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Q: How can I ask restaurant staff if something's free without looking stingy?

Canada - Area 51 ProposalMany waiters ask if we'd like something (e.g. distilled water; more amuse-bouche, hors d'œuvre or bread) without disclosing if it's free. How can I clarify tactfully? I always decline, as I dread being judged miserly. But this flopped yesterday, when I was the only person to arrive first at a ...

@justathought Yes, but to the question Flater also said "Note that a negative usually doesn't prove anything. Wearing a Metallica T-shirt signals that I am a Metallica fan. Not wearing a Metallica T-shirt does not conclusively signal anything". I'm saying not wearing a ring also doesn't conclusively signal anything, and if a woman is interested in someone who hasn't explicitly signaled that they're not looking, they might approach that guy. There are girls who approach guys that might be interested, but I feel like you're saying that's impossible. — Lord Farquaad 1 min ago
#13583 Lord Farquaad (1246 rep) | A: Are there any ways to avoid unwanted approaches when not wearing a wedding ring? (score: 13) | posted 20 hours ago by justathought (301 rep) | edited 1 hours ago by justathought (301 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["just\\W?(a|this)\\W?(comment|thought)"]
Q: How to coach underperforming, anxious coworker in an IT position?

4oo4I work at the tech support desk for a financial services company and having trouble dealing with a (relatively) new hire who at best doesn't seem to be picking up the job and is oblivious to it, and at worst totally underestimated their job duties and workload and deceived their way into what the...

@ArtOfCode borrowed an encyclopedia size volume with all of 'em and read it several times
This ridiculously loud thunderstorm woke me up.
Q: Any stats available about long term broken relationship with siblings?

Fabien HaddadiI am in a situation where my two older lower middle class siblings are jealous of people with more money than them in general, and are jealous of me in particular, for the same reason. To such a point that they haven't been talking to me for decades for one, and for 4 years for the other. Are th...

2 hours later…
Morning all!
Q: How can I tactfully ask a stranger to cover mouth when coughing?

Canada - Area 51 ProposalPresume that I can't flee a cougher who's a stranger (e.g. airplane seatmate), but who's so nearby that I can feel her coughs every 5 minutes.

1 hour later…
Q: No apologies and parting notes

EdgarI just received a message from Tinkeringbell that my answer, which received 112 up-votes and 11 down-votes was deleted. That was my personal straw which broke the camel's neck. How to establish boundaries with a roommate without confrontation? I was here only for a few months and I received lot...

@cactus_pardner I normally refer to my boyfriend as my partner when I speak about him, only reason I used Wife in my answer was because OP referred to his partner as his wife. I agree that "partner" is appropriate if you're wanting to hide certain aspects, or find it more natural. — Violet Flare 2 mins ago
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Q: Nasty e-mail sent to teacher under my identity

JordanThe title says it all. I will try to keep this as anonymous as possible as this is an ongoing problem that I need some advice on. In short, the Chinese students in my highschool were frustrated with the amount of work in our English class. They are all very wealthy and act very entitled and te...

@AJ Morning!
Things are rather quiet this morning in chat
/me sends warm greetings and positive vibes
hi all
(I'd rather have coffee!)
Morning :)
I'm afraid I can't send you that
the encription technique of coffe is not yet ready
@Cashbee Or ... can you? I hope @Tinkeringbell is not in a hurry
> The HTTP 418 I'm a teapot client error response code indicates that the server refuses to brew coffee because it is a teapot. This error is a reference of Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol which was an April Fools' joke in 1998.
It's been 20 years already! :D
I am very aware of teapot protocol xD
wait... was it coffee pot protocol? hmm
noooooo it is
Yeah, it's coffeepot protocol and teapot error! :P
In fact i just had a discussion about it last week :)
@Tinkeringbell Go to the Tavern and ask smoke detector for some :P
Hahaha, okay, tell me ;-)
@Mithrandir24601 Tavern? Did Smokey relocate? I thought it ran in CharcoalHQ?
(I haven't been there in a long while, enough to do here ;) )
@Tinkeringbell Smokey runs - with commands - in Charcoal HQ (chat.SE), SOBotics and SOCVR (chat.SO), and Tavern on the Meta (chat.Meta).
@Mithrandir That's actually quite a lot of rooms ;) Never knew :D
there are a lot more where it runs without commands
...like here
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 18 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
@Mithrandir24601 brews a cup of Ristretto for @Tinkeringbell
@Mithrandir I knew about that ;-)
@Mithrandir24601 Ugh, now I have to visit yet another chatroom :P
@Tinkeringbell I know the feeling :P There's coffee though :P
Lemme debate whether or not I really need coffee that bad for a while :P
@Tinkeringbell There are also brownies and tea. Tavern also has a supply of waffles and unicorns...
@Mithrandir24601 .... How could I resist that.
@Tinkeringbell I know, it's impossible. Just give up trying
@Mithrandir24601 hahaaa you did not forget the unicorns, well done.
@Cashbee How could I forget about the unicorns?
Apr 20 at 9:37, by Cashbee
@Tinkeringbell you forgot unicorns. never forget the unicorns.
@Cashbee :o That's... Is shocked
I know, right? she actually forgot the unicorns... >:(
Just use the contact us link at the bottom of the page
Q: How do I [30 M] deal with long-time friends that only reach out when they need something from me?

DanteeChaosI get this quite often. The most recent situation happened today. A friend of 15 years asked me for a favour. We used to be close but over the years we grew out of our shared interests. Nowadays, we're seeing one another no more than 2 times a year (usually at our birthday parties). I have no pro...

What's with unicorns?
@Tinkeringbell hey, I do... when I'm not on mobile. unfortunately, i'm stuck on mobile fairly often
6 messages moved to Trash
@Cashbee here's a nice userscript to help with that github.com/JC3/SEUserScripts/raw/master/ChatMoveHelper.user.js
Q: How to ask roommates not to use so much of common spaces for personal meetings, especially not in language I understand?

bighouseI live in a large shared house with with several roommates. The company that owns the house tries to rent it out to international people (however I am not international myself). Many people I live with do not seam to make an effort to speak English, though several of those who seem not to want to...

@Mithrandir how does it help exactly? I'm not exactly keen on installing userscripts that I am not familiar with
although I do trust you ;)
"from this website you cannot add apps, plugins and userscripts." ... (translated)
do I need a userscript plugin like that tampermonkey thingy for that? I don't think that is worth it
@Cashbee I think you do ;-) I like my TamperMonkey, but that's more because I have more than 1 userscript running
@Tinkeringbell yeah, I can see how it can be awesome, but I won't install it for one or two mildly useful userscripts. (sorry mith but its true)
Especially at work :)
I have around 30
@Mithrandir whoa, that looks lovely.
"Review Stalker for Mith" what does that do?
opens up available reviews into new tabs
so if you go to /review and there are three queues with items, it'll turn into 3 tabs, one with each queue
when used in conjunction with Review Stalker, it refreshes the page automatically and opens the new reviews
nice. I also like the top bar in chat :) you really are tempting me to use some of them ^^
the mod ones are even better, but those are sekrit and of no use to you :p
are you a code golfer??
nope, i'm not a programmer at all. I just steal other people's scripts and use 'em
haha ok. you just missed an opportunity to earn a lot of respect :)
I golf in Scratch, that's it :P
hehe, yeah I have similar codegolfing skills :)
which reminds me, I need to edit my solitary Stack Overflow answer
but i am fascinated by the idea of codegolfing languages
A: How can I politely find out the gender of a potential roommate via email?

PeterJens I was looking for a shared room on Craigslist and I found one I'm interested in. The simple thing is to not declare your preference but ask whether there is a restriction on the gender of the room sharer. Some landlords restrict sharing to same sex situations, even if the individuals them...

although once again it's a tricky situation. In this instance, i think a flag is appropriate since there is no way following this answer will result in knowing the gender of the potential roommate
they seem to think it will, through a convoluted series of steps they don't quite elucidate on
(i don't believe it will.)
theoretically, if your *think* that the answer is not helpful, you should downvote. but in this case we kinda *know* it isn't helpful. It is unclear if it deserves a flag or not - *who are we to know that?* (I think I had a similar discussion about this yesterday or the day before.. )

what are your thoughts about that? ^
(oi, where has formatting gone?)
no formatting in multiline
@Cashbee and yes, we discussed this yesterday:
yesterday, by Cashbee
the first one seems to be a very bad and unuseful answer (IMO!) but I don't think it deserves a flag. just DV and go on. or not?
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/13583/1599 was edited. What do y'all think of it now? :)
1 hour later…
Q: How to effectively give out a last warning?

LokiI'm a very calm person. You can insult or harass me a long time before I actually react. But when I react, I tend to go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds. (think, from looking visibly displeased to heavy physical altercation) I'm not one to look for trouble and my initial reaction to harassem...

@Tinkeringbell good enough for me to retract my DV. I still like staceys answer much better
(they are about the same thing, but stacey explains it better, also personal experience)
@Cashbee Hahaha ;) Well.. that's the difference between downvote, no vote and upvote for ya!
well, yes. you asked :D
If more people have opinions on it, that would be appreciated. It was originally flagged as VLQ, and review completed before it was edited ;-) I'd love to hear some feedback from the community before I handle that ;-)
@Tinkeringbell that's commendable course of action. +1
check first posts review queue
@Cashbee Maybe posting a link is better next time ;-) Stuff disappears from that queue if it's reviewed...
mmh yeah maybe. i wanted to indicate it discreetly. It's deleted now
Remember though, that kidna stuff is for the community to handle first and foremost. ;-) Telling people to look at the queue isn't that helpful in such cases, since it requires a certain amount of rep to see the review queue and history. ;-)

Just posting " < link > Does anyone agree this is rather rude? " is okay :)
(And ugh, I sound waaay to moderator-y. I meant to say that as 'just me', not as a mod :P)
@Tinkeringbell no worries i understood it as you intended it
you're emblazoned blue permanently, there's no escaping it
hey, I can't move the message (removed) to Trash xD
@Cashbee What message? XD
No, you can't ;-) If you've removed a very heated discussion or something (because there was absolutely no other mod around to put it in a private Trashcan, then you can afterwards always ping one and ask them to remove the link.
1 message moved to Trash
ah youre right i can't delete it myself xD
i think that is good though
leaving a trail is nice
But sometimes it's better to completely eradicate the trail, in which case I go for something a bit different.
What's the weather like?
There. No tract of those two comments left ;)
Hmmm.. nice trick ;-)
I'll keep that in mind :D
Good day, people.
@RichardU hi Richard U
Things are starting to quiet down. The "suggest improvement" is working, I think
I think so too. I'm looking forward to seeing the statistics after the trial month
Q: How to politely ask someone why they didn't say hi back?

bighouseI brought a family member over to my house. One of my roommates was home and my relative smiled at him, said hi and waved. He just stood there and stared without waving back. He definitely saw and heard her. It would make me feel better knowing why he didn't say hi back. How can I ask this withou...

@Cashbee I think the results will demonstrate that it was effective. I'm seeing less proselytizing in the answers as well.
yay, learned a new word ^.^
@Cashbee Participation on internet sites facilitates the development of your communicative skills in English, if your participation is comprised mainly of interactions not your native tongue.
Q: Why was comment deleted?

DanielI had a comment pointing out a problem with this answer, which has not been addressed in any way - yet it was deleted. I can't remember the exact phrasing but it essentially said the same thing as this comment, which was subsequently posted by another user: You may also have caught someone w...

@Mithrandir I see what you did there ;) no new words though haha
@Cashbee I am an avid reader, and therefore have a larger vocabulary than most Americans. I didn't realize how much so until I had a few of my posts edited to include links to definitions of some words I use. What's more amusing is when spell check insists a word is wrong when it doesn't recognize it.
@RichardU hahaha nice anecdote. I too have a large vocabulary in my native language and it's mother-language, German. Also, speaking English, French, a bit Italian and a bit Spanish helps me derive many unknown words since they are all indogerman languages. This did not help with "proselytizing" though :)
Languages fascinate me very much. I even started to learn Esperanto some months ago. Do you know that language?
I believe I may have just found a new recruit for Constructed Languages!
Practicing my english skills is one of the reasons I frequent this stack and chat :)
@Mithrandir Curious, you wouldn't happen to speak any of the elvish languages would you?
@Mithrandir oh, uhm, no. I'm not into constructed languages, the exception being esperanto
@Rainbacon No, but it's been on my list of things to try to do at some point.
@Cashbee Esperanto is on topic there.
...of course, Esperanto also has its own SE site...
hahaha lol
@Mithrandir Mine too, I made a fool of myself once with one of them
@Cashbee I looked into Esperanto briefly. German was almost my first language, but my parents made sure that English was. I can understand it, but if I try to speak it, I look very foolish.
@RichardU IMO esperanto relies the most on spanish
(I am no longer learning it btw, can speak only most basic sentences..)
@Cashbee Yes, and because it wasn't based on the Lingua Franca, it went nowhere.
I don't follow..
@Cashbee while Spanish is the most widely spoken language, it is not the most commonly spoken one. When Esperanto was devised, the most universally spoken languages were German (science), English(business) and later Japanese. If you spoke any of those three languages up until the early aughrts of this century, you'd be understood. Now Chinese is emerging as one as well.
Basing Esperanto on none of these didn't help it's chances
@RichardU "were German (science)" - really??
@Cashbee German was spoken by most scientists of note until the early to late 1980s
that's because Germany, or German scientists not living in Germany made many of the most significant advances in the 20th century.
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/13661/8077 Does anyone agree this is rather rude?
@Cashbee Yes, but I think Richard's edit took care of it nicely
@Rainbacon jup. Thanks, @RichardU
@Cashbee yeah, we need to start just editing if a question or answer is mostly good. at TWP, an edit turned a question from -7 to +50.
We need to be mindful that we should be improving questions and answers instead of punishing the people who post them.
I don't want to force my edits down people's throats. I was very careful this week with that and still someone ranted about my edits (you guys assured me it was okay, but still).
@Cashbee If the content is rude (that one contained obscenities) then you should never feel bad about editing. Just remove the offensive material and leave an edit not that such content isn't welcome. If they really care about it they'll rollback, at which point you can flag for a mod.
I'm not saying I will never edit stuff anymore, but I want to avoid changing the intentions of the question/answer. In this case I guess I didn't read the whole answer carefully enough to see that it would not change the intention of the answer a single bit.
If you feel the example is valuable, but the content of the example is troublesome... you can use a different one.
@RichardU nice reference to nordic mythology :) just a pity it was not suggesting improvement ^^
aaaand it's gone
@Cashbee I assumed it would be gone soon, but a little bit of harmless levity hurts nobody. Besides, I skipped the examples of tying a goat to... er, nevermind.
@RichardU Pot calling the kettle black here but can you try to deescalate things a bit. It seems like they're looking to argue rather than actually improve their understanding.
"the previous example was meant to be rude. That was the point"
@sphennings ??? who is doing what?
@sphennings ah, nevermind, I think I know.
@RichardU ;)
@sphennings the problem with having excellent troll skills is that it is sorely tempting to use them, but I deleted the comment.
@RichardU better than having excellent troll skin
@Cashbee That's great when you're getting attacked by goats.
@Cashbee well, trolls have thick, if mottled skin
Dawn take you all, and be stone to you!
LOL! FOR THE WIN ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@RichardU I didn't realize there was a comment that needed deleting. I was seeing a user spoiling for an argument and I wanted to make it hard for them to get one moving forward.
@sphennings yeah, I know I have a tendency to oblige at times.
trying to quit that habit
I thought you were handling yourself great. I was wanting to pivot towards disengaging. It's more effective when that's coordinated.
@sphennings yep "Never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and the pig likes it"
But, I figure if I'm going to hell anyway, I may as well take the scenic route
Q: How to make an adult aware that commenting on their rude behaviour is not necessarily bullying?

KozakyAmong a circle of friends (mostly in our mid-to-late 20s), one of us is called 'Hugh'. We have been friends for several years without any falling-outs. Whether it is only the two of us meeting or in a larger group, Hugh is generally friendly and talkative. He also shares a lot of common interests...

2 hours later…
Q: Should we make the tour a requirement for new user activity?

BlackThornMany, many new users get frustrated by their deleted comments, answers, closed questions, etc. I've heard a number of high rep users complain about HNQ voting from the 101 rep users. I don't think this is fair to complain about 101 voting, but I do think it raises an important issue; IPS can be a...

1 hour later…
@IPSCommentBot Loki did have a volatile attitude in The Avengers
@IntrovertedMetaMan. that's like requiring scrolling. I don't get how it helps
Q: Should I correct the grammar of another person if they claim to be speaking my language for practice?

KalyonI have a friend, let's call him Bob. I met Bob many years ago back when I was working in another country. We keep in touch over Facebook, occasionally we can have a small conversation. Bob wants to learn English, so some time ago he started sending messages in English over his own language. He c...

A: Apologies and parting notes

Pheo@apaul I am sorry to see you go. But, I want you to read this post. If you still plan on leaving, you need not respond. Have you ever raised a kitten? They're little devils. Ever raised a dog? They're little devils. Ever raised a child? They are also little devils (Albeit a little bigger of a ...

Q: Maintaining a friendship former date turned friend after they get a significant other

mercurialBackground: I'm a single 20 something man living in a major city who is actively dating. I met a woman about 5-6 months ago on a dating website, lets call her Alice. Alice and I hit things off well based on our mutual interest in early modern music and modern Japanese authors. We went on two ...

You guys are quiet.
oneboxes and bots as far as the eye can see..
well ok not as much anymore :P
so... how's the weather?
@EmC Too cold for Kingsnight, so I'm going to bed soon ;)
Flash floods in the south.
Some hikers got swept away.
oh no!
Yeah, around ten 18-year-olds.
Sorry, that was a dark answer to your question.
@Tinkeringbell it is the opposite here.. the office thermometer is currently at 81 F :(((
@EmC Inside?
@EmC that would be so pleasant...
@Mithrandir :( that's scary.
@EmC we hit that last week. This week is colder again. Thankfully :P
@Rainbacon yup
I don't mind it being that warm outside.. but in office clothes I am too uncomfortable to think straight :P
That sounds very unpleasant. It's a nice temp for outside, but not inside
@EmC you have to wear office clothes? :/ I'm glad my company at least has let go of that
It only reached 105 for us today. So, at least I am surviving without coolers and air conditioning
my room gets direct sunlight in the afternoon so it can get bad.. last summer the a/c went out for a couple days and I think we were over 90
@Sid woah!! you definitely win :P
I only have to survive two more days before I go HOME!!!
@Tinkeringbell ehh, it's not very strict, but I couldn't wear something like shorts. plus I'm on the floor with all the managers so I feel weird dressing too casually and then running into my boss's boss wearing a suit :P
Ya know, IPS might need a meta meta
@EmC Just like your boss has a boss
@Pheo inception noise
I said might!
@EmC hmmmm... They do wear shorts at our office sometimes, I remember a case of managers having an important meeting in shorts because they would all be going out to enjoy drinks at a terrace to celebrate a contract or something :P
But it's not really generally accepted and I find the airco to cold for it anyway
@Tinkeringbell how's modding going?
:( Chat is broken
@Pheo I think I'm getting the hang of it ;)
@Tinkeringbell Well thats good.
@Sid so how does that work? You with Bear Grylls?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Last exam of this semester on Saturday. If all goes well, I would be done with 25% of my bachelor's degree. :P
@Sid hows your finger?
@Pheo still has the burn mark.(slightly swollen)
I see.
3 hours later…
2 messages moved to Trashcan
Jay Hanlon on April 26, 2018

Let’s start with the painful truth:

Too many people experience Stack Overflow¹ as a hostile or elitist place, especially newer coders, women, people of color, and others in marginalized groups.

Our employees and community have cared about this for a long time, but we’ve struggled to talk about it publicly or to sufficiently prioritize it in recent years. And results matter more than intentions.

Now, that’s not because most Stack Overflow contributors are hostile jerks. The majority of them are generous and kind. Sure, a few are…  just generous, I guess? But our active users regularly express thei …

@apaul A lego minifig! That means I should read the post!

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