always start by assuming anyone I speak with has the right idea, and if they act negative towards me I first assume it's because they have trouble expressing their true intention. Not sure if other people are able to do the same but it makes me feel like I get along well with most people (even if they don't agree on that :p)
That's generally how I think of it too, just my dad is an exception
hmm. Many years of invalidation and negative stuff does that.
that certainly doesn't help :)
Yeah. I'll talk on that with the counselor
@ElizB hopes the ping sound wakes you up
I always wonder how counselors "deal" with their patiënts situations ... never been to one myself so I can't even start guessing
@Mithrandir 1. Muted computer 2.Deaf (joking, really. I have my CIs on so I would be able to hear if computer wasn't muted)
@Mithrandir Still, thanks :P
@Imus ...why did you umlaut that...?
@ElizB heh
moslty cause I 'm not sure if deal is the word I was looking for in that sentence
I mean, they certainly aren't going to directly fix the situation. And I also don't mean how they themself cope with all the troubling situations they have to empathise with
@Imus I've acted as a "ventee" to some friends so i can only imagine what a professional does, I've just found my ways of de-stressing or working out whatever the friend is dealing with. (mostly drama on their end)
@imus I think "cope" would be a better word in that case.
hmm, I specifically said cope was not the word I'm looking for :p
@Imus Oh. XD
it's more a "help the patiënt cope with it" but couldn't get it in 1 word :p
Q: As a student, how can I negotiate appropriate sleeping arrangements with strangers for an academic conference?

Jared PayneI'm an undergraduate student that was offered a role researching for a grant. I was able to get authorship status on a paper and will be attending a conference for it later this year. The professor I am working for connected me with another student at a different university in order to share a ho...

@Imus Gotcha, yeah. hmmm.
Reminds me of a friend (/girlfriend?) I had at uni that had been raped as a teen. She was seeing psychiatrists to help her somehow live her life normally as far as that was still possible. At some point on one of her better days she visited me in my dorm and while we were talking/cuddling she explicitely told me: "you give me the feeling that you're helping me more than my psychiatrist does".
Biggest compliment I ever received in my life :) And made me wonder what exactly a psychiatrist does
I have been sexually abused while in college, more so psychologically than physical. I thought it was consensual but after a while it didn't feel right. So after that, my husband wanted to show me how much I should be loved, and be the therapy that other people couldn't do, because i wasn't intimate with them
Ofcourse, by getting her to be my (sorta?) girlfriend I got a lot closer to her than a neutral psychiatrist ever would, and that would explain why she felt that way ... but I still like it :p
yeah, I understand that. I have told him that over time, my fear faded with reassurance that I felt loved genuinely
@ElizB Exactly what I mean :)
I'm so glad for you that you've found such a great husband ^^,
@Imus That's really cool. Very intimate experience, that.
@Imus I am too. :P I've been wearing him down lately with this horrible cold that's steamrolled me... I'm recovering well now, thankfully. I can make my own tea tonight, and he won't have to fumble around hehehe
@ElizB If he's anything like me than just snuggling down near him and saying something like "thank you for being you" should give him enough energy to keep going :)
@Imus Yup, that's what i've been telling him, that i would be an absolute wreck without him just doing little things like making sure dishes are in the washer, laundry caught up, etc and on top of that making my tea
alll that cheesy stuff haha XD
cheesy stuff is nice :p
Yes, it is.
Looks like this group lives up to its name
this wasn't an awkward silence ...
More like
I had to relieve the full bladder, and get my tea going.... (shrugs)
Fair fair
What's up with the number under your name @Imus?
(the 5138)
I think it's the reputation
Yeah, the combined rep on all SE sites
Also hi everyone xD
ahoy, almost didn't see you there
Hello :)
<.< >.> heh, yeah. sorta awkward now
('.' ) ( '.') ... ('.' ) well euhm (. . ) I think I better go now
great party! and thanks for inviting me, but it's getting sorta late and I got to get up early tomorrow ... so .. euhm ....
I'll talk to you guys later, cya, bye! runs away
(actually gonne go give my GF attention now anyway ^^, so cya!)
Good :) see ya!
@apaul Yes, better. Thanks! :)
@MweyaRuider That is, it's the combined reputation for sites where that user has over 200 rep.
101 rep sites due to the association bonus don't count.
ahh gotcha
For users with no accounts over 200 rep, it'll show the reputation on the site they have set as their parent.
I can get 101 rep by just joining affiliated sites?
That's a bit more complicated.
Hang on, I'll explain how that works.
Hey, no worries
After you get to 200 reputation on a single site, you are automatically awarded 100 reputation to every account.
Ah, alright
That is, if you have an account on Interpersonal Skills and Stack Overflow, if you reach 200 on Stack Overflow, you'll get +100 on both sites.
Thanks :)
Yo, is there a section of stackexchange dedicated to poor advice? :D
This means that whenever you join a new site, you'll automatically have 101 rep - everyone starts with 1, and you get the association bonus +100.
@MweyaRuider yes, it's called yahoo answers
And some of us have accounts pretty much everywhere :P
SE trusts you to have a good interaction with other sites and therefore get privileges in those sites, so you have encouragement to participate and gain more rep and knowledge!
@doppelgreener I was expecting a reddit joke xD
@Mithrandir that makes absolute sense, thanks for the explanation!
@ElizB Yeah, plus a pretty substantial confidence boost
@MweyaRuider yep :) I'm new so when that happened, i was pretty happy :)
I gave away some of my points though, I have a bounty for one of my questions open now.
I'm too new to know how that feels, but I'm amped xD
Good! haha
I like your spirit!
Grumbles queerly
@apaul That bad? Where?
@ElizB Many thanks :)
@MweyaRuider I'm pretty refreshed when encountering people who are amped up haha
@ElizB I daren't put a bounty out on IPS, because I downvote all my rep away anyway...
@Tinkeringbell Nah, not awful, just irritating. The comments that were moved to chat.
@ElizB great to hear!
I have put up over 1,000 reputation in bounties on my mod site though ;)
@Mithrandir that's possible?
@MweyaRuider different bounties :P
@apaul If it gets to awful before you choose to disengage, let us know. I think it's okay to freeze rooms ;)
@MweyaRuider You lose 1 reputation for downvoting an answer.
@doppelgreener OH xD
I think it's already over.
@Mithrandir thanks for the warning
@Mithrandir: Please don't scare people away from downvoting :P
@apaul Okay :)
@Tinkeringbell was not my intention. I misinterpreted what the "that's possible" was about. Definitely downvotes are necessary.
"because I downvote all my rep away anyway" [citation needed][exaggeration?]
Oh yeah, I understand
I just had no idea that I would lose reputation for downvoting an answer :)
So, no harm no foul imo :)
there are sites on which i'm constantly hovering around the 125 rep mark, because i gain rep very infrequently but there's always stuff to downvote
@Mithrandir Please notice the emoji :) Just kidding. :)
Q: How to tell my roommates that I want to move out ASAP when they say they rely on my rent?

StarSweeperI recently graduated from college, out of state from my hometown, and got a job here. A friend of mine and her husband offered to let me stay with them for very little rent until I could find a place of my own. They recently bought a house and had a lot of unexpected financial struggles this year...

@doppelgreener /reputation shows 183 results for (-1) and 3 for [-1]. That's 186 that haven't been deleted. There are about 800 more that have been deleted, I think.
Hopping off to bus home, finally done with work. the software was being glitchy at the end... grrrr
Question for y'all.
Q: How to convince my wife that my best friend and I are just friends?

Teri0I have a friend (a girl), who I met around 8 months ago. Since then, she has become my best friend and we are extremely close. Understandably, my wife is envious of the relationship and even sometimes suspects it is more than a platonic friendship (at least emotionally). How can I convince her ...

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