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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

I came by and no one was around. Alas.
@John Good morning, John.
@John cricket cricket
@BradleyWilson @Zizouz212 Hello to you all.
Q: How can I emphasise to my housemate that I'm really not interested in answering questions about my vegetarian diet?

Bradley WilsonBecause we're in such close proximity and we share a kitchen, he'll see that I do things a little differently to him. (one example would be that I drink almond milk instead of cow's milk). Which it seems is a trigger for questions, which then moves onto debate, within these debates, he seems to...

@YvetteColomb Hello
@John I think your dentures may be scarring off the natives.
@GypsySpellweaver But I am a gentle lizard when it comes to humans. That's why I am trying to improve my interpersonal skills.
It appears to be a quiet evening.
quite quiet
Has the Q&A been active? I have been doing other stuff for the past week.
sinusoidal is a good adjective/
the stats on Area 51 look good though. Rather high in relation to its age range.
I guess it's interesting that we have established a kind of activity cycle.
@GypsySpellweaver That's encouraging, eh! We all need to keep it up.
I think IPS, as with most of the smaller global reach sites, is mostly US-based users
Hence timezone sensitivity.
Yeah. I certainly wish that would change. I guess we only have a few users from Europe, Australia, India, etc.
I suspect that IPS will have a harder time than most to overcome that aspect as well
Culturally, it can be difficult to even admit that there's an issue to solve, let alone approach strangers for help solving it.
True. But we are getting better at it I think. We now have a lot of location tags.
The USA, and individuals who have felt its cultural impact, are more open to the idea, I think.
I see your point, but on the up-side, we are anonymous. As long as the user can get beyond his own cultural binding, he can potentially get some great answers.
Having the tags for them helps them to think/feel that they might be welcome here. And that's good.
It may be helpful to one day get tracked by search engines which would lead a lot of these people to us.
@John That's contrary to one of my three tenants of Internet usage.
How to you mean? Looks like I have a misunderstanding.
You said it's anonymous. I operate under the premise that it's not.
OK. Big Brother and all that.
That could give someone pause when airing his deepest problems.
I think that:
    1. Internet anonymity is, to 5 9's, a myth.
    2. Internet identity is, to 5 9's, a myth.
    3. By their works you shall know them.
Yeah. That would work against someone who may want to post.
I see your point.
I always presume that someone knows who I am, so I don't divulge what I wouldn't be wiling to tell them in person
I never presume someone is who they claim to be, absent out-of-band verification
True. I have kind of an open personality about that. I guess that's why I missed your original point.
Hey @apaul34208
How goes? Just checking the chatter.
Whether I know them, or don't know them, the only judgment I make is how "valuable" I consider what they say is to my life.
@apaul34208 Chit chat, and all that.
@GypsySpellweaver Good point.
So a person who wants to be totally anonymous has to go to public place, make up a user ID, and post. That's bothersome.
I will work to correct someones misunderstanding of what I say, but not to convince them of the "rightness" of it.
One would just hope that enough people from one region join so that that particular population sustains itself. That's all we can hope for.
I don't really worry about the 99 that disagree with me, only the 1 that I might help.
Good philosophy.
Gotta go do some stuff. It's been nice talking to you.
How's things going for you @apaul34208?
@GypsySpellweaver even in the US these things are a problem. I answer more than I ask for a reason...
Not that it really works, but I've even got my profile on IPS set to private.
Sorry gotta check the chatter to know what's really going on around here. Meta doesn't have the traffic I'm used to.
I don't worry about being identified via the tech, it's more being identified by the specificity of the problem faced.
Maybe there's not much left to fix and SE can go for an IPO soon :)
Like to ask and answer here you end up divulging an awful lot of personal info. Wouldn't be hard for someone who actually knew you IRL to pick you out.
Fortunately, I know so few people IRL that it's highly unlikely any would "spot" me.
Flip side, any that did, or could, already know more than I type anyway.
True. But we all have co-workers and acquaintances.
@GypsySpellweaver Dude I am here like everyday.
@HenryWHHackv2.1 ok
This room is kind of quiet.
33 mins ago, by Gypsy Spellweaver
quite quiet
So many people.
@NVZ ♬ Strangers in the night ♬
Q: Explaining why I don't use social media

apaul34208I don't use social media. Faceplace, flutter, you name it, I really hate it, and I avoid it. Unfortunately social media seems to be expected these days. Like it's a given that everybody uses it and loves it and posts on it habitually. I don't and I'm tired of being harassed about it. What are...

Hello everybody I am from the future and this is your site in a few years from now:
From the future!
@HenryWHHackv2.1 And here's the problem..
Q: How do you prove you're from the future?

Mason WheelerLet's say a time traveler from the year 2100 comes back to the year 2015. He has a very important message: [horrible thing] is about to happen soon, and he wants to warn us so we can avoid/prevent it. (Yes, this assumes a model in which "paradoxical causality" is not an issue.) The problem is ...

3 mins ago, by Henry WH Hack v2.1
user image
That should be enough proof for you.^
@GypsySpellweaver It's 100%
Ok I really looked into the future.
But I'm not in the future.
Looks like the room has essentially emptied out. Time for me to get a nap anyway.
1 hour later…
@John hi. How's mod life on here?
Does someone know why when giving out a bounty, it would start at 100? (it's on my own question, if that helps)
Q: Answering suicidal thoughts online

KaëlA week ago, I had a very very bad night with a friend who decided out of the blue to tell me he was going to kill himself by a messaging service. The conversation didn't begin with that of course, we talked about his personal problems, and I immediately knew something was off with him. He was sp...

@NVZ when editing, I would respect the person's use of English. I've noticed you've changed some words from the UK English to American English, We had the same issue on Politics. The answer to my meta post may help, politics.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2955/…
@BradleyWilson Yes. Thanks. Sorry about that. Force of habit, I guess.
And I wonder how that happened. I usually follow the UK English.
Because, Indian schools followed UK styles.
Can you cite an example where that happened?
Beats me.
@NVZ No need to apologise, I just know some people on Politics didn't particularly like it. Not sure, I normally switch between the two depending on what the user has written in (if it's both, I go with whichever has more words).
Ah, that.
I see.
It's probably a rare or isolated incident. I have done thousands of edits in these 4 years.
Of course, that's why I mentioned it in chat. It's no big deal.
I wonder why someone would downvote on the bounty giveaway suggestions, when it's explicitly stated that only upvotes count.
Q: Rewarding the best answers in the first 50 days of Interpersonal Skills

HDE 226868We're 50 days old! It's kind of surprising, at least to me; I didn't know we'd get so far. We've seen both good content and bad content, as anyone who's checked out meta knows. We're trying to keep quality high. We've certainly seen plenty of highly-upvoted posts, but it's easy for really good po...

And I wonder why nobody is suggesting other worthy answers. Time is running up. I'm sure there are more.
I've noticed someone doing the same thing (on multiple answers in one question in a short space of time) on the main site too.
I was wondering that, too. There must be plenty of answers
Yes. I get downvoted in mere 1 or 2 seconds after I post something. LOL
I don't care for votes. But I just wish people made better use of the privileges.
That's exactly my thought. Or atleast leave a comment to help the OP/answerer improve
Some men just want to watch the world burn - Alfred
very true
Alfred's wisdom. unbeatable.
You know your films. I'll give you that
Why do some starred messages linger on longer?
I know films. I am very passionate about arts and culture.
I know languages. Jack of many. Master of none.
I'm not too sure, I'm still getting used to some of the features on chat.
It shows
Perks of being an Indian having lived in many different cities outside of India,.
I've moved all over the UK, but nothing beyond unfortunately
@BradleyWilson Do you wish to move outside for a change? Where would that be?
@NVZ I've applied for roles in The Netherlands and Norway before I got my new role in the UK. But, as I've only graduated in the last couple of years, I'd need more experience to make the move. But in the long term, Netherlands would be ideal for me.
Ah, nice place, Netherlands
I have a pen pal there
She plays football.
@NVZ I have a couple of pen pals there, I go to visit them when I head over. It's a great country all round. What about you? Is there anywhere in particular you'd like to live that you haven't lived in yet?
I wish to live the UK someday actually
I don't think that's gonna happen though
@NVZ UK is changing a-lot. Anywhere in particular in the UK? and how come you think that? Nothing is impossible.
@BradleyWilson I think the chances are low, because more than anything I wish to actually settle in my own country India some day. I grew up and currently work in the middle east.
@NVZ ah, gotcha. You never know, you could come here for a summer to get the UK experience. If you don't mind me asking, what you do do by trade?
Civil Engineer
And what about you?
Very interesting, I'm a programmer, specifically Android Applications.
Yeah, me and smartphones have a love and hate relationship
Q: Asking coworker how often he has sex with his wife

user3403My co-worker that has often asked me personal questions is annoying as hell, professionally he is incompetent and I do all I can to avoid, evade, and deflect him, his questions and any kind of interaction with him. I wear my headphones and mind my own business, beyond answering work related quest...

@ExtrovertedMainMan You rascal, scallywag.
Q: How to create a mindset which promotes fluid and spontaneous talk

stimulateI often find myself having issues having "smalltalk" or talks which are not directly aiming for some kind of solution or end, but are rather for amusement and as a pastime. When talking with people, especially people at my own age (~18), I would often get tired of the conversation unless it was ...

Q: How to politely turn away door-to-door canvassers?

Bradley WilsonI live in quite a small area outside of a city centre, so it can be a hotbed for door-to-door sales (maybe twice a week some weeks). But, mostly because I live near a place of worship for Jehovah Witness's our street is normally the first port of call for them to stop by (twice a week also). Norm...

@GypsySpellweaver I'm trying to help - I'm based in Scotland, but have lived and worked in a number of countries, and at one time was managing a team across 18 countries - with a number of inter-cultural challenges...
However some questions are challenging
Q: Why do men shake hands with each other but hug women?

CatijaI've noticed an oddly confusing greeting mismatch in the US that I wanted to understand. Unless men are very close friends or family, they tend to shake hands in greeting. When greeting a woman - even one they don't know well or just met - they often hug instead... or try to, which can lead to aw...

"How to politely turn away door to door canvassers" - I just wouldn't do it politely. Especially if they turn up early on a Sunday morning and disturb time with my family...
Morning, @RoryAlsop.
Morning @Catija
Or afternoon here :-)
@RoryAlsop ha ha. Sure. :) I'm trying to post questions about social norms rather than "what should I do in this situation?" questions.
@Catija is my answer useful from a historical/cultural perspective for you then? If not I'll get rid of it if you want
@Catija I like that question, and the answer @RoryAlsop
do you have any historical references for it at all?
I do, but it is unlikely I can get to them until I'm at home. Access from work is severely limited.
Well I'm sure the Q&A will wait around for you
But this has 3 good links on handshakes with men and women: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handshake
Yeah, I know it's wikipedia - I can get access to that. I just can't follow the majority of the links from it
if you know where they may be off by heart, i'm happy to get the urls for you or where i could go to get them
@Catija That I like.
Sadly, my memory is old and worn...
I'll see if I can muster something up from your answer alone
I wish to see a change in the type of questions here. That is, let's have some questions "why X is done at Y situations?" instead of simply "is it rude to X?"
@RoryAlsop it'd be nice if it had some documentation. I think it's generally good. :)
@Catija I was adding about men to men greetings in Arab world. Hugs and a quick cheek kiss is the royal standard. Women, I think do so to other women. Men to women, zero physical contact. Maybe a handshake itself won't be appreciated, strictly speaking.
@RoryAlsop you mind attributing this guy: interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1447/36
Unless you didn't use his comment, obviously.
Don't think I saw his comment. What did he say?
(It's odd not being able to see deleted comments...might need to get sufficient rep here)
No amount of rep shows deleted comments. :P. Your first suggestion was pretty much his comment. One sec.
@Catija can you see them? (I would assume, yes)
@RoryAlsop "If you consider the question to be a harmless joke, reply back with another harmless joke - "Never - we're just going to live in sin!" ..."
@BradleyWilson yep
@Catija hmmm - don't remember seeing that, but I'll add a note in anyway.
Ahh - that's the problem. I'm used to my mod privs most places :-)
@RoryAlsop well... you're a mod on half the network ;) don't worry about the edit. I thought that they were more similar.
Q: Why was my comment deleted?

brhansI made a comment on this question and it's been deleted from existence ... why? The words from this comment have now appeared in an answer to the question which has received a number of up-votes. Other comments on the question which seem similar in 'flavor' to my deleted one still stand.

Q: What is the correct way of asking "how someone is doing" in case of pain?

Sander SchaefferI've always felt that asking "are you alright?" even when someone just fell down 8 meters or got stabbed to be pretty ironic. Of course that person is not alright, that's obvious. Yet, I've never found a better way of asking "how someone is doing", and although it seems the problem is fi...

1 hour later…
Q: How can I tell Non-Parents "Wait and see until you have kids" without being cliche` and Obnoxious

evanleeturnerI am in the early 30's, married, and have multiple young children. I have a lot of co-workers in the same age bracket that don't have children, but are on the path (newly married, or engaged, kids in the future in the next 5-10 years). Often topics of discourse in the office revolve around chil...

Q: Why are people unwilling to share information about their salary?

user2958399Reading this question i was surprised that it seems to be common sense that people do not want to share this information and might even get upset, if someone asks them how much they earn. Is this related to culture? (I am a young german student/intern, maybe that is related to the fact that I do ...

Q: What can do to be a courteous guest, when someone says I don't need to bring anything?

Em CMy boyfriend made plans for us to have dinner with two of his friends, another couple. Since I have some dietary restrictions, they've decided to cook at home rather than go out (despite me saying I'm sure there were suitable restaurants around). If it's relevant, my boyfriend will be helping wit...

Oh - I just realised your two chat room bots. Those are awesome: who decided on the names and icons?
Can we close this question now?
Q: Answering suicidal thoughts online

KaëlA week ago, I had a very very bad night with a friend who decided out of the blue to tell me he was going to kill himself by a messaging service. The conversation didn't begin with that of course, we talked about his personal problems, and I immediately knew something was off with him. He was sp...

I'm one VTC. Shouldn't be long now.
@RoryAlsop They're to be treated as equals, not as "bots". :P
@NVZ Is that so that users can practice "interpersonal skills" without having to worry about offending them?
@GypsySpellweaver Nope. But also, yeah. LOL
@NVZ superb!
Q: Bringing up mental illness to dates

MagicsowonI have bipolar disorder. It is under control, but I read that my children might inherit it and my medicines might affect unborn children. But, I'd like to get married and have children. After starting the treatment, I stopped dating. Now, I'd like to start again, but I'm terrified of bringing up...

Q: how can I gain an "acceptable" personal space talking with a "close talker"

pitonI'm frequently in a situation where the person I'm talking to stands so close to me that I feel their breath on my face when they are talking. For me, this is uncomfortable and I consider too close. I have tried many ways of getting around this by trying various techniques to increase my distance...

Q: How best to avoid politics at family gatherings

evanleeturnerFirst, I can't believe this question has not been posted on this board. I am genuinely interested to see what response boils up. Here is the situation: You are at a family gathering (holiday, birthday, etc.) and everyone in the family is discussing their political views. You are asked ...

Q: How to confront a coworker that is too loud in the office

evanleeturnerYou are in the cubicle farm and you have that co-worker that is just a little too loud for you to concentrate. How do you avoid the awkward conversation of "hey you are too loud I can't work?"

This I've made CW answer. Feel free to suggest improvements. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of "why was my comment removed" in the near future.
A: Why was my comment deleted?

NVZWhat are comments under a question for? Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. That's the help text that appears when you expand the comment box. What if you post an answer or partial answer in the comments? The comments m...

@EnglishStudent Please reach me in chat for anything like that.
I don't know for sure. Maybe people didn't like the existing answers.
Or maybe it's got to do with the question.
@RoryAlsop Pick me and Catija!
Hello Zizz
@Zizouz212 I added a couple questions to your A51 proposal.
Urdu Language, you mean?
Hello Gypsy
@GypsySpellweaver Let me see... :)
I like them. They're more technical :)
There's one issue that I'm seeing with all the questions though... They're all about transport engineering for the most part
@NVZ Urban Planning
I remember there being a discussion about what's on-topic in the first iteration. Let me see if I can dig that up somewhere
@Zizouz212 link, or didn't happen.
Urban Planning

Proposed Q&A site for officials and professionals involved with building, designing, and sustaining towns and cities.

Currently in definition.

I think I saw your name there, no?
Yeah. I had followed it.
That's what I was going for when I mentioned Urdu Language.
I meant Urban Planning. LOL
Haha :)
Well... They both start with a U :P
Are you an architect?
What's your interest in the subject?
Nope... I'm going into my first year of university :)
More the community development and sustainable side of things.
I'm a civil engineer. I'd like to see a site like that.
My subject is more Management related, but still. I like Planning.
@Zizouz212 Not that. I'm already a member.
The nice thing about Planning is that it ties in sooo many different things - engineering, law, policy, sustainability...
I was briefly considering engineering actually.
But me and trigonometry just don't work well together :/
@Zizouz212 Me too.
I moved on to Project Management. Design is not my thing.
I see a project management stack exchange as well. I had joined months ago, I think. But it appears like a ghost town.
Newbie question, but what exactly is project management? I've never really completely understood it
@Zizouz212 Good question. Project Management is where we, uhm.. manage projects..
Hey @EnglishStudent :)
I mean, there are some things about a project, which we have to keep under control to avoid time delays, excess costs, and maintain quality, etc.
I hate talking about it after work hours. LOL
Let's just keep it under managing projects? XD
Hello @Zizouz212! Maybe you can clarify what I asked NVZ: why do answers to the 'social media' question by apaul have such a low net score? Highest voted answer scores 2 upvotes after 12 hours; next comes NVZ with 1 upvote in 12 hours, and I posted an answer 2 hours back: 7 answers posted over 10 hours including mine have scored zero! Now that's what i call an awkward silence. Is it the time zone thing or is the revenge of the introverts unpopular at Interpersonal.SE?
Q: Explaining why I don't use social media

apaul34208I don't use social media. Faceplace, flutter, you name it, I really hate it, and I avoid it. Unfortunately social media seems to be expected these days. Like it's a given that everybody uses it and loves it and posts on it habitually. I don't and I'm tired of being harassed about it. What are...

@EnglishStudent For one it has only 200 views.
Out of those 200, not many thought of using their votes.
Either that, or the post and its answers aren't that impressive.
It's +3/-1 (on Bradley's answer)
But really, votes are always weird. If there was a number of down votes, then I'd have some reason for concern.
Maybe that explains it, @NVZ -- is so few upvotes 'normal' for 200 views? Os is it +7/-6 = +1?
But if there is no votes, then it's fine
@EnglishStudent Also remember that 200 views doesn't mean 200 people. A single person might add up to 20 views, and many may not vote.
@Zizouz212 There are downvotes on some. Balances out to zero.
Not too many though. NVZ only has a single +1/0
I did not find the question all that impressive. I didn't vote up anything there. I am very lavish with my votes, yet I didn't vote on these. That tells something.
But in any case, lack of votes isn't too much cause for concern. It has a lower number of votes than usual, but still doesn't look like too much of a big deal.
I have seen people collect 20 upvotes in an hour, @Zizouz -- no downvotes reflects users found no reason to agree or disagree -- maybe not using social media (most answers say they don't) is not well-perceived by most users at an interpersonal skills site, is what I wonder?
Actually, a whole bunch of them have +1/-1...
@EnglishStudent Yes, but the 20 upvotes is likely due to the question appearing on the Hot Network Questions list, meaning that everyone from the entire network swarms in and offers up votes.
I don't see any evidence that the social media question has appeared on that list
HNQ is a tricky thing.
I'm not sure it's the topic of the question that is an issue, but more a lack of attention (and of the attention that it has received, not too many people were impressed)
What's weird is that a Q that attracted so many answers 9 in just 12 hours also attracted so few views and so few votes for q and a! That's rare. So this looks like the answerers were more eager to answer than the people were to read it and vote?
HNQ allows a thousand "association bonus" users to upvote anything and everything. Plus, the "bandwagon effect" makes sure that people upvote what already has some upvotes.
It however does not allow downvotes. Which means, even though a ton of people disagree with an answer, they are unable to express it.
See this comment for example. It has as much upvotes to prove that the answer score should net to zero
I disagree. The OP states numerous times that he thinks the question is inappropriate regardless of what's going on in the relationship. So it's not really a question of communicating with his partner, but addressing the need for the question to be asked in the first place. — sudowoodo 20 hours ago
@NVZ Actually, that's one of the reasons why I wanted a moratorium on hot network questions. So we could receive proper feedback on posts
Thanks for explaining HNQ, @NVZ, I always wondered about multiple answers getting 75 upvotes in 2 hours!
@NVZ That one is +32/-5. Yet, that comment has 22 upvotes.
Each upvote on that comment is in a sense a downvote on the answer.
You are right that HNQ can highly overrate some Q and A, @Zizouz.
@EnglishStudent That is true. But HNQ is what brings in more users.
Out of those users, some stick around.
I did.
@NVZ I actually disagree with you there. The site can attract many users through different ways. HNQ offers false illusions of the site to members. I would much rather have the site grow slowly while maintaining accountability over the site.
Site building shouldn't be a rushed event, which is unfortunately the impression I get from many users on this site.
Sure. But how many users do you think will join otherwise?
In that case, for the sake of clarity SE could decide to mark HNQ votes separately, as in +44(of which HNQ 34) so we know that when we later read the answer.
@Zizouz212 Everything needs a rush hour.
What we need is more power to influence "what enters the HNQ", not a ban on HNQ per se.
That too. The HNQ formula is deeply flawed.
@NVZ I never sought a ban, only a moratorium :)
I had suggested having a new queue (sort of like the Triage) in each community whereby users can improve posts before they hit HNQ, or collectively deny entry to a bad post.
@Zizouz212 moratorium, but how long?
Moratorium, is just a fancy word for "temporary ban"
Never proposed a timeline, but really, it was more until we felt like we were able to cope. I also wanted it to be flexible.
@NVZ Actually, that's a wonderful idea
I feel like I've used a fair bit of energy dealing with users coming in from the HNQ who feel like they know everything -_-
Regarding users joining a new site, @Zizouz212, NVZ is right that exposure catches the attention of users from other sites. I even heard of Interpersonal.SE only because NVZ happened to mention your upcoming moderator elections a month ago in a comment at English.SE chat, I think -- NVZ had 135 points at the time and I joined the dite. Now NVZ has 3000+ and I am still very much here, and many more users from English.SE are joining actively each day! This is another way site building works.
I'm not trying to say that HNQ isn't beneficial (it is!), but I'm just trying to say that with its benefits comes many drawbacks.
Yep. Come to think of it. If this were a race, I beat all of you. LOL I am 3000 in under 30 days or so.
All thanks to HNQ
I hate answering questions. I either don't know how to answer them, or I don't feel comfortable answering them (since it would tell people much about who I am)
@Zizouz212 Me too.
I just want to moderate stuff.
(Actually, @EnglishStudent I thought your last question was amazing)
I am pointing out that one of your most productive users NVZ joined this site through HNQ, so will others! In that case maybe we can take dome drawbacks, @Zizouz212?
@NVZ Same. I love the subject, but I feel a bit drained trying to deal with it. So I've just kept to meta, and well... votes :P
@EnglishStudent It's not like they will never have another opportunity to join the site. We do have community ads that run across the network, google searches (which is where I believe a good chunk of our traffic actually comes from), and the HNQ will still pop up in the future. I just wanted to point out that early in the site, it brings a few drawbacks, that I personally have felt trouble in dealing with.
Thanks, @Zizouz212, my last Q is a complex problem for my friend and I only got 1 answer in 2 days, though an excellent answer. I have now set a bounty but nobody is touching the question becsuse they are not familiar with the Indian context.
I really do think it's a good question, because it's specific and to the point. I'd answer it, but then answering would reveal more about me than I may be comfortable with :/
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So we're discussing kidneys now? — NVZ 40 secs ago
Umm.... The.... What????? O_O
@Zizouz212 and maybe these things english.meta.stackexchange.com/q/10577/50044
@NVZ That's great! Thanks!
The question reads really good because it is a dire real life situation that I happen to know a fair bit about, @Zizouz212 -- you are right that our answers can reveal ourselves to some extent. It seems thiz site has very few Indian members and all others don't want to risk it -- I mean risk making a cultural mistake.
Of course.
I'm sure there are at least a dozen Indians frequenting this site, but are not yet into making it publicly known their origins.
It's hard to ask or answer questions here without cutting off a slice of your personal life and throwing it out to the public's eyes.
Oh, that -- @NVZ -- I can respect that. Why they wouln't want to reveal origin? Rather funnily I wrote straight up in my profile that I am Indian, when I joined ELU
@NVZ And that's exactly why I'm reluctant to answer. That, and that my Indian background isn't me from India, I'm from Canada
@Zizouz212 Sorry what?
(And I'll barely say anymore than what I did)
Canadian in India, or reverse?
@NVZ Wait what?
@NVZ Reverse. Background is in India, but I live in Canada.
I read you loud and clear, @Zizouz212 and you are fully entitled to your privacy!
Well. I've always lived in the Middle East. Dubai, currently.
I thought you were from Pak. But anywhere is fine, as long as answers are helpful.
Who me?
Yes, you.
Maybe my memories are foggy. I had seen some Urdu Language at Area51 and your name along side.
I have only briefly worked in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore, but have also worked in Germany, Dubai, Denmark, the UK and the South Atlantic. And managed individuals from a huge number of countries, so the culture aspects have always intrigued me
And then the assumption.
Been in Toronto for a while
What if I don't get any more answers because there are 'not enough people culturally qualified to write one?' The only answer was very good but exactly echoed my friend's fears (which means he could have written the same answer as anongoodnurse do kindly did) and there is nothing else to compare it with!
@RoryAlsop Whoa...
Oh, I love Canada and whatever magic it hides. It's like America, but 10x better.
Some friends of mine have settled in Vancouver.
That's Canada, iirc.
Vancouver is a beautiful city.
@NVZ Yes it is!
The culture thing is so intriguing, @RoryAlsop that it often takes us a lifetime to understand our own culture, wherever we are!
@RoryAlsop Are you like, everywhere at once?
When everyone is unknowingly waiting for someone else to talk next, there is an awkward silence...
Hence the name. Embrace it.
@NVZ erm, not really, no
I'm on a bunch of Stack Exchange sites, as the protocol works well for me. It fits around work and personal life easily
But I only have 20 sites over 2k, so they are usually my focus
And as regards countries... I worked for EY for 10 years, so you can't avoid travelling to various countries :-)
I sort of covered New York to Dubai...
@RoryAlsop What's EY?
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