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01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@apaul Consider that the 2 sentence summary of a more specific question.
@sphennings Jokes really fall flat in here, ya'know?
Perhaps What are effective strategies of reintegrating problematic people into a group?
@apaul I'm being serious. The more I think about this the more I want to take this and construct a legit question out of it.
@sphennings Sorry, certainly my fault but, as usual, I fail to understand what point you are trying to make.
@sphennings Generally education works, but that's counting on legitimate desire to be apart of the group.
@AnneDaunted If it makes a difference, I've seen a number of people in my time as a mod on Arqade go from suspended once and then decent users after
Assuming bed faith doesn't help anyone.
(Even if it is super tempting)
@sphennings Emu War?
We're on a site dedicated to interpersonal skills. We should be well versed in thinking about questions about interpersonal relations. Reintegrating members is definitely an interpersonal skill. Let's think about this as a question asked on main.
@Ash Emu War
So am I at fault if members do not(re-)integrate?
@sphennings as soon as someone says birds, Austraila and war, I know it's the Emu War :)
Meh... Assuming good intentions is good in theory, but leaves a lot of wiggle room in practice.
@AnneDaunted No. But I would like to see you assuming good faith until proven otherwise.
We should at least be trying to give them a chance
@apaul I'm on a website. The most I have to loose is my time, temper and arbitrary internet points. I can afford to assume good intentions.
Sorry, but aren't we talking about a user who misbehaved again and I was not the one complaining about them? You, @sphennings even went so far to edit their post, because you didn't like some passages.
@AnneDaunted I think it's gone from specific to general?
@apaul But somehow still about me, for some reason I don't understand.
@AnneDaunted You're starting to sound a little defensive. I would like to be clear that I don't think you have done anything wrong. With the exception of when I said "I would like to see you..." I was talking about general policy on the site not your actions in particular.
I'm sorry if you felt singled out. I was talking at you not about you.
@AnneDaunted Why is removing the beginning of that answer bad? That was rude content that should never have been posted. Removing it was the right call...
Just because some users are tired of fixing his answers doesn't mean that we all aren't... we're a community. I got tired of it because no one else was stepping up.
@Catija Never said it was bad to remove that.
Just my 2¢, but I'm not sure that turd polishing is the best way to go with repeat offenders... Seems to say that it's ok to take a dump in the community pool because someone else will clean it up. In cases where someone has already been banned for a specific reason, it's probably better to flag for mod attention and delete the post outright.
I guess assume good intentions until you notice a pattern of behavior. Then escalate as needed.
@apaul But that's how it's done.
@AnneDaunted Pretty sure that in the specific case you were talking about someone just polished the turd?
I have a lot of patience for people. I used to be quite the insufferable child of the internet myself and I'd like to think that people can do as I did and grow out of it.
The specific case that came to my mind was the cleaning up of a rant that, in my humble opinion, invalidated your meta answer. A user who finds that post simply doesn't see the community's calm reaction to a rant.
@AnneDaunted Ya... I wasn't thrilled with how that one was handled.
@sphennings I have considerably less patience depending on the situation ;)
@apaul I have little to show for it. Some people just don't learn.
@sphennings The (in my opinion) problem users on IPS certainly never showed any sign of learning anything.
@sphennings There's a difference between not understanding the system, disagreement with the system, and just well... trolling for entertainment.
And there's a point when you get the mods involved. Me assuming poor faith won't make things any better.
@Vylix Your old answer definitely was the talk of the town today.
@Catija seems I missed all the fun in my answer. Could you post a screenshot of the deleted comments?
@AnneDaunted yeah, saw all the notifications from my phone and wondering what the hell just happened
@Vylix I'd really rather not.
The bounty did the trick
no prob, but I really want to know what happened?
@sphennings Assuming bad intentions should just mean getting the mods involved a little more quickly.
@Vylix Nothing. One user tried to comment the same thing several times on your answer and I deleted it... several times.
may i know what his comment was about ?
Complaining that your answer was bad.
@apaul To quote Jeff Attwood "At the end of this timed suspension period, your reputation will be recalculated, and your account will resume as normal. We don’t hold grudges. The point of all this is to address the behavior. If the behavior improves, you are welcome back."
oh okay :) and who is the guy offering bounty? Wondering if that's some sort of sarcasm. ~_~
@Vylix Their account was deleted
have not been around much, so I miss out discussions and such
"(This should probably go without saying, but if the problem behaviors do continue beyond the timed suspension, your account is very likely to be permanently deleted.)"
not one of the old members?
Thisiswhatyoudo or something, if I remember correctly
hm, not one that I know then
kay, thanks for filling me what's missing :) anne and catija
@AnneDaunted yep!
@sphennings That's not a thing, really
@Ash Pretty much. They just get annual year-long suspensions now.
01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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